Chapter 2

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Ashley and Misty made it into Viridian City finally...though to their misfortune Ashley was nearly arrested for "stealing" Mew who fortunately told the officer to let her go, that she was a friend. "Sorry. I've been on edge because a team of Pokemon Thieves have been spotted in this city. And when I saw Mew I just assumed..." Officer Jenny apologized. 

 "Yeah well it'd help to get the full story before you arrest an innocent Pokemon Trainer! Ashley's been through hell and the last thing she needs is 'Pokemon Thief' added to the list!" Misty berated. Officer Jenny and Ashley both were taken aback by Misty's sudden change in attitude. 

 In the distance not too far away was a man with red spiky hair wearing a suit sitting on a bench "reading" a news paper when he actually was looking at the raven haired girl with a Mew (now floating next to her), a Riolu on one shoulder, and a Spearow perched on the other. "How interesting that a new Trainer has a Legendary Pokemon." He thought to himself when he heard a deep authoritative voice. 

 'Now is the time my Champion. Bring her the egg.'  

"At once Lord Rayquaza. I'll just wait until the right moment to make my move." The man assured.  'We can not afford to miss this opportunity while she's still in the city. Once she and her companion are inside the Center then make your move.' Rayquaza commanded.

  "Yes my Lord." The man acknowledged as the Telepathic line was severed and the man went back to listening in on the red-head's psychotic rant.  "Obviously this girl is something special to the Legends. I just wish I knew why. I wished they wouldn't keep me in the dark like this. Whatever the case may be I need to keep her away from Team Rocket. If she's a vital part of the Legendaries, then I couldn't bear to imagine what lengths those...vile people would go to." The man thought bitterly. "I have to protect her at all costs." He added as he clenched the paper tighter. "Lord Rayquaza what ever it is you find in this girl, I will protect her. This I swear." He finished. Finally he saw the group headed for the Pokemon Center. He laid the paper down and picked up an egg and proceeded to follow them. 

 Once inside Ashley immediately called her mom on the PokeGear. "Hey Ashley. Did you make it to Viridian City alright?" Delia asked.  "Sure did. I also caught three new Pokemon." Ashley replied.  "Oh? What kinds of Pokemon did you catch sweetie?" Delia asked.  "I caught a Shiny Spearow, a Shiny Gyarados, and you remember Mew don't you?" Ash asked as Mew floated into the shot.  "I thought I heard a familiar giggling! Has she been there the entire time!?!" Delia asked.  "Yes. I didn't want anyone else noticing. Gary would just bash me even more if he found out I left Pallet Town with a Legendary." Ashley replied as her gaze dropped from the PokeGear to the floor. This piqued the man's interest. Someone from her town was picking on her? How long had this been going on? And did anyone try stopping it? Since this girl was under constant surveillance by the Legendary Pokemon he'd have to look into the abuse that their Chosen One was enduring before she left Pallet Town.  

"I understand dear. careful. There are people who would kill to have her." Delia reminded.  "I know. We'll be careful." Ash assured.  "Honestly. Something should've been done about that boy a long time ago. He drove you into being a recluse after all. You were so depressed that you locked yourself away from reality." Delia thought bitterly causing the man to growl in distaste.  

"Mom you can't blame Gary for his over inflated ego. *Sigh* I never wanted to get him into trouble though." Ashley admitted shocking the man. This girl was abused by this boy for so long that she locked herself away, and now she forgave him? How? Why? He didn't deserve that kindness...but she willingly gave him that. Why did she give him something he didn't deserve when he gave her nothing but hell.   "You truly are a heaven sent you know? Despite what Gary did to you, you forgave him. But that still doesn't excuse his behavior." Delia commented.  "Please mom. Don't do anything to give him a hard time. Just drop it. And tell that to Professor Oak too. I hate Gary with a passion but I couldn't live with a conscience knowing that he's in big trouble." Ashley begged.  "But..." Delia tried to counter.  "Please." Ashley continued to beg.  "*Sigh* Are you sure?" Delia asked uncertainly as Ashley nodded her head "yes". "*Sigh* Alright. I'll drop the charges."  Ashley gave a small smile. "Thanks mom."  "You're welcome sweetie. I love you."  "I love you too mom. Bye." Ashley bade as she hang up the PokeGear.  The man was just sitting puzzled. He didn't know what to think of this girl. She was so forgiving. Whether or not that was a good thing or a bad thing. Ashley did want any charges dropped so he wasn't going to disobey her wishes...despite his urges to just haul that asshole in. He had to remain calm and collected though. He was a professional after all. Seeing his chance, he got up and took the egg and strolled nonchalant over to the raven haired girl who stared at him curiously. 

"This is for you. Train it well." He said before kissing her head causing both parties to blush. He was about to walk out the door when Ashley called out to him.  "Hey! What's your name?" She asked.  

"Just a friend trying to help." He said before walking out the door with a flustered Ashley standing in the doorway.  

"Who was that guy?" She asked nobody in particular.  'If I'd have to guess I'd say he likes you.' Spearow thought with disdain.  

"I can tell you don't like him. I can feel your emotions you know." Ashley reminded.  

'I know. If my mistress wants a mate he'll have to prove himself to you first. I don't want some strange guy asking for your hand just for your outer beauty or your power. If anything they ought to love you for just yourself.' Spearow commented.

  "Awe. You're so sweet when it comes to my best interests." Ashley commented sporting a blush from Spearow's comment. 

 'I just don't want to see you hurt. I'm only trying to protect you.' Spearow replied sharply. 'It's bad enough you get enough hell from that boy, I sure as hell ain't gonna let you suffer in future relationships.' He added.  

"Thanks Spearow." Ashley said. 

Suddenly two Pokeballs dropped from the ceiling, opening up to reveal Ekans and Koffing.  [Enter annoying Team Rocket motto here]  

"Team Rocket!" Ashley exclaimed. "Though what was with that motto? Talk about lame." Ashley scoffed causing Jessie to go irate. 

 "Who are you calling lame twerp!?!" Jessie exclaimed growing a tick mark. It took James and their talking Meowth to hold her back from beating this kid senseless. 

"Tell you what. You hand over your obviously rare Pokemon and I'll forget all about this deal?" Jessie bartered.  

"No thanks you old hag!" Ashley insulted further pissing off Jessie who at this point was like a rampaging Gyarados. 

"Why you little brat! Who are you calling 'old'!?! I'm at least 25!" Jessie exclaimed as her face turned red and fire began pouring out of her ears. 

 "Tck. Whatever." Ashley carelessly thought. "Mew use Metronome." She ordered calmly as Mew began waving her arms back and forth repeatedly. The Team Rocket trio looked closer to see what would happen. When Mew stopped there was an explosion and the next thing Team Rocket knew they were flying through the air.  

"That twerp has the Legendary Mew!?!" Jessie asked angrily.  "Eh...who cares that twerp was smokin' hot! (referring to Ashley)" Meowth unwisely commented.  

"She really was. I hope we run into her again." James agreed before Jessie hit them both with paper fans. 

 "Keep it in you pants you two! We're Thieves for Arceus sake!" Jessie berated. "We have to tell the boss about this!" She exclaimed.  Meanwhile Ashley praised Mew for getting rid of Team Rocket before the man from earlier came back but this time Ashley recognized him due to him wearing his Elite Four clothes. 

"Oh my Arceus it's Lance the Dragon Tamer!" She squealed in delight causing Spearow and Riolu to sweat drop. Mew enjoyed her friend's antics and giggled at her. 

 "Is everyone alright? I heard an explosion." He asked.  'Say something.' Mew ushered her best friend.  

"'re fine thank you." Ashley replied blushing profusely.

 "Do you mind if I get a statement?" Lance asked.  

"Not  at all. Ask me anything you want." Ashley replied still red as a tamato berry.  "Thank you. Here let's sit down and discuss this." Lance suggested as he escorted the blushing girl over to the couch.  'Oh my Arceus I can't believe this is happening!' Ashley squealed in excitement in her head causing Mew to laugh hysterically.  "So what happened here?" Lance asked.  Ashley tried to get herself composed so she could at least try to give him a statement coherently. 

Still blushing insanely she told him about the Team Rocket incident. Lance cursed inwardly thinking 'Damn. So much for keeping her away from them'. "You're okay now right?" He asked to which Ashley hastily nodded. 

"Good. There's that at least." Lance thought as the two walked out of the Pokemon Center with Misty behind them. 

 'Awe. Ashley has a crush on Lance.' Misty thought with a smile on her face.  "You sure you and your friend are alright?" Lance asked Ashley.  "Yeah. We're fine. Thank you." Ashley replied still blushing.  "No problem. I'll just let you girls be on your way." Lance reluctantly let go of Ashley who with her new friend Misty continued through Viridian Forest...much to the latter's dismay. 

 Meanwhile in a office. "What!?!" A man asked angrily over a phone.  "Yes Mr. Giovanni. A twerp has a Legendary Mew along with some Shiny Pokemon." Jessie replied over the phone.  

"What does this Trainer look like?" Giovanni asked.  "Young, beautiful, and a real firebrand." James replied as Giovanni heard a slap to the head over the phone.

  "I swear James! You and Meowth have hormonal issues!" Jessie exclaimed in agitation.  Giovanni just face palmed. Why did he hire these idiots again? "Forget Mew. We already have what we need." Giovanni assured. 

 "You sure boss?" Jessie and James asked confusedly.  "Yes. The project is making more rapid process than we thought. I don't know when it will be finished." Giovanni replied. 

"So we don't need Mew anymore. Does that mean we can still steal the twerp's Shiny Pokemon?" Jessie asked. 

 "*Sigh* Yes. Do what you want." Giovanni replied. 

 "Yes sir!" Was all Jessie and James said before they hung up. 

 "Idiots." Giovanni thought. How is a new Trainer able to capture Mew when it's been so elusive for centuries. Why show itself to someone who just started their journey? Unless it knew the Trainer personally. From what he heard about the description over the phone apparently HE is a SHE. "Interesting. We'll see how this all plays out." He thought.

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