Chapter 19

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Ashley and the gang were on their way to Sandgem Town for a Pokemon Contest. Ashley had Lucario, Mew, Mewtwo, and Manaphy out. Misty had Togepi. And Paul had Chimchar on his shoulder. Chimchar noticed something off to the side leaning against a tree and yanked Paul's head in that direction. 

"Chimchar what is it?" He asked until he saw what got Chimchar in a fuss. 

"Ash we have a problem." Paul pointed off to the side.  

"It feels in pain." Ashley thought before running off to see if it was okay. The Pokemon was a Shiny Chimchar...and it was poisoned badly.

 "It's poisoned." Ashley stated as she used her Aura to heal it.  Chimchar woke up after awhile and saw Ashley holding it in her arms. 

'Thank you Goddess. I thought I was done for.' It said in a feminine voice tiredly.  

"It's okay Chimchar. You're going to be fine now." Ashley assured. "Just rest for now, I'll stay right here with you." She urged as the Shiny Chimchar fell asleep in Ashley's arms. Paul's Chimchar jumped of his shoulder and ran to the resting Shiny looking sympathetic for her.  

"What's gotten into my Chimchar?" Paul asked as he sat down next to Ashley.  "I do believe he likes this Shiny Chimchar. When she wakes up I'll ask if she wants to join me." Ashley replied making Paul's Chimchar blush profusely but also making him very happy.

 "I knew you'd like that Chimchar." She teased making Chimchar blush even harder.  After awhile the Shiny Chimchar woke up still in Ashley's arms. Ashley had went to sleep and Paul leaning his head on her shoulder drifted off unknowingly making it a perfect photo opportunity for some of the group. Chimchar had stayed awake watching the Shiny Chimchar in case she woke up again. When the Chimchar stirred it woke Ashley and Paul up. They just now realized what had happened causing both parties to blush insanely and looked away from each other embarrassed causing Gary to laugh his ass off. 

"Alright alright enough." Ashley warned as she got up and pulled Paul up shortly afterwards. "How are you feeling Chimchar?" Ashley asked.  

'Much better. Thank you.' She replied as she touched one of Ashley's Pokeballs.  

"Well so much for asking." Paul commented.  "I guess when I helped her she didn't hesitate to think about joining me." Ashley thought causing Paul's Chimchar great happiness.  

"Chimchar you're acting ridiculous." Paul said.  

"Come on Paul I think it's cute that Chimchar's got a crush." Ashley teased. Soon they made it to Sandgem Town where they went to a Pokemon Center to rest and eat before Ashley, Dawn, and Wallace went to the practice area. 

 "Alright Ash I'll be coaching you and Dawn. Let me see your best moves." Wallace said.  

"Alright. Cresselia take the stage!" Ashley called out as Cresselia came out of her Pokeball doing a pirouette. 

"Cresselia use Moonlight!" Ashley ordered as Cresselia did another pirouette before her silhouette was cast by the moon. Then she gave a cry which caused a bright glow along with stars scattering about. (I have no idea if that's the right move). "Now use Moonblast!" She ordered. Cresselia still shadowed by the moon uses its energy and launches a ball of energy into the sky exploding into a pink Crescent Moon eliciting an applause.  

"Brilliant! Absolutely marvelous!" Wallace commented.  

"She's so beautiful." Brock commented startling Misty.  

"When did you get here? And aren't you supposed to be with Professor Ivy? And who's beautiful? Cresselia or Ashley?" Misty asked. 

 "To answer your first question I got here just before she started. Question 2. Professor Ivy let me go since she didn't need me anymore. Question 3. Both." Brock replied.  "Of course. Ashley caught some new Pokemon. One being Mesprit, one being Darkrai, and one being a Shiny Chimchar." Misty said. 

 "Wow. I didn't have any doubt that she'd catch a Legendary Pokemon from Sinnoh that fast considering they absolutely love her." Brock stated. Misty showed Brock her camera. 

"What's this?" Brock asked then face-faulted when he saw the picture. 

"Lucky bastard!" He cursed through his teeth so nobody except himself and Misty could hear.  

"Jealous much?" Misty teased. 

 "Yes!" Brock replied.  "I thought it was cute. Paul's definitely growing a soul since Ashley's been working with him. They're definitely made for each other." Misty commented.  

"Rub it in why don't you!" Brock exclaimed causing the others to sweat drop. 

 "Brock! It's good to see you again!" Ashley greeted as she ran over to him and hugged him causing him to blush with a stupid look on his face. 

 "It's good to see you too." Brock greeted back still in a love haze. He never really took the time to appreciate Ashley's Ranger outfit. Black shorts, black short sleeved v-neck shirt with an orange vest, an orange hat and tall orange boots. 

"She's so gorgeous." He thought before he was Poison Jabbed by his newly caught Croagunk. "Damn you Croagunk." He cursed.  

"Uh...Why did your Groagunk just Poison Jab you?" Ashley asked slightly startled by the action.  

"He does that when I try flirting with hot girls." Brock replied twitching from Croagunk's Poison Jab.  Soon Ashley and Dawn started a Coordinating Battle. Ashley's Cresselia versus Dawn's Piplup. 

"Piplup use Whirlpool!" Dawn ordered.  "Cresselia use Ice Beam!" Ashley countered. Piplup sent out the attack only to have it frozen by Cresselia's Ice Beam. Soon the frozen Whirlpool shattered.

 "Now use Psycho Cut!" She ordered.  

"Piplup use Bubble Beam!" Dawn countered. Cresselia sent waves of psychic energy at Piplup but blocked them by doing a pirouette while using Bubble Beam. 

"Alright now use Peck!" She ordered.  

"Cresselia use Double Team then use Moonblast!" Ashley countered. Pilplup was about to strike until he was outnumbered by Cresselias covering all directions. Then she used the Lunar energy and shot Piplup from all sides.  

"Since Dawn has lost all points I declare Ashley to be the winner." Wallace announced. 

 "Ashley has those Contests in the bag." Brock commented.  

"Don't count your eggs before they hatch. There is a Coordinator who has never lost a Contest before." Paul warned. "Zoey." He said. 

 "What? Never?" Brock asked surprised.  

"Never. I've seen Pokemon Battles and I've seen Contests. Zoey is a badass when it comes to Coordinating." Paul replied.  

"What? You watch Contests?" Misty asked surprised.  

"I prefer Battles over Contests. I just like to watch the strongest Trainers." Paul replied.  

"Well you're going to get to watch more since your girlfriend's an aspiring Coordinator." Misty teased causing Paul and Ashley who heard the entire conversation to blush.  

"You're never going to let that incident go are you?" Paul asked.  

"Nope." Misty replied. 

"Zoey maybe undefeated but I'm sure Ashley can change that." Brock encouraged. 

 "She's won all the Contests in Kanto that the author didn't mention in this story so yeah. I have no doubt that Ashley will win the Sinnoh and Hoenn Contests." James agreed. 

"That doesn't surprise me. She's really good." Dawn complimented.  

"She did defeat Solidad back in Kanto. If she can do that she can defeat Zoey." Jessie deadpanned.  "I know right? Mew using Hyper Beam like that was amazing!" Dawn agreed.  

"As much as I'd like for everyone to keep talking about how awesome I am but it's late and me and Dawn need our beauty sleep so we can take on the Jubilife City Contest." Ashley interrupted.  

"She's gotta point. And we still don't know who gets to share the room with her. Her room's big enough for two more." Paul commented.  "Okay I think the best way to go about that is Rock, Paper, Scissors." Gary suggested.  "That childish game? The chances of ever getting lucky with a wager like that are one in a million." Maxie stated.  

"Well then let's see if fortune smiles at us." Archie said as he joined causing Maxie to sweat drop. "Other than getting to sleep in the same room as Ashley is there an additional prize?" He asked.  "The winner gets to choose the second person." Gary replied.  "Like I said. Childish." Maxie mumbled.  "Do you want that prize or not?" Archie asked Maxie.  Wallace and Lance looked at each other and shook their heads before joining. Lance threw paper, Archie also threw paper, and Gary threw scissors making him grin mischievously.

 "What did I say? One in a million." Maxie said.  "Will you shut up about the statistics?" Archie asked annoyed.  "Me and Paul get to share the room." Gary said before he, Paul, and Ashley walked off.  "Dammit." Archie cursed through his teeth.  "Well shit." Lance thought.  The rest of the night everybody were resting for in the morning...except Ashley, Gary, and Paul who had other ideas (use your imagination at this point).  (A/N: And cut! That's chapter 19. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Next chapter I'll be covering the Contest in Jubilife City as well as some additional things. Well that's all the announcement I have for this chapter. I'll see ya in the next one. Ciao!)

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