Chapter 12

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Ashley, Arceus, Mewtwo, and Mew shared one room in the Pokemon Center and were fast asleep for the night...well everyone except Ashley could sleep. Arceus slept on Ashley's left, Mewtwo slept on her right, and Mew slept at her feet. In her dream she was in the Sinnoh Region...more specifically in Alamos Town. She knew it'd be awhile before she'd get to go to Sinnoh, so why was she having this dream? 'Go away!' A dark voice shot from nowhere.  "Who's there!?!" Ashley asked.  'I said go away!' The voice repeated.  "I'd love to if I knew what was going on!" Ashley said.  Then a dark figure emerged from the shadows...literally. 'Be warned. Your days will grow only darker as you journey.' He warned.  "Please tell me what's going to happen. If there's anything I can do to fix the problem then I have to see." Ashley begged.  'Are you certain you can handle it? The things you will see will effect you greatly.' The figure warned as Ashley nodded. 'Very well. I'll show you the devastation in the days to come.' He acknowledged as the entire town began to disintegrate from Space and Time. Then two other Legendary Pokemon began fighting...and she knew who they were. This was impossible! Palkia and Dialga should never cross paths. She couldn't believe they were destroying the entire town. If this weren't a dream she would've done something. She would've interfered, but she was so heartbroken that she couldn't move anyways. Then the scene changed to a town called Michina Town. This was where Arceus was betrayed so long ago by a man named Damos. The day that Arceus had to sleep to regain his strength. Palkia and Dialga were fighting again...but something else. She noted Giratina the Distortion God to be there as well and fighting. Ashley looked to see what they were fighting and froze at the sight. Arceus was wreaking havoc. She saw into his heart and saw raw, uncontrollable hatred. Why was her beloved Arceus doing this when she knew as soon as she woke up she would find him perfectly calm? All she could do was cry for him. She didn't know what to do. This was the future though, and the future can be reshaped. 'Palkia and Dialga fought in Alamos Town because Arceus's rage will reawaken. In order to prevent this from happening you MUST find a way to keep him calm. I have every faith in you.' He said as everything faded into black and Ashley woke up drenched in sweat. Arceus and Mewtwo sensing her distress looked at her in concern.  "I'll be fine guys. Really." Ashley lied.  'Ashley. Please don't lie to me. I know how bad these nightmares have gotten. Please don't shut us out. Let us help you.' Arceus begged. Ashley looked down for a moment and then started crying on him. 'There there. Everything will be alright.' Arceus assured.  "As soon as I'm done with the Indigo League we're going to Sinnoh. I'm going to do what Damos should've done." Ashley said surprising Arceus and Mewtwo.  'I take it the nightmare you had was about Arceus.' Mewtwo assumed.  Ashley nodded in confirmation. "In Alamos Town Palkia and Dialga will fight each other because Arceus' rage will reawaken. In Michina Town...his rage becomes so overpowering and destroys everything as well as fight the Creation Trio." Ashley explained.  'My dear you have nothing to worry about. This won't happen so long as I have you.' Arceus assured. 'This must be Darkrai's doing. He showed you what was going to happen in both points of time.' Arceus deduced. 'We'll need to get you a Cresselia feather to prevent these nightmares from recurring. The Jewel of Life can wait, what you need is a stress-free vacation after you're done here in Kanto.' He added as he nuzzled Ashley affectionately.  'Arceus is right. You've been through a lot as it is, you don't need more stress at the moment. I'm sure Professor Oak will have a good idea for a vacation.' Mewtwo agreed.  Arceus couldn't help but see what was going to happen. Ashley needed a vacation not to deal with Legendary Pokemon affairs for now. He needed to make sure she avoided the Orange Islands...then again if that were to happen the Legendary Birds would be in possession of a collector of rare and valuable Pokemon. On one hoof he had to make sure Ashley had a stress-free vacation as promised. But on the other he couldn't let his fellow Council members fall into the man's hands. This was a difficult thing. He would have to let Ashley choose for herself. If she wanted to go to the Orange Islands then he wouldn't argue.  Morning came and everyone was ready. They made their way back to the Gym so Gary could fight Erika. "Welcome back. Are you ready Gary?" Erika asked.  "You bet. Go Arcanine!" Gary replied as he sent out his first Pokemon.  "Tangela go!" Erika called out. "Use Stun Spore!" She ordered.  "Arcanine use Flame Thrower to get rid of it!" Gary countered as the spore easily dissipated from the fire. "Now use Fire Blast!" He ordered as Arcanine shot a blast of fire that turned into the kanji symbol of fire. The attack hit dead on.  "Tangela return! Go Weepinbell!" Erika called out. "Use Vine Whip!" She ordered.  "Let's do what Ashley did and use Fire Fang!" Gary ordered as Arcanine waited for his chance. Unfortunately for Arcanine he was too slow and got nailed by the vines. "*Growl* Come on Arcanine! You can do it!" Gary encouraged. It took a bit of waiting but Arcanine finally bit down on the vine with the searing hot attack causing Weepinbell to yelp in pain. "Alright! Now let's finish it with Flame Wheel!" He ordered as Arcanine rolled into a wheel of fire and hit Weepinbell.  "Weepinbell return! Gloom go! Use Poison Powder!" Erika ordered.  "Arcanine burn it away with Flame Thrower!" Gary countered. The poison attack was easily countered. "Now use Heat Wave!" He ordered as the attack hit. Gloom was now burned and slowly losing this battle.  "Gloom use Solar Beam!" Erika ordered.  "Arcanine use Hyper Beam!" Gary countered as both attacks collided resulting in a explosion. "Alright Arcanine let's wrap this up with Fire Blast!" He ordered as Arcanine launched the powerful Fire Type attack which hit dead on causing Gloom to faint.  "Congratulations Gary. Here's the Rainbow Badge as proof of your victory." Erika said as she gave Gary the badge.  "Thanks that was a great battle." Gary said as he went to meet Ashley who pulled him into a hug.  "That was great Gary!" Ashley praised.  "Hehe. Thanks. Where to next?" Gary asked.  "Fuchsia City." Ashley replied. "Everyone ready?" She asked getting several "yes" from the group.  On the way to Fuchsia City Mewtwo and Arceus were behind the group so nobody could hear them. 'These nightmares are getting out of hand. Last night Ashley had so much fun then when she went to sleep the nightmares became active. What are we going to do?' Mewtwo asked.  'Don't worry Mewtwo. I'll see to it that she won't have nightmares anymore. I talked to Cresselia last night. She will be here soon.' Arceus assured.  'I certainly hope so Arceus. I can't stand to see her suffer like this.' Mewtwo said.  'Neither can I. I have already lost precious time with her being unable to protect her. I don't intend on letting her suffer anymore.' Arceus assured.  'What I don't get is why did Darkrai do this to her? You're not angry enough to force Time and Space to collide are you?' Mewtwo asked.  'As I've said so long as I have my beloved in my sight my anger is replaced by happiness.' Arceus replied.  Mewtwo didn't speak another word. All he could think of was Ashley throwing herself into the crossfire between Legendary Pokemon. He knew he shouldn't worry but Ashley had that kind of effect regardless. Half way to Fuchsia City the gang ran into a man named Anthony and his Hitmonchan. "Oh wow a Hitmonchan!" Ashley squealed.  "So that's one of those fighting Pokemon I've heard so much about." Misty thought.  "A Hitmonchan's punch is so fast you can barely see it. Looks like you've got competition Lucario." Ashley said.  'Pfff. Even if his punches are unavoidable I can still take him and Hitmonlee on.' Lucario thought conceitedly.  "Wow. And I thought I had an ego problem." Gary whispered to Ashley who giggled at his statement.  "If you feel so invincible why don't you go and say 'hello'?" Maxie asked.  'Fine I will. And I'll be victorious.' Lucario replied as she went to challenge Hitmonchan to a boxing match.  "Don't ask where her conceitedness comes from." Ashley said.  'More than likely from her blood father.' Arceus deduced.  "What happened to him?" Ashley asked afraid of the answer.  'He died trying to fight a Tyranitar.' Arceus replied causing Ashley to pale.  "I knew I had a right to be afraid of the answer. That's horrible! What about her mom?" Ashley asked.  'She died from a Beedrill poison. Riolu tried to look for berries to help her but when she came back with them she found her mom already...' Arceus replied causing Ashley to cry for partner. Lucario lost it all at such a young age. Ashley felt like the closest thing to a sister for Lucario than she ever had. She and Delia were the only family she had left. Lucario had the same feeling for Ashley about being a sister considering Ashley was an only child. Her dad left when she was born leaving Delia to raise her alone. Ashley couldn't stop crying, she felt so heartbroken it was unbearably painful. Arceus felt sympathy for them. They both had rough lives. Ashley with her father leaving and herself being bullied all these years, and Lucario for losing both her parents as a Riolu. Ashley managed to get herself composed and wiped away the tears although her eyes were still bloodshot and her cheeks were stained from the tears.  'Hey! What did I miss?' Lucario asked coming back from kicking Hitmonchan's ass. Suddenly she found herself being hugged by Ashley which surprised her. What was she and Arceus talking about that made her act like this?  "Lucario. I had no idea how much pain you've been in all these years. You're the closest thing to a sister that I've ever had and I should've known sooner. I'm so sorry." Ashley cried. Lucario felt the pain and grief from her 'sister' and cried with her. "I promise Lucario you have a family again. You'll never be alone. I promise." She added making Lucario cry even harder. The scene made Brock, James, and Meowth cry too. Anthony's daughter Rebecca silently cried. "My father left me and mom when I was born I won't let you be alone, you're part of MY family now." At this point Lucario lost it, she cried so hard it was unbearable for everyone...even Paul who was hiding behind a tree watching. He came to Kanto to watch this girl's battles personally.  'Stop it Paul. You're stronger than this.' He thought to himself. 'Damn. When she's miserable she makes others miserable...even if it's unintentional.' He noted.  "I hate to breakup this touching moment but I need to talk with Ashley." A man said as he approached the group.  'And you would be?' Mewtwo asked curiously.  "Jack Walker, but you can call me Jackie. I'm with the Pokemon Rangers from Hoenn." Jackie replied as he held his styler proving his ID.  "Pokemon Ranger huh? What can I do for you?" Ashley asked as she tried to get herself composed again.  "We know who you are Miss Ketchum. We want you to join us. I assure you there's never a dull day with us." Jackie half joked.  "I knew they would show up at some point. Well if you're going to be the most badass girl on the planet you might as well get a job as a Ranger and a G-Man." Lance thought.  "Protecting Pokemon is what I already do so...yeah I'll join." Ashley accepted.  "Good. Here's you're personal Styler. I'll be traveling with you from now on just in case if something pops up." Jackie said.  "Well the more the merrier I always say." Ashley consented.  "Now where were you going?" Jackie asked.  "Fuchsia City for my next Gym Battle." Ashley replied.  "Before you go can you do me a favor?" Rebecca asked.  "Uh...sure. What can we do?" Ashley asked.  "I want you to beat my father in the P1 Grand Prix." Rebecca replied.  "Don't worry Rebecca. We'll do it." Brock assured with hearts in his eyes.  Ashley and Misty just facepalmed at Brock's lovey-dovey antics. "Is he alright?" Jackie asked Ashley.  "*Sigh* Yes he's just being Brock. He flirts with every hot girl he sees...including me." Ashley replied.  "Well you are very pretty." Jackie admitted causing Ashley to blush.  "Hey Ashley. While we're on the subject of joining organizations would you by any chance want to join the G-Men? We go undercover to put an end to Pokemon abuse." Lance asked.  "Wow. Two great job offers in one day." Ashley thought sweat dropping. "I suppose I would be great at both. How can I say 'no'?" Ashley accepted.  "*Chuckle* Well Miss Ketchum you sure are a popular girl." Jackie commented making Ashley blush again.  "Please call me Ashley." Ashley asked.  "Very well then Ashley. Oh and by the way. I have an additional thing to give you." Jackie said as he gave her an egg that was blue with yellow spots.  "*Gasp* A Manaphy egg!" Ashley exclaimed.  "I know you are the best choice to give this to. It took us a lot to stay ahead of Phantom to get this." Jackie said causing Archie to growl in distaste.  "Phantom!?! I hate that douche bag! There's only room for one Pirate and that's me! If you need any help getting rid of him Team Aqua will do it efficiently." Archie promised.  "Now that's putting your brain to use Archie." Maxie commented.  "Shut it Maxie! I can be smart too!" Archie snapped.  "Well this is by far the most useful you're doing I suppose I shouldn't give you any hell...then again you're still not out of deep water with Ashley in case if you've forgotten." Maxie reminded.  "Yeah. Don't worry Ashley I'll make it up to ya by getting rid of Phantom." Archie promised before turning towards Jackie. "Is he still in Hoenn?" He asked.  "Last I checked yes. He has no idea Manaphy's here in Kanto." Jackie assured.  "Good. Let's keep it that way. But if he rears his ugly mug around here I'll tear his fake-ass face off!" Archie threatened confusing some of the group. "He's a Cyborg." He explained eliciting several 'oh's.  "Ashley might I ask you of your opinion on a different subject regarding a Groudon?" Maxie asked as the group continued on their way.  "What about Groudon?" Ashley asked curiously.  "A former Scientist of mine attempted to revive a Groudon back before you and I even met. Ultimately he failed in doing so and was mocked for it. He left Team Magma and swore revenge on us by finding a way to revive Groudon. What would your thesis be on the matter?" Maxie asked.  "Well he'd need a powerful enough energy source but the result would be cataclysmic." Ashley replied getting Maxie's attention.  "How so?" He asked.  "He would revive Groudon...but it won't be Groudon. I can't explain it in great detail, but I can assure you that it won't be pretty." Ashley replied making Maxie incredibly anxious.  "We need to get to Hoenn as quickly as possible." He thought.  Arceus hearing this sighed. 'No matter where she goes she's going to end up dealing with our problems.' He thought.  'Still. She needs relaxation time to relieve her stress. And where the fuck is Cresselia? We need to stop Ashley's nightmares before the day's over otherwise she'll be struggling all night!" Mewtwo asked impatiently.  'She'll be here. Don't worry.' Arceus assured.  'She had better get here quicker. These nightmares don't just vanish you know!' Mewtwo deadpanned.  'Cresselia can only fly so fast from Sinnoh to Kanto. Give her time.' Arceus said.  'I'm about ready to teleport her ass here!' Mewtwo snapped.  'That's incredibly rude Mewtwo.' Arceus rebuked.  'I don't give a fuck if it's rude! These nightmares have to end tonight and I'm not about to let her suffer another night of Hell!' Mewtwo argued.  'Sorry I'm late. I had to fly past several flocks of Flying Type Pokemon. I even got stopped by Rayquaza on my way through Hoenn.' Cresselia explained.  'Well damn it's about time you got here.' Mewtwo berated.  'Mewtwo enough!' Arceus snapped making Mewtwo fall silent immediately. 'You'll have to forgive him. He's young and incredibly impatient. Anyways thank you for coming Cresselia. How's your brother Darkrai?' Arceus asked.  'He's well Lord Arceus. How's the Goddess?' Cresselia asked.  'She's been having constant nightmares since she left Pallet Town.' Arceus replied. 'One of which was Darkrai's doing.' He added.  'Here take one of my feathers. That will stop the nightmares. I'll have a talk with my brother about his dick move. I swear I don't know what I'm going to do with him.' Cresselia said.  'He can be very useful but scaring Ashley is a very incredulous thing to do. Thank you Cresselia for your help.' Arceus praised.  'I'm going to stick around I hope you don't mind. I want to make sure Ashley's nightmares are either diminished or are stopped completely.' Cresselia said.  'By all means. Please stay. If her nightmares continue to grow it will become problematic for her to focus. Her guard will be let down and that would make her an even more vulnerable target.' Arceus consented.  Later Ashley and Brock signed up for the P1 Grand Prix. Ashley is using Lucario while Brock used Geodude. Brock got knocked out early in Round 1 leaving Ashley to deal with the rest of the competition. Eventually she and Anthony made it to the finals to which Lucario defeated Hitmonchan knocking Anthony out and Ashley took on the title of P1 Champ.  "Well Ashley ya beat me again. Your Lucario sure is strong. Do ya mind if I train it for a bit and turn it into a real P1 Champ?" Anthony asked.  "Sorry Anthony. Lucario's my starter Pokemon and I wouldn't give her up for anything. She's the closest thing to a sister I've ever had. No amount of fame will make me change my mind." Ashley replied.  "Aw. Well I wish ya luck on the rest of your journey. I'll be headin' back home to my family where I'm needed." Anthony bade.  "Good luck to you too Anthony." Ashley returned as she and her group left to continue on to Fuchsia City.

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