Chapter 23

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Ashley and the group finally made it to Alamos Town. On their way there Ashley got to know more about Clemont and Bonnie. Tuned out that Clemont is a Gym Leader from Kalos who got kicked out of his Gym by a robot that he constructed. Also on their way they caught several new Pokemon. 

"Welcome to Alamos Town. Those towers you see are the Space-Time Towers, the largest towers in the world as well as the largest instrument in the world." Paul said.

 "What do you mean by 'instrument' exactly?" Dawn asked. 

 "The bells in the towers gives off certain tunes. I can demonstrate if you'd like." A new voice interrupted. 

"My name's Alice by the way and this is my life-long friend Tonio." She greeted. "My name's Brock it's so nice meet...ack!" Brock was abruptly stopped in the middle of his flirting by Croagunk. 

 "I'm terribly sorry about him. He does that a lot." Ashley apologized. 

"Darkrai and Cresselia come on out! You too Dialga!" Ashley released some of her Pokemon The others did the same. Upon release Darkrai immediately noticed Alice.

 'Alice?' He asked. 

 "Darkrai? I was wondering where you ran off to." Alice said. 

 'I joined Ashley...otherwise known as the Aura Goddess. I didn't feel like I had a place in this town anymore.' Darkrai explained. Alice looked at Darkrai sympathetically. Ashley and Mewtwo knew what it was like to be rejected by their peers. Even if Mewtwo was widely known by know as the world's strongest Pokemon people still looked down on him for merely being a clone, a copy, a shadow of the original Mew. Ashley spent half her childhood locked away from the outside world thanks to Gary and the other neighbor kids. Darkrai was rejected because of his natural ability to cause nightmares...obviously nobody appreciates that. 

 "Darkrai always know that you always have a place here." Alice assured. 

 "Absolutely. You don't have to take what the others say, but we're glad that you found a Trainer that you can relate to." Tonio agreed.

 'You have no idea just how alike we are. Both of us have been discriminated one way or another. We've both lead miserable lives and lived in solitude. Nothing but pain and misery.' Darkrai said surprising those who didn't know that fact. Ashley rubbed her left wrist as memories came flooding back to when she was younger. Memories of blood dripping into a puddle, whimpers of pain, thoughts of being unloved by anyone except her mom and Professor Oak. Her mother crying for her when she saw the damage inflicted upon her precious daughter. Her thoughts were broken when Paul snapped her back to reality.

 "Hey are you okay?" He asked concerned. 

 "H-hai." Ashley lied.

 "You sure? You look like you were having a flashback. On top of that you're holding your wrist." Paul pointed out.

 "I'm fine. Really." Ashley lied again. Everyone who noticed Ashley's behavior knew she was lying but none pressed her on it. The Mew Duo were the only ones present who knew what Ashley was trying to hide. They were going to talk to her later about it. 

"What's that monster doing back in this town!?!" A new voice asked in anger. 

"I thought we ran that Darkrai out!" The man exclaimed. 

 "Alberto will you stop with that nonsense!" Alice berated. 

"Darkrai is as harmless as a Butterfree!" She added. 

 "Pfff. More like a Beedrill." Alberto corrected. 

 "You know I don't like people who discriminate Pokemon." Ashley stated angrily. 

 "Well we weren't intentionally trying to run Darkrai out." Alberto said. 

 "Really?" Brock asked unconvinced. 

 "We were trying to kill it." Alberto corrected adding fuel to the fire. Unknown to him he was talking to two Pokemon Rangers and two members of the Government (PR: Ashley and Jackie. GM: Ashley and Lance). 

 "You do know that we can haul you in for that!" Lance berated.

 "Who are you the authorities?" Alberto asked sarcastically. "Much higher than that actually." Ashley replied. 

 "Me and Ashley are top members of the Government tasked with hunting down anyone involved with Pokemon Cruelty." Lance added. 

 "And me and Ashley are Pokemon Rangers." Jackie added as he joined the two. 

 "And I'm the Aura Goddess. A divine being created to bring balance to the Pokemon World." Ashley added. Alberto paled at the three who had looks of disgust on their faces. 

"I'll be going now. How about we forget all about this nasty business huh? Let's go Alice." Alberto ushered. 

 "I've told you time and time again Alberto I'm not in love with you...especially now that you've just admitted that you tried to kill Darkrai!" Alice berated. 

"If anyone I'm in love with it's Tonio. He's kind and has better moral standards than you do so." She added pulling her eyelid down and sticking her tongue out like a child. 

 "Fine. But you have not heard the last of Baron Alberto." Alberto said as he left. 

 "Man that guy's full of it." Ashley thought. Suddenly a hoop appeared out of thin air and coming out was. 

"Allay Hoopa Ring!" Hoopa the Mischief Pokemon. 

"Were you surprised? Huh were you?" He asked. 

 "Well you certainly surprised a lot of people. What are you doing here Hoopa? Shouldn't you be in Kalos?" Ashley asked.

"Hoopa wanted to join Goddess. Hoopa gets bored a lot now because there's no fun anymore." Hoopa replied depressingly. 

 "Oh Hoopa if you want to join you're more than welcome to." Ashley assured cheering the Mischief Pokemon right up. "Yay yay yay! Hoopa get to be with Goddess!" Hoopa exclaimed in joy. 

 "*Giggle* You can call me Ashley...or Ash for short." Ashley said. 

 "Ashkan!" Hoopa exclaimed excitedly. 

 "That works too I suppose. This is my partner Lucario." She introduced. "Ashkan and Lukan!" Hoopa greeted.

 "Ashkan, Lukan, Ashkan, Lukan, Ashkan, Lukan!" He said excitedly as he circled the duo.

 "Playful isn't he?" Misty asked.

 "And adorable!" Dawn added causing Hoopa to stop and blush. Then he tapped on a Pokeball on Ashley's belt and was immediately captured then he came out.

 "Hoopa have present for Ashkan!" Hoopa said definitely surprising Ashley. Hoopa reached into his ring and brought out a tall bottle. 

 "The Prison Bottle." Ashley deduced. 

 "What's the Prison Bottle?" Brock asked. "It's a bottle that contains Hoopa's Unbound Forme." Clemont replied. 

 "That's certainly going to come in handy." Lysandre commented.

 "We really need to go. I'll give you a tour of the Space-Time Towers if you want." Alice offered.

 "Yes please." Were her responses. 

 "Well since there's so many of you a lot of you will have to ride on some Flying Types. Who wants to go on the Hot Air Balloon?" Alice asked. 

 "Us!" Jessie, James, and Meowth replied as they got in the Hot Air Balloon. Ashley, Paul, and Gary rode on Lugia. Some rode on other different Pokemon that could fly. It didn't take long to reach the top of the Space-Time Towers. Before they did anything they were greeted by Palkia and Dialga (original).

 'Greetings Ashley. I take it that you're enjoying yourself?' Dialga asked. 

 "You bet! I've been having a lot of fun. My beginning didn't start off as I hoped but my journey has improved exponentially." Ashley replied. 

"I even met lots of new friends." She added. 

 'And lots of mates I assume judging by the amount of males in your group.' Palkia said causing Ashley to blush. 

 "Yes." Ashley mumbled. When they stayed at hotels or Pokemon Centers Ashley had a lot of sex. Some were three-ways. Her mom kept nagging her that she didn't want to be a grandmother just yet when she overheard Gary on the Xtransceiver boast about how great it was. Delia ranted for awhile about using protection making her feel embarrassed and then slapped Gary upside the head after she was done talking to her mom. She certainly won't hear the end of it from her mom because now not only will she get the 'don't forget to change your panties' lecture she'll be getting the 'don't forget to use protection' lecture now. 

 'Anyways enough embarrassing you. We have a request. We wish to join you.' Palkia said bluntly.

 "Well I have Arceus and Giratina, might as well have the whole collection of the gods of creation." Ashley thought.

 "Alright then, welcome to the family." Ashley said as she caught both Palkia and Dialga. "Are we ready to continue?" Alice asked as she lead the group into the room in between the towers. 

"This is where the music is played." Alice explained as she put in a large plate and pulled a large lever which resulted in music being played throughout the town. 

 "Wow." Was all anyone could say. Even Hoopa and Mew stopped playing with each other to listen to the wonderful music. After awhile the group went back down so Ashley and Dawn could prepare for their Contest. At the Pokemon Center Nurse Joy asked Wallace if he'd be a judge for the Alamos Contest to which he happily agreed. As usual the contestants showed off their best moves and Ashley came out after Zoey. Ashley wore a dark blue dress with trims of light blue, a silver chest piece with a blue jewel, gray converses, and a silver tiara. 

 "She really likes to dress like her Pokemon when it comes to Contests." Brock thought blushing madly. Lucario, Hoopa and Mew were Ashley's cheerleaders. Where did they get those outfits? 

"Dialga Spotlight!" Ashley called out. 

"Roar of Time!" Ashley called out as Dialga roared to speed time up. 

"Now use Flamethrower Counter Shield!" Ashley ordered. Did everybody hear that correctly? Did she say 'Flamethrower Counter Shield'? Dialga used Flamethrower to build a pillar around himself.

 "Now use Blizzard!" She ordered as Dialga used the Ice Type move to put out the Counter Shield. 

"Let's end this with Dragon Rage!" She ordered. Dialga charged up all his Draconic energy and released it into the sky.

 "Another wonderful performance by Ashley Ketchum from Pallet Town! Everybody please give our contenders another round of applause!" The MC announced.

 "Now we'll be getting into the main action!" She added. 

 "So Wallace who do ya think's going to win this one?" Mr. Contesta asked. 

 "Without a shadow of a doubt I'd say Ashley is going to bring home another Ribbon. She HAS won every Ribbon in Kanto. I wouldn't be surprised if she got every Ribbon in Sinnoh or Hoenn." Wallace replied. "That she has. BUT she HAS came close to losing so her streak might eventually end." Mr. Contesta stated. "We'll see. She's really clever when it comes to Contests. Even though she HAS come close to losing she always comes out on top." Wallace stated very proudly. 

 "Well you do know her better than any of us so we might take you up on that thought Wallace." Mr. Sukizo said. Sure enough After a long day of watching and judging Ashley finally took her place on stage...against a familiar opponent. 

"I guess you and I are regular rivals now how?" Ashley asked.

 "I guess we are Ketchum. I won't hold anything back. Today your streak is going to end." Zoey assured. 

"Glameow on stage!" Zoey called out. 

 "Pfff. Please. Dialga Spotlight!" Ashley called out. Glameow cowered at the sight of the Dragon God of Time who only grinned in amusement. This was going to be easy.

 "Dialga start out with Dragon Metal Claw!" Ashley ordered calmly as Dialga slashed Glameow with the dual attack. 

"Dragon Breath and Dragon Rage!" She ordered. The Dragon Breath paralyzed Glameow which allowed Dragon Rage to hit.

 "Glameow use Fury Swipes!" Zoey ordered. 

 "Dialga swat glameow away with Dragon Iron Tail." Ashley countered. Just as Glameow came in close she was nailed by the dual attack. Dialga looked rather bored which didn't go unnoticed. 

"Is it just me or does Dialga look bored?" Nurse Joy asked.

 "Now that you mention it he does doesn't he?" Mr. Sukizo replied. 

 "Glameow use Double Team and Thunder!" Zoey ordered. 

 "Dialga Counter Shield." Ashley countered as Dialga engulfed himself in a pillar of fire from using Flamethrower. By this time Glameow had used Double Team and was charging Shadow Balls. The attacks didn't phase the Counter Shield however. 

"Let's wrap this up Dialga. Use Ancient Power with Aura Sphere." Ashley ordered as Dialga ended the contest with that and Ashley walked out of the Space-Time Towers with the Alamos Ribbon in her right hand.

 "Dawn's not won a single Ribbon yet." Misty realized. 

At least Ash has been kicking Zoey's ass." Paul thought.

 "True." Brock agreed. "Hey wait!" A new voice shouted getting the group's attention. He then directed his attention to Ashley. 

"Are you by any chance the Aura Goddess?" The man asked. "My name's Professor Newton Graceland." He greeted. 

 "Oh! Well if you're a Professor then yes I am. My name's Ashley Katchum. This is my partner Lucario." Ashley greeted in return. 

 "Amazing! The first Aura Deity to be seen in thousands of years! Sorry I've been stuck in the Distortion World for a long time so I'm just excited to talk to someone other than myself. I used to have a companion but he started having delusions of grandeur. Claiming that he was going to destroy humanity for destroying the Distortion World." Newton explained.

 "Wait. Your companion wasn't Zero was it?" Ashley asked. "*Sigh* Yes he was. He died under a false ideal too. Killed by Giratina." Newton replied. 

"Why don't we talk at the Pokemon Center?" He suggested. "Good idea." Ashley said as she lead the group to the Pokemon Center where she and Newton resumed their conversation. Hoopa and Mew started playing pranks on people, everyone else just did their own thing, Manaphy fell asleep in Ashley's arms. 

 "Sorry but I'm a bit curious. Do you mind if I perform an evaluation?" Newton asked. "It's not every day a Researcher gets to ask a divine being about their life." He added. "I don't know..." Ashley was abruptly cut off by Mewtwo.

 'Ashley. Me and Mew need to speak with you briefly.' He addressed. 'Excuse us Professor.' He excused as he dragged Ashley to the Xtransceivers.

 'We've been meaning to talk to you about this but we've never brought it up until now.' He started. 'Ashley this could be therapy for you. Talking to someone about your problems will relieve a lot of stress.' Mew assured.

 'The way we see it you can either allow him to evaluate you giving you closure or you can deny the evaluation and continue living with the burden. We're not forcing you to make this decision by any means, we're just concerned for you and we want you to get this off your chest.' Mewtwo said. 

 "You're right. Both of you are right." Ashley said before walking back to Newton. "Still want that evaluation?" Ashley asked. 

 "If it's not too much trouble." Newton replied. "*Sigh* Here it goes. My childhood wasn't the most pleasant. Everybody knew I had Aura Powers but only few knew who I really was." Ashley said before turning her gaze to Gary who was talking to a few of the group members. "Gary and a few neighbor kids made my childhood hell. The psychological torment was enough to make me..." She stopped and rubbed her wrist again which didn't go unnoticed by the Professor. "You started cutting didn't you?" He asked receiving a nod in return. "My mom found me one day. She took me to the Pokemon Center in Viridian City but Nurse Joy said I'd make a full recovery and was surprised to find the scars literally if they were never there to begin with." Ashley replied. Paul and Maxie being the two nearest in proximity heard this and had scowls on their faces. Paul glared at Gary with a murderous look.

 "I can't tell you how unloved I felt back then. Especially knowing my father left before I was born." She added. Mew felt guilty, she knew she should've told Ashley sooner but her being so innocent had to live with a half-lie. Yes her father did leave but that was only because he had take part in a war...a war in which he didn't return from. However Mew knew that he was declared a war hero, and hopefully soon she can reveal the truth. The longer Ashley had to believe this only broke Mew's heart more. Newton could tell that there was going to be more tragedy so he decided to end it there.

 "You don't have to keep going if you don't want to." He assured. "That's fine. Thanks for listening to my tragic childhood stories." Ashley said. Soon Newton parted ways and the group spent the night at the Pokemon Center. Feeling much better that Ashley got that off her chest had a much better sleep without the Cresselia feather...especially being in the arms of Lance that night.

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