Chapter 3: Beings

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"Log 3. Already? That was fast. But, you're 100% not gonna guess what I did yesterday. Unless you have telekinesis or guessed that I brought a wounded creature from U-007 back to the void and kept it in a pod to keep it alive."

"As for both Tyler and Tyson, They've already figured out how to bypass my 3 locks in my room. It's irritating, but it shows how fast their growth is."

"Both of their forms seem to be growing more human like. They've started to tint their skin the same color they had back when we were human. Tyler's growth seems to be going much quicker than Tyson's though. It's most likely due to a motivation, much like the one I mentioned earlier in log 1."

"So much for that stabilizer idea. That's all for now. Davis out."

"Ew. That was a little cringy. Wait is this thing still recording-"

I facepalm myself. How can one have this low of an understanding of a simple recorder. I'm only 20-

Oh well. It's best if I check on those twins in the room across the hall. I unlock the door and knock on the doorway. I'm greeted with a very close to human Tyler.

"How'd you open the door?"

Tyler raises up an arm to reveal a fully shaped hand. I knew Tyler already had created a mouth for herself, but instead of speaking sinsei, to my surprise, she was speaking in normal english.



"I know, I'm surprised at how smart I am as well. But, I have to ask..."

Oh boy, what was Tyler going to ask this time. Hopefully not a pun. I hate puns.

"Is that your face, or a mask?"

She pointed to my half n' half mask. Actually, I've become so adjusted to wearing it that I didn't even know it was there. It looks like a normal oval shaped mask, except that there's a big line down the middle separating the white side of it to the black.

It's been in my possession since I bought it from the market in Verdana. Since then, I've covered my face with it. I even tweaked it with technology to help me with my everyday life. I don't even remember the last time I took it off. My face must look terrible after not tending to it for a long time.

"Hellooo? Earth to Davis?"

I'd forgotten that I was still in a conversation with Tyler. How long was I spaced out?

"'s a mask."

"Can I see your actual face? I wanna see how hard puberty hit you-"

Tyler reaches for my mask, but I lightly grab it before she can lift it off.

"It's a private thing, Tyler."

She understands what I mean, and backs off accordingly.

"Where is Tyson, anyway?"

"Oh, he's in the corner sulking because I've been able to recreate myself faster."

"Should I bring up some muffins and milk for him? Hopefully then I'll figure out if you guys can actually consume food and liquids."

"Yeah, whatever man. I'm just gonna lay down and sleep for a while."

Tyler plops on one of the paired beds in the room. I look over at Tyson. I can already feel the gloom from just looking at him. Tyson was always the dramatic one. I mean, it would suck that you get revived how many years after you supposedly died and are trying to reform your body but just can't get it right but now your twin is advancing faster and making it look easy. So I guess I get where he's coming from.

I started to head downstairs to the living, dining room and kitchen. As I get closer to the fridge, the barrier starts to spring to life. I stand still as it scans me and opens the gate for entrance. I know, protection in the kitchen sounds kinda weird and possibly stupid. Believe it or not, it helps.

Missencallous items usually come in from here. Usually, they're things that have been forgotten, or erased. Tells you a lot about what creators think of universes.

I pulled out my hand made pre-bake muffin batter, since I suspected that Tyson would like them because it was his favorite food back when were were human. I pour the batter into the mini pans and set the oven to preheat. Once the oven reached 345 degrees fahrenheit, I put on some gloves and popped the mini muffin batter pans inside. I then reached for the small timer and set it to 15 minutes.

I've been doing a lot of baking lately, mostly as a hobby so I don't keep myself working all the time. Now all I have to do is wait. Usually, I'd pull out a book and sink myself into it's stories and characters. But for now, I should probably check on that creature that I brought from U-007. I need to figure out if it's dangerous or not. Based on the last time I saw it, even if it was potentially dangerous, it's in a very weak state, almost fragile.

Maybe even the slightest touch could kill the poor thing. I'd better start brainstorming some ideas for body enhancers to keep it alive.

I hear the ringing of the timer stating the muffins are done. I open up the oven once again and pull out the golden brown pastries. I gently tap on the bottom and watch as they all all out onto the tinfoil I placed below. I divided the 12 muffins into 2 groups of 6, some for Tyson now, the rest for a possible desert for dinner.

With muffins, Tyson's favorite pair drink is Milk. But here's the gross part in my opinion. He drinks milk with ice in it. It's just, not my cup of tea. Like when the ice melts, now you have milk water. Just the idea and mental picture in my mind makes me want to hurl. But, it's for Tyson's well-being, so I'll let it slide. I confess, a second reason I'm fine with it today is the freezer's ice is just cool.

Wait. No. Not a mental pun-

The worst kind-

Anyways, the ice is not shaped like your everyday cube, oh no. It's in the shape of a sphere. It's pretty awesome. I placed 3 ice spheres into the cup of milk and take the snacks upstairs.

I slid the food next to him and decided to call it a day.

I'm never going to get a break in this house, am I?

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