Chapter 17

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Ashley's journey through the Orange Islands has been great thus far. She won the Orange League, met a new friend named Tracey Sketchit, and even caught new Pokemon such as a Lapras, a Krabby, and even found a Dratini egg. The unfortunate thing about this adventure was that Brock decided to stay with Professor Ivy and every boy that saw Ashley flirted with her. All in all it was a good trip. Now they were out on the ocean and Ashley was surfing on Kyogre with Manaphy in her arms...but the fun ended when they were caught in the middle of a bad storm. 'Ashley?' Kyogre asked. 

"I can feel it too. Nature's out of balance...and it's coming from those islands." Ashley confirmed Kyogre's suspicion. 

"Guys we need to head inland! We need to get to Shamouti Island!" She urged as she now laid flat on her stomach trying to avoid getting swept off of Kyogre by the sea.  

"Good idea Ashley! It's the nearest Island anyways!" Jackie agreed as they started to follow Kyogre towards the island. Once they got to shore Ashley returned Kyogre with a word of thanks for keeping her from falling off.  

"Okay what's with the sudden change in weather?" Gary asked.  "Good question. Let me contact the research lab." Jackie replied as he called the Ranger base in Hoenn on his phone. "Get me the research department."

 "I'm on Shamouti Island in the Orange Archipelago Islands." "We just braved a particularly nasty storm." 

"It wasn't storming seconds ago and that strikes me as odd. I don't like the feeling I'm having." He said before hanging up. 

 "Jackie we have a major problem." Ashley addressed. 

 "What is it Ashley?" Jackie asked.  "Nature is out of balance. I can feel it. Someone or something is causing trouble and if my Aura Sense has any's coming from this island. We need to see about the Legendary Birds. They're responsible for keeping nature balanced." Ashley urged. 

 "You're right Ashley. We need to check it out. As Rangers we have to keep the peace in the Pokemon World and if something's causing a disturbance we have to find it ASAP and end it." Jackie reminded.  

"Uh...guys?" Tracey asked pointing at a group of people wearing masks.  One person in the crowed stepped forward and removed their mask revealing to be a girl. 

"Sorry for scaring you. My name's Carol. Are you by any chance trainers?" Carol asked.  

"I am. My name's Ashley Ketchum from Pallet Town...but you can call me Ash." Ashley greeted as the natives cheered and started dancing.  

"Wait a minute! Since when did you choose to have a nickname?" Misty asked.  

"I just thought it'd be easier and better if I had a nickname. New journeys new rules." Ashley replied.  

"I suppose you have a point." Misty thought.  "So what's with the getup?" Archie asked. 

 "It's a tradition around these parts. I've been to Shamouti many times." Jackie replied. "They're holding a festival about an ancient prophecy." He explained.

  'A prophecy that regards Ashley...or Ash.' Arceus added.

  "Well if anyone's worth mentioning in a prophecy it's her." Paul pointed out. 

 "I think the festival's stupid." A new voice commented. "My name's Melody I'm Carol's younger sister." Melody greeted. "Take a hint kid don't get stuck with these people, I'm forced to play some 'important' role in the festival. Ugh. It's so boring." Melody said. 

 'Actually it's far more important than you realize. The prophecy is real I assure you. The Legendary Birds are at this very moment fighting for dominance over territory.' Arceus corrected shocking everyone. 

 'You'll need to get the treasure from all three islands, and place them in a statue on the main land. Once that's done you need to play the song of the Guardian via flute in order to calm the three Legendary Bird's hearts.' Arceus instructed.

 "I can play it. I played that song all the time on MY flute." Ashley assured.

  "You can play an instrument?" Misty asked.  

"Well duh. As Aura Goddess I have to know certain songs in order to calm the hearts of Legendary Pokemon." Ashley replied. 

 "Beneficial indeed. But enough procrastinating, we have a job to do." Maxie ushered.  "Sorry guys I have to do this on my own. I WILL bring the Legendaries I have with me so no need to worry." Ashley assured.  

"You sure you don't need us to go with you Ash?" Tracey asked.  "Don't worry. I'll be fine." Ashley assured as she ran after returning some of the Legendaries. Once at the edge of the sea she released Kyogre.

 "Kyogre we need to go to Fire Island." Ashley said as she jumped onto his back and began swimming away. They arrived on Fire Island where they saw Zapdos being captured. "This is awful. Who would do something like this?" Ashley asked as Ashley and Kyogre pulled up to Fire Island. Ashley returned Kyogre with a word of gratitude and teleported onto the large ship that had Zapdos. Once she was on board she noticed Moltres being held hostage.

 "Moltres!" Ashley cried out. Then she saw Zapdos in the same position.

 "Zapdos!"  "Well well. What do we have here?" A new voice sounded. "

Ashley Ketchum. You'll make a fine addition to my collection...Aura Goddess. But not before you draw Lugia from his resting place." The voice taunted.  

"Who are you!?! Why are you doing this!?!" Ashley asked angrily.  

"My name's Lawrence III. I'm a collector of rare and valuable things. I'm on the market for and you're the bait." Lawrence replied.  

"You know if you were in the market for something you wouldn't need bait. You could just buy it." Ashley deadpanned. 

 "This particular fish can not be bought however. And only the finest bait will...entice it to surface." Lawrence corrected.  "You can't hold me." Ashley stated.  "Is that a fact miss? I've been waiting for you to come along just so I could get my hands on you." Lawrence threatened.  

"As a Government Official I'm placing you under arrest for Pokemon Cruelty." Ashley threatened.  "Threaten me all you want to miss Ketchum it's not going to do you any amount of good." Lawrence said as Ashley suddenly found herself in a cage.  

"Pfff. You think a cage will stop me?" Ashley asked smugly as she used her Aura to TRY and break free from her cage with no luck. 

"What the hell?" She asked confusingly.  "This particular trap will contain your Aura my dear. Now if you don't mind I have a God to add to my collection." Lawrence bade as he went up into the main control room.  Ashley decided that she needed reinforcements after all and called Jackie. 

"Ashley? Are you alright?" He asked. 

 "No I'm not alright. I thought I could handle this alone, but I now know I can't. A Collector by the name of Lawrence III is after Lugia and he's using me and the Legendary Birds as bait. You guys have to come and rescue me...again." Ashley replied saying the last part with a hint of sadness that didn't go unnoticed by Jackie.  

"Sit tight. We're on our way." Jackie assured as the connection ended.  Ashley tried to teleport her way out but it was a vain effort. 

"Kuso." She cursed through her teeth. She tried several Pokemon attacks but it was also a useless effort. "Kuso, kuso, kuso." She cursed and cried as clutched Manaphy close to her chest.  "Mamma I want to go home." Manaphy cried.  "Don't worry baby we're going to get out of here. I promise." Ashley assured.  

Meanwhile with Jackie. "Ash has been captured by some Collector named Lawrence." He said causing the group to growl.  "Well what the hell are we standing around for! We have to go rescue her!" Lance exclaimed as he and Jackie ran off. Jackie and Lance got to the main land where they saw a Slowking looking at the huge ship.  "This is troubling." Slowking thought bitterly.  

"Is that Slowking talking?" Lance asked.  "Yeah you're right." Jackie replied confirming Lance's suspicion. "Hey Slowking!" He addressed getting the talking Pokemon's attention.  "Ah you must be the Chosen One's friends. Thank Arceus you're here. You have to save her. You have to save the Goddess. She's the only one who can save this world from destruction." He begged.  "Don't worry. I'm with the Rangers." Jackie assured.  "And I'm a G-man." Lance added.  Then they saw Articuno flying towards one of the islands. "You must hurry and bring her back safely. The prophecy must be fulfilled." Slowking urged.  Jackie saw the perfect thing to rescue Ashley with. 

"Capture on!" He used his Styler. "Capture complete. Fearow lend me your power!" He commanded as a Fearow landed beside him. He and Lance got on and flew towards the ship. Once they were inside they saw Ashley and Manaphy along with Moltres and Zapdos. "Ash! Manaphy! Are you two hurt?" Jackie asked.  

"No. Arigato." Ashley replied.  "You can thank me when we get YOU out and LAWRENCE in prison." Jackie said. 

 "Stealing my collection?" Lawrence asked. 

"She's a human being jackass! She doesn't belong to anybody except her family!" Jackie berated.  

"No. She's a rarity. A diamond that's not so easy to find. She belongs in my collection...along with Lugia and Bird Trio." Lawrence corrected.  

"You're a sick man. You're under arrest for Pokemon Cruelty and kidnapping of a Government Official!" Lance said.

 "Dragonite take him down!" He ordered. It was easy to do so and Lawrence reluctantly opened the cage freeing Ashley and Manaphy.

 "Now the Birds." Jackie ordered holding his Styler in case if things were to get pretty bad pretty quick. Lawrence released the Birds who blew a massive hole in his ship then escaped and started a death battle with each other AND Articuno.  

"Dragonite use Hyper Beam to tear this ship apart." Lance ordered as Dragonite shot his Hyper Beam every which way. After that Ashley teleported them to the main land, herself on Fire Island where she got the first treasure. Then she teleported to Iced Island and got the second treasure. Before she could teleport and get the third Lugia appeared and a Helicopter crashed into the snow banks.

  'Aura Goddess. I am the Guardian of the sea. I am Lugia.' Lugia greeted.  "I'm Ashley Ketchum from Pallet Town." Ashley returned the greet.  

'I know who you are. I've been waiting for a long time to meet you. But we can discuss this later right now we need to stop Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres from destroying the world.' Lugia said. 'I'll buy you time to get to the next island and get the treasure.' He assured as he flew off and Ashley teleported to Lightning Island to retrieve the last treasure.  

"Shit I should've thought this through." Ashley thought. She had the Fire Sphere in her left hand and Ice in the right. 

"I can hold it for you." Manaphy offered. He was in Ashley's backpack.  Ashley face-palmed. "I almost forgot you were there. You've been so quiet." Ashley felt embarrassed for forgetting Manaphy being on her back the entire time. 

 "Sorry mamma." Manaphy apologized.  "You don't to be sorry Manaphy, I forgot you were back there. I guess I was too focused on the job." Ashley said as she put the Lightning Sphere between Manaphe's antennas. 

"Hold on tightly." She warned before teleporting back to the main land where she and Manaphy saw a Slowking pointing at a statue.  

"I'm relieved that you're okay Goddess. Place the treasures in the mouth of the statue." Slowking instructed. Ashley placed the Fire and Ice Spheres in their proper places before taking the Lightning Sphere from Manaphy and placed it in the middle. Then Ashley noticed something attacking Lugia. It came from Lawrence's ship. She saw Lugia attack the ship with Hyper Beam before crashing into the frozen sea.  

"Lugia!" Ashley exclaimed in fear.  "Goddess do you know the song?" Slowking asked.  "Yes." Ashley replied before Manaphy handed her the flute from her backpack.  "Play the song and it will reinvigorate him. At the same instance it will return everything to normal." Slowking explained as Ashley began playing the song. After awhile everything was indeed back to normal and the Legendary Birds stopped fighting. At the same time Lugia burst from the sea and landed next to Ashley. After Ashley finished the song Lugia praised her.  

'Thank you Ashley you have calmed the Legendary Birds.' He said as the Legendary Birds landed around her and nuzzled her affectionately. 'Now only one thing remains.' He added confusing Ashley, Lance, and Jackie.  

'We wish to join you Aura Goddess. You have proven your worth to us.' Zapdos explained.  "A-are you sure?" Ashley asked completely shocked by the request.  'I understand your hesitation. You're afraid that what happened this day will reoccur in the future. But I assure you that it won't.' Zapdos assured.

  "I-I don't know." Ashley said still conflicted about it.  "Just say 'yes' already!" Team Rocket urged.  "You already have Legendary Pokemon. Might as well accept their request. Besides you might need their strength in the future." Jackie encouraged.  Ashley turned to look at Lugia. 

"If it's what you want. I'll accept your request." She said causing Lugia to smile at her.  'Thank you Ashley. I was hoping you would.' Lugia thanked as he nuzzled her again.  After Ashley captured the four Legendary Pokemon she was pulled into a hug by her mom. "Ashley are you okay?" Delia asked in a panic.  "

Don't worry mom I'm fine. Everyone else is fine too." Ashley assured.  "We saw on the news. Oh I was so worried that something happened to you." Delia cried.  "Mom have you forgotten who your daughter is?" Ashley asked slyly. "I'm indestructible." She assured  "And you seem to forget that you have an ability of making me worried." Delia shot back.  "Everything's fine now. Look I even have some new Pokemon. After I soothed their hearts Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Lugia wanted to join me." Ashley explained.  "Well at least I can sleep easy knowing you'll be well protected during your new journeys." Delia sighed.  

"Oh and by the way. I have the G.S. Ball for Professor Oak." Ashley added.  "Oh good. Now I can begin my research. Glad to see you're okay though. I care more about your safety than some old relic." Professor Oak said as he took the G.S. Ball and pulled Ashley into a hug.  "Make sure you call when you get to Sinnoh. I wished that we could spend time before then but I know you don't like to wait." Delia pleaded.  "Alright mom I will. You and Professor Oak get back to Pallet Town and I'll see you afterwards okay?" Ashley asked. After awhile Ashley teleported herself and the gang (minus Tracey) to Twinleaf Town.  (A/N: And cut! That's chapter 17. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry if that wasn't the closest to the Anime...then again that wouldn't make this story unique would it? Alright so now we come to the Sinnoh Region. I'm going completely out of order. Again if I went in order from Kanto to Kalos that wouldn't make it unique either. Anyway next chapter we meet Dawn. As always I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Bye!)

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