Chapter 6: Spears

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I was still not really getting this "aura chosen one thing". How was I a wizard? I'm pretty sure I'm as ordinary as it gets. So I asked Oregano some questions.
"How did you know I was an aura?" I asked Oregano.
He seemed prepared for this question. Oregano pulled out a small handbook. I looked at him in visible confusion. He started to read from the handbook.
"So the book says Auras come from another world, and traveling here makes them lose all their memories. The abilities of these 6 creatures vary. There are only 3 known auras at this point." Oregano starts to list names. "Kaki, aura of curiosity, Taka, aura of love, and....." Oregano started squinting at the page to try to read the last name, but to no avail.
"You can't read the last name..?"Ty asked Oregano. Oregano shook his head.


"Log...number 6 I think."

"I made some sugar cookie dough yesterday. It was for Mystaal's birthday, but I ended up getting sidetracked by the old scrapbook with my old photos. From way back when I was human."

"I mean, being a skeleton is cool and all, but, there are some things that I miss, like having actual skin, ears, and a nose. And of course, not being a walking corpse?"

"P.R.B. ran his first overall shut down and power up. He's been doing great. Tyler, not so great. I've been planning on going back and sneaking into our omega timeline and just checking if Tyler's lover is still actually single. But I'm not sure I could pull it off."

"Kit herself is ominous in a way. She created an entire TV just to watch one specific show, and didn't seem surprised or noticed it was odd. I should probably try to research more on where she came from. She could even possibly be a creator, who create and govern universes. I myself aren't very fond of our creator, since they watched and let me suffer for a decade or so. Perhaps it's just me."

"Tyson's been going internet crazy and finding out literally everything he missed out on. What he can do with the information is what worries me the most out of everything. He's a hyper kid, adult, blob. I think in context the by the way I talk about him, you probably already knew."

"Great. Now I'm talking to the voice recorder. Just swell."

"As for me, I'm not sure what I'll do next. But I guess that's just how I live my life here."

I turn off the recorder once again. I stand up and off of the rocking chair on the porch, only to do a 180 back to the chair and sit on it again. The purpose for such a movement in stupidity? Even I don't know.

I pull out my kalimba. It's a really fun instrument to play, and a whole bunch of people have no idea what it is. Since the Kalimba is played with fingernails, which I lack, I just use my bony fingers, since the skin that I don't have can't be harmed anyway.

Even just plucking out random notes makes my nerves calm down. One of the reasons I love the Kalimba so much is because of it's soothing sounds.

But it's best if I head in now. I place the kalimba in a climate controlled box to keep it tuned, and head back inside the house. Maybe I should call everyone over to the kitchen to make some cookies, but I'm not sure yet.

I need to let the dough thaw for about 5 minutes before we start using it, so I take it out of the fridge and set it down on the counter and I spin my dial timer to 5 minutes and set it down beside the frozen cookie batter.

Since the kitchen is right across from the living room, I trudge my half awake body there and take a power nap. I was pulling off an all nighter both studying mysterious lifeforms with possible links to Kit, and modifying some of P.R.B.'s equipment. I drifted to dreamland about 2 hours last night, had a nightmare again, and ended up working the rest of the night.

Five minutes should be enough for at least a little bit of shut eye. Hopefully.

I close my eyes, and let my mind wander around. The deep depths of my thoughts creep forward as I sink into the cushion. It's relaxing.

But of course, the timer goes off. But I feel, refreshed? I guess power naps are that energizing. But no. Turns out I actually set the timer for five hours instead of 5 minutes.

I go upstairs to tell Kit what happened. Mainly because I've got trust issues, so I already feel she is close.

She called me the epitome of stupidity. I kinda deserved that. But, I still got a bear hug.

Kit's found out she is able to bend and stretch in inhumane ways, so she wrapped her arms multiple times to give the ultimate hug. Even though I am much heavier than her, she was still able to carry me.

Is this concerning? 100%. Either she's really strong or I need to eat more. But, food passes through me since, I'm a skeleton afterall, so I guess the second explanation is the most likely.

But, the cookies still could possibly be edible, and shapeable, and essentially, none of us are really human, so-

It's technically family bonding, so I drag them all over to the kitchen. The cookie cutters are pulled out by yours truly. And I placed them aside and spread them on the dining table. It was about time I laid out the ground rules for baking.

"Ok everyone, we're gonna make sugar cookies. Well, shape and cut them anyway."

I could've sworn I saw Tyson's face light up in excitement.

"Ok, so, each of you guys can choose 2-3 cookie cutters to choose from."

Kit wasted absolutely no time to select her choice.


"Alright then Kit, what's your second choice?"

"Nono, just the snail. I want a snail army."

A weird flex from Kit, but I brush it off. Tyson picks the moose and the uh...bear? Lion? Maybe it will forever be a mystery. Tyler chooses the rose and forget-me-not molds.

It's funny, I found the forget-me-not mold at one of the markets a long time ago. Of course, the multiverse is always changing, a couple hundred years there is only a week here. So that leaves me to wonder, will I ever even find another mold like that one? Probably not, but I led to some curiosity.

Tyler still looks so lovesick. It looks like I'm going to go to the alpha timeline soon.

Kit's already made 10 snails. Oh aura. She's gonna make more of them isn't she. Tyson scrapped the moose and is not re-creating the scene from the Lion King. We can't even make cookies normally, my aura. Tyler made one forget me not and one rose. She's just..staring at it. It hurts me to see Tyler hurt like this. She's usually so carefree. I may hate her dumb puns, but this?

I shake the thought off. I bet I could get Tyson and Kit to help me assist Tyler later.

I bring out a long, rectangular pan to put all of the cookies in. As everyone carefully puts their cookies in, Tyson's leg stretched on the Mufasa cookie. He sees this as hysterical and doesn't change it.

The cookies bake from 12-15 minutes, so I leave the timer, this time not accidentally making it 12 hours instead of 12 minutes. I preheat the oven to 350 degrees and wait till I hear a chime that the preheat was over. I slide on my oven mitts and place the cookies inside.

Everyone else moves to the living room to watch a movie or something, I'm pretty sure they're watching Christmas movies, even though Halloween just finished 2 days ago. Everyone forgets Thanksgiving exists sometimes.

It doesn't feel very long until the timer starts to ring. I decided to not take of my oven mitts earlier, which was to my advantage in the long run. I pull out the sheet of cookies in one swoop, pull out a hot pad, and place it underneath. A clean finish, if I do say so myself.

I leave them to cool down so we can decorate later, and I walk over to the living room and sit down next to Tyler on the couch. Of course, a movie about a talking snowman, Christmas style. Do they even realize that there's absolutely no snow, let alone weather, in the void?

But, I have to admit, Christmas movies are always so cheerful. We need more Thanksgiving movies so that people remember that there's that holiday. Then again, the only place that celebrates Thanksgiving is the United States, so there's that.

I better start actually paying attention to the movie and stop mind rambling to myself.

After a couple minutes of sitting there, and watching the snowman movie, I get bored. I mean, I knew that older christmas movies were shallow in plot sometimes, but this? I could've fallen asleep without another care.

Tyson and Kit are enjoying the movie, eating, metaphorically of course, this movie up. I see Tyler has the same mindset as I do when it comes to this film, and is fast asleep on the couch.

And honestly? I don't blame her. The time feels so wasted, but whatever floats everyone's boat, I guess.

30 minutes in, I've had enough of this snowman. I walk upstairs. Kit and Tyson are way too distracted to even notice I came, and went. Even though Tyler and Tyson are identical twins, Tyson and Kit are like two peas in a pod. Sometimes I wonder if Tyson ever really mentally grew up at all. But, I think I should work on something else for now. Maybe help P.R.B., or something like that.

It's been a while since I last visited U-007. I could always enjoy that sunset. It's nice to even picture. P.R.B. was one of the inhabitants there. I wonder if he wants to go back. Based on the wounds he had before, I doubt it. But you never know.

I go into my room and voice start P.R.B's programming. The fluffy robot springs to life, happy, but also confused. A huge question mark appears on his screen.

"I just want to ask you a question, P.R.B. Why were you injured like that in U-007?"

His question mark turned into 3 dots..Then a loading screen. On the screen showed a larger, white dragon looking creature injuring P.R.B. in indescribable ways. It explains the teeth marks, claws, everything. I still needed to ask him 1 more question.

"Do you ever want to go back?"

He didn't show anything on his screen until a bright red 'X' appeared on his screen. I presumed this meant no, but you always have to double check.

"Does that mean no? Nod if it means no."

He nodded without hesitation or restraint. Fear was obviously one of the possible causes.

"Ok, that's all I needed to know for now, I have to go make some frosting real quick. Do you want to power off?"

He nodded. I gave the voice recognition to shut down, and he went back to being idle. I knew he couldn't see me at the moment, but I smiled at him. My mask can track my facial movement, but I still smiled at him. He's been through a lot, so I let him be.

I walked downstairs. And it seemed like the movie had already ended, and was rolling the credits. Good. Any more of that movie and my head would fall off, figuratively and literally. The cause of my death back when I was 10 was stabbing, but to discard the evidence, or maybe even for Matt's sickening idea of fun, my head was cut off after I died.

Once the body came back to life as a skeleton in Verdana, my head would slide off, a permanent issue that I would continuously face in my years, even today. Of course, I've figured out how to keep it on, but it still happens, no matter how hard I try. Oh well.

But, let's get down to business. No, no. not like, that one disney princess song. I'm not defeating any Huns today. I'm making frosting. That's like, 10 times more cool.

Frosting, in my opinion, is the fun part of baking. Then I realized I made frosting earlier. I still get to decorate, but I mean, I can't make it. Perhaps for another time.

I bring everyone to the kitchen, which isn't that hard, since everyone is pretty much in the living room, right next to it.

Let's just say, I tried to make the house's placement of rooms convenient. I have an assortment of food colorings, and separated the frosting into different bowls to create a large color palette.

Now, one of the things about red food coloring is that if you put too much in, It's gonna turn purple. No matter how hard I've tried, it just becomes that color, or at least, a shade of it.

After having Purple, blue, orange, and white, I mixed some of the colors to make green. I couldn't make orange, since my red was purple at the moment. Then I mixed all of the colors with white to make lighter color pallets, like baby blue, Lavender, light yellow, and some Lime green.

I brought out some icing containers with the little hole on the top, for of course, squeezing the bottle to make designs. I left them to do that, and finally took a long awaited break on the couch.

Since the most reasonable person I trust is Tyler, I left her in charge as I took another nap. I'm not sure why I'm sleeping so much today, maybe all of that staying up has finally drained my energy.

I close my eyes for a bit, just to rest them. I've been so busy lately, I just need some sleep is all. Probably. Hopefully.

Tyler wakes me up to tell me that they were done decorating. To my surprise, they did really well. I'm still speechless about the fact that Kit gave every snail a different shell color and design.

But, this is Kit we're talking about. She's shown she has a huge amount of creativity in her in need of a outlet. We decided to leave them to dry overnight. So, we all headed to bed. I got to my room first. As, I was drifting, again, to sleep once more, I still hear the uncomfortable sounds of Tyler deforming her body to go under the bed. I'm never gonna get used to that. Ever. I wonder if she does it on purpose.

But what I wonder the most, is what odd things will happen tomorrow. You never can truly know, can you?

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