Chapter 3

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Her eyes turned red as a cherry and her pupils were dangerously thin. Aurora immediately tackled him, claws outstretched, roaring. They rolled on the ground as Aurora struggled to get a good grip on him. There- she bit down hard as everything passed in a blur. Her mouth filled with warm blood as she bit what turned out to be his throat. He roared in her ear, making her press her ears flat against her head to block out some of the sound. All of a sudden, there was a splash and a wave of cold wetness washed over her- they feel into the river.all sound subsided and muffled. Geo started clawing at her, making her clench tighter from the pain. The Mudwing finally kicked her away. The water had red and purple clouds of blood. She could see the damage she had cased the male dragon. Her long claws had scraped his side, back and underbelly. The markes her teeth left were deep scratches in his hide.

She noticed she was running out of air. The current was trying to take her away. The two of them swam up, gasping for air after Aurora scraped his face with her spiked tail.

Cometflinger was going frantic. He watched the two dragons fighting underwater. The water was unclear due to the blood and the current. It was red and purple. The amount of gastly violet made him sick to his stomach. That was her blood. He saw Aurora pop out of the water gasping for air and dripping blood as she tried to grab a rock that jutted out of the water, splashing everything. The Nightwing ran closer to where Aurora was; so that she was right in front of him, despite the distance. She didn't see the brown blob behind her until it was too late. She turned around just as Geo jumped out to punch her. The hybrid turned around just in time to slice his face with her tail. Aurora knocked his balance off and sent him flying, just as the Mudwing slammed her face to the rock, sending her into the water, unconscious.

"No!" Cometflinger and Sahara yelled. "I will not lose my friend!" Cometflinger snarled as he dived into the river, swimming for his friend's life. The white dragonet looked majestic in the water, wings drifting in the current. Bubbles were coming out of her snout. He swam over to her so he was inches away. She's way to big for me to carry. The Nightwing thought, But that doesn't mean I can't try. He swam in a circle around the dragoness, trying to figure out the best way to grab her. With all her spikes on her neck, I can't grab that. Nor her back, nor tail. Maybe... He paddled closer and hugged her, knowing that Aurora would of yelled at him if she was conscious.Cometflinger strained his wing in efforts to swim, but he got hit in the face instead. Well, that didn't work. He was running out of time. The current started to pick up. One last chance. He swam below her, grabbed her wing claw with his, twining their tails and making them parallel. He swam with both their wings. It worked! He swam for life. His and Aurora's.

Air. Light. Sound. Solid rock beneath his talons. He collapsed under Aurora's weight and of exhaustion.

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