Chapter 7

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On their way to Vermillion City Ashley and the gang found a "Gym" in the middle of nowhere and a score bored that read 198 wins and 0 losses and met a boy named A.J. whom Ashley fought against and lost using her Lucario versus A.J.'s Sandshrew. Afterwards they found the Pokemon Technical Institute where Ashley helped a boy against a bunch of bullies and a snot nosed brat named Giselle. Then they found a hidden Pokemon Village where they helped a girl named Melanie help all the Pokemon. Often times Lance would find himself glancing at Ashley who would use her mothering and nurturing, she even got a Bulbasaur afterwards. Then they found a Charmander who was abandoned by his trainer for being weak...oh Ashley and Lance were PISSED, it took Brock and Misty to hold them back from giving that guy a thrashing, in the end Ashley did get Charmander. Then they were caught in a pitfall trap organized by a gang of Squirtle who just like Charmander and Bulbasaur were abandoned by their trainers but after some persuading on Ashley's part managed to gain the leader's trust and she captured him. On the same day she also managed to capture a Shiny Scyther, a Shiny Ralts, and evolved her Eevee into a Sylveon which she thought was adorable. Then they met a reclusive Professor who was trapped in a Kabuto suit. During all that time Caterpie and Weedle evolved into Metapod and Kakuna then later evolved into Butterfree and Beedrill. Finally they made it to Vermillion City. "I have a bad feeling about this." Ashley thought.  

"What makes you say that?" Misty asked. 

 "The Gym Leader Lt. Surge uses his Raichu to hurt beginners' Pokemon badly." Ashley replied causing Misty, Brock, Jessie, James, and Meowth to swallow shallowly. Lance knew this. As Champion of the Elite Four it was part of his duty to make sure Gym Leaders didn't get out of line...however despite the threats he gives that doesn't dissuade the reckless Gym Leaders from continuing their assaults. Ashley was about to discuss a strategy until her egg started glowing.  

"About time." Misty complained.  When the glowing died down instead of an egg being wrapped in Ashley's arms was a baby Dialga. "Ha! Talk about 'time'." Ashley laughed. 

 'Mamma?' Dialga asked tilting his head adorably at her.  "Awe. You're so cute." Ashley cooed hugging the baby Legendary gently. 

 'Mamma. Hungry.' Dialga said.  "Don't worry. When we get to the Pokemon Center I'll ask for some. Okay?" Ashley asked.  'Okay mamma.' Dialga replied.  "Okay. Before we hit the Gym I need to get Dialga some baby food." Ashley said as she ran off with Dialga in her arms, Sylveon on her shoulder, Lucario and Mewtwo beside her, and Mew floating above her. Just as she was about to take off a light blue light engulfed Ashley and Dialga, and when it died down everyone looked at her curiously.  "So that's why it took so long. That egg was a Dialga the Legendary Pokemon of Time." Brock deduced.  "Yes. Dialga's egg takes longer to hatch than a normal Pokemon...however their growth rate is astronomically fast." Lance replied.  "How fast?" Misty asked. 

 "It'll be full grown in 3 weeks time." Lance replied.  Meanwhile with Ashley. She just got some Pokeformula for Dialga after she called her mother. She went over to the couch and sat down to feed. Mewtwo and Lucario sat down beside her while Mew sat on her head. 'He's very cute.' Lucario gushed.  "I just wished I had longer time with him as a baby. It'd give me plenty of motherly experience." Ashley thought.  'Uh...I wouldn't want to be thinking of that at the moment. After all your mother doesn't want to be a GRANDmother just yet.' Lucario pointed out.  "Too late for that." Ashley stated as she pointed at Dialga who was happily enjoying his meal. "Slow down or you're gonna get a bellyache." She warned. After Dialga finished feeding he went to sleep on his mamma's lap.  'You'll be a fine mother one day. You're maternal instincts are a clear indication of that.' Mewtwo assured.  

"Thanks Mewtwo. I'm glad you think so." Ashley said.  Mewtwo smiled at her, but it quickly faded as he thought back to Cerulean Cave. He knew that normally she was a kind and peaceful girl who never acted violent in her life...but in that was like watching a completely different person. She lashed out at Jessie, James, and Meowth...though the action was well justified in his opinion, but still. Since Dialga has now hatched they had to be sure to avoid Team Rocket at ALL times until Dialga grows into maturity. Mewtwo just thanked Arceus that Dialga wasn't hatched when Ashley was taken and tortured. Ashley knew what Mewtwo was thinking and he had every right to be concerned. Until Dialga was old enough to start training Ashley was going to have to avoid Team Rocket at all costs. What she didn't know was that her kidnapping got on international news and now all of the Criminal Syndicates were after her...some with different motives. 

After awhile Dialga woke up allowing Ashley to get ready for her battle. She went out into the forest and let everyone out. Arceus came out in a Human disguise. He was tall, lean, had white and gray hair with a patch of gold, and wore an all white suit with gold trimmings, and gold shoes, his ring was on his back, "Alright guys we need to train before we take on the Vermillion City Gym. The Gym Leader's a hard ass and he uses a Raichu." Ashley warned.  

'Oh great. An Electric Type Gym.' Lucario complained as Pidgeot agreed.  "Yes I know it's not the most pleasant situation but we can get through this. Whether we have an advantage or a disadvantage we can beat Lt. Surge." Ashley assured. 

 'Question; How hard is this Lt. Surge?' Fearow asked.  "He's sent several starting Trainer's Pokemon to ICU." Ashley replied shocking the team. They weren't going to be deterred though. They weren't normal Pokemon. They were strong. They could handle this. "It'll be a one on one Battle so I'll use Lucario." Ashley said. "Lucario from what Mewtwo told me you nearly beat Lance's Haxorus back on New Island. You're the perfect choice for this, I believe in you sis." Ashley assured.  'I won't fail you Ashley.' Lucario assured.  "Now remember. Whether you win or lose I'll still be proud of you." Ashley said. 

"Now let's get training." She ended letting her Pokemon train.  Meanwhile in the Pokemon Center Brock, Misty, Lance, Jessie, James, and Meowth were waiting for their Pokemon to heal until a very familiar face showed up. "Wallace." Lance greeted.  "Lance. Nice to see you again. Have you seen that young Trainer by any chance?" Wallace asked.  "If you're referring to Ashley she went into the woods to train." Lance replied distastefully towards the Coordinator. "Why are you here?" He asked.  "I want to observe my new friend very closely. After that performance in Cerulean City she definitely peeked my interests." Wallace replied.

  "You sure your...sudden interest in Ashley isn't because she's very beautiful not because of her Coordinating skills?" Lance asked.  "A bit of both...I think. While I will admit that she's pretty, I do want to get to know her better." Wallace replied.  "Yeah well, good luck with that. There are some stuff she won't be willing to divulge." Lance warned.  "And you know?" Wallace asked.  "Some of it was...indirectly I'll admit...and unexpectedly." Lance replied rubbing his neck sheepishly.  "Interesting. Well I do know some things about her. It was on international news. Poor girl was tortured by Team Rocket, and she's the Aura Goddess. I do wonder how that bit of information came about?" Wallace asked sarcastically causing Lance to go wide-eyed. Not only do the six regions know about the kidnapping, but her privacy was compromised. How? He thought no one other than the G-Men knew...after all the G-Men knew when to be discreet. They wouldn't divulge any information to the public. So how the hell did this go international!?! How did he miss this!?! The only people outside the G-Men he told were the Elite 4 and even they knew when to not go public with information. Now he not only had to deal with Team Rocket, he now had to prevent the other Criminal Syndicates from getting their hands on her. How long ago it was on the news he didn't know but he was surprised that he hadn't seen any of them...or so he thought. Some Organizations sent out Grunts specifically for recon only and right now Ashley was being spied on by a some Grunts from separate Organizations. 

 "Lord Maxie. We found the girl." A man wearing a red uniform spoke into an earpiece.  "Excellent Tabitha. I want her in one piece. I'll inform Ghetsis and Lysandre. We can not allow her to fall into the hands of Team Rocket, Aqua, and Galactic." A voice warned.  "Yes sir. What are your orders?" Tabitha asked.  "Take our Magma Grunts, Plasma's Grunts, and Flare's Grunts and protect her for now. Once we devise a plan we'll rendezvous at the nearest Kanto town or city." Maxie instructed.  "Yes sir." Tabitha acknowledged.  "If they get their hands on her this world could go up in flames." Maxie thought bitterly as the connection ended.  S

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