Chapter 1

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Cover made by DarkRose--Chan

Ashley Ketchum just turned 10 and is ready to start her journey. She took a shower, combed her long raven hair and put on a black tank-top, and blue gym shorts. For years she would get up at the crack of dawn and train to keep herself in top shape and today was no different. She did her morning routine and ran to Professor Oak's lab afterwards. The only thing that ruined her day was she ran into a pompous ass named Gary Oak.

"Morning freak. I see you got here early." Gary teased.

"Move it asshole I don't have time for your fucking antics." Ashley snapped.

"You know a freak like you wouldn't last ten seconds out there." Gary kept teasing unaware that a certain pink cat Legendary was listening in on their argument invisibly as she floated next to Ashley.

"You know damn well what I'm capable of you bastard! Don't tempt me!" Ashley threatened. "Yeah. I'll just leave you to your freaky power thing. Nobody cares about a freak like you anyways." Gary left laughing.

Ashley just broke down crying right then and there not caring if anyone saw her. Mew was pissed off at the boy for teasing this girl. The kind and innocent girl that she had been watching since she was an infant. That boy had the gall to abuse and harass Ashley the girl that was destined for greatness beyond imagination. Arceus would be pissed off if he caught wind that Gary had not once stopped his constant bullying. Sure Gary knew as well as everyone else that she had Aura but only a handful of people knew of her fullest potential. Here was a Goddess feeling distraught (as if she hasn't been for years) and crying in the street with an invisible Mew. Mew knew that Ashley knew she was floating next to her but paid no heed of attention to the Legendary who at this point tried to cheer her up.

Finally after Mew got the girl to calm down, Ashley continued to Professor Oak's lab even if she was off balanced from excessively crying with Mew trailing behind. She just wiped the tears away and prayed to Arceus that Gary would leave her the hell alone. She never hated anyone but Gary was an exception. Once Ashley and the invisible Mew were in the lab Professor Oak immediately noticed how bloodshot Ashley's eyes were and could only guess one person who would have the balls to make her cry. Gary. He was going to have a long overdue chat with his grandson. Ashley tried to put on her bright and cheery facade but failed miserably.

"Morning Professor. Do you have a starter for me?" She asked. "Yes, but I have a feeling this Pokemon is more suited for you. It hails from the Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh Regions so this isn't a 'normal' starter. When I examined it I immediately thought of you and thought you should have it." Professor Oak replied before giving her a light blue Pokeball with an Aura symbol on it. "Go ahead and let it out." Professor Oak gently ushered. Ashley opened the Pokeball and out came a yellow and black pup like Pokemon with red eyes. "Awe! How cute! A Shiny Riolu!" Ashley squealed as she hugged the Emanation Pokemon who blushed a tad bit.

"Here's your PokeDex and some Pokeballs. For all the years you've been helping me around the lab as well as gaining Researcher experience I've taken the liberty of getting rid of the 6 Pokeball limit system...however you still must abide by the Pokemon League rules during Gym Battles as well as Leagues, Contests, etc..." Professor Oak said causing the girl to go wide-eyed while Mew was silently giggling to herself at her long time friend's face.

"Did you hear that?" Professor Oak asked while Mew inwardly cursed herself.

"Hear what?" Ashley lied. "I thought I heard giggling." Professor Oak replied before shrugging it off. "Anyways, you may notice that your PokeDex looks completely different. It's called PokeGear. It doubles as a watch, map, and phone. Go ahead try it." He explained as she pointed it at Riolu with the Dex function.

Riolu the Emanation Pokemon. Riolu uses the shapes of Auras, which change according to emotion, to communicate with others. This Riolu is a Shiny female and knows the moves Quick Attack, Endure, Force Palm, and Brick Break with the ability is Prankster. Riolu is 2 feet, 4 inches tall and weighs 44.5 pounds and is level 15.

"Hello. My name's Ashley and I'm going to be training to be the greatest Pokemon Master. Do you wanna join me on an epic quest for greatness?" Ashley asked.

'Hell yeah!' Riolu exclaimed as she hopped onto Ashley's shoulder.

"Oh Ashley. Remember to call your mother when you reach every town. She worries." Professor Oak warned.

"Don't worry I will." Ashley assured as she gave the Professor a hug before turning tail. Once Ashley was out of earshot Professor Oak sighed and said to himself. "I know she's the Aura Goddess and she can handle herself, but I myself worry about the troubles she'll face. Arceus I hope it'll all be worth it."

Back with Ashley, Riolu, and Mew. Ashley was putting everything she needed into a white backpack with gold trimmings. Then she got her Arceus pendant and put it around her neck (think of the design from Hoopa and the Clash of Ages), flipping her long, raven hair back so it wasn't over the shoulders (it's mid-back length), then ran down stairs and hugged her mother.

"Bye mom. I'll call you once I get to Viridian City." Ashley bade. "Okay dear. Remember to change your you-know-what everyday." Delia warned as Ashley blushed furiously. Riolu was on the verge of falling off her mistress' shoulder while Mew tried to keep herself composed. Unfortunately Delia caught a few noises from her. "What was that?" She asked. "It's probably nothing." Ashley lied. "I'll see ya soon mom." She quickly changed the topic, hugging her mother.

Once Ashley, Riolu, and Mew were far enough away from Pallet Town on Route 1, Mew dropped her invisibility. Ashley was opening her arms wide open and Mew didn't hesitate to jump into her arms. "How have you been Mew?" Ashley asked. 'I was doing fine until I overheard your argument with Gary. Someone needs to teach that conceded ass some humility.' Mew complained. ' I missing something here?' Riolu asked. 'Just some boy who's always been bullying Ashley just because she knows Aura. But he doesn't know her status that Lord Arceus takes pride in.' Mew replied. 'Oh? And what status is that?' Riolu asked. 'If Legendary Pokemon are involved with my new mistress then it must be important.' She deduced. 'It is. Ashley is the Goddess of Aura. She deserves more respect from that pompous narcissist.' Mew corrected. 'All her life I was watching her, playing with her when she had no friends. Hell myself and the Professor's Pokemon were her only friends just because the other kids picked on her and called her 'freak'!' She explained. 'Do you realize just how many times we Legendaries tried to hold back Lord Arceus from going on a rampage!?!' She asked. 'Too many damn times!' She answered. '*Sigh* But that's all in the past. Now We have something to look forward too.' Mew reminded optimistically. "

'We'?" Ashley asked holding her hips.

'Um...if that's okay with you.' Mew added sheepishly.'

"*Sigh* I can't say 'no' to the only one who's been my friend for years can I?" Ashley asked. "Okay. But when we're in the cities you have to disguise yourself. We don't want to draw unwanted attention." She warned. 'Aw. But that takes the fun out out of it.' Mew pouted puffing her cheeks adorably. 'We're going to run into trouble regardless. Why bother?' Mew pointed out. "Noted. Alright if you insist. But I'm not using you in any Gym Battles...yet. I want to use normal Pokemon like Riolu or..." Ashley stopped trying to look for something to use as an example until she found. "...That Spearow. I'm sure that with a lot of training and love we can turn Mr. Personality into a more polite and less hostile version of himself." She continued to which Riolu paled at the thought of having an aggressive Pokemon like Spearow's Evolution Fearow in their group.

If there were certain Pokemon to avoid it would be Fearow, Gyarados, and Tentacruel. "Notice the coloration too. It looks like a Shiny Spearow. Alright Riolu I know that you have a major disadvantage but we can persevere. Now use Quick Attack followed by Force Palm!" Ashley ordered. After a rough battle between the two the Spearow finally fainted to which Ashley caught. She let the Spearow out who glared menacingly at her to scan for the PokeDex. Spearow the Tiny Bird Pokemon. Spearow has a very loud cry that can be heard over half a mile away. If it's high, keening cry is heard echoing all around, it is a signal that they are warning each other of danger.

This Spearow is a Shiny male and knows the moves Gust, Peck, Growl, Leer, and Fury Attack and has the Ability Keen Eye. Spearow is 0 feet, 12 inches tall and weighs 4.4 pounds and is level 15.

"Wow. I wonder why Fearow didn't shriek to call backup." Ashley thought.

'Because it was my intention to be captured by you. I know my kind aren't...particularly fond of Trainers, but something was nagging me that you'd be interesting. You beat me although you knew you had a clear disadvantage using that Fighting Type. Therefore you have my respect...Aura Goddess. I would be stupid if I ran from an opportunity to become the strongest Fearow in Kanto.' Spearow replied bowing his head in respect as Ashley did the same. "I'm humble that you find me worthy to be your Trainer. I promise I'll make you into the strongest Fearow in Kanto AND beyond." Ashley assured causing the Fearow to grin as he perched on her shoulder. After she caught Mew and let her back out, the four friends continued their way to Viridian City only to be delayed by a sudden shriek. Ashley ran in the direction of the scream to find a red-haired girl backing away from a Shiny Gyarados.

'Of all the rotten luck.' Riolu thought bitterly.

"At least you won't have to fight it." Ashley assured as she turned her attention to the Bird perched on her shoulder. "You want to give it a go?" She asked.

'What better way to start off than facing a Gyarados? Hell yeah I'm in!' He exclaimed as he flew off from his perch. One exhausting battle later.

"Yes! I caught a Gyarados!" Ashley exclaimed posing adorably.

"Thanks for your help. I thought I was a goner. My name's Misty Waterflower." The red-head introduced.

"Ashley Ketchum." Ashley greeted back as she shook hands with the red-head. "Wait. You're a Gym Leader in Cerulean City! I recognize the name 'Waterflower' anywhere. My mom always took me to go see your sisters put on those water ballets." Ashley surprising Misty. "So what are you doing out here?" She asked.

"Trying to catch more Water Pokemon. I swore to those obnoxious sisters of mine that I wouldn't come back until I became a Water Master. They try to put me down just because I'm the 'runt of the liter'." Misty replied with disdain.

"*Sigh* I know how you feel. I've spent my entire life as a recluse just because the other kids picked on me and called me a freak." Ashley admitted almost crying until Mew tried cheering her up along with Riolu. Spearow stared at his new mistress wide-eyed but felt the urge to call the flock and attack whomever it was that hurt his mistress without remorse.

"Why would they do that?" Misty asked.

"*Sigh* I'm not afraid to bluntly go out and say this but...I'm the Aura Goddess. My role is to keep balance between the Pokemon World. Everyone knows that I use Aura but a lot of them had no idea of my status and what it means to the God Pokemon." Ashley replied causing Misty to go wide-eyed.

"So that's why you have a Mew. I was curious as to why one would be here in the open in front of two Humans." Misty thought. "But more than that. These kids aren't terrified of you? Hell you could probably kick their asses all the way to Kalos." Misty joked.

Ashley giggled at the thought. "As entertaining as that may seem, I try and solve situations rationally and diplomatically instead of making a big fuss over things." She explained.

"You're pretty smart Ashley. Not many people would choose diplomacy and rationality to resolve a situation." Misty deadpanned.

"I think we should go. It's going to come a thunder storm soon." Ashley ushered. But before they did she caught sight of something wonderful. "Misty look!" She pointed at the sky. Misty saw what Ashley was pointing at and gasped in surprise. Ho-Oh flew by and over them, dropping a feather in which Ashley caught it. "They say that if one possesses a feather of Ho-Oh they'll have happiness." She looked over to Misty who was very surprised she knew that fact despite no information ever being recorded about the Legendary Rainbow Pokemon.

"Let's just get to Viridian City." She huffed. And then the duo went on their merry way with Spearow perched on his favorite spot, Riolu on hers, and Mew sleeping on Ashley's head which she couldn't help but think was adorable.

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