Chapter 22

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Zero was in his control room pondering what to do until his computer brought him out of his reverie. "Giratina is out of his realm." 

 "What!?! How is that possible!?!" Zero asked in a rage. Then a video image shows Ashley walking out of a portal in a Pokemon Center. 

"Of coarse SHE would be the one to take Giratina from his wondrous world." He thought in a displeased tone. "That's a major setback to my plans...but perhaps. If I can...persuade her into opening a portal into the Distortion World." Then a psychotic grin appeared on his face. Meanwhile in the Distortion World. 

"How interesting. Giratina allowed himself to be captured so easily. Perhaps there's a story to be told. I have to do some research. Normally Legendary Pokemon don't allow themselves to be captured by any Trainer unless..." Newton thought. 

"Where did I put that book?" He asked nobody in particular. He started to sort through various things throwing them this way and that way until he found what he was looking for

. "Yatta ('Found it' or 'I did it')!" He exclaimed in excitement. "I remember reading something awhile back about something like this...but I can't seem to recall what." He thought to himself until he found the passage he was looking for. 

"Interesting. This girl appears to be the very divine being this book mentions. Hence why Arceus or even Giratina allowed themselves to be captured. Who knows how many more Legendary Pokemon she has." He thought. He looked around and mumbled. "I've got to stop talking to myself." Meanwhile Ashley and her group made it to Floaroma Town and made a bee-line for the Contest Hall. Dawn was using Piplup in the main event but was using Pachirisu in the opening. Ashley was using Darkrai for both the opening and main event. After Dawn put on her opening performance Ashley came out dressed in a all black mini-dress with cuts at the hem, black stockings, black stilettos, and a crimson red scarf that covered the bottom half of her face and a crimson red ribbon holding her hair into a ponytail "Now to really make an impression." Ashley thought to herself as she used her Aura to turn her hair white and make it billow like smoke and her eyes turned blue, her bangs covered her left eye.

 "Darkrai Spotlight!" She called out. Darkrai came out as a black orb which disappeared revealing Darkrai himself. "Let's put on a REAL show for these people. Use Ice Beam!" She ordered as Darkrai covered the floor with ice (just like Dawn's Buneary in the Anime) and started skating. "Thunderbolt!" Ashley ordered. While skating Darkrai charged up a Thunderbolt and released it into the sky resulting in a firework effect. 

"Now use Dark Void!" She ordered as Darkrai released several spheres of dark energy into the sky which exploded in midair resulting in more fireworks. The combination of Thunderbolt with Dark Void really got the crowd excited. 

"Brilliant and beautifully well executed." Wallace thought.

 "Indeed it is. Ashley's a natural Coordinator." Cynthia agreed as Lance nodded in agreement with the two Champions. "Even looking like a gijinka Darkrai she still looks pretty." Brock thought goofily as James nodded in agreement before they both got hit by Misty and Jessie. "And that will do it ladies and gentlemen! Please give another round of applause for our contenders!" The MC announced as the crowd applaud all of the wonderful performances. Soon it was time for the main event. After watching several contenders win and lose it was Ashley versus Dawn. "Piplup Spotlight!" Dawn called out as Piplup came out of his ball in a reverse waterfall doing a pirouette upon exiting the waterfall. "Darkrai take the stage!" Ashley called out as a stream of dark energy shot out of the ball revealing the Pitch-Black Pokemon. "Darkrai use Ice Beam with Thunderbolt!" Ashley gave the first command. "Piplup use Aqua Jet with Ice Beam!" Dawn countered. Darkrai sent the combo attack at Piplup but the Penguin Pokemon surrounded himself in a stream of water then used Ice Beam to freeze the Aqua Jet turning it into solid ice. Darkrai's attack hit but did little damage causing both Ashley and Dawn to lose points. Piplup landed the attack causing Ashley to lose more points. "Darkrai Dark Pulse combined with Charge Beam!" Ashley ordered. "Piplup Bubble Beam!" Dawn countered as Piplup did a pirouette while using Bubble Beam creating a makeshift shield causing Ashley to lose more points making Darkrai growl in frustration. "What's going on? Ashley is losing? How is that possible?" Brock asked. "And she doesn't look worried at all." Paul added. Sure enough he was right. Ashley held a calm, unreadable expression on her face which greatly confused everybody. "Darkrai use Dark Void followed by Nightmare combined with Dream Eater!" Ashley ordered. "Oh no!" Dawn exclaimed. Darkrai grinned madly as he shot several orbs of dark energy at Piplup causing him to fall asleep, then he began to struggle in his sleep while Darkrai felt reinvigorated a little bit. Dawn then lost more points. "Piplup use Sleep Talk!" Dawn ordered as Piplup stopped its struggling and used Whirlpool while it was asleep. But thanks to Darkrai's ability 'Bad Dreams' Piplup's nightmare didn't end. "Darkrai use Ice Beam followed by Charge Beam!" Ashley countered as Darkrai stopped the Whirlpool with Ice Beam and hit Piplup with Charge Beam causing Dawn to lose more points. "Again Ashley has this Contest all wrapped up." The MC announced as the crowd cheered. "Piplup return. You did awesome." Dawn recalled. "Darkrai return and get some rest. You did great." Ashley recalled. "I must commend you for the great effort Dawn. You almost had me." Ashley tried to comfort Dawn but was a vain effort. "Hey Dawn why don't we do what you want to? That'll cheer you up." She suggested as Dawn simply nodded. Later the group left the Contest Hall and temporarily split ways as Ashley followed Dawn around only to be attacked by hoards of Magnemite, Magneton, and one Magnezone. "Nani (What)!?! Let me go!" Ashley yelled out before using her Aura to break free of the Magnemite and Magneton only to be captured by Magnezone as it paralyzed her with Thunder Wave and dragged her away with the army of Magnemite and Magneton following suit. "Ash!" Dawn cried out. Suddenly the group ran up to her. Brock and Misty helped her off the ground. "What happened? Where's Ash?" Jackie asked urgently. 

 "She was taken by those Magnemite." Dawn replied.

 "What happened!?! We saw those Magnemite and we came rushing here." A new voice asked. "We have a situation I'm afraid. Our friend was kidnapped by those Magnemite." Maxie replied. "Well no need to fear. The future is now thanks to science!" The blond boy assured as he adjusted his glasses and took out a small device

. "Behold the Electric Pokemon Detector!" He exclaimed. "Your names are always such a bore." A young blond girl thought.

 "By the way I'm Clemont and this is my little sister Bonnie." Clemont introduced. "This device allows me to track Electric Pokemon with ease. All I have to do is set it to tracking Magnemite and it'll track the nearest Magnemite." He explained. 

 "Very clever contraption." Maxie commented. "But will it function properly?" He asked. "At this point we're just going to have to through with it." Archie stated. 

 "Fair enough. If it will lead us to Ashley's whereabouts anything is helpful I suppose." Maxie thought. "I want mamma!" Manaphy cried struggling in Jackie's arms. "You'll see her soon. I promise." He assured. 

 "There's no time to waste. Follow me!" Clemont ushered as he lead the way. Meanwhile Ashley was brought onto an airship. How many times is that going to happen? Because the paralysis had worn off at this point she decided to get her bearings until she heard someone speak. "Thank you my pets for fetching me the Goddess."

"Who-who are you?" Ashley asked. She knew his intentions were unpleasant do to his Aura. "You can call me Zero. As for my motive of bringing you here. I know who you are...Aura Goddess. I want you to open a portal into the Distortion World and release Giratina." Zero replied. "And why would I do that? I captured him because he wanted me to." Ashley said. Suddenly Zero grabbed her by the bottom jaw. 

 "Giratina doesn't need a master. I know your intentions are pure but people are destroying his realm. I'd say it's fair if he was released into the world and brought those responsible to justice wouldn't you agree?" Zero asked. 

 "The only one who gets to bring Judgement on anyone is me. You can't manipulate me so easily." Ashley assured. 

"Besides I fixed the Distortion World. It's now constantly repairing itself should something happen to it." She added as Zero aggressively let go of her. 

 "You don't understand my intentions." Zero claimed. "Oh I know that they're evil. And if they're evil I want no part in helping you." Ashley corrected.

 "Then I'll just force you to open the portal." Zero threatened as he dragged Ashley by her hair and attached her to a machine. "I'm getting real tired of this shit. Machines, torture, what the fuck is next?" Ashley asked annoyed. 

 Then Zero stood by a lever and pulled it downward causing Ashley a great abundance of pain and a large mirror to open up. 

"The Distortion World." Zero thought as a psychotic grin appeared on his face and pulled the lever up stopping Ashley's pain but the portal was still there and she was still attached to the machine. Giratina escaped his Pokeball and went in after Zero. Arceus and Dialga followed suit. Meanwhile back with Clemont and the group. "The signal is emanating from that aircraft." Clemont deduced. 

 "Splendid." Jackie thought bitterly. He looked around until he saw a wild Hoothoot. He took out his Styler. "Capture on!" He exclaimed as a gyro top like device shot out of the Styler and circled around the Hoothoot. 

"Capture complete. Hoothoot lend me your power! My friend is in there I need you to free her." Jackie ordered as the Hoothoot flew into the airship. It took awhile to find her but eventually the Hoothoot found Ashley attached to a machine.

 'Aura Goddess! What happened? Who did this?' He asked. "Zero. Must be...stopped." Ashley replied tiredly. "Release panel." She directed her gaze to a computer behind her. Hoothoot found a big red button labeled 'Release'. 'How obvious.' Hoothoot thought as he jumped onto the button releasing Ashley.

 "I'm too exhausted to teleport. Was a Pokemon Ranger with you?" Ashley asked. 'Yes your highness. I lent him my power to find you.' Hoothoot replied. 

 "Good. I'll use my Fearow to escape." Ashley said as she prepped her Pokeball but not before Hoothoot pecked at a Pokeball on Ashley's belt. "I take it you want to come." She thought before running to the exit. 

"Fearow I choose you!" She called out as she hopped down and landed on the massive bird. "Ash?" Jackie asked as he saw a Fearow heading towards them and away from the ship before it blew up. 

"She must have hit the self-destruct button." He thought. As Fearow landed Ashley hopped off and was greeted by a hug from Brock only to be Poison Jabbed and dragged away by Croagunk...again.  

"Alright so who was the asshole that captured you this time?" Paul asked. "Mamma!" Manaphy exclaimed as he jumped out of Jackie's arms and into Ashley's. "His name is Zero. He used my power to open a portal into the Distortion World. Giratina, Arceus, and Dialga chased after him but I have to get in there. I'm too weak to though." Ashley replied wobbling a bit to prove her point. She was about to fall until Maxie and Archie caught her. "This isn't good. What is he planning?" Maxie asked. 

 "He was spouting some shit about getting revenge on humanity for destroying the Distortion World. But I knew better and when I declined to help him he forced me to open a portal and he went through." Ashley replied.

 "Ashley get some rest. You'll need it. Arceus, Dialga, and Giratina can handle things for now." Jackie assured as Ashley drifted off.

 Meanwhile in the Distortion World. Giratina was throwing a massive fit and was firing Shadow Balls left and right trying to hit Zero who kept dodging. Arceus used Judgement and Dialga used Aura Spheres.

 "Giratina I'm trying to help you!" Zero exclaimed. 

 'Your intentions are FAR from pure! I will not allow you to destroy the other world because of you selfish ambition!' Arceus threatened and Giratina gave a cry of agreement with Arceus. Arceus then used Hyper Beam, Giratina used Dragon Breath, and Dialga used Ancient Power only to have Zero dodge. Back with the others. Ashley was still resting. 

"She's burning up with a fever. We need to cool it down somehow." Cynthia urged. "Won't her Aura take care of that?" Brock asked.

 "It'll take too long to just allow her Aura to heal her alone. We need berries, and a source of ice." Maxie corrected. "Starly, Chimchar go find find some berries." Paul ordered as he released Starly. Chimchar saluted and jumped off Paul's shoulder and ran into the nearby woods. 

 "Fearow can you use a gentle Gust to keep her cool?" Cynthia asked getting a "Row!" as a response and Fearow began to blow a gentle Gust on Ashley. Manaphy spotted a nearby waterfall and tugged on Jackie's pant leg getting the Ranger's attention. 

"What is it Manaphy?" He asked as Manaphy pointed towards the waterfall. "Perfect!" Jackie scooped up Manaphy and ran over to the waterfall. Manaphy then used Ice Beam to freeze part of the water.

 "Clever. Glaceon help Manaphy freeze part of the water." Cynthia ordered as she released Glaceon. Glaceon ran over and used Ice Beam to help Manaphy. Mew and Mewtwo got buckets and brought them over so Jackie and Cynthia could use them to transport the broken ice. after several minutes of waiting Paul's Starly and Chimchar came back with berries.

 "Thanks you two. These will work. Starly return!" Paul recalled and Chimchar jumped back onto his favorite perch. "

Hey Paul let me see those." Brock said as Paul gave him the berries. "What are you doing?" Paul asked. "I'm making a smoothie out of these. No doubt she's too weak to simply eat them." Brock replied. "Good idea." Paul said. 

"Cynthia how's her condition?" He asked. "The fever's dying down thanks to the ice. How long will that smoothie take?" She asked. 

 "Not long. They'll be done in a jiffy." Brock replied. Sure enough not too much time passed when the smoothie was done. "Alright it's done." He stated as he walked over to Ashley. 

 "Man Zero really took a lot of energy from her." Gary commented. 

 "If I see that bastard he's a dead man." Paul threatened. 

 "According to Tabitha she should make a rapid recovery. With everything we've been doing along with her Aura he estimates that it will be 23 minutes from now." Maxie assured.  

"That's not good enough. She has to recover quicker than that." Lance said. 

 "By the way Paul. Your earlier remark about killing Zero might be crushed. I can guarantee that Giratina will beat you to the punch." Wallace corrected. Sure enough Zero was beaten and battered from his struggle with the gods of creation.

 'This is for mother!' Dialga thought to himself as he charged a Hyper Beam but it quickly dissipated when he saw the look Giratina had. With one tendril Giratina impaled Zero and threw him into an endless abyss.

 "Zero you fool. You had to create a false ideal, now it's gotten you killed by the very God you worshiped." Newton berated.

 'Let us return to our Goddess before she grows concerned.' Arceus ushered as Giratina opened a portal leading to the other world. Newton stealthily following suit. Upon exiting the Distortion World the gods saw Ashley's condition and were outraged. 

'What happened!?!' Arceus asked.

 "Zero happened." Jackie replied calming the gods down. "We assumed it was from him forcing her to open the portal to the Distortion World." He added. "What happened to him anyways?" Paul asked. 

 'We ended him.' Arceus replied. "Told you." Wallace told Paul who glared at him. Giratina and Dialga floated down and formed a protective circle around Ashley. As Maxie predicted 23 minutes went by and Ashley was back on her feet. Dialga noticing her stir nuzzled his mother affectionately. She fully stood and was hugged by everyone in her group. "How are you feeling?" Paul asked. 

 "I'm better now, thanks." Ashley replied. "So where are we heading to now that this mess is over with?" Brock asked. "Alamos Town. It's the closest town with a Contest Hall." Ashley replied. "Really!?! Where!?!" Dawn asked excitedly. "The Space-Time Towers." Wallace replied. "We shouldn't be traveling at night though. Perhaps we should set up camp for the night." He suggested. "Good idea." Ashley agreed as she and everyone else took part in setting up camp. Ashley was on night guard. Mew fell asleep on Ashley's lap, Mewtwo stayed awake chatting with the raven-haired Trainer throughout the night.

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