Chapter 14

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On their way to Cinnabar Island Ashley evolved Scyther into a Scizor and Kirlia into a Gardevoir, she also caught several Pokemon like thirty Tauros, a Gastly, an Abra, a Larvitar, a Farfetch'd, a Snorlax, and a Psyduck...which Misty also caught one as well as a Togepi. Finally they got to Cinnabar Island. "Oh finally we got here. Now we can relax." Gary stated as he stretched his arms and legs as the gang got off the cruise ship.  "You said it Gary. I can't wait to explore a bit. First we need to find a hotel for all of us." Ashley agreed.  "Lucky for all of us I booked hotel tickets in advance before we set off." Giovanni assured.  "Alright! Thanks!" Ashley thanked.  "The name of the hotel is the Big Riddle Inn. It's not the most luxurious but it'll suit our needs. Besides that's where the entree into the Gym is. The Inn is built on the entrance." Giovanni explained.  "Alright! Let's go book rooms!" Ashley exclaimed in excitement as she ran off.  "Hey Ashley wait for us! Do you even know where you're going!?!" Misty asked.  "Duh! It's built on the Volcano!" Ashley replied.  "That girl's got a lot of energy." Maxie commented sweat dropping.  "You said it. At least she's happy." Archie agreed.  "Yes you have a point. It's better to see her so energetic and full of life than to see her...the complete opposite." Maxie thought.  "Well I'm trying to make it up to her." Just as Archie said that his radar went off again.  "Phantom I assume?" Maxie asked.  "Yep. He's close. I thought Ashley took care of the problem." Archie replied as he turned on a earpiece. "Shelly we have a problem." He addressed.  "What is it boss?" Shelly asked.  "Phantom's on the prowl for Manaphy. I want his sub at the bottom of the ocean...with a lot of holes in it." Archie ordered.  "You can count on me boss." Shelly assured as they hung up.  Maxie and Archie looked at one of their Pokeballs. "Perhaps we should give these to her."Maxie suggested as he held a red and black Pokeball with an 'M' on it while Archie held up a blue Pokeball with an 'A' on it.  "Good idea. Ashley will take better care of them." Archie agreed.  "I have a feeling she'll need them later." Maxie thought as he and Archie followed the gang up to the Big Riddle Inn. After getting rooms a couple of the members of the group went out to the hot springs to relax. among the ones that relaxed at the spring was Ashley who was wearing her favorite swimsuit which Brock and James ogled...again. Jackie and Wallace were blushing but not being idiots like the former duo mentioned. Ashley was playing with Manaphy while Misty was playing with Togepi.  "Are you having fun Manaphy?" Ashley asked.  "Fun fun fun! Manaphy love fun. Manaphy love mamma!" Manaphy replied causing Ashley to giggle at her son's antics.  Maxie and Archie stood by and watched Ashley and Manaphy. "You know despite everything that's happened she seems genuinely happy." Archie commented.  "Indeed. It would be a shame if someone ruined her good mood." Maxie agreed.  "You mean someone like Phantom?" Archie asked.  "Yes. I most certainly hope your team can sink his submarine before he gets inland. Ashley doesn't need additional problems. She's already involved with the Legendaries, we don't need psychopathic Pirates added to the list of problems." Maxie replied.  "Don't worry Maxie. Despite what you think of us we're pretty competent to get the job done." Archie assured.  "What is that fool's goal anyways?" Maxie asked.  "To get the Sea Crown from Samiya." Jackie replied. "But in order to get it he needs Manaphy to track it down. Legend says that the Aura Goddess can track it too. So basically both Manaphy and Ashley know where the Temple of the Sea lies." He added causing the duo to growl.  "Great. Now we have to keep Ashley and Manaphy away from Phantom. Are there anymore criminals who would abuse Ashley's power?" Maxie asked bitterly.  "I wouldn't doubt it." Archie replied.  'You know there's a song that Ashley likes to listen to that gives her a reason to fight.' Mew said as she came in with a boombox and sat it down. Then she clicked play.  [Que "Land of Confusion" by Disturbed]  {I must have dreamed a thousand dreams Been haunted by a million screams But I can hear the marching feet They're moving into the street  Now, did you read the news today? They say the danger has gone away But I can see the fire's still alight They're burning into the night  There's too many men, too many people Making too many problems And there's not much love to go around Can't you see this is a land of confusion?  This is the world we live in And these are the hands we're given Use them and let's start trying To make it a place worth living in  Oh, superman, where are you now? When everything's gone wrong somehow? The men of steel, these men of power Are losing control by the hour  This is the time, this is the place So we look for the future But there's not much love to go around Tell me why this is a land of confusion  This is the world we live in And these are the hands we're given Use them and let's start trying To make it a place worth living in  I remember long ago When the sun was shining And all the stars were bright all through the night In the wake of this madness, as I held you tight So long ago  I won't be coming home tonight My generation will put it right We're not just making promises That we know we'll never keep  There's too many men, too many people Making too many problems And there's not much love to go round Can't you see this is a land of confusion?  Now, this is the world we live in And these are the hands we're given Use them and let's start trying To make it a place worth fighting for  This is the world we live in And these are the names we're given Stand up and let's start showing Just where our lives are going to}  "Wow." Jackie and Archie thought simultaneously.  'Ashley absolutely loves that song. You should've heard what she played when she was bullied all the time.' Mew said getting Jackie's attention.  "Wait what!?!" He asked.  'Yeah. It was pretty bad.' Mew said depressingly.  After awhile the group went into the Volcano after Maxie and Archie gave Ashley the Pokeballs and found Blaine ready for battle. "Welcome to my Gym. I hope you have Pokemon that can stand the heat. My first Pokemon I'll go with Ninetales!" Blaine called out.  "Ashley use the secret weapon I gave you!" Maxie suggested as Ashley nodded.  "Groudon I choose you!" Ashley called out.  "A Groudon huh? You have me at a disadvantage then. Since Groudon is a Ground Type Legendary he is resilient towards fire but can deal massive damage to my Pokemon. Very clever." Blaine praised. "Ninetales use Fire Spin!" Blaine ordered.  "Take it Groudon then use Earthquake!" Ashley ordered. Ninetales didn't do any damage but Groudon sure did. It was a one-hit-KO.  "Ninetales return. This is going to be difficult, she really does have me at a disadvantage. No matter what I choose she'll just end up winning in the end. I have to try to burn that overgrown Pokemon...but how?" Blaine asked himself.  "Wow. That Groudon's got this battle all wrapped up." James commented.  "He sure does. Blaine's no match for a Legendary like Groudon. Not only is he a Legendary but he's a Ground Type which gives Ashley an advantage." Jessie agreed.  "Looks like Blaine's about to go up in flames!" Meowth joked.  "Rapidash come on out!" Blaine called out. "Use Fire Blast!" Blaine ordered.  "Take it Groudon then retaliate with Mud-Slap!" Ashley ordered.  The Fire Blast hit Groudon but just like with Ninetales it didn't even burn him. Then Groudon chucked mud at Rapidash which DID do damage. "Ninetales return. I've saved the best for last. The only question is will it beat Groudon? I'm down two Pokemon and so far I haven't even singed Groudon I'm afraid this is it but I have to try. Come on out Magmar!" Blaine called out as a Pokemon leaped out of the lava below and onto the Battlefield. "Magmar use Fire Punch!" Blaine ordered as Magmar started punching Groudon with fiery fists causing the bigger Pokemon to sweat drop.  'Really? That's the best you've got? How insulting.' Groudon thought before throwing a large chunk of mud at Magmar knocking it out. 'Pfff. Weak. *Yawn* Kyogre proved to be more of a challenge.' He added.  "Magmar return. Congratulations Ashley you beat me quite easily. But will Gary be as clever as you?" Blaine asked as he gave Ashley the Volcano Badge.  "Thanks Blaine. Let me heal your Pokemon for you." Ashley insisted. After a quick Aura Healing Blaine's Pokemon were ready to go.  "Alright. I have an advantage too! Come on out Blastoise!" Gary called out.  "Ninetales go!" Blaine called out. "Use Will-O-Wisp!" Blaine ordered.  "Blastoise use Bubbles!" Gary countered as the two attacks collided. "Now use Hydro Pump!" He ordered as Blastoise knocked Ninetales out.  "Ninetales return. Rapidash go!" Blaine called out. "Use Fire Spin!" He ordered.  "Blastoise use Hydro Pump!" Gary countered as the two attacks collided making steam. "Now use Water Pulse!" He ordered.  "Rapidash use Fire Blast!" Blaine countered. The attacks collided making more steam.  "Blastoise use Rain Dance then use Hydro Pump again!" Gary ordered. Suddenly it began to rain and Blastoise felt stronger...Rapidash on the other hand felt weaker. Then Rapidash got hit by the Hydro Pump knocking it out immediately.  "Rapidash return! Go Magmar!" Blaine called out. "Use Sunny Day then use Fire Blast!" Blaine ordered causing Gary to growl. The rain stopped and the Sun showed making Magmar stronger and Blastoise weaker. Then Blastoise got hit by the powerful Fire Type move.  "Blastoise use Water Pulse!" Gary ordered as Blastoise hit Magmar causing to become confused. "Alright now use Hydro Pump!" He ordered as Blastoise hit his mark. "Now finish it with Skull Bash!" He ordered as Blastoise knocked Magmar out.  "Magmar return! Great battle Gary. Here's the Volcano Badge as proof of your victory." Blaine said as he gave Gary the Badge.  "Thanks Blaine. Whelp we should be off to Viridian City now for our last Gym Battle." Gary said as the group took their leave and took a cruise ship back to Pallet Town where they stayed for a break.  "Well Gary. Welcome home." Ashley said.  "Yeah. With all the excitement going on it's good to be home." Gary added.  "Ashley!" Delia called out. Ashley looked to see her mom running towards her. Once Delia met with the group she pulled Ashley into a Ursaring hug. "So? How's your journey so far?" Delia asked.  "It's going great. I caught lots of new Pokemon. Also I got two jobs. One as a Pokemon Ranger and one as a G-man...or woman...whatever." Ashley replied.  "That's great news sweetie. You'd be perfect for those jobs since you love Pokemon so much. Just be careful when you're working okay?" Delia asked.  "*Giggle* Sure mom. Oh and let me introduce you to Manaphy. Manaphy this is my mom. Can you say 'Grandma'?" Ashley asked.  "G-grand-m-ma. Grand-ma. Grandma!" Manaphy said.  "*Giggle* You sure are cute." Delia gushed. Then she noticed Mew. "Hello Mew. Are you keeping Ashley out of trouble?" Delia asked.  'Trying to. We've had a bumpy road along the way. Ashley's been having nightmares but luckily we have Cresselia to thank for stopping them.' Mew replied.  "That's a relief I'll have to thank Cresselia later." Delia thought. "So Ashley are you hungry? Why don't you and your friends come to Professor Oak's Corral so you can eat. I'm making your favorite." Delia enticed.  "Well I guess I am a bit famished." Ashley replied as her stomach started growling causing her laugh nervously.  "'A bit' doesn't sound like it. You all go to the Corral and I'll get dinner underway." Delia ushered.  "Thank you for the hospitality Mrs. Ketchum." Maxie bowed as the group left. Delia couldn't help but glare at the three people who hurt Ashley. Just because Ashley forgave them didn't mean that she had to. She didn't trust those people being around her daughter.  At the Corral Professor Oak was just as anxious about seeing Giovanni, Archie, and Cyrus being around Ashley. Just like Delia he didn't trust them either but he wasn't going to press the matter. "*Sigh* This is getting ridiculous. What can we do to prove to these people that were better now?" Cyrus asked.  "I don't know about you two but me and Ashley's been getting along great." Archie boasted.  "Rub it in why don't you. Some of us are still in Sharpedo infested waters." Giovanni rebuked.  Professor Oak shook his head disapprovingly before going to check on Delia. Jackie sat down with Ashley by the lake. Ashley was cradling Manaphy and humming the lullaby to him. "So what's the story?" Jackie asked getting Ashley's attention.  "What do you mean?" Ashley asked confusingly.  "Back on Cinnabar Island Mew mentioned that you were bullied. What's up with that?" Jackie asked.  "When I was born my father left me and my mom. When I grew older the kids in the neighborhood picked on me and said horrible things to me. I ended up shutting myself away from society but I did help the Pokemon here at the lab, I even got an education from Professor Oak in Pokemon Researching. Gary was one of the kids that picked on me all the time. Mom, Samuel, and Mew were pissed, but it took a lot of persuasion from me to keep them from doing anything." Ashley explained shocking Jackie and Paul who wasn't too far behind her.  "You realize by not taking action you deliberately let those kids make your life a living hell." Jackie rebuked.  "You don't think I didn't know that when I made the decision to forgive them? I spent my whole life living in seclusion just because I'm nice to everyone!" Ashley snapped waking Manaphy up. "Sorry Manaphy. I didn't mean to wake you." Ashley addressed as she cried.  "Mamma why you no happy?" Manaphy asked using one of his antennas to wipe her tears.  "I'm sorry I'm just reminiscing. I didn't have a pleasant childhood and it makes me emotional." Ashley said. "Don't worry though. I'll be much better. And that's a promise." Ashley assured nuzzling the baby Legendary.  "So about Mew. Did your mom and Professor Oak know about her?" Jackie asked.  "Mom did. One day she found me playing with her in the Corral and I made her promise not to tell anyone." Ashley replied.  "Sorry if I brought up bad memories." Jackie apologized.  "It's fine. You were curious and I indulged you." Ashley assured. "And...sorry that I snapped at you like that. I shouldn't have." Ashley apologized.  "It's fine I don't blame you for that." Jackie said. "So after you're done with the Indigo League where are you planning to go?" He asked.  "Um...I don't know. There's so much to explore...but I think I'll start with Sinnoh...unless if I'm needed somewhere else first then that can wait." Ashley replied.  "Why Sinnoh out of the other five Regions?" Jackie asked.  "Well my first and primary reason is because I need to return the Jewel of Life to Arceus which should've been done years ago." She replied.  "Ah. Does Arceus care whether you get it sooner?" Jackie asked.  "Not really but the sooner he gets it back the sooner he'll be whole again." Ashley replied.  "Got a point there." Jackie agreed.  Ashley then began humming her lullaby to Manaphy again. "What's that you're humming again?" Jackie asked.  "It's a lullaby my mom used to sing to me when I was little. She sang it to me when I couldn't sleep. She still does in fact." Ashley replied.  "You've been on your journey for about a year now. How have been dealing with sleep?" Jackie asked.  "*Sigh* Ever since I started my journey I've been getting recurring nightmares, but fortunately Cresselia came along and stopped them. I miss hearing mom's lullaby though. I've missed it for a year ever since I left on my journey. And thinking that there will be times where I'm in different Regions I'll only find myself missing it more and more." Ashley replied.  Jackie fell silent and looked at the ground then looked back at Ashley who was smiling at Manaphy then they heard Delia. "Food's ready!" Soon a large table was filled and everyone started to eat. "So Ashley do you know where you want to go after the Indigo League?" Professor Oak asked  "As a matter of fact Professor. I've got my sights set on the Sinnoh Region. I have an errand I need to run from there anyways." Ashley replied.  "An excellent choice. You'll find that Sinnoh is ripe with opportunity." Cyrus commented.  "Hmpf. Please. If anywhere is ripe with opportunity it's the Hoenn Region." Maxie argued as Archie nodded in agreement.  "Are you joking? Kalos is the very definition of 'awesome'." Lysandre argued.  "No. The Unova Region is the perfect location." Ghetsis argued.  Everyone watching sweat dropped watching the six fight. "You know for people who are supposed to be evil they act more like children." Paul commented as everyone else nodded in agreement.  "You said it Paul." Ashley agreed.  "Mamma? Why are those men fighting?" Manaphy asked.  "There just trying to persuade me to go to their home Regions so I can have some fun." Ashley replied.  "Oh." Manaphy said before going back to being hand fed by his mamma.  Dialga watching his mother and his baby brother was envious. He wished he could go back to being an infant. It wasn't fair that he had an unnatural growth rate. Ashley sensed her other son's emotions and went to check on him. "Excuse me." She excused before walking up to Dialga while the Crime Lords continued their verbal debate. "Dialga what's wrong?" Ashley asked.  'I-it's nothing.' Dialga lied.  "Dialga don't lie to me. I know something's up now what's got you down?" Ashley asked.  '*Sigh* I just wish that I was an infant again' Dialga mumbled even though Ashley heard loud and clear. One perk of being a Goddess was that she had sharp hearing.  "Why would you wish that?" Ashley asked.  'Because I'm jealous. Manaphy's incredibly lucky that he can stay an infant while my rapid growth process hindered me from having fun.' Dialga replied.  "Is that what's bothering you? Oh Dialga. I love all my children. Manaphy maybe the baby of the family now but you should't be envious. I promise I'll spend plenty of time with both of you when I have the chance." Ashley assured.  'I love you mother.' Dialga said as he bent his neck down to Ashley's level.  "I love you too Dialga. I love you and Manaphy both." Ashley assured.  "Mamma hungry." Manaphy said causing Ashley to giggle.  "Alright. We'll head back to the table and finish our dinner." Ashley said as she and Manaphy went back to the group and sat down at her original spot between Paul and Gary. "What'd I miss?" She asked.  "Nothing much. The six stooges are still at it." Paul replied.  "Isn't it the 'thee stooges'?" Ashley Ashley asked.  "Not when there's six people acting like dumbasses." Paul replied.  "Paul watch your tongue there's a baby here?" Ashley rebuked.  "Where have you been?" The six asked simultaneously causing Ashley to face-fault.  "Perhaps if you paid attention and not fought like three year olds you would've known." Ashley replied. "*Sigh* You guys are a strange lot." Ashley stated.  "They're dumbasses is what they are." Paul corrected.  "Paul! What did I just say!?!" Ashley berated.  "Yeah well we're Ashley's dumbasses." Archie corrected.  "Archie! THERE'S A BABY PRESENT YOU KNOW!" Ashley berated.  "Indeed. You'd be wise to watch your tongues." Maxie agreed shaking his head disapprovingly at the two.  "Sorry." The duo said.  Ashley held her head trying to prevent a headache. "Is mamma okay?" Manaphy asked.  "Hmm? Oh yes. I'm fine." Ashley assured.  After after they ate and blew off steam Ashley and the gang were back on Route 1 on their way to Viridian City. 

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