Chapter 6

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Mewtwo and Lance stared each other down. The latter smirking in victory. It had been a very close battle. They both manage to get down to one Pokemon left. Riolu ended up evolving into a Lucario, Pidgeotto and Spearow evolved into Pidgeot and Fearow. Lucario was the last one Mewtwo had versus Lance's Haxorus. Lucario was ultimately defeated by Haxorus' Dragon Rage. Mewtwo couldn't believe he had lost despite how close he was. He thought he would get to keep Ashley. He failed. It wasn't fair dammit! He was trying to protect her and now these Humans were taking her away from him! He never felt more broken in the short time he was created. He had to protect her. He needed her. Mewtwo fell on his knees, depressed that Ashley was being taken from him. "A deal's a deal Mewtwo. I won." Lance reminded.  'It's not fair.' Mewtwo thought. 'I was protecting her from those cruel and inhumane bastards. Please don't take her from me.' Mewtwo begged.  "Where is she?" Lance asked seriously.  'Upper level. Fifth floor. Third door on the left.' Mewtwo replied as he quickly pulled out a key card.

 'You will need this to gain access.' He said as he reluctantly relinquished the key. 'Take her and leave.' He warned.  Lance and the others found the door easily. Lance slid the key card and the door opened. They saw Ashley sleeping peacefully on a bed with a plate that was devoid of any food except crumbs sitting on a bedside table. When the light hit her face she saw her friends all looking at her with relief written on their faces. She was then tackled by some of her Pokemon who began hugging her and nuzzling her affectionately...but while everyone else's Auras were of joy and relief, there was one that was depressed, and broken. She got up and led the group back down to the Battlefield to see Mewtwo continuing his sulking.

 "You could come with us if you want." She suggested catching Mewtwo's attention. "That way you don't have to be alone and protect me. I've lived in isolation before. The only people I really ever talked to were my mom and Professor Oak. Other than that I was distant from everyone else. Come with us and we can change together." She said holding out her hand waiting for his next action patiently.  Mewtwo looked at her for a minute before looking at the group. He looked back at her and asked. 'You truly trust them don't you? Despite what everyone else did to you, you put a lot of trust into these three.'

  "I do. And you can trust them too. Not everyone is like Gary or Team Rocket. There's a life greater than living in fear and isolation. Come with me and I'll show you true happiness and freedom." She replied.  Mewtwo looked at her hand before hastily taking it, letting Ashley pull him off the ground. 'I'll trust your judgement. I'll come with you.' Mewtwo said as he used Psychic to pull a Pokeball out from Ashley's backpack and allowed himself to be captured. Then Ashley let him back out.  "How do you feel so far?" She asked.  'Better. Thank you for everything.' Mewtwo replied pulling her into a hug.  Once they separated Ashley addressed her group. "We need to be going to Cerulean City." She said. before teleporting herself and the others to Cerulean Cave.  "Ashley you didn't mention you could do that! Why the hell have we been walking!?!" Misty asked.

  "I wanted to take my time and catch Pokemon. You don't expect me to beat Gym Leaders with just Lucario do you?" Ashley asked.  "I guess you have a point there. But why are we at the cave?" Misty asked.  'Because there's trouble in there.' Mewtwo replied using his Psychic vision.  Sure enough a man came running out being chased by Zubat and Golbat. "Mew, Mewtwo use Psychic on those Bats!" Ashley ordered. Soon all the Zubats and Golbats were laying fainted on the ground. Among the luck Ashley caught a Shiny Zubat and scanned it upon releasing it. Brock caught a normal one. Then Ashley used her Aura to heal and send the Bats back inside.  "Thank you so much!" The man addressed Ashley.  "No problem. What's your name?" She asked.  "Professor Seymour. I was investigating something related to the Clefairy and Clefable when I saw that someone had put those lamps up. When I saw how it was effecting the Pokemon I tried taking them down, only for them to be replaced a day later." Seymour replied.  "Everyone follow me into the cave. Mew use Flash so we can see." Mew glowed pink so they could see but not too much to blind the Nocturnal Pokemon while Ashley was using her Aura to guide their way. Once they got to a particular part of the cave they saw what Seymour was talking about. On the side of the lamp was a big red 'R'. "Team Rocket!" Ashley growled as she started to remember the torture they put her through. Her reminiscing didn't go unnoticed though. Everyone looked at her in concern...Mewtwo was the only one who knew what happened to her. Ashley clenched her fist. "I'm going to make them pay for torturing me." She darkly vowed shocking everyone except Mewtwo. Her eyes turned from brown to light blue as her rage was overwhelming her. She used her Aura to destroy the lamps and tracked down Team Rocket. When they did said trio was fearing for their lives. "You should have minded your damned business. Now I'll make you pay for torturing me!" Ashley threatened.

  "We're sorry. We're sorry. Please don't hurt us." James begged.  "Hahahaha! You hurt me so why shouldn't I do the same?" Ashley laughed darkly.  Her Aura came out as a miniature explosion but powerful enough to knock the trio against the cave wall. She then used Telekinesis to toss them about like rag dolls, then sent them flying with an Aura Sphere. "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" They exclaimed as they disappeared in the horizon.  Everyone was afraid of her at this point. If such a kind girl can go dark in seconds you really ought to watch your actions in front of her. She turned and walked past her friends with her bangs shadowing her eyes but a scowl was clearly evident on her face. "Is she going to be alright?" Misty asked Mewtwo.  'Afraid not. When Team Rocket tortured her she changed from the kind and innocent girl who doesn't like to get physical to dark and extremely provoked.' Mewtwo replied. 'Trust me. It's best you not know what happened in that lab.' He warned.  "I'll keep that in mind." Misty said.  

"Anyway we can get the old Ashley back?" Lance asked.  '*Sigh* There may be a way but I don't know how.' Mewtwo admitted.  Arceus was watching everything from on his throne. 'But I do. Years of torment has finally made her snap. Now it looks like it's up to me to restore my Goddess back to her original self.' He thought as he left the Hall of Origin. No longer able to bear seeing Ashley the way she is.  Back with Ashley. She was just walking not even paying attention until she felt a tug on her leg. She looked down to see a Clefairy. 

'Excuse me Aura Goddess but can you follow me please?' She asked.  "Sure." Ashley replied with a cheery smile as she and the others followed the Clefairy to an opened area with a massive stone in the middle of a gathering of Clefairy and Clefable. Ashley and the others were awed by the sight before them.  "Greetings Aura Goddess and welcome to our home." She was greeted by a Clefable. "You have our thanks for being rid of those Thieves. As a thanks we want you to have this Shiny Clefairy and Shiny Jigglypuff." He offered.  "Are you the leader of these Clefairy and Clefable?" Ashley asked.  

"Yes. I'm the King actually." The Clefable corrected.  "Oh. Yeah that's fine but I don't help just to be rewarded later. I just do it out of kindness." Ashley said.  "Even so acting out of kindness leads to rewards. Not many Trainers are as humble as you are unfortunately. In order to evolve Clefairy you'll need a Moon Stone." King Clefairy said as he gave her a Moon Stone. Then a Shiny Clefairy and a Shiny Jigglypuff walked up to her who in turned captured the duo.  After awhile the gang made their way to Cerulean City after they parted ways with Seymour. On their way Ashley managed to catch a Shiny Eevee. 

"Whelp. We're here." Ashley said enthusiastically.  "Yay." Misty said sarcastically.  "What's with her?" Lance asked Ashley.  "Misty hates her sisters that's why she's not so enthusiastic about being here." Ashley replied.  "Ah." Lance thought. Suddenly Lance got a call on his phone. He looked at the number and grimaced. "Hello?" He answered.  "Where the hell have you been!?!" A feminine voice asked in anger.  "I can explain Lorelei. You know that girl that was kidnapped by Team Rocket I told you about?" Lance asked.  

"Yeah. The 'Aura Goddess' you called her." Lorelei replied.  "Well I'm traveling with her now. We can't afford that happening again." Lance said. 

 "*Sigh* Alright. Just call from time to time, you have no idea how much you made us worried." Lorelei said.  

"I will. See ya." Lance assured as he hung up. "Well? What are we standing around for? Let's get going?" Lance addressed the group. But before they set foot into the city the skies opened up to reveal Arceus in all his glory as he trotted down to meet the group. 

 'Hello my Chosen One. It's good to see you.' Arceus greeted the raven-haired girl.  "L-Lord Arceus! To what do I owe this unexpected visit?" Ashley asked bowing before the Alpha Pokemon.  'I assure you this is no visit.' Arceus replied surprising the group. 'I have come join you. I can no longer bear the thought of you suffering any longer.' He added to which Ashley nodded in understanding.  "I'm sorry if I caused you so much stress Lord Arceus." Ashley apologized. 

 'To me you're worth the stress though.' Arceus assured with a smile as he used his Psychic Plate to levitate a Pokeball, allowing himself to be captured. Then it fell back into Ashley's hand.  "Damn Ashley. You're gonna have a badass team by the time you get to the Indigo League." Lance complimented causing the girl to blush.  They kept on walking until they were stopped by a man who was selling rare and valuable stuff. 

"I can tell you need some of my products." He addressed Ashley. "Come over here and I'll show you some of my merchandise." He ushered.  'Do it. You'll need them for later.' Arceus consented.  "What kind of merchandise?" Ashley asked.  

"Stones. But not just any stones. Evolution Stones even Mega Evolution Stones that came in all the way from the Kalos Region." The man replied.  "Mega Evolution?" Ashley asked curiously.  "Allow me to explain. Mega Evolution is a temporary Evolutionary stage for final Evolved Pokemon. The Pokemon in its final Evolved form holds a Mega Stone while the Trainer holds a Key Stone. Allow me to demonstrate. Might I use your Lucario for just a moment?" He asked. Lucario looked at her mistress before Ashley consented. 

"Excellent. Here use this medallion. I'll give the same medallion with the Mega Stone to Lucario and all you have to do is touch the Key Stone centered in yours." He instructed. Ashley did as instructed and Lucario began to change. Now she had spikes on her foreshoulders, two spikes on each front and hind paw, her tendrils were longer with red at the tips, her paws were the same as the tendrils, her tail was puffier, and her entire body had markings on it.  "Wow Lucario! You look badass!" Ashley complimented.  

'I feel like a powerhouse now.' Lucario commented.  "That's the beauty of Mega Evolution. Aside from looks, it gives your Pokemon a boost in stats such as Attack, Special Attack, Defense, Special Defense, and Speed." The man corrected.  "Wow! That WILL be useful! How much?" Ashley asked.  "They're free. Nobody buys them for whatever reason. I'll also throw in the Evolution Stones if you want." The man offered.  "Alright. I'll take them." Ashley replied.  "For a small fee I'll give you accessories or attach the Stones to accessories you already possess." The man offered.

  "How much?" Ashley asked.  "150 Pokedollars" The man replied.  "Credit or Cash?" Ashley asked holding her arm with the PokeGear out.  "Credit will do. I see you have the PokeGear. Very useful for keeping up with financial stuff." The man commented as he deducted 150 from her bank and went to go get an accessory for Lucario. Then he put a Key Stone in Ashley's Arceus Amulet. "Thank you for shopping. Please come again." He bade as the gang continued to head for the Gym.  

Meanwhile Team Rocket was back to their old antics again. "That Lucario sure is strong with Mega Evolution." Jessie commented.  

"Yes but she IS the Pokemon of the Aura Goddess. I don't know about you Jessie but I don't want to die young." James complained.  "*Sigh* You're right James. Maybe we should just give up after that fiasco in Cerulean Cave." Jessie agreed.  "Glad you two can put your common sense in. D'at girl took 8 of my 9 lives and I don't have any intention of pissing her off again." Meowth said.  "After she went through that torture in Jager's lab I doubt she'll forgive us." James thought depressingly crying waterfalls. 

 "We don't know unless we try." Meowth said determinedly.  "Let's mark this day as a new leaf for Team Rocket!" Jessie added optimistically.  "If she's willing to forgive us we get to make a new friend!" James thought excitedly.  Meanwhile with Ashley and the gang. They made it to the Gym, and Ashley was stoked to get her second badge. Since you had to wear a swimsuit for the Gym Battle Ashley was glad she remembered to pack one. Her favorite light blue two piece with an Aura symbol that she personally added. When they got inside the pool area they met Misty's sisters Lily, Violet, and Daisy Waterflower...and Brock just had to get flirty with them until Misty yanked him away by the ear. 

"Hi. My name's Ashley Ketchum from Pallet Town. I came here for a Gym Battle for the Cascade Badge." Ashley introduced.  "Another one from Pallet? Look kid we fought three others from Pallet Town and lost so our Pokemon are in recovery right now." Lily said.  "Oh. But Misty's a Gym Leader too isn't she? Maybe I could have a battle with her." Ashley thought.  "Hey that's a great idea. Yeah I'll battle you Ashley. First we need to change." Misty agreed as she directed Ashley to the changing room. Not long after they both came out in swimwear to which Brock couldn't help but think Ashley looked hot in hers. Not far behind Brock and Lance were the Team Rocket Trio which James and Meowth couldn't help but drool over Ashley. Much to their misfortune Jessie hit them with her paper fans...again growing a tick mark in agitation.  "This is a two on two Gym Battle between Ashley Ketchum and Gym Leader Misty Waterflower. There is no time limit but the one who runs out of Pokemon first loses. Ready go!" Lily announced.  "Misty calls Staryu!" Misty released.  

"Fearow I choose you!" Ashley released.  "Staryu start off with Water Gun!" Misty ordered.  

"Dodge it Fearow and use Gust!" Ashley countered. 

Fearow got out of the way just in time to avoid Staryu's attack then used a strong Gust to blow Staryu off the field and collide with a wall.  "Oh that's gotta hurt." James and Brock thought simultaneously.  "Staryu get back in there and use Tackle!" Misty ordered as Staryu jumped up and launched himself at the Beak Pokemon.  "Fearow dodge and use Aerial Ace!" Ashley countered. Fearow got out of the way fast enough to avoid getting hit by Staryu and turned to perform an Aerial Ace which caused Staryu to drop into the water.  "Staryu do another Tackle!" Misty ordered.  "Wait for it Fearow then use Peck!" Ashley ordered.  Once Staryu came out of the water Fearow Pecked him back down causing Staryu to faint. "Staryu is unable to battle. Fearow wins. Gym Leader send out your last Pokemon." Lily announced.  "Good job Staryu get some rest. Misty calls Starmie!" Misty released.  "Good job Fearow. You deserve a rest." Ashley praised.  'I hardly even broke a sweat. I'm just getting warmed up.' Fearow assured.  "Oh. Okay. If you want to keep battling." Ash consented. 

 "Wow. That Fearow is mean." Jessie commented.  "It's much bigger than an average Fearow. I wonder if Ashely takes care of her Pokemon to make them grow that big." James thought.  "Obviously. The Aura Goddess is a nurturing mother to all Pokemon according to legend." Meowth replied.  "Really? No wonder they like her." James commented.  "Alright Starmie. Start off with Confuse Ray!" Misty ordered.  "Oh no! Fearow get out of there!" Ashley ordered. To late Fearow was confused and started beating his head against the ceiling and floor to make the room stop spinning.  "Now Starmie use Hydro Pump!" Misty ordered as Starmie shot Fearow with the highly pressurized water attack.  "Come on Fearow You have to snap out of it!" Ashley pleaded. By the time Fearow got his two cents in, he was hit by a tackle by Starmie. Fearow was exhausted at this point...and in pain. "Fearow you tried your best now return." She recalled Fearow to his Pokeball.

"Lucario you're up." She addressed her starter.  'Of coarse. I won't fail you.' Lucario acknowledged as she jumped onto a platform. Then Ashley touched the Key Stone witch activated the Lucarionite causing Lucario to Mega Evolve.  "I see you wanted to test Lucario's Mega Evolution." Misty deduced. "Starmie use Swift!" Misty ordered.  "Hey Lucario let's put our Speed reaction to the test. Use Aura Sphere on those Swift!" Ashley ordered. What she didn't know was that Wallace the Hoenn Champion heard the attack. This girl was clever enough to be a Coordinator. He smiled at the thought. Lucario executed the order perfectly causing sparkles to rain down on the field. Everyone awed at the sight even Wallace was thoroughly impressed by this girl. "Alright Lucario let's end this with another Aura Sphere!" Ashley ordered as Lucario knocked Starmie out with one shot.  "Starmie is unable to battle. The winner is Lucario and Ashley!" Lily announced as the trainers recalled their Pokemon.  "Congrats Ashley. Here's the Cascade Badge as proof of your victory here at the Cerulean City Gym." Misty said as she gave Ashley the badge.  "Thanks Misty. That was fun." Ashley commented. 

 Suddenly they heard a slow clapping. They turned their attention to who was clapping and found none other than Wallace walking towards them. "Indeed. That was fun. That was brilliant how you used Aura Sphere on Swift like that." He addressed Ashley causing her to blush and mentally squeal in excitement. When it came to Pokemon Battles Lance may be her idol, but when it came to Coordinating her idol was Wallace...and here he was complimenting her.  "Th-thanks. But what are you doing here in Kanto?" Ashley asked.  "I was just looking for possible Coordinators. And I can tell that you've got potential miss..." Wallace replied.  "Ketchum. Ashley Ketchum." Ashley introduced. "I must say Wallace I'm a huge fan of yours when it comes to Coordinating." Ashley fawned.  "I'm glad to hear that. Have you by any chance been to the Hoenn Region? It's an especially popular attraction for Coordinators. That and the Sinnoh Region." Wallace asked.  "Actually yes. I've seen your Coordinating in Hoenn live several times." Ashley replied.  

"*Chuckle* If you want to learn more from a master here's my number." Wallace said giving her his card. "It was good to meet you Ashley. I hope we'll see each other again soon." He bade kissing her hand before leaving.  Ashley squealed in excitement blushing as red as a tamato berry. "Damn. This girl gets all the guys." Daisy commented.  "Like seriously though. First Lance now Wallace? Who's next?" Violet asked.  After Ashley and Misty got redressed they walked back into the pool area. Misty wearing the same as usual. Ashley was wearing skinny jeans and a tee-shirt of Arceus on the front with the sleeves cut off. She didn't have a tank top on underneath but instead had a sports bra on. 

Brock and James were ogling at her until Jessie hit James with a paper fan...again and Misty hit Brock with a mallet. "Keep it in your pants idiot!" They berated their respective companions.  "If we're done here can we go already?" Lance asked impatiently.  "Yeah. I want to get to Vermillion City quickly." Ashley agreed. Then the group of four left the Gym only to be stopped by someone Ashley didn't want to see ever again.  "Hey! Wait!" James called out.  Lance, Mewtwo, and Lucario immediately stood in front of Ashley, blocking her from Team Rocket's view. "We're not letting you take her this time! Do you realize the damage you caused her!?!" Lance asked obviously pissed.  'You have turned this kind and innocent girl dark and provoked! We won't let you cause anymore damage!' Mewtwo added.  "Hey we feel remorseful about what we did, now we ask for forgiveness." James assured even if he was frightened.  "Yeah right. You'll just stab her in the back when she's not looking and take her back to be tortured even more." Lance spat.  "Guys it's okay. They genuinely are remorseful. I can sense it in their Auras." Ashley assured.  "You're forgiving them for what they did to you!?!" Brock asked in disbelief.  Ashley just glared at Brock who immediately and wisely backed down. "I forgive you." Ashley addressed the Team Rocket Trio much to their relief.  "Thankyouthankyouthankyou! We promise you won't be disappointed!" They assured. 

 "I better not be. Other wise you'll be so dead you won't even have a soul." Ashley threatened as the trio paled at the thought.  "Sometimes I question your kindness. But whatever, let's just get outta here." Lance said as the group left Cerulean City for Ashley to get her next badge. 

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