Chapter 10

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Ashley woke up and quickly realized where she was. "*Sigh* Seriously this electrocution is getting old. What do they have powering this thing a Zapdos?" Ashley asked in annoyance.  "Sadly I wished that were the case." Giovanni stated.  "Haven't you tortured me enough? I've been electrocuted all the way here?" Ashley deadpanned.  "Not until you give me what I want. Total domination." Giovanni replied.  "Well you can forget it fuck-face. I'll never help you." Ashley spat.  "I was hoping we could discuss this rationally. But I see that you have no intention of doing business with me." Giovanni thought.  "Huh! Really!?! What gave you that impression asshole!?!" Ashley asked sarcastically before Giovanni electrocuted her at full power again and left her there. Meanwhile Lance could hear Ashley's agonized screams. He wanted to dart off to find her...if it weren't for the fact he was surrounded by Grunts. He had to act the part and not be inconspicuous. On his way to the torture room he ran into someone who offered to help. A secret agent by the name of Looker. As the duo continued their way they began discussing a way to get out without setting off the alarm. Finally they got to the door of the room Ashley was held in...if her ear-shattering screams weren't any indication. Looker took out a rubber glove and placed it over the fingerprint scanner to which opened up.  "I have Giovanni's DNA." Looker explained.  "Clever. Now let's grab Ashley and leave." Lance ushered.  They made a bee-line for Ashley. "The computer terminal requires a pass-code. Give me just a second." Looker said as he took out a Key Card and inserted it into the access slot and began typing away at a miniature laptop. After some time of hacking the machine quit and dropped the smoking girl into Lance's arms.  "We need to get her to a hospital stat." Lance said urgently.  "Alakazam. Teleport us back to Saffron City." Looker ordered as he released the Psi Pokemon. Alakazam then teleported himself, Looker, Lance, and Ashley back to the Pokemon Center to which Nurse Joy immediately took Ashley away from Lance to get her immediate help. Everyone came down to see the commotion only to be shocked at the state Ashley was in. She had several burns on her body, some were healed through her Aura. She was smoldering badly. Nurse Joy rushed her into ICU and was doing everything she could. Everyone was out in the main lobby uneasy about the situation. Some were trying to remain calm, some were going through mental arguments, Arceus was pacing back and forth trying to calm down a crying Dialga, Gary himself was on the verge of tears. All those years he'd been so selfish and constantly belittled that girl, now he was beyond terrified for her. Arceus stopped and handed Dialga to Mewtwo.  'Where are you going?' Mewtwo asked.  "I'm ending this once and for all. Ashley has been hurt too many damned times." Arceus threatened as he exited the Pokemon Center.  "Commendable. Very commendable. Now that we have Ashley safely in our possession once more Arceus is free to do as he pleases." Maxie thought. "Giovanni, Archie, and Cyrus are going to rue the day they fucked with the Aura Goddess." He added.  Meanwhile with Arceus. He was enjoying giving the villainous teams Hell by destroying TRHQ with Judgement and Hyper Beam. When he got their attentions he didn't particularly kill them, but he sent them a clear that even Giovanni should understand. "Quit or die". Needless to say the 3 Crime Lords got the message. They weren't going to make anymore attempts. After passing the message to Giovanni, Archie, and Cyrus Arceus left to return to Saffron where Ashley was still in ICU mostly being treated for severe burns. Nurse Joy came out of ICU with a concerned expression on her face. Everyone was waiting with bated breath to hear the results. "*Sigh* She's stabilized but she needs plenty of rest. After what she's been through she'll be traumatized for the rest of her life." She said.  "Is it okay if we go in?" Gary asked.  "Go ahead. Just be quiet." Nurse Joy replied as Gary walked into ICU to see Ashley hooked up to an IV and a free breather. He noticed she still had several burns on her arms.  "Ashley. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been an ass. I promise I'll swallow my pride from now on."He cried gripping the railing tightly. Next thing he knew a hand brushed against his. He looked down to see Ashley's hand gently holding his. He looked up to see her giving an assuring smile.  "I forgave you a long time ago." Ashley assured causing Gary to smile sadly at her. An hour later (Don't ask how they drove from Pallet to Saffron within an hour) a car pulled up and in came running Delia who was hysterical followed by Professor Oak.  "Where is she!?!" Delia asked in full blown panic.  "ICU. But she's resting at the moment." Nurse Joy replied.  "Can I please see her?" Delia asked.  "Go ahead. Just be quiet." Nurse Joy replied as Delia and Professor Oak made their way into ICU where they saw Ashley still hooked up to the IV and free breather and Gary still sitting by her side. By now the burns were completely healed. Professor Oak walked up behind Gary and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.  Meanwhile back in the waiting area. Three new people came in that made everyone else growl. Giovanni, Archie, and Cyrus. Maxie stood in front of Archie who was holding a vase of flowers with a scowl on his face. "What the hell do you think you're doing here? Did Arceus' message not sink in?" Maxie asked.  "We're not here for...that anymore. After Arceus' rampage we thought long and hard and decided that it wasn't worth the trouble. We came to apologize." Archie explained as Cyrus nodded in agreement with Archie.  "Don't make me laugh. You're nothing but sadistic brutes. As soon as our backs are turned you'll steal her again without a second thought." Maxie spat.  'Ashley is more forgiving you know.' Lucario stated shocking everyone. 'It doesn't matter how cruel someone can be, if they're willing to give up then she'll forgive them right then and there...albeit she will be wary of you three for torturing her to the point of burning her.' She warned.  Those who didn't know Ashley that well were seriously concerned. She would forgive someone as cruel as Giovanni, Archie, and Cyrus so long as they gave up their goals. Those three deserved nothing but death. The only person who can condemn them however is in recovery from her latest torment. "You better pray hard that she doesn't kill you. As if Arceus will listen to your plea anyways." Lance snapped.  "You have some balls to come here and make that request!" Misty exclaimed.  "We'll see how this goes. If indeed she's willing to forgive the likes of you then the charges will be dropped. However. If she doesn't forgive you then you'll find yourselves at the chopping block. Your fates are at her mercy." Maxie warned before stepping aside. When the 3 went in they were greeted with hostility at first but after some persuading they finally managed to get close to Ashley...even if Professor Oak, Gary, and especially Delia glared at them. Delia looked like she was about to bite their heads off for harming her baby girl, oh she was mother Ursaring at this that would be an understatement. She was more like a mother Gyarados at this point. Ashley woke up to find the three Crime Lords standing over her and she backed up into the fetal position.  "What do you want now?" Ashley asked.  "We just came to apologize. Arceus sure as hell sent a clear message to us." Archie replied as he sat the vase next to another vase that was from Wallace. "I got them from Cerulean City." He pointed at the vase.  Ashley could sense the sincerity in their Auras and hesitantly nodded to their relief...however as Maxie pointed out she was still wary of these three. They sure as hell had a long way to go before they could get her to fully trust them...then again she had every right not to. They tortured her after all. But they would gladly work to gain her trust.

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