⊱Roles and Form⊰

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People on the planets all have different roles to survive. What role will you have?

*NOTE- If your character is 18 or under, he/she MUST BE A STUDENT.

Leaders- (Take control of the planets. They are respected above all. The leaders meet together on the first of every month to discuss what is happening)
2nd in command- (Controls the power of the leader. Can veto or overrule some of leaders rules)
Healer- (Heals those who are injured. Given healing chip)
Healer apprentice- (Learning to heal those who are injured. Given healing chip)
Guardian- (Well respected. Protect people from the creatures on the planet. Well respected)
Advisors- Advise the leaders of the planets.
Musicians- Play music for all to hear
Thiefs/Criminals- Illegal people who steal, kill, and/or break the law.
Citizen- Just a random, 'normal' person.
Students- Children and teens. Start school at the age 4 and end school at the age of 18.
4-6 Pre school
6-10 Elementary school
10-14 Middle school
14-18 High school
18+ College
Teachers- teach the students of technology. Well respected.

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Leader- James Rose Overlord_Actual (1,1)
2nd in command- Sierra Riven VenFire (1,1)
Healer- (0,3)
Healer apprentice- (0,3)
Gaurdians- Cleo Lannin Wonderway32
Cassidy Sage Overlord_Actual
Hunter Rask LightningVibe-Satyr- (3,3)
Advisors- (0,3)
Musicians- (99+)
Thiefs/Criminals- (99+)
Citizen- (99+)
Kody Rhodes Wonderway32
Penelope Fallker @Kat-A-Saurus
Teachers- (99+)
(Feel free to suggest roles!)

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Leader- Jonah Durrows Wonderway32 (1,1)
2nd in command-
Kæden Athena_Poseidon2 (1,1)
Healer- (0,3)
Healer apprentice- (0,3)
Gaurdians- Asima The_Heart_of_January
Elan Athena_Poseidon2 (2,3)
Advisors- (0,3)
Musicians- (99+)
Thiefs- (99+)
Citizen- (99+)
Azura Netheren Wonderway32
Kashari Matamar Kat-A-saurus
Roona @bleedinghearthurts11
Teachers- (99+)
Inventors- Keturah Arina Wonderway32
(Feel free to suggest roles!)

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Leader- Serena Whitecrest goldentigerlily
2nd in command- Jason Harper JasonToddForLife
Myra Baker Wonderway32
Healer apprentice- (0,3)
Gaurdians- Eliza Hope Moon Lolol_Gamer12 (1,3)
Advisors- (0,3)
Musicians- (99+)
Thiefs- (99+)
Collin Levitas (Runaway) Wonderway32 (99+)
Student- (99+)
Teachers- (99+)
(Feel free to suggest roles!)

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⊰Chip type-
⊰Typically wears-

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