Chapter 18

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Ashley teleported herself and the gang to Twinleaf Town in the Sinnoh Region and let Lucario back out of her Pokeball. Paul and Cyrus walked next to Ashley. 

"Welcome to Sinnoh Ash. The Professor here in Twinleaf Town is Professor Rowan. Before we do ANYTHING I suggest go and talk with him." Paul said.  

"Alright. Let's go meet the Professor then." Ashley acknowledged as she and the gang went to meet the Professor.  Before they could take a step however Ashley was flooded by fans and media causing the group to sweat drop.

 "Alright that's enough! Disperse!" A new voice rang out. Suddenly a tall blond girl stepped into the crowd. "I said leave dammit!" She tried to get the crowd to leave to no avail. 

 "Come on you heard her. Leave." Ashley said as she used her Aura as a crowd control. Once the duo finally got the crowd to leave the blond turned her attention to Ashley.  

"I'm so sorry about that. Normally they're after me. I'm Cynthia the Sinnoh Champion by the way." She greeted.  

"Ashley Ketchum, but you can call me Ash." Ashley returned the greeting.  

"The Kanto and Orange Island Champion. What brings you to our neck of the woods?" Cynthia asked.  Ashley shrugged. 

"Adventure mainly." She replied. 

"I was just about to go and see Professor Rowan." Ashley said.  

"Do you mind if I tag along? After all you have Lance and Wallace in your group." Cynthia asked.  "Sure. It'd be fun to have another Champion to talk to as well as another member of the female species." Ashley said pointing at her rather large group that consisted mostly of guys.  Cynthia giggled at the statement. 

"You sure are popular...then again everyone knows who you are since you've been on the news more times than any Champion." Cynthia stated. 

"I guess we shouldn't delay much longer. Let's take you to the Professor. Oh and don't let his appearance fool you, he's really a nice guy." She added.  

"Noted." Ashley replied.  Once they got to the lab they met Professor Rowan at the door. 

"Ah. You must be Ashley. Professor Oak told me you'd be coming here. And Cynthia glad to see you again my dear." Professor Rowan greeted.  

"Glad to see you again old friend. May we come in?" Cynthia asked.  "But of course. I was just giving a new trainer her starter Pokemon." Rowan replied as he led the group further into the lab. 

"Dawn I want you to meet Ashley Ketchum from Pallet Town and her starter Lucario." Rowan introduced.  

"Wow! THE Ashley Ketchum!?! I'm such a fan of yours. I've seen you do Contests with Wallace on TV. My dream is to become a Coordinator." Dawn fawned. 

 "You know Dawn Ashley and Wallace could help you with that." Rowan suggested. "If that's okay with them." He added. 

 "Yeah. I don't mind. What do ya say Wallace?" Ashley asked. 

 "But of course. As you say 'the more the merrier'." Wallace replied.  

"Alright! Let me introduce you to my partner Piplup." Dawn introduced as she released her starter. "Piplup these are our new friends." Piplup waddled up to Ashley. 

 'Aura Goddess it's nice to meet you.' Piplup greeted.  "It's nice to meet you too Piplup." Ashley returned the greeting. 

 "You can understand Pokemon?" Dawn asked. 

 "As the Aura Goddess I can communicate with Pokemon through Telepathy. Well there are Pokemon that can either speak human language or can use Telepathy." Ashley explained.  

"That's so cool!" Dawn exclaimed excitedly.

  "Cresselia, Mew, and Mewtwo come on out." Ashley called out.  'About time you let us back out.' Mewtwo complained. Then he noticed Dawn. 'Who's this?' He asked. 

"Mewtwo this is Dawn and Piplup, one of the Sinnoh starters. Dawn this is Mewtwo, Mew, Cresselia, and Manaphy." Ashley introduced as she took Manaphy out of her backpack and held him close to her chest.  "Wow!" Dawn exclaimed as she scanned each Pokemon.  Mew, the New Species Pokemon.  Mew is said to possess the genetic composition of all Pokemon. It is capable of making itself invisible at will, so it entirely avoids notice even if it approaches people.  This Mew is female. It is approximately 1 foot, 4 inches and weighs 8.8 pounds.  Manaphy, the Sea Faring Pokemon.  It is born with a wondrous power that lets it bond with any Pokemon.  This Manaphy is male and is approximately 0 feet, 12 inches and weighs 3.1 pounds.  Cresselia, the Lunar Pokemon.  Shiny particles are released from its wings like a veil. It is said to represent the crescent moon.  Cresselia are purely female. This Cresselia is approximately 4 feet, 12 inches and weighs 188.7 pounds.  Mewtwo, the Genetics Pokemon.  Mewtwo is a Pokemon that was created by genetic manipulation. However, even though the scientific power of humans created this Pokemon's body, they failed to endow Mewtwo with a compassionate heart.  Mewtwo is male. He is approximately 6 feet 7 inches and weighs 296.0 pounds.  "So awesome." Dawn thought. Then she looked back at Mewtwo's data curiously. "Wait. Mewtwo was created by humans?" She asked.  

"More specifically Team Rocket. The information that he has no compassion is definitely wrong. He has a very strong compassionate side, but he's more of a serious and very stoic Pokemon. He's a living being even if he was created by Team Rocket." Ashley explained.  'The dreams I had.' Mewtwo thought catching Ashley's attention. 

'When I was being created I had dreams of a girl along with the clones of the Kanto starters. They...vanished and I found myself crying for them. I never felt more alone when that happened. As I grew I forgot about the dream...until I met you.' He explained causing Ashley to cry.  

"Mewtwo."  Ashley softly spoke.  'Who said I never had compassion? I just forgot about compassion when I was developing. But you reminded me of it.' Mewtwo told Ashley.  Unknown to any of them a mirror changed and a large Pokemon saw through it and put one of his tendrils on the mirror.

 'Soon my love. Soon.' He thought.  After saying goodbye to Professor Rowan the gang were on Route 201. Before they got to Sandgem Town they saw something invisible floating out of Lake Varity briefly. 

"Mesprit. I know that's you. You can show yourself." Ashley assured as Mesprit dropped its invisibility.  

'Aura Goddess. I welcome you to my home.' He greeted. 

'I also wish to tell you that I talked to my other brothers and we wish to come with you.' Mesprit said surprising the group. They hadn't even started their journey yet and already a Legendary Pokemon was wanting to come with Ashley...though they really shouldn't be surprised since she already has several...though the Legendary Birds and Lugia she had to gain their respect before they would follow her.  

"Wow Ash you really ARE popular." Paul commented before feeling something...dark passing through him causing him to shiver insanely. 

"What the hell was that?" He asked looking about.  Ashley used her Aura Sense and picked up a familiar presence. 

"Darkrai." She addressed as Darkrai rose from the shadows. 

 'Aura Goddess. I have waited for our meeting for a long time.' He greeted.  "Are you the same...?" Ashley asked.  

'Yes I'm the same Darkrai from your dream. Don't fret though I just wanted your full undivided attention. Dialga and Palkia are not going to fight...although I suppose in a different reality I couldn't say that.' Darkrai assured.  

"What the hell? You made me worried that Arceus was going to go crazy and destroy everything!" Ashley berated. 

"Why didn't you just tell the truth!?!" Ashley asked furiously.  '...I suppose I didn't think that through. I came here from Alamos Town. Everybody blames me when bad things happen. You won't judge me though.' Darkrai explained. Ashley looked at him incredulously. 'It's the truth. I swear. Everyone ran me out and now you're the only one I can turn to who won't discriminate me just because I cause nightmares. I waited here for you just to ask if you'll take me with you.' He added.  Ashley felt bad for him. His Aura didn't indicate him lying so why would she say 'no'? Darkrai just wanted someone to love him but that was impossible everywhere he went. 

"Yeah. I'll take you with me. Nobody should have to suffer being alone." Ashley said before capturing Darkrai and Mesprit, then she let Darkrai back out.  

"Two Legendary Pokemon in one day and you just started your Sinnoh journey. Impressive." Paul praised.  

"Let's get to Sandgem Town. That's where my first Gym Battle is correct?" Ashley asked.  

"Nope. That would be in Canalave City." Paul replied. 

 "Oh. Well I guess I'll just work on my Battling and Coordinating for Jubilife City while we're in this town"Ashley added. 

 "I'll work with you on that." Wallace assured. 

"Dawn will you be competing?" He asked.  "Yeah. I'll need all the help I can get if I'm going to win contests." Dawn replied.  "Well then I think I have a new rival in Coordinating." Ashley thought as she shook hands with Dawn. 

"Let's promise each other to give it everything we got." She said.  "Agreed." Dawn promised. "I look forward to facing you in the Contests." She said.  And with that the gang left for Sandgem Town. The being from earlier trailed the large group from inside his dimension. 'Soon.' He thought.

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