District 11 Male: Jayden Armati

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Name: Jayden Armati

Age: 16

Appearance: He is relatively tall with short, brown hair. His skin is dark and his eyes are brown. He isn't quite muscular but isn't skinny either, he'd like to think of himself as relatively healthy.

Past: As a child, he never liked to play games or work in the field for a little extra cash. Instead you could find Jayden in the market pickpocketing or betting people out of their money and other belongings. He grew up with three other siblings but around his 15th birthday his older sister was mysteriously found dead in the outskirts of the forest.

Personality: Jayden always had some of the highest grades in his classes at school, and even then he had to stop himself from acing every test. He remembers almost everything, which helps him both in the criminal underground he is used to and for more elementary purposes like school. He isn't much of a talker, instead he likes to watch people and the small things that nobody else notices. He isn't cold nor caring, more of if you get on his better side he won't let any of his friends hurt you. Jayden also values loyalty above everything else, and you have to be special to gain his trust.

Plans for Games: Try not to die. His motto for the Games is 'Killing people is bad, but killing people that are trying to kill you is okay.'

Strengths: He is manipulative, good at seeing important details, intelligent and knows about agriculture and nature because of school.

Weaknesses: He is bad at hand-to-hand combat, dealing with weapons, being in nature and he can't heal a wound to save his life.

Their deepest, darkest secret: He knows that the resin his sister was killed was because he messed with the wrong people and they made him pay the price, and he thinks that by not telling anybody the truth he is sparing them grief.

Greatest fear: Jayden's greatest fear is getting mixed up with the wrong crowd even more and then having his family members pay the price again.

Type of person or personality they tend to clash with: He doesn't get along with people that are like him because they know all of his secrets to manipulation and that frustrates him a lot.

Potential ally strategy: He would prefer to get someone that is good at fighting so they can fight for him, but he will be satisfied with anyone that has half a chance at winning.

Weapon of choice: He is hoping for poisons or a sword, because who can't swing a sword?

Token: He is bringing his most prized possession, a scrap of metal his older sister gave him as a joke on his 13th birthday.

Trinket Levingsview: Ha! I think you'll find that swinging a sword is much more difficult than you think. But your manipulation just might help you through a little of the games. I look forward to seeing how you use your talents.

Alaric Smith: "You're smart and have been through a lot, but not knowing how to fight? Hmm, let's see how far you go. And about not getting mixed up with the bad guys? Kid, you're one of them now. Good luck."

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