Chapter 16

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After a long and stressful week. Gary indeed got knocked out but like he said he went down fighting, Ashley finally made it to the Finals to face off against Lance. "Well Ashley we've had a good journey. We've had our bumps on the road but still it was fun. But right now I don't plan on holding back." Lance spoke.  "I wouldn't want any less from you Lance. Promise me you'll give it your all." Ashley pleaded.  "Only if you promise the same." Lance also pleaded.  "You bet I'll give it my all." Ashley assured.  "Then so will I." Lance also assured.  "This battle is between Ashley Ketchum from Pallet Town and Elite Four Champion Lance! This is a full six-on-six battle! Whoever loses all six Pokemon first loses. Ready? Begin!" The referee announced.  "Dragonite go!" Lance called out.  "Charizard I choose you!" Ashley called out then touched her Key Stone to Mega Evolve Charizard into Charizard-X.  "Dragonite use Dragon Claw!" Lance ordered.  "Charizard use your own Dragon Claw!" Ashley countered. Then Dragonite and Charizard began a game of dominance over who could land the first hit. After some struggling Charizard landed the hit on Dragonite. "Now use Dragon Rage!" Ashley ordered as Charizard charged up the powerful draconic move and unleashed it hitting Dragonite causing him to faint.  "Dragonite return! Latios go!" Lance called out.  "That was quick. Charizard return, you deserve a good rest. Mewtwo I choose you!" Ashley called out.  "How interesting it's a battle against the Legends. While Lance has a duel Dragon and Psychic Type Ashley has a recently discovered Psychic Type thanks to Professor Oak for filling out the details of this particular Legendary. Who will be victorious? Latios? or Mewtwo?" The announcer asked.  "Charizard IS strong. I know Ashley told me he was one of her heavy hitters but damn. He knocked Dragonite out easily." Paul thought.  "Latios use Dragon Pulse!" Lance ordered.  "Mewtwo Teleport and use Psystrike!" Ashley countered. Latios missed but Mewtwo hit his mark.  "Latios use Dragon Breath!" Lance ordered.  "Mewtwo Teleport again and use Confusion followed by Swift!" Ashley countered. Latios managed to hit Mewtwo but he also hit Latios. "Alright! Now use Zen Headbutt!" Ashley ordered as Mewtwo knocked Latios out.  "Latios return! Go Garchomp!" Lance called out.  "Mewtwo return! Go Sylveon!" Ashley called out as Mewtwo floated back beside Ashley.  "Sylveon?" Paul asked curiously.  "A Kalos Region native. It's a Fairy Type which is super effective against Fighting, Dragon, and Dark Types." Professor Oak explained.  "So Ashley has an advantage then?" Gary asked.  "You bet." Professor Oak assured.  "Garchomp use Dragon Claw!" Lance ordered.  "Sylveon dodge and use Fairy Wind!" Ashley countered. Sylveon dodged and hit her mark dead on.  "Garchomp use Dual Chop!" Lance ordered.  "Sylveon use Moonblast!" Ashley countered. Before Garchomp could land his hit he was struck by Sylveon's attack causing him to faint.  "Garchomp return!" Lance recalled.  "Sylveon return! You did great girl, get some rest." Ashley praised.  "And Lance has lost three of his Pokemon while Ashley has yet to lose a single Pokemon. We will now take a short break." The MC announced as Ashley and Lance went to their locker rooms.  "Alright Ashley. You got Lance down by three Pokemon. Three more and you'll be crowned Kanto's next Champ." Gary encouraged.  "I was surprised that he called out his Latios so early. He just wasted a perfectly good opportunity to get the jump on you but that doesn't mean that he doesn't have another Legendary waiting in the reserves. Since he has a Latios he must have a Latias. Don't worry about it too much though, you're doing great." Paul gave his words of encouragement.  "Right. I have Lance where I want him. This is going to be a quick battle. This is what all my training has prepared me for." Ashley thought.  "Alright ladies and gentlemen our short break's up which means we're ready to resume the show!" The MC announced as Ashley made her way back out. "Now begins Round 2 of Ashley Ketchum versus Lance. Lance has just three more Pokemon while Ashley still has all six of her Pokemon. It appears Arceus is in favor of her if she's been able to beat Lance's strongest Pokemon." He added.  "Haxorus go!" Lance called out.  "Mew I choose you!" Ashley called out.  "Haxorus use Dragon Claw!" Lance ordered.  "Mew use Psychic!" Ashley countered.  Just as Haxorus was just millimeters away from striking Mew it was frozen in place and then was launched backwards. "Haxorus Dragon Rage!" Lance ordered.  "Mew use Protect!" Ashley countered. Haxorus hit home but when the smoke cleared Mew was unharmed and safely inside a protective bubble. "Alright Mew use Psycho Cut!" Ashley ordered. Once the smoke died down from the attack Haxorus was out.  "Haxorus return! Hydreigon go!" Lance called out.  "Mew return! Charizard I choose you!" Ashley called back out then Mega Evolved him back into Charizard-X  "Wow I wasn't kidding when I said she could be good enough to be an Elite Four." Paul thought.  "Really. I'd hate to piss her off." Brock agreed.  "Ashley has really gotten stronger if she can beat Lance so easily." Jessie commented.  "That's because Ashley's a determined young girl. All that training really paid off in the long run." Professor Oak stated.  "I suppose it did didn't it?" James asked.  "Hydreigon use Draco Meteor!" Lance ordered.  "About time he used that move." Ashley thought nervously. "Charizard dodge it then use Dragon Rage!" She countered. Unfortunately for Lance Charizard was fast enough to dodge all the meteors and his Hydreigon was met with Charizard's Dragon Rage. "Alright now use Dragon Claw!" She ordered as Charizard landed the attack.  "Damn Charizard's fast. At this point it's all over." Lance thought bitterly. "Mewtwo was able to get me down to one Pokemon but not even he was THIS good. Ashley truly shows potential to be an Elite Four Champ." He complemented. "Hydreigon use Dragon Rush!" Lance ordered.  "Charizard use Dragon Claw!" Ashley countered. Hydreigon attacked but unfortunately he was knocked out by Charizard.  "Hydreigon return. This is it, my last Pokemon and she still has all six. Latias go!" Lance called out.  "You called it." Gary addressed Paul who nodded.  "You can't have a Latios without a Latias. They're a complete set, you have to have both. It's common knowledge." Paul stated.  "Charizard return. Mewtwo come back out!" Ashley called back out. "I'll let you have fun with this one since Latias is Lance's last Pokemon." Ashley said.  'I won't fail you.' Mewtwo assured.  "Latias use Dragon Breath!" Lance ordered. Mewtwo dodged and hit Latias with a Shadow Ball. "Latias use Dragon Pulse!" Lance ordered. Mewtwo used Protect and used Psycho Cut which missed. He tried again and missed. He missed four times but finally landed a hit. "Latias use Dragon Rage!" Lance ordered however Mewtwo used Protect again just before the attack hit. Then he used Psychic to hold Latias in place before launching a Shadow Ball at her while she was paralyzed. "Latias return." Lance recalled. Congratulations Ashley you're Kanto's newest Champion." Lance said as Mewtwo floated back over to Ashley.  "We might want to get out of here before the media shows up." Ashley suggested.  "Good idea." Lance agreed as Ashley teleported herself and the gang back to the cabin. Once there she was pulled into a hug by her mom. "You did it! Oh my little Champion I'm so proud of you!" Delia praised causing Ashley to blush.  "Now all that remains is the closing ceremony." Lance said. After the ceremony ended they went back to Professor Oak's lab in Pallet Town.  "Ashley before you go on your trip to Sinnoh I need you to bring me something from the Orange Archipelago Islands. Professor Ivy has a Pokeball that needs to be looked at. She calls it a 'G.S. Ball'. She's been trying to find out what's in it but it won't open no matter what she tries. She tried sending it here through the transfer machine but it won't go through either. I would be happy if you'd go and retrieve it from her." Professor Oak said.  "Girls? Beach? Swimsuits? Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes." Brock begged causing everyone to sweat drop.  "Sure Professor I'll bring it back here before I go to Sinnoh." Ashley accepted.  "Alright! I need to pack!" Brock exclaimed before taking off like a bullet.  "*Sigh* Aiya. Baka." Ashley commented.  "You got that right." Misty agreed.  Mewtwo looked at Arceus. 'You're not going to stop her?' He asked.  '*Sigh* whether we like it or not she's bound to get involved with our affairs anyways. Why bother anymore.' Arceus replied sadly. 'I was hoping that she could relax, but evidently that's not going to happen.' He added.  'The Shamouti Prophecy. It's happening isn't it?' Mewtwo asked.  'Afraid so. Ashley must tame the hearts of the Legendary Birds as well as free the Guardian of the Sea.' Arceus replied.

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