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3rd place goes to

Loving too kill by theashesofthephoenix

Title: 10/10
Cover: 9/10
Blurb: 6/10
Plot: 14/15
Grammar: 18/20
Spelling: 15/15
Character Development: 9/10
Personal Enjoyment: 9/10
Total: 90/100

“Your story was one of the few that actually made me laugh. I know that it's a comic, but you still have to build a spotless plot. You immediately transition to different scenes in some cases. Take it slow. Your blurb needs to be more captivating. Don’t just tell them what’s in the story, tease it to them, make them want to know what’s in store for your characters.”

2nd place goes to

Me & Myself, XOXO by viall2005

Title: 10/10
Cover: 10/10
Blurb: 9/10
Plot: 15/15
Grammar: 14/20
Spelling: 15/15
Character Development: 10/10
Personal Enjoyment: 9/10
Total: 92/100

“You’ve made sure to build suspense from the beginning, leaving your readers with questions that drive them to read the rest of your book!! Your chapters need to be revised though. You’ve had many punctuation errors that made your sentences lose meaning. ”

1st place goes to....

DITCH by LeiAndre

Title: 10/10
Cover: 10/10
Blurb: 10/10
Plot: 14/15
Grammar: 17/20
Spelling: 15/15
Character Development: 8/10
Personal Enjoyment: 9/10
Total: 93/100

"I loved your book! Its like you're speaking to the readers, trying to convey a general message to everyone, and you aced it. Your cover was on point, very good looking and neatly arranged. Honestly it was an experience reading your book. Kudos!"


Best graphics :
DITCH by LeiAndre
▪ Me &Myself, XOXO by viall2005

Best blurb :
Sort of dead by RaghavBhatia7

Best opening line :
Sort of dead by RaghavBhatia7

▪ Me & Myself, XOXO by viall2005

Best title :
Loving too kill by theashesofthephoenix

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