Chapter 11

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After spending time in recovery at the Pokemon Center from her electrifying torment at the hands of Teams Rocket, Aqua, and Galactic Ashley and the gang head to the Saffron City Gym to face off against a powerful Psychic named Sabrina. During her time in recovery Ashley decided on using Mewtwo whom went out onto the Battle court just outside of the Pokemon Center to train with Mew. She had accepted the three Crime Lords apologies for her torture but was still very wary of them. On their way to the Gym they ran into a mysterious man that Ashley easily recognized as a Psychic and he recognized her Aura. After talking to the man a bit they continued into the Gym where they met a Psychic Professor whom seemed to be interested in Ashley's Aura Powers but was declined any experimentation on her. They finally came to the Battlefield to find Sabrina sitting in a chair with a doll. "Took you long enough to get here." Sabrina addressed Ashley in monotonous voice.  "I'm here for a Gym Battle. My name is..." Ashley was then cut off by the Psychic Gym Leader.  "I know who you are Aura Goddess. No point in introductions. I am Sabrina. The most powerful Psychic on Earth. I will accept your challenge." Sabrina said.  "Now let's get this battle underway." Ashley replied. A cameraman sneaked in just in time to see the two send out their first Pokemon and started recording.  "Alakazam." Sabrina called out as she used Telekinesis to toss a Pokeball onto the field.  "Mewtwo I choose you! I'm not taking any chances in this battle!" Ashley called out as Mewtwo floated towards the field and stared his opponent down.  "Alakazam use Psychic." Sabrina ordered as Mewtwo suddenly found himself frozen.  "Mewtwo break free and use your own Psychic. Then follow it up with Shadow Ball!" Ashley ordered  'Fool. Do you think you can hold me for long?' Mewtwo mocked as he broke free with ease and held Alakazam in place with his own Psychic then shot him with a Shadow Ball. 'What was that you were saying about being the world's most powerful Psychic?' He asked smugly.  "Alakazam return. Metagross." Sabrina called out her next Pokemon.  'I'm good. I can still fight.' Mewtwo assured. 'Besides. That Alakazam didn't make me sweat.' He added.  "Alright but word of advise. Metagross are Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon." Ashley warned.  'I'll keep that in mind.' Mewtwo acknowledged.  "Metagross use Metal Claw." Sabrina ordered.  "Hold Metagross with Psychic then use Psycho Cut!" Ashley countered as Mewtwo held onto Metagross as he was about to strike. The next thing Metagross knew he was hit by a powerful Psychic Type move.  "Metagross use Psybeam." Sabrina ordered.  "Mewtwo use Hyper Beam!" Ashley countered as Mewtwo and Metagross charged their attacks then released them resulting in an explosion from colliding. "Now use Thunder!" She ordered as Mewtwo unleashed the powerful Electric move knocking Metagross out.  "Metagross return. Congratulations Ashley here's the Marsh Badge. I wish you luck on the rest of your journey." Sabrina bade as she hugged Ashley who returned the gesture.  "Thanks Sabrina. Take it easy alright?" Ashley bade as her and the group left the Gym.  In the other five Regions Ashley's soon-to-be friends and rivals saw her battle against Sabrina due to the live broadcast. In the Hoenn Region May, Max and Tyson were thoroughly impressed. In Sinnoh Dawn was awed while Paul was thinking of how powerful Ashley's Mewtwo was, if he ever crossed her he was sure going to test Mewtwo's strength. In Unova Cilan and his brothers were in their restaurant taking peoples orders when the battle aired...needless to say everyone there was impressed while Iris watched from a Pokemon Center while waiting for her Axew to get treated and she too was impressed and Trip not being impressed so easily had admitted that Ashley was strong. In Kalos Serena couldn't believe how strong her best friend had gotten while Bonnie and her older brother Clemont were impressed. "Wow! She's a keeper! I have to get you hooked up!" Bonnie commented making Clemont sweat drop.  "Oh please don't embarrass me Bonnie! You do this all the time!" Clemont rebuked.  "Don't give me that! You need a girlfriend and she's perfect for you! We're going to Kanto so you can get a date!" Bonnie shot back.  "I'd rather figure out how to get my Gym back from Clembot." Clemont suggested.  "Nope! We're going to Kanto and that's that!" Bonnie said dragging Clemont away by the ear.  "Ow ow ow! Okay okay just please let go of my ear!" Clemont begged.  Giovanni, Archie, and Cyrus were trailing behind the rest of the group when suddenly they find themselves face-to-face with Delia whom had a firm grip on the trio's collars. For Giovanni and Archie being big burly guys you'd think it impossible for such a small woman to have a death grip on them, Cyrus on the other hand was small and lanky so it wasn't surprising. "Now listen here assholes Ashley maybe forgiving so easily but I on the other hand know how to hold a grudge. If you hurt my baby again I'll chop you into pieces and feed you to her Gyarados! Do I make myself clear?" She threatened to which they hastily nodded. Mewtwo seeing this chuckled at their reaction. Sure Arceus was a scary being when he's pissed but nothing compares to the wrath of a mother, they are truly something to be feared and right now the trio could see a burning hatred in her eyes that said she wasn't shitting them either. After that the gang continued towards Celadon City however Professor Oak and Delia left to go back home...even if the latter didn't like the idea of leaving her only child with the three people who tried to hurt her. Once they got to Celadon City Misty, Brock and James were lead by their noses at this point. Ashley knew that Celadon was the perfume capitol of Kanto. She wasn't big on perfume but she wouldn't deny that she often used it, it really just depended on the situation. She has her own personal favorite that smells like Cheri Berry...she needed to stop by the shop to get more. They got to the shop where Brock and James had their faces up against the window ogling everything in there while everyone else went in. They were met by a girl wearing a kimono.  "Hello and welcome to the Celadon Perfume Shop. My name's Erika. Can I help you with anything?" She asked.  "Yeah I came to Celadon to have a Gym Battle. My name's Ashley Ketchum." Ashley replied.  "And I'm Gary Oak. I also came for a Gym Battle." Gary said.  "Alright I accept your challenges. But first would you like to try our finest perfume while you're here?" Erika asked.  "As a matter of fact. My favorite Cheri Berry scented perfume comes from here. Do you have any in stock?" Ashley asked.  "Let me check." Erika replied as she checked the stock and found the perfume. "Yes. Luckily we have one more." She assured.  "Awesome! I'll take it." Ashley said. After making the purchase they continued their way to the Gym. Once they got to their spots the battle commenced.  "Alright Ashley this will be a three on three battle. Ready? Go Tangela!" Erika sent out her Pokemon on the field.  "Charmander! I choose you!" Ashley sent out her Pokemon to meet his opponent.  "Tangela use Vine Whip!" Erika ordered.  "Charmander wait for it and use Fire Fang!" Ashley countered. Once the first Vine came down Charmander bit down on it with Fire Fang causing Tangela to yelp in pain from both the searing hot pain and the fact that he had a lizard biting down on it.  "Wow! Great reaction time!" Misty commented as Lance, Wallace and Maxie nodded in agreement.  "Now d'at's hot!" Meowth commented.  "You said it Meowth." James agreed.  "Alright Charmander let's end this with Dragon Rage combined with Fire Spin!" Ashley ordered.  "That was fast." Brock commented.  "Yeah. This battle's over." Wallace agreed.  Charmander charged up his Dragon Rage then released it firing off a Fire Spin combo spiraling around the Dragon Rage hitting its mark. "Tangela return. Go Weepinbell!" Erika called out.  "You did great Charmander return. Scyther I choose you!" Ashley called out.  "Weepinbell use Sleep Powder!" Erika ordered.  "Scyther use Air Slash to get rid of it then use Brick Break!" Ashley countered.  As soon as the powder was released Scyther easily got rid of it and then made contact with Weepinbell. "Weepinbell return! Go Gloom!" Erika called out.  "Scyther return you deserve a good rest. Beedrill I choose you!" Ashley called out then used her Key Stone to Mega Evolve Beedrill.  "Wow she's really overpowering." James commented.  "Too be fair she does have a type advantage." Jessie deadpanned.  "True." James and Meowth agreed simultaneously.  'I can't underestimate her when she gets to Viridian City. Considering that she has Legendary Pokemon she might use as an act of revenge for what I've done to her...which I wouldn't blame her one bit if she did.' Giovanni thought.  "Gloom use Energy Ball!" Erika ordered.  "Beedrill use Electroweb!" Ashley countered. Both attacks collided. "Alright now use Poison Jab combined with Fell Stinger!" She ordered as Beedrill nailed Gloom with the double-threat attack.  "Gloom return! You did great. Congratulations Ashley here's the Rainbow Badge." Erika said as she gave Ashley the Rainbow Badge. "That was a quick battle but I suppose that's to be expected when you have a Type advantage." She commented.  "Hehe. Yeah I guess it was short wasn't it?" Ashley agreed.  "Now it's my turn." Gary said. "But I'll wait for you to get your Pokemon healed first." He added.  "Thanks. We'll have your battle tomorrow morning." Erika assured.  "Cool. We'll all head back to the Pokemon Center." Gary said as he and the gang went back to the Pokemon Center. Once there Ashley and Wallace began practicing Coordinating moves on the court with everyone watching.  "Alright Ashley are you ready to learn what it means to be a Coordinator?" Wallace asked.  "You bet!" Ashley replied.  "Go Milotic!" Wallace called out.  "Mew Spotlight!" Ashley called out as Mew floated onto the "stage".  "Mew huh? Good choice. Now Milotic use Twister!" Wallace ordered.  "Mew use Psychic to turn that Twister into a sphere!" Ashley ordered.  Milotic spun around making a Twister then got out just as Mew used Psychic to reshape it. "Now Milotic use Hydro Pump!" Wallace ordered as Milotic shot the Twister orb with a Hydro Pump making a water sphere. Everyone began clapping.    "Mew turn it into a ring!" Ashley ordered and Mew did as she was told.    "Milotic you know the drill!" Wallace said as Milotic jumped through the hoop gracefully.     "Amazing!" were some reactions.  "Mew turn it back into a sphere!" Ashley ordered as Mew turned the ring back. Then Ashley jumped in as did Milotic and Mew then trio began swimming and dancing in the bubble with "Lady so Divine" playing in the background.  {In an earthquake, in main space Where I fell into you In a starlight, you look so bright You eclipse the moon On a highway, just today That's where I saw you It was music from a distance Burning proof  She's here to rescue me Clear my mind, and set me free If it's dark, she still shines A masterpiece made by design She's here to rescue me Stain my mind with make believe If it's dark, she still shines She's my lady, so divine Lady so divine, come and change my mind Lady so divine  When the waves break, and the soul shake Wreckage from the night On a mountain is a story Told a thousand times Of a garden, and a bed there Made to rest our eyes There's a comfort to a softness That will not be denied  She's here to rescue me Clear my mind, and set me free If it's dark, she still shines A masterpiece made by design She's here to rescue me Stain my mind with make believe If it's dark, she still shines She's my lady, so divine Lady so divine, come and change my mind Lady so divine  The midnight sun, she saves me From what I've become The midnight sun, she saves me From what I have done What I have done  She's here to rescue me Clear my mind, and set me free If it's dark, she still shines A masterpiece made by design She's come to rescue me Stain my mind with make believe If it's dark, she still shines She's my lady, so divine Divine! Divine! Divine! She's my lady so divine Divine! She's my lady so divine Lady so divine, come and change my mind Lady so divine}  "Wow! I wonder how long she can hold her breath for." Brock commented.  'Indefinitely. That is one of the wanders of being a deity. She can breath underwater or lava, even walk on them.' Arceus replied (note he's in his Pokemon form).  "Wow! Really? That's amazing!" Brock thought.  The cameraman that's been trailing them caught it all on live stream. Everyone that was watching was awed by the performance. Once they finished their performance they went back into the Pokemon Center to sleep for the night...unknowing to Ashley she was going to have another nightmare...this time one far less pleasant than when she met Mewtwo.  (A/N: And cut! That's chapter 11. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I certainly hope I did the Coordinating performance good considering it looks a lot different than the normal battles, I've seen a couple of Coordinating stuff and I still don't get it. If that's not a way of showing off Pokemon then I must evidently suck at this. Let me know in the comments and as always I'll see ya later. Ciao!)

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