Chapter 24

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(A/N: I'm skipping some Gym Battles and Contests for the sake of time.)

  After winning more Gym Badges but losing a Contest in Celestic Town surprisingly, instead Dawn won. Ashley lost to someone named Ursula. Ashley and the gang found themselves in Hearthome City...where Ashley will be facing a Ghost Type Gym Leader. They went straight for the Pokemon Center to rest. For Ashley that rest was cut short by a boy wearing green with glasses peeking over her shoulder. 

"Your hair smells like Cheri Berries." The boy commented scaring the living hell out of her which scared Manaphy who was sleeping in her arms.  

"Who the hell are you!?! And how did you sneak up on me like that!?!" Ashley asked trying to slow her heart down from the sudden scare. 

"My name's Conway. I'm such a big fan of yours." Conway greeted.  Ashley's discomfort meter started to rise rapidly around this guy. Something told her that she had a stalker now. 

"Uh...that's nice?" Ashley said uncomfortably. Her tone didn't go unnoticed and Gary and Paul were quickly by Ashley's side.  

"Alright listen. We can tell that you're creeping her out so how about you leave before things get ugly." Paul threatened. 

"Come now. You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would you?" Conway asked.  "Yeah we would." Gary and Paul replied simultaneously. 

 "Do I look like someone who doesn't hold back?" Paul asked.  "Noted. I'll just take my leave." Conway said before scurrying out the door.  

"Man what a creep." Paul thought. Then he saw Brock sniffing Ashley's hair.  

'He's right it does smell like Cheri Berries. I wonder if she uses them as conditioner.' He thought.  

"*Sigh* I rest my case." Paul said to nobody in particular. Then he heard an "oof" and saw Brock being dragged away by Croagunk. 

"What's with all the perverts!?!" He asked annoyed.  

"The burdens of being female I'm afraid." Maxie replied.  After awhile Ashley and the group went to the Gym. 

"Hello. I'm Ashley Ketchum. I'm here for a Gym Battle." Ashley said.  "Granted. We shall have a 3-on-3, no time limit." The Gym Leader said as she and Ashley took their places in the boxes. 

"I'm Fantina by the way." She greeted. Misdreavus you're on." She called out.  

"A Ghost Type huh? Darkrai I choose you!" Ashley called out. 

 "Great choice. Darkrai certainly has the advantage over me. Misdreavus use Shadow Ball!" Fantina ordered. 

 "Darkrai dodge and use Dark Void followed by Dark Pulse!" Ashley countered. Misdreavus launched the Ghost Type attack only to miss. Darkrai on the other hand nailed his target effectively putting her to sleep followed by a blast to the face with Dark Pulse.

 "Now use Nightmare!" Ashley ordered. Suddenly Misdreavus was being hurt in her sleep and started panicking. Then Darkrai used Dark Pulse and sent Misdreavus flying.  

"Misdreavus use Astonish!" Fantina ordered.  

"I'm changing it up a bit. Darkrai do whatever you want." Ashley said.  

'As you wish your highness.' Darkrai acknowledged as he phased through the floor to avoid the attack and dashed over to Misdreavus to attack from below. Then he returned to his side of the field to patiently wait for Fantina to give her next command to Misdreavus. 

 "Misdreavus Confuse Ray!" Fantina ordered. Misdreavus fired the attack only to have Darkrai twist slightly to avoid the Ghost Type attack and retaliated with more Dark Void and Dark Pulse. This kept up until Misdreavus was COMPLETELY out. 

"Misdreavus return. Drifloon your turn!" Fantina called out. 

 "Darkrai are good to battle?" Ashley asked. 

 'Of coarse your highness.' Darkrai assured.  

"Always so formal." Ashley thought to herself. Darkrai then started pounding Drifloon with Dark Void and Dark Pulse.  

"Darkrai sure likes to use that particular combination." James thought. 

 "He sure does. But if it gets the job done then who cares right?" Jessie stated.  "Meowth, you're right about d'at." Meowth agreed.  Darkrai didn't allow Fantina to give a command and continued pounding Drifloon with Dark Void and Dark Pulse. He was just letting Ashley toy with Fantina before but now that she's letting her entire team battle freely they won't give their opponents the opportunity to retaliate. Not any more. Soon Drifloon evolved into Drifblim.  

"Drifblim use Shadow Ball!" Fantina ordered. Drifblim charged the Shadow Ball only to be hit with another Dark Void and Dark Pulse. 

"Drifblim return. Gengar your up!" Fantina called out but was unable to call out an attack do to Darkrai pounding Gengar with Dark Void and Dark Pulse. This battle didn't last any longer than the others. 

"Gengar return. Congratulations Ashley, here's the Relic Badge." Fantina said as she gave Ashley the badge. 

 "Arigato Fantina." Ashley thanked.  

"Perhaps we'll face each other on the stage. You might have beaten me in battle but can you handle my Coordination style?" Fantina asked.  "

I guess we'll see." Ashley said before walking out of the Gym with her friends. Later they got rooms at the Pokemon Center to rest for the Contest tomorrow. Ashley for the first time since she started traveling had slept alone...much to her's and the other guy's dismay...well she wasn't completely alone, she did have Manaphy. Later that night Conway sneaked into her room and got a pretty good look at her. Only her feet were in her covers (because it was hot in her room and there was no air condition). She was wearing light blue panties with a light blue top that exposed her stomach. Her chest was bigger than Jessie's which only added to Conway's lust. He loomed over her and placed his hands on her thighs and was about to start until. 

"Get the fuck off of me you perverted son of a bitch before I get Lucario to kick your ass." Ashley mumble threatened in her sleep. 

 'Kuso. How? How does she...?' Conway asked in his mind.  

"I'm keeping my guard up at all times now. I'm sick and tired of bad things happening to me so you're not getting the drop on me again." Ashley replied before launching Conway off of her with her Aura causing a loud noise waking up all her friends. 

 "What the hell's going on in here?" Paul asked being the first one on scene. Then he saw Conway and looked over to Ashley who quickly covered herself. Everyone was pissed now. It didn't take a Psychic to tell that Conway had tried to rape her. Paul and Gary beat the living shit out of him before throwing him off of Ashley's balcony and landed in a large trash bin.  "Shit. I almost had her. Damn that Aura." Conway thought.  

"Whelp he won't be bothering you any time soon." Gary assured. 

 "From now on someone needs to stay with you so this shit won't happen again." Paul suggested. 

 "A fair suggestion Paul. I'll stay the rest of the night with her." Jackie volunteered.  "Who was that guy?" Clemont asked. 

 "That's just Conway. He's been stalking Ash for awhile now. He's a major creep." Misty replied.  

"Yeah. I can't believe he tried to rape her." Dawn said with major concern.  

"At least he got what he deserved." Archie stated. 

 "Hopefully this is the last time we'll see the likes of him." Giovanni added.  

"We should get back to bed. We have a Contest to attend tomorrow." Wallace suggested.  "Splendid idea. We don't wish to be exhausted now do we?" Maxie asked as he and everyone else save for Jackie went back to their respected rooms.  

"Are you alright Ash?" Jackie asked.  "I'll be fine. Thanks for the concern." Ashley replied.  Jackie chuckled before kissing her forehead. 

"Goddess or not, you're worth worrying over." Jackie stated causing Ashley to blush. Both parties went to sleep shortly after. Morning came and Ashley was the first up. She silently crept into the bathroom to take a shower. As she was washing she thought of past events throughout her life and was surprised that she went from antisocial to having various lovers and felt...different. Positive emotions flooded through her...something she hadn't felt during her childhood years, granted the only positive thing she remembered was playing with Pokemon especially Mew...however what Professor Oak stumbled upon at one point 5 years ago was that she was playing with strange Pokemon that his apprentice Professor Spencer Hale has been investigating called the Unown. He quickly discovered that these Unown had shown themselves to her because of her loneliness. They were there to comfort her. That day was the first and last time she had seen those strange Pokemon. Her thoughts were broken by the sound of knocking on the bathroom door. "You alright in there?" Jackie asked.  

"H-Hai. I'll be out shortly." Ashley replied.  

"Save me some hot water please." Jackie said.  Shortly Ashley got out of the shower and put on a change of panties (same color), and another top (also same color), and left the bathroom. "All yours." She said as she put on an icy blue dress with feathers. She looked into a nearby mirror and used made a tiara out of pure ice by using Ice Beam, and used her Aura to change her hair from black to icy blue, and topped it all off with icy blue stilettos. After awhile Jackie came out of the shower dressed in his normal Ranger outfit and marveled at Ashley in her Contest dress.

  "I take it that you're using Articuno this time." Jackie deduced.  

"Yep." Ashley replied. Then she took out a Pokeball. "Darkrai will you be a dear and wake everybody up?" Ashley asked as she released the Pitch-Black Pokemon.  'At once your highness.' Darkrai replied as he left.  "That really aggravates me." Ashley thought.

 "What the whole 'highness' thing?" Jackie asked.  "Yes. Some of these Legendary Pokemon are TOO formal. Just because I'm a deity doesn't mean they have to be so formal." Ashley replied before hearing screams echoing down the hall.  'I have done as you wished milady.' Darkrai said as he came back in the room.  "Thanks Darkrai." Ashley said before returning him to his ball. "Mew, Mewtwo, and Lucario come on out." Ashley released the Pokemon.  

'Wow! Looking good Ash.' Mew gushed.  'Indeed. You look absolutely beautiful.' Mewtwo agreed with a rare smile on his face causing Ashley to blush. Later that day Ashley and the group went to the Contest Hall. Dawn was first to show off, then Kenny, then Fantina, then Zoey, and finally Ashley was up.  "Articuno Spotlight!" Ashley called out. Articuno then used Ice Beam to sculpt a statue of Wallace impressing everyone. Soon the main event came up and after annihilating there opponents Ashley was facing Fantina, while Dawn faced Zoey.  

"Misdreavus on stage!" Fantina called out.  

"Articuno Spotlight!" Ashley called out.  "Misdreavus use Ominous Wind!" Fantina ordered. Articuno used Icy Wind as a Counter Shield to block the Ominous Wind causing Fantina to lose points.

"Use Shadow Ball!" Fantina ordered. Articuno used Ice Beam to destroy the Shadow Ball and used Freeze-Dry to encase Misdreavus in ice. Then she used Hail which not only caused Fantina to lose more points, but free Misdreavus. "Misdreavus use Shadow Sneak!" Fantina ordered but Articuno was way ahead of her. She flew up to the highest point of the Hall and waited for Misdreavus to attack and sure enough when she did Articuno used Sheer Cold to knock Misdreavus out cold (literally and figuratively). Dawn yet again lost to Zoey.  

"Congratulations Ash on your fourth Ribbon." Wallace praised. Ashley knew that Dawn hadn't won that many contests and could feel the sadness emanating from her new friend.  

"Hey Dawn I can stop competing for awhile if that's okay." Ashley suggested catching everybody off guard.  "What? But you're doing so well. Why do you want to stop?" Dawn asked.

  "Because it's not fair that I'm getting all the glory, I'll only stop to let you catch up. You're my friend Dawn and I'll do anything for my friends...even if that means taking a temporary break. I want you to succeed." Ashley replied before hugging Dawn.  "Are you sure that's what you want Ash?" Brock asked.  "Absolutely. I have enough Ribbons back home so four is enough from Sinnoh." Ashley replied.  "I thought you said you taking a temporary break." Jessie said.  "I am. But I'm also done with Sinnoh until we reach the Festival." Ashley assured.  "If that's what you want then we won't argue." Brock said. So with that Ashley and the group left to continue their journey.

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