Chapter 21

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Ashley and the gang finally made it to Canalave City. 

"Welcome to Canalave City. The Gym Leader here uses Steel Types. It's a good thing you trained with Chimchar, Lucario, and Groudon 'cause you're gonna need them." Paul warned.  

"Noted." Ashley acknowledged  They got in the Pokemon Center to rest for a bit before Ashley's Gym Battle when suddenly a portal opened up and sucked Ashley in. 

"Ash!" Everyone exclaimed as they held onto Ashley's leg to prevent her from being sucked in to no end. The vacuum eventually got Ashley free from her friends and next thing she knew she was in.  

"The Distortion World." She deduced.   Suddenly she was greeted by the Renegade Pokemon himself. 

'Indeed, you ARE in my realm.' Giratina confirmed as he floated down to meet Ashley all the way. 

'Take a good look around. What do you see?' He asked. Ashley looked around the Reverse World and was horrified at what she saw. Toxic clouds littered the dimension. 

 "I can fix it...but I sense that you want something in return." Ashley deduced.

  'Yes, I wish to join you. I have been imprisoned for far too long, and I think Arceus will agree that you're the only one who can keep me...out of trouble.' Giratina confirmed. 

'How though do you intend on clearing my realm?' He asked.  

"Like this." Ashley replied before using her Aura to repair the entire realm surprising Giratina. The action left her depleted and caused her to fall forward only to be caught by Giratina.

  'Baka (Idiot)! healing things like Humans or Pokemon is one thing, but healing an entire dimension could kill you! If you use that one more time you'll die!' Giratina berated. Then Arceus came through a portal of his own. 

 'That's how much she loves you Giratina. She would sacrifice herself to save your realm. But she won't completely parish as a result of overusing this power. If you recall she has an Ability called 'Immortalize'. No matter what happens she can never die.' Arceus assured.  Giratina and Arceus looked down at the girl slightly hanging off one of Giratina's tendrils.  Soon Ashley woke up to the sight of Giratina and Arceus. 

"Arceus? Giratina? What happened?" She asked. 

'You used your Aura to restore the Distortion World resulting in you fainting.' Arceus replied.

 'How are you feeling?' He asked.  

"I feel better now thank you." Ashley replied. 

 'Now that you're up we have unfinished business to settle.' Giratina stated. 

 "You're absolutely right." Ashley acknowledged as she pulled out a vacant Pokeball and threw it at Giratina to which he was caught without struggle. 

"Welcome to the family Giratina. Arceus return." She recalled as she opened a portal out of the Distortion World.  Suddenly she found herself in the arms of Brock only to be Poison Jabbed and dragged away by Croagunk.  

"So what in blazes were you doing in the Distortion World? Giratina didn't harm you in any way did he?" Maxie asked.  

"No he just wanted to join me, but first I had to fix the Distortion World. It was dying." Ashley replied causing shock among the crowd. 

"But I fixed it and now I have a new family member." She assured. "Well I do believe that I have a Gym Battle to win." She said as she and the group walked over from the Pokemon Center to the Gym. 

"I challenge the Gym Leader to a Gym Battle! My name's Ashley Ketchum from Pallet Town!" She addressed.  "Granted. I'm Byron. Take your place opposite of me. We shll have a 3-on-3 battle with no time limit. Sound good?" Byron instructed as Ashley went took her place in the Trainer's box. The others sat in the bleachers watching. Jackie had Manaphy who was ecstatic about seeing his mamma battling. 

"Bastiodon you're up!" Byron called out.  

"Chimchar I choose you!" Ashley called out which made Paul's Chimchar go ape with joy. 

 "A Shiny Chimchar? That's incredibly rare but great find." Byron commented. "Iron Head!" He ordered.  

"Chimchar use Brick Break!" Ashley countered. Just when Bastiodon was close enough Chimchar nailed him with Brick Break. 

"Now use Fire Blast!" She ordered. Chimchar shot a blast of fire in the shape of a Kanji symbol towards Bastiodon and hit its intended mark.  

"Bastiodon use Metal Slam!" Byron ordered.  

"Chimchar use Flame Wheel to dodge then continue with Flame Wheel to hit him!" Ashley countered as Chimchar rolled out of the line of fire...while on fire and hit Bastiodon.  

"Bastiodon return. Bronzor you're on!" Byron called out.  

"Chimchar you were fantastic, return and get some rest. Sis I choose you!" Ashley called out as Lucario leaped onto the field then Ashley used her Key Stone to Mega Evolve her.

 "Sis use Close Combat combined with Force Palm!" Ashley ordered.  

"Bronzor use Confusion!" Byron countered but was a bit late as Lucario started waylaying on Bronzor. By the time Lucario was done Bronzor was already weakened and near ready to faint.  

"Lucario let's end this with Aura Sphere!" Ashley ordered as Lucario threw an Aura Sphere with grace and elegant style efficiently knocking Bronzor out.  

"That was quick." Brock commented as James and Meowth nodded.  "Of coarse that was quick. How long have you been traveling with her?" Paul asked. 

"You should know by now that Ash ends these battles quickly." He added.  

"True. She's come a long way since when she started on her journey." Gary agreed.  

"Bronzor return. Steelix you're on!" Byron called out.  

"Lucario return! You did great sis take a break. Groudon I choose you!" Ashley called out.

  "It's no secret that you have Legendary Pokemon therefore I'm not surprised in the slightest. Steelix use Ice Fang!" Byron ordered. 

 "That's a super effective move against Ground Type." Ashley thought bitterly. 

"Groudon grab a hold of Steelix and try to hold him back!" Ashley countered.  "I wonder what she's planning." Maxie thought.  

"This is Ashley we're talking about. It shouldn't be a surprise." Archie said.  Once Steelix was close enough he was stopped with his fangs baring an icy blue hue. 

"Quickly Groudon use Earthquake!" Ashley ordered. Groudon stomped on the ground a couple of times doing a lot of damage and tossed Steelix away like a rag doll. 

"Now use Mud Slap!" She ordered as Groudon threw projectiles of mud at Steelix doing more damage.  "Steelix use Dig!" Byron ordered causing Ashley to shake her head disapprovingly and Groudon to wonder if this guy was an idiot.  

"Groudon use Earthquake. Wow." Ashley ordered calmly as Groudon ended the battle.  "Congratulations Ashley you won the Mine Badge. Sorry about that pathetic last call, I was getting a bit desperate." Byron apologized. 

 "It's fine. I've had others make the same mistake thousands of times." Ashley assured as she took the badge. 

"Thanks for the battle." She said as she and the gang left the Gym.  "So where to now?" Jackie asked as he handed Ashley Manaphy who snuggled into his mamma's chest.  

"Floaroma Town for the next Contest." Ashley replied.  "You're planning on using Darkrai for that aren't you?" Misty asked.  "Yep. I even have an outfit to match." Ashley replied.  "You're not dying your hair white are you?" Dawn asked.  

"Don't need to. I use my Aura to change my appearance." Ashley assured.  Everyone couldn't help but imagine Ashley looking like a gijinka Darkrai. Some thought it was hot in a Gothic kinda way. With that image stuck in their heads they continue on to Ashley and Dawn's next Contest in Floaroma Town. 

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