Chapter 20

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On their way to Jubilife City Ashley and Paul captured a Starly and James lead the group to a cabin where he got his old Carivine who got along splendidly with Weezing. Later Jessie caught a wounded Seviper...and at the same time found someone trying to put a caged Shiny Gible into a truck.

"Stop! By order of the Government I'm placing you under arrest for Poaching!" Ashley addressed the man who looked at her with heart-filled eyes. Jackie ran to join her, as did Lance.

"The Government huh? I don't mind being handcuffed by you...that is if it involves a bed. Oh and give me that Mew and I'll be gentle with ya." The man flirted. Paul and Gary had looks of rage and murder written on their faces. Oh they were pissed, as were Maxie and Archie, and Lance and Wallace. Even Brock and James felt like beating the shit out of him. While the Poacher was distracted walking steadily towards Ashley Ghetsis sneaked over to the caged Gible and freed it. Then the Gible ran over to Ashley and jumped into her arms.

"Chimchar!" Paul called out.

"Arcanine!" Gary called out. They looked at each other and ordered. "Flamethrower!" Making the man run away like a baby.

"Arcanine return!" Gary recalled.

"Chimchar return! Thanks for your help." Paul praised his Chimchar.

They eventually got to Jubilife City and made a bee-line for the Contest Hall where Dawn and Ashley signed up. Dawn used Piplup while Ashley used Cresselia, the others found front row seats. When Ashley was called out she came out wearing a pink spaghetti-strapped dress with her hair held in a Ponytail by a pink Crescent Moon. Her dress had a darker shade of pink stars all over it. The guys couldn't stop thinking of how beautiful she looked while some were although thinking the same but they were questioning the design. Wallace knew why though. Cresselia's going to be Ashley's main attraction and thus made the design based off of her.

"Ladies and Gentlemen please give a warm round of applause to Ashley Ketchum from Pallet Town and Kenny from Twinleaf Town!" The MC announced.

"Prinplup on stage!" Kenny called out. "Cresselia Spotlight." Ashley called out as she did a pirouette out of the Pokeball eliciting excitement in the crowd.

"And the Legendary Cresselia makes a dazzling appearance. This should be good folks." The MC commented.

"This is going to be Piplup all over again. Even if this Penguin's halfway evolved it's still going to lose." Archie thought smugly.

"Please don't start that shit. Sure Kenny's not on Zoey's level of experience but that doesn't mean he's not good." Paul rebuked.

"Wow Paul you never compliment anyone except Ashley." Misty stated.

"I'm not complimenting I'm just stating facts. Being with Ashley this long I've developed a new sense of judgement. One of them is never underestimate your opponent...a common problem that I had before I met her." Paul corrected.

"Shut up. They're about to call their first attacks." Maxie ordered. "Prinplup use Bubble Beam!" Kenny ordered.

"Cresselia use Psycho Cut!" Ashley countered. Prinplup attacked but had all the bubbles destroyed by Cresselia's Psycho Cut.

"Now use Attract followed by Psyshock!" She ordered. The attack hit on causing Kenny to lose points.

"Now use Double Team followed by Shadow Ball!" She ordered as Cresselia made multiple copies of herself and surrounded Prinplup, then she hit Prinplup with the Ghost Type attack from all sides causing Kenny to lose more points. By this time Prinplup was out of his love-struck haze.

"Prinplup use Peck!" Kenny ordered.

"Cresselia use Ice Beam!" Ashley countered. Prinplup came at Cresselia with Peck but was thrown back and frozen from Cresselia's Ice Beam. When the frozen Prinplup landed on the ground the ice broke causing Kenny to lose more points.

"Damn. She hasn't lost any points. Well then again she's a Champion so obviously I'm no match for her." Kenny thought. "Prinplup use Ice Beam!" Kenny ordered.

"Cresselia use Charge Beam!" Ashley countered. The two attacks collided until the Charge Beam tore through the Ice Beam and hit Prinplup.

"And that will do it folks. Looks like Ashley will be advancing forward." The MC announced. Soon it was Dawn's turn against Zoey herself but lost. After a few more contestants it was Ashley versus Zoey. "And now we come to the exciting part of our Contest. Ashley versus Zoey! Ashley has undoubtedly annihilated all of her competition without losing a single point!" The MC announced eliciting a thunderous applause.

"Cresselia Spotlight!" Ashley called out. "Glameow Spotlight!" Zoey called out. "Glameow use Charm!" She ordered causing Ashley to lose points.

"Shit! That's the first time I've ever lost points...then again Solidad was pretty good." Ashley thought.

"Okay Cresselia let's begin with Psycho Cut and Slash!" She ordered.

"Glameow dodge and use Double Team followed by Fury Swipes!" Zoey ordered.

"Cresselia let Glameow come in close and use Psychic!" Ashley countered. When Glameow and its copies came in with Fury Swipes they were all held in place like in a star shape with their claws contacting Cresselia's body eliciting excitement in the crowd.

"Now use Ice Beam!" She ordered. Cresselia spun around firing an Ice Beam at the fakes until she hit the real thing sending Glameow flying. "Now let's end this with Slash with Shadow Claws!" She ordered. Cresselia got in close with the dual attacks. "Glameow use Thunder!" Zoey countered catching Ashley and Cresselia off guard.

"Cresselia fall back and switch to Charge Beam!" Ashley countered. Cresselia was just a hair's length away before she shot a Charge Beam that tore through the Thunder and hit Glameow. "Nice! Now let's end this with Swift!" She ordered. Cresselia did a pirouette and shot a barrage of stars at Glameow.

"And Ashley wins with minimal points lost!" The MC announced causing the crowd to go wild. Soon Ashley walked out of the Contest Hall with her first Ribbon from Sinnoh.

"Congratulations Ashley, you won your first Contest here in Sinnoh." Dawn praised. "Yeah Ash you were amazing as always. Your streak might be broken but at least you won." Misty added. "So Ash who are you using for your next Contest?" Paul asked.

"I might use Darkrai next but for now I have a Gym Battle to win." Ashley replied.

"Hey DD!" A familiar voice called out.

"DD? Only one person calls me by that name." Dawn thought as she turned around to see Kenny running towards her.

"Kenny?" Dawn asked.

"Who else?" Kenny replied.

"You sure have grown up DD." Kenny commented.

"Kenny will you stop calling me that?" Dawn asked. Kenny then directed his attention towards Ashley.

"You sure swept the floor with the competition Ashley. Congrats on beating Zoey, she's one tough opponent." Kenny praised. "Arigato." Ashley thanked.

"I've seen all your Contests on TV. Do you use mainly Mythical Pokemon during Contests?" Kenny asked.

"Hai, I use them. But if you recall I used my cutest Pokemon...not just Legendaries." Ashley replied.

"So are you here to compete in the Contests?" Kenny asked.

"Ie. I'm traveling mainly for the Pokemon Leagues." Ashley replied.

"Oh. But you are doing Contests too right?" Kenny asked. "Hai." Ashley replied.

"Cool. I can't wait to go up against you again. Your Cresselia is very strong. Who are you using for the next Contest?" Kenny asked.

"I was thinking about Darkrai. I want to give all my Pokemon a chance to compete." Ashley replied.

"If you think your Darkrai can beat mine you have another thing coming." A new voice interrupted. "And you would be?" Brock asked.

"Tobias. I'll be competing in the Lilly of the Valley Conference this year. I can certainly tell you that you stand no chance against me." Tobias thought conceitedly.

"We'll see." Jackie said. "You do realize that Ash IS the Kanto Champion for a reason? She earned that position by defeating Lance. Quite easily I might add. If she can beat him she can beat you." He assured.

"We'll just see who the better trainer is. I look forward to testing your Darkrai's strength on the battlefield." Tobias said before walking away.

"Talk about conceited." James thought.

"Indeed. He DID say that he as well has a Darkrai. If that's the case we should very much keep a close eye on him." Maxie suggested.

"Yeah. Who knows what other Legendary Pokemon he has." Archie agreed.

"We don't need to worry about him at the moment though. The Lilly of the Valley is a long ways away." Ashley assured.

"Let's just get to Canalave City and focus on my badge." She suggested. "Hey Paul, Gary aren't you two collecting badges?" Brock asked. "Nope. I'm not competing." Gary replied.

"I've already got all my badges." Paul replied. "Oh." Brock said. With that Ashley and the gang made their way to Canalave City for her first badge still being followed by the Distortion Dragon God Giratina from his realm. Meanwhile somewhere else.

"What's Giratina's position?" Zero asked. "Giratina appears to be in route to Canalave City." His computer replied. "Interesting. What are you up to Giratina?" Zero asked.

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