Chapter 13

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Ashley and the gang were almost to Fuchsia City when they came across a Japanese mansion. On their way here they stopped by Gringey City to stop the Muk and Grimer, which Ashley managed to capture a Shiny Muk. After that they stopped a dam from being constructed and helped a gathering of Diglett and Dugtrio restore the environment. "Ashley are you sure we're at the right place?" Archie asked.  "Yes. The Gym Leader's in there." Ashley replied.  They were about to walk inside when Ashley stopped them in their tracks. "What's wrong?" Jackie asked.  "This place is brimming with traps." Ashley warned.  "And you know that how?" Cyrus asked.  "Have you forgotten already that she can detect danger which activates her defense mechanism." Maxie reminded.  "Right." Cyrus said sheepishly.  Suddenly the egg Ashley had been holding was glowing and shaped into a small blue Pokemon. It opened its eyes and Ashley was the first thing it saw. "Mamma? Mamma!" Manaphy shouted excitedly as he hugged Ashley who returned the gesture wholeheartedly. The same blue light that enveloped her and Dialga came back...but this time it was different.  'Manaphy has officially declared Ashley as the Queen of the Sea.' Arceus said.  "Well Ashley you're a mom again." Gary teased. After avoiding A LOT of traps they finally got to a room where Ashley detected two Auras. One human and one Venonat. "I'm surprised you could focus on avoiding those traps AND trying to calm Manaphy down." Gary complained.  "Really. That Pokemon cries TOO much." Archie agreed before both got slapped by Ashley.  "What were you expecting!?! He's just a baby! Babies cry so suck it up!" Ashley berated causing Manaphy to wake up. "Oh crap. Sorry Manaphy." Ashley apologized before humming a lullaby her mom always sang to her causing Manaphy to fall back asleep.  "Are you certain that a Pokemon Battle would be the wisest thing at the moment? After all Manaphy did just fall back asleep." Maxie asked.  "Yeah. How about you wait after awhile when Manaphy wakes up to have your battle." Jackie suggested.  "I guess you're right." Ashley acknowledged.  Suddenly something started beeping and Archie pulled out a small radar. "Aw shit!" He cursed under his breath.  "What is it Archie?" Ashley asked.  "Guess who's in Kanto." Archie said cryptically.  "Phantom." Jackie replied bitterly.  "Yep. He came in from Vermillion City and heading this way." Archie confirmed.  "Not a problem. If he can track Manaphy then I have the perfect thing." Ashley assured as she placed her right hand on Manaphy's head. Then her hand and Manaphy started glowing. "There. Phantom can't track him." She said as she slid down the wall and sat cross-legged.  "Well you've been having fun since the start of your journey haven't you?" Jackie asked sitting next to Ashley.  "*Sigh* Yes it's been a hoot and a half." Ashley replied sarcastically.  "I can't say I'd blame you. You've been through a lot. But at least some good has come." Jackie thought.  Ashley took out the Ho-Oh feather that she had tied to a necklace along with the Cresselia feather. "So much for happiness. I've experienced nothing but pain so far." Ashley thought bitterly.  "Technically that's not all true. Look at all the friends you've made. All the real fun you're having. Everything hasn't been turned upside down." Jackie encouraged.  "He's right." Maxie agreed. "You might have had a rough start sure, but you're doing so well now." He added.  "Thanks guys. I really needed that." Ashley said.  "Mamma?" Manaphy asked as he slowly woke up.  "Up already? Did you have a good nap?" Ashley asked as Manaphy nodded 'yes'. "That's good." She then addressed the group. "Alright guys let's go. We're ready."  Once Ashley entered she dodged several shurikens. "Hey what's the big idea!?! You could kill someone!" She exclaimed angrily.  'Ashley are you and Manaphy alright?' Lucario asked.  "Yeah. We're both alright. Someone's got a sick way of welcoming." Ashley replied.  Suddenly two figures dropped from the ceiling. One was a woman dressed in pink with green hair. The other figure was a Venonat. "My name's Aya. I'm a Ninja at this Gym." Aya introduced herself. Suddenly Brock got all flirty but got nailed by Aya who had her foot on his face. "Does he always do that?" Aya asked.  "Yeah. Please forgive him, he's an imbecile." Ashley replied. "So are you the Gym Leader?" She asked.  "No my brother Koga is but I'll be happy to accept your challenge if that's what you came here for." Aya replied.  "So long as I get my next badge I don't care who I face." Ashley assured.  "One on one. Venonat go!" Aya called out as Venonat took his spot on the field.  "Mew you have a Type advantage. I know I said I wouldn't use Legendary Pokemon at the beginning of our journey but since the end is nigh I'll let you have some fun." Ashley said.  'And yet you used Mewtwo during your battle with Sabrina.' Mew reminded.  "That's because Kirlia wasn't strong enough to take her on when she was a Ralts. I could let her battle now but I'll let you have the honors. Kirlia will be on standby." Ashley said as Mew floated onto the field.  Paul whom joined the group at some point couldn't wait to see this battle unfold. Ashley was a very strong trainer if she had Legendary Pokemon. In his opinion they were the only thing she needed, everything else was dead weight in comparison yet she decides to keep them. Why she bothers is beyond his comprehension. One thing he knew though was that this battle was in Ashley's favor Legendary or not she had a Type advantage against a Poison Type like Venonat and its evolved form Venomoth. "Venonat use Poison Powder to start off!" Aya ordered.  "Mew use Psychic to send it back at Venonat!" Ashley countered as Mew sent the Poison back at Venonat causing it Poison damage. "Alright use Flamethrower!" She ordered as Mew did some damage to Venonat. Now Venonat was poisoned and burned. Paul was impressed. A double status effect really gave an edge in battle, it would only make this battle even shorter. Ashley got lucky with the burn effect considering it has a 10% chance. "Now Mew use Zen Headbutt!" She ordered as Mew's head began glowing and she hit Venonat dead on causing it to faint. Venonat was exhausted from the poison and burn effects regardless.  "Congratulations Ashley. Here's the Soul Badge as proof of your victory at the Fuchsia City Gym." Aya said giving Ashley the badge.  "Thanks Aya. Here let me heal your Venonat so Gary can have a go." Ashley said as she used her Aura to heal Venonat.  "Aya I'm back. And I see we have challengers." A new voice said.  "Oh Koga. Ashley here defeated me so I gave her the badge. I was just about to take on the next challenger." Aya said.  "I'll take it from here. Thank you for looking after the Gym while I was gone." Koga thanked. Then he noticed several familiar faces in Ashley's group. "Misty, Brock, Giovanni, Lance, Wallace. How are guys doing?" He asked as everyone looked at Giovanni who grew incredibly nervous. Gary, Paul and Ashley were confused about the looks the group gave Giovanni.  "Is there something I'm missing?" Paul asked Ashley.  "Giovanni's the leader of Team Rocket. Some people are aware of this others aren't. But why everyone's giving him the look is beyond me." Ashley whispered causing Paul to growl.  "Well what the hell's he doing here? Isn't he one of the guys that tortured you?" Paul asked.  "*Sigh* It's complicated. I'll forgive anyone easily. I don't know if that's my biggest strength or my biggest weakness." Ashley replied shocking Paul.  "I'm not even going to argue with your logic." Paul commented.  "Mamma nice to everyone. Manaphy love mamma." Manaphy said as he hugged Ashley who returned the gesture.  "Alright Gary let's get this Battle underway." Koga said as He and Gary took opposite sides of the field. "Go Venomoth!" He called out.  "Go Arcanine!" Gary called out.  "Venomoth use Poison Fang!" Koga ordered.  "Arcanine use Flamethrower!" Gary countered as Arcanine gave Venomoth a face full of fire once it was close enough.  "Use Silver Wind!" Koga ordered.  "Dodge and use Fire Blast!!" Gary countered. After a lot of dodging Arcanine finally saw his opening and shot that bug out of the air.  "Well that was fast. Return." Koga commented as he returned Venomoth and walked over to give Gary the Soul Badge. "Congratulations Gary on your victory. Best of luck to you and your friends on your journey." Koga bade.  "Thanks. Take care. Let's go. Next stop Cinnabar Island for a break." Gary suggested.  "Well technically we still have the Volcano Badge to get from there, then it's off to Viridian City again for our last Gym Battle. And then it's off to the Indigo League!" Ashley corrected.  "But I thought they tore down the Gym and turned Cinnabar into a tourist attraction." Gary thought.  "Actually the Gym is built within the Volcano on the Island." Giovanni corrected.  "And how would you possibly know that!?!" Paul asked.  "Because I'm the Gym Leader from Viridian City and as Gym Leader I keep tabs on all my colleagues." Giovanni replied surprising everyone.  "That's a lie! How could someone like you possibly be a Gym Leader!?!" Paul asked.  "It's not a lie I assure you. Once Gary and Ashley beat the Cinnabar Island Gym Leader they will face me for the Earth Badge." Giovanni replied. "How about we make things interesting. We'll have a three person battle between me you and Gary. You can use your Legendary Pokemon if you wish. Consider it revenge for earlier." He addressed Ashley.  "Oh you're on!" Gary accepted.  'I'm going to enjoy putting you in your place after what you've done to Ashley.' Mewtwo threatened.  The trip to Cinnabar Island was spent in absolute silence. After Giovanni's confession everyone was pissed...even Lance and Jackie who kept glaring at Giovanni the whole time. '*Sigh* This is getting out of hand. Giovanni, Archie, and Cyrus already apologized. What more do they need? Their blood? At least I don't hold grudges easily, so they should be thankful for that.' Ashley thought. Then she felt someone hold her hand. She looked over to see Mewtwo giving her an assuring smile.  'You know that we're just being overprotective of you. We don't want to see you getting hurt again.' Mewtwo said as his Telepathy reached only between the two so nobody could hear them.  'I know. It's just ridiculous how badly everyone can hold a grudge. They're trying to get in my good graces and everyone else is making it hard.' Ashley acknowledged.  'I'm still surprised that you forgave them so easily...then again I guess I shouldn't be. You're kinder than any human in creation. Perhaps in time we might let it go, but for now we won't so easily. I'll always respect your judgement however even if others may question it.' Mewtwo assured making Ashley smile a little.  'Thanks Mewtwo.' Ashley said as she hugged Mewtwo who returned the gesture.  'One thing I am certain of is this Paul character.' Mewtwo warned.  'I know. He releases Pokemon he considers 'weak'. Hopefully I can get through to him and get him to change.' Ashley acknowledged.  'I have no doubt that you'll succeed in doing so. Just be careful around these people. I couldn't bear to see you hurt again.' Mewtwo said.  With that being said Ashley and the gang continued their way to Cinnabar Island and their journey coming to a close for Kanto. What other marvelous adventures will they find themselves in after Ashley, Gary, and Lance go through the Indigo League? Stay tuned to find out.

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