RESULTS: FanFiction

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3rd Place goes to:

Not your guardian angel by TrushaJi

Title: 8/10
Cover: 6/10
Blurb: 9/10
Plot: 15/15
Grammar: 20/20
Spelling: 15/15
Character development: 7/10
Personal Enjoyment: 10/10
Total: 92/100

“This book is absolutely stunning! Completely surprising and new. I really loved it. Usage of pictures, detailed descriptions, good grammar, bittersweet moments that makes a reader what to cry and laugh at the same time. You are one talented writer. I was bummed that it was short though. Cover could use more work too. All in all, it was superb! I look forward to reading more of your books!”

2nd Place goes to

Lost in our Memories by CristinaMiru1

Title: 10/10
Cover: 5/10
Blurb: 9/10
Plot: 15/15
Grammar: 20/20
Spelling: 15/15
Character development: 9/10
Personal Enjoyment: 10/10
Total: 93/100

“Completely mind blowing. Your book totally portrayed the title. One rarely finds books that go hand in hand with the title but yours does in every sense of it. Literally! Your choice of words are appreciated and I love the way you still described your characters even though many of the readers probably know how Hermione and Draco look, you still described them beautifully. Your words are powerful for they pull on the heartstrings and keep a person engaged. It's like watching Dramione actually happen. Though, I will advise you to change your cover for it doesn't spark interest. I really enjoyed your book and I look forward to reading more of your works!”

1st place goes to.....

Black, A YiZhan love story by eroticfictionauthor

Title: 8·5/10
Cover: 10/10
Blurb: 9/10
Plot: 15/15
Grammar: 18/20
Spelling: 15/15
Character development: 8·5/10
Personal Enjoyment: 10/10
Total: 94/100

“This is absolutely one of the most amazing books I've ever read. Everything about it is detailed. I love the way the title complements the cover. The thoughtfulness you put to everything is superb. Just amazing. Although the plot seemed fast paced, it didn't feel so. It felt just right. One can totally connect with characters and due to your beautiful choice of words and description, their feelings can be felt by the reader and that creates an even stronger bond with the characters. Description of the main characters were little but the pictures compensated. There were very little omissions and multiple use of some punctuations but all in all, your book is mind blowing. I look forward to reading more of your books!”


Best graphics :
Gregor the overlander, Book 6 in the Underland Chronicles by Gilbert-dancer

Best blurb :
Black, a YIZhan love story by eroticfictionauthor

Best opening line :
Black, a YIZhan love story by eroticfictionauthor

Best plot :

Black, a YIZhan love story by eroticfictionauthor

Best title :

Lost in our memories by CristinaMiru1

Best Friendship :

What if...another weilan story by MsCrysaniaMajere
(Zhu Hong & Zhao Yunlan)

WINNERS PLEASE CONTACT 9ice_for_what under one week for inquiries on how and when to get your prizes. If you come after a week, you will only get a sticker. Please keep to time. Thank you all for participating

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