Chapter 4

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He almost immediately felt weight being lifted of him. Sahara had pulled Aurora off of him, allowing him to breath normally. Well, somewhat normally. He shakily stood up and saw Aurora on her back, with Sahara standing on her haunches, front claws on Aurora's chest with her head pressed to one side, listening for a heartbeat. He took a couple steps forward and Sahara heard him and moved out of the way. "Her heart is beating. That's good. She's not dead," Sahara said helpfully. The NightWing got up on his haunches and started pushing down on her chest. A minute passed of him doing that. Cometflinger was starting to panic. As much as he hated to admit it, there was only one way to save her. He never would of considered it. He would of hated the results of a conscious or unconscious Aurora's reaction. Frantically, he grabbed her jaws, wretched them open, and stuck his open jaws in hers, lining it up so their heads made a perfect rectangle, and no air could escape.

Breath. Please, just breath.

That was all he could think, all he could hope. Cometflinger steadied his panicked breath. In, out. In, out. Slow, Repeat. When he thought something felt different, he recoiled, talons shaking. "No. No! That has to work." He didn't care that everyone was staring at him, judging him, even Sahara had a look of shock and disbelief on her face. He didn't even care that Clay and Sunny entered the cave to help, as someone probably ran off and told them about the fight. His rage at that one dragon he knew did it would be helpful at another time. He pushed on her chest again, and on the second time, she coughed, spurting out water. Cometflinger stepped back in relief. Her eyes were still slightly slitted and red switching as she took in the light and surroundings with cloudy vision. With an ugly sounding water-clogged snarl, she surged up and swiped at Sahara, barely missing her snout. Sahara yelped and jumped back.

She remembered the fight. The blood that she relished in stealing. She remembered Cometflinger warning her as Geo leapt at her, how he tumbled down the river. She fell backwards on her rock. After that, Aurora remembered nothing. The next thing she knew, she was on the cold cave floor, and she felt something on her lips. Scales. She refused to believe it. They left her. The soft, smooth, cool scales. She opened her eyes that were filled with water, making everything blurry. She saw brownish tan colors and, thinking it was Geo, swiped with a snarl. With her water-logged ears, she barely heard a high-pitched yelp. She flipped herself over, coughing and sputtering water.

He thought he could have just collapsed with relief.Thank goodness she's alive. But then her throat started clenching and unclenching. She was choking. "Aurora?" He asked. Finally, she spat out a live fish, flopping on the floor. Is it just me, or is Aurora even paler than usual? Wait what? Her scales are white, she can't get pale, it is the definition of pale. STOP IT! He shook his thoughts off and saw her flick the fish back into the river and give him a shaken, ill look. She flopped on the floor, literally just collapsed, fell. "Don't mind me, I'ma just gonna die here, thanks," she said. Sahara laughed at that, and soon they were all giggling.

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