Chapter 4: A Proper Welcoming.

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"Hello there! I told you things would be different this time! No, I'm not Davis you insolent fool. I am the narrator. But I believe we haven't had a full introduction. Here, I'll take you to my enclosure."

"I know you cannot see the photo with your eyes. I'm aware that a book can only create so much for the human mind. I'm not a part of this story you've started to read. But, picture this, if it's easier for you. Imagine being in a dark room, but there is no end to it. Almost infinite, much like the abyss our main characters are living in right now."

"Now that you have a good picture of the setting, let me describe myself, or at least, my current form. This form looks like a maybe 14-16 year old Latina. But I'd like to point out that I am fillipino, so please don't mix that up. Most people have no idea what the Philippines is, but go search it up. You can take a break from reading, can't you?"

"Ah, you're back. You've still got that mental picture in my head, right? Moving on. Now imagine this form looking absolutely miserable. I mean, it's no fun to be a creator and not interact with your creation, and characters. To make it even worse, you can't even save them from the destruction an antagonist you did not create did."

"Now, here's an interesting thing about creators. They have personas, or characters they envision themselves as. That person you are picturing is me. Or, my persona. As for my alias, it's currently Hyjinx Studios. It's definitely a one up from my older alias, Sang_E Studios. But anyways, back to me. I don't truly feel one with my creations. Or this current form I've taken. Serves me right. I've never truly been satisfied with one singular body, so I switch when I don't like it anymore. Come to think of it, older concepts of Mystaal and Tyson before being created for Aura: Origins, they were my personas."

"Don't worry about the fourth wall. I shattered that old thing a long time ago. But, I'm still unsatisfied with this form. I'm starting up and old button, y'know those holographic looking things in sci-fi movies? Imagine that but it's a rectangular blue button that says Reboot."

"What is a reboot you may ask? It's how I re-do my personas into new ones. That's why it's so raggedy, I use it very often. There's a big crack in the middle though. Hopefully that doesn't cause an error in the system. But, I hesitated. I don't want this to continue to be the rest of my life."

"But I click it anyway."

"Instead of being painless, as it usually was, and still is, I feel excruciating pain. Picture a face in pain, but also absolute horror. Yeah, that's what I was feeling. It felt like my brain and body was splitting into two. I don't usually feel pain. But somehow, I did right now. Haha, that rhymes. Hush, this is how I cope with pain. Tears are streaming down my eyes. But I'm laughing. I'm laughing hysterically. Like a madman. Because I am, a madman."

"My form doesn't take it's proper state, It's too skinny, like a stick person. My tinted skin turns white. It's so odd, I like this form."

"I collapse to the floor with a thud, everything goes numb. I feel myself being transported to a different place. Before I pass out, I see 1 familiar face. Right near it, there's a yellow house. Then I loose my concentration and everything goes black."

"Hyjinx.chr not found. Erasing document...."

"Document successfully erased."


I was outside, readying myself to record another log once again. I start to hear some very loud screaming. I continue to walk to the sound as I see a small..person? They look about 12. There doesn't seem to be any injuries, but they seem to be glitching to some extent.

Their hair was a light brown, their face very...pale? Their clothing was a plain blue shirt and a pair of brown khaki shorts. They were very skinny. Almost to a point that you can barely see their arms or legs. Almost cartoonish.

I carry the body into the house, and place them on the couch. Tyler walks down the stairs, she pretty much seemed 100% fully formed at this rate. Surprisingly, she doesn't seem fazed that another strange being showed up in the house. Then again, Tyler was never truly fazed about anything, go figure.

The stranger started to open their eyes, and squinted at the light. They looked very confused. Our eyes met for a second, then a very loud scream came afterward. The small ahoge on their head started zig-zagging and their strange oval eyes shrank.


Tyler swoops in and places her index finger on their mouth.

"Chill kid, before you kill my eardrums."

I bring over a cup of instant hot cocoa, and place it on the table in front of the sofa. They seem hesitant, maybe even reluctant to even touch the mug itself.

"You don't have to drink the cocoa if you don't want to, but I just have a few questions."

I'm trying to be as friendly as possible, either way the sooner we find out where they're from the faster we can bring them back there. The stick person nods their head, most likely agreeing to start the interrogation.

"Who are you exactly?"

"I have absolutely no idea."

Well, this is off to a great start. Good ol' amnesia as our usual issue. Especially when it came to the auras. When I met Mystaal, he had no clue who he was. I wonder if these things happen to people a lot.

"Well, do you know where you come from?"


This is just great. Amazing. Whatever word I can use for sarcasm. The percentage of getting this person home has now dropped past the negatives. Looks like they're gonna be here for a while.

"I mean, I know who I am, I'm me, but I don't remember my na-"

The stranger continued to almost pause on the letter "a". Their eyes turned to a bright blue, almost like those error screens you get on computers. This went on for a while. I can't believe one could actually say "a" this long.


Finally. It felt like this person would go on forever. Their oval eyes faded back to Hazel. They looked at us confused.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, no-"

"I did the freezing frame thing again didn't I-"


I raise my elbows and arms to shrug. Tyler seems to be enjoying herself watching the whole conversation go down. Typical Tyler.

It's about this time that Tyson comes downstairs as well. He seemed to have fully re-created himself at this time as well. His eyes meet the stick person's, and it's like his eyes lit up in excitement. I mean, this is the first time seeing an actual person besides Tyler and me. That furry creature is more animalistic than human.

Obviously, he wasted absolutely no time to introduce himself to them.

"Howdy I'm Tyson you seem new that's cool what's your name do you have a name where are you from are you an orphan?"

The stick-person seemed to be a little uncomfortable and sunk their head into the neck-hole in their t-shirt.

"Tyson, give them a little space. They have no idea who they are."

"Does that mean I can give them a name?"

Tyson looked at the stick person for approval. They nodded their head in agreement to get a name.

"You look like....a Kit! Does that sound like a good name?"

"yeah...I like it!"

Kit smiled at the thought of the name. It was somehow incredibly wholesome. Tyson was enjoying Kit's company.

"AwwwWwWWw You're my new best friend-"

Tyson hugged Kit. Tyler seemed to be a little..uh..pissed?

"Hey! Am I not your best friend??"

"You're my twin best friend, that's a different thing!"

I'm sure Kit's gonna enjoy it here, and I guess, so will we.

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