Chapter 5: A Work in Progress

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"Log 5, here we go, or something."

"Whatcha doing, Davis?"

"Oh, this is just my daily log. For progress and stuff, Kit."

"Sounds really boring. I'm going back inside."

"Ok, see you. Anyways, the voice you just heard was our new, resident? Kit."

"She showed up in the void, not knowing who she was or where she came from. She's very enthusiastic, and I'm guessing, it's coming from Tyson. They both are raising everyone's spirit here in the house."

"Tyler and Tyson are both fully formed now. I'm still making sure that Tyson doesn't go into the kitchen. Hands or not, he'll burn the house down. Now, that furry creature, he's still in the pod. But, I've built some enhancements based on a concept called 'protogens'. I'm still in the testing phase for them, but they should be functioning after the tests."

"Unfortunately, with my many efforts, Tyson still found out about the internet. Kit seems to have some awareness of technology and it's uses, along with the fourth wall, alternate universes and such. It makes me wonder more about where she's from. Kit and Tyson have gone on an anime spree. I'm not sure if I should be worried about that."

"But for now, that's all I have to discuss for now. Farewell."

It feels almost routine now, recording logs and turning off the recorder with a click. I sit back in the rocking chair and relax a bit, only to be interrupted by Kit once more.

"Davis! I found a tv show we could both watch-"

She pulls out a remote and waves it around. I come to a quick realization in a millisecond.

"We never had a TV...."

"I know, sooo, I built one."

I feel utter shock.

"You what-?"

"I built one."

For a seemingly 12 year old girl, she seems to be ahead for her age. But, I am interested, so I follow her into the living room to see a fully installed TV. We both sit on the couch as she turns it on.

"I already set up an account, but, I kinda want to watch that series about the wars in space with clones and stuff. I think you might like it."

"Alright. We'll see about that."

We ended up binging the show for weeks. No idea how, but we did. It was a great series actually. Kit seemed to be more interested in it than I was.

She brought a book she was writing, well, more of a general plan to murder one of the characters. Specifically, the chancellor.

But, other than binging that show, I've run through the testing phase of the enhancers. They seem to be ready to attach to the furry creature in the pod. Kit's been pretty interested in it. She said to consider calling it Protection Retaliation Bot, or P.R.B. for short. I asked her why exactly, and she responded with the fact that P.R.B. sounds like perb. And that was her sad sense of humor.

But, this was the moment of truth. I pulled out P.R.B. from the pod, along with his limb enhancements.

I created a voice activation/voice recognition to start up P.R.B. The words are pretty simple.

"Voice recognition."

The front screen started to load itself up. Tyson and Tyler snook, sneaked, snok...into my room, and we all watched in anticipation.

The green pupil began to light up and so did the mouth. The body sprang to life....

Then immediately fell flat on the floor.

Kit and I rushed over to prop him back up, and checked for any injuries. In retrospect, the suit does make him stand upright, so that may be a new thing to him.

I held onto him while he adjusted his first few steps, before letting him do the rest.

It only took a couple minutes for P.R.B. to eventually walk around normally, and he scanned everyone for a base on creature logs. In addition to being a protection retaliation bot, he also logs any new creatures that he meets, so he can scan them.

Tyson and Kit obviously are the most excited about the whole, new friend thing. But what can I say, I'm pumped up too now that I know that P.R.B. works.

I'm probably gonna have P.R.B. get to know his surroundings a little more, so I'll let him roam around.

He's very curious, and he's scanning literally anything that moves. I had to explain the difference between a moving object, and a living being.

He then scanned all the plants in the house.

Tyler and Tyson agreed to letting Kit stay in their room. So, I went inside, to my surprise, there's only two beds. I'm sure I made another one....

Tyler said it was fine. She's taken the lower bunk on the left side.

There is no lower bunk.

She proceeded to show me her second bunk. She shrank herself in the worst way possible. The sounds of bones cracking, even though she has no bones, and the sound of squeaking plastic and styrofoam were heard. Once she was deformed and shrunk enough, she slid under the bed.

Oh my aura that was absolutely disturbing and disgusting.

Kit actually has the habit of stress knitting now. I have no idea how and why, but she now has a closet full of knitted blankets, socks, sweaters, hats, and other items of clothing. I'm not sure why she's so stressed recently, but now she is.

But Kit's not the only one who's been busy. Tyson's taken up the talent of gardening. His explanation behind this is for food, and for something to do, since the void is empty and gateways to other universes are the only way for him to actually go somewhere and do something.

As for Tyler, she's just been sulking these past few days. I feel terrible for her. It's been rough these past few days. She's tried to hide it, but she's never been good at hiding how she feels.

Mystaal's birthday just came up. Wherever he is, he'd be 27 now. It's crazy how many years have passed since I've last seen everybody. But to celebrate the occasion, even if he's universes away, I'm gonna make sugar cookies.

Sugar cookies are an easy process. I myself like them kinda crunchy. I first put in 1 ½ cup's worth of room temperature butter, and then added my 1 ½ cups of sugar. I tend to not use cream cheese, so I just mixed it until it looked light, fluffy, and pale. The mixing takes about five minutes to get the correct consistency.

I then add 2 room temperature eggs to the bowl, along with one teaspoon of vanilla extract. I mixed it around again and put in some, very, very little amounts of kosher salt. I moved on to the dry ingredients and pulled out a second bowl. I sifted 3 ½ cups of flour, baking powder, and cornstarch, my secret ingredient, per se.

I mixed my dry ingredients with my wet, and mixed them around. Now that my dough was done, I split the dough into 2 parts, covered them in plastic wrap, and let them chill for 2 hours.

Now the hard part of baking is waiting. You do it a lot, actually.

To my suprise, Kit came rolling down the stairs. I knew, because I heard a really loud thud. To be honest, it sounded more like a b o n k then a t h u d.

A pair of earbuds and a phone fell out of her pocket. Kit didn't seemed fazed, despite falling down an entire flight of stairs. She seemed happy about something.

"WOoooo rOLLiNg giRL."


"Y'know, Rolling Girl by a singing robot?"


"Of course not."

Then I realized one of the words she said.

"Did you say Singing Robot?"

"Uh, yeah. Vocaloids and Utaus usually sing in japanese, and they were really popular in 2000-2020."

Let's add that to my today I learned list. That's really interesting.

"Anyways, I found an old scrapbook. It looks like yours, Davis."

It was my scrapbook. It was filled with photos of my family, friends and....Matt, of course. Matt was one of Tyson's best friends way back when, but was also the one who killed Tyler, Tyson, and me. But, best not to dwell on the past. Matt is long gone now.

Kit seems interested in the photos. She pointed to the photo of 10 year old me. I asked her what seemed special about that person, and she just asked who it was. When I told her it was me, her face looked like she'd discovered a hidden easter egg.

"Dude, I thought you were older that Tyson and Tyler."

"Nope. They are 6 years older than me."

"W a c k."

We spent the rest of the day looking at the photos in the scrapbook. When night fell, I had completely forgotten about the cookie batter in the fridge.

It was still good to do till tomorrow, maybe everyone could all help shape the cookies and put them into the oven.

Everyone headed to their rooms, while I opened the door to mine across the hall. I could hear Tyler's shrinking from here. The mental picture's already appeared into my head-

I shook it off, and jumped onto the bed and pulled on my sheets. I hope that Mystaal is happy somewhere. He helped me in the dark moments in my life. Under my breath, I whisper one small sentence before drifting into dreamland.

"Happy Birthday."

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