RESULTS: Fantasy

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3rd place goes to

The Champion by Archdav

Title: 9/10
Cover: 8/10
Blurb: 9/10
Plot: 14/15
Grammar (punctuation, vocabulary & descriptions): 19/20
Spelling: 14/15
Character development: 8/10
Personal enjoyment: 8/10
Total: 89/100

I really like this book. I was hooked right from the second I read it. I especially LOVE the part where the knight goes like “The Champion of The Realm” in the prologue. It gives some sort of tension to the story. The wordings are amazing and the story is very well-written. UNFORTUNATELY it’s getting published. So y’all can’t read it. But this book is AMAZING and I recommend you to read it!”

2nd place goes to

A Tale of Shadow and Light, Book 1: A Grand Obscura by Seros_Sterling

Title: 9/10
Cover: 9/10
Blurb: 9/10
Plot: 14/15
Grammar (punctuation, vocabulary & descriptions): 18/20
Spelling: 14/15
Character development: 8/10
Personal enjoyment: 9/10
Total: 90/100

“The title of this book really draws me in. I love the fact that the writer created their own language. They made a new name for months, years, events. They changed what seem to be a normal occurrence in our (sadly) non fantasy life to something amazing. I loved every second I spent reading it. It plays with my feelings and I highly recommend you to read this”

1st place goes to

Amethyst 1: Inception by booklored

Title: 9/10
Cover: 8/10
Blurb: 10/10
Plot: 15/15
Grammar (punctuation, vocabulary & descriptions): 19/20
Spelling: 15/15
Character development: 9/10
Personal enjoyment: 9/10
Total: 94/100

The cover of the book is… in one word- STUNNING. I love the fact that the color fits the title. I truly enjoy reading your book and looking at the characters’ interaction with one another. Mysterious backstories and the family feud definitely add the drama. I love the fact that the story keeps you on your toes. The description is amazing as well and I was able to make a vivid picture in my head of how the events play out. Highly Recommended!”


Deadly sins of Eellendra by LorraineTubbritt

Amethyst 1: Inception by booklored

A tale of Shadow and light, Book 1: A Grand Obscura by Seros_Sterling

Amethyst 1: Inception by booklored

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