District 9 Female: Destiny Muriala

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Name: Destiny Muriala
Age: 18

Appearance: Silky brown hair with longer bangs she keeps brushed over to the left. Her hair is usually in a ponytail and her soft chocolate brown eyes have a look of pain and loss, but hold strength, compassion and fiery determination as well. She's about five foot five inches and her build is slim, but strong from years of running, climbing and lifting heavy objects. Her lips are full and red and her skin is tanned from working in the sun so much.

Past: She was three when her mother died, leaving her with just her father and two brothers who loved her and doted on her. Up until she was ten, they taught her everything, fighting skills (not with weapons, though), climbing and everything that boys love to do. She's never liked any of the other kids in her district and never connected with any of the girls. When she started going to school, most of the boys immediately accepted her into their group because she didn't fit in anywhere else. She loved it then, but on the day of her twelfth birthday, on the first reaping that she would have to attend and be a part of, her oldest brother, Matthew fell ill. After the reaping, two weeks later, Andrew, her other brother, only two years older than her, also fell ill. They both died two weeks later, leaving Destiny alone with her father, who loved her, but didn't know how to raise her. She still hung with the community of boys , but without her brothers nothing was the same, and she began to train harder than her brothers had ever made her, determined to be ready if she ever got picked.

Personality: She doesn't like other girls as much and stays with the boys usually. She's very competitive, always trying to prove she could do something that others couldn't, which is what once prompted her to climb a tree by the fence and jump over to see what was on the other side. She came right back, but since then, she's always had an amazing love for doing things she know she shouldn't and seeing if she can get away with it. She's generally a serious person, but she loves to prank people. She doesn't tend to trust people easily, and in the games, she won't trust anyone without first knowing what they want, why they want it and anything else she can find out. And then she probably still won't trust them. She never starts something without finishing it, so when she volunteered for the games, it was with the full intention of coming back home to her father.

Plans for the Games: Win quickly, trust no one and above all, avoid getting into any kind of friendship with anyone because she knows she'll have to break it off or get hurt again when someone else kills her new friend. She won't let herself get hurt again like she did when her brothers died.

Strengths: She's very strong and extremely fast. She always won the races with the other boys, so if you want to catch her, you'd have to catch her off guard or hit her with a fast moving object she can't dodge. She's also good at climbing and excels at fighting without weapons. She's also amazing with hand strikers. She's very smart and know how to use her small body to her advantage against both smaller people like her and larger, stronger people.

Weaknesses: She knows nothing about any weapons except strikers, so up against someone with advanced weapon knowledge and the weapons to use against her, she'd have to use her ability to run really fast to get away. Her attention is usually focused on one thing at a time, so she isn't that great at multitasking. She knows nothing about poisons or herbs or wild foods of any sort, so she knows that to survive, she'll have to make friends with someone who does so that she doesn't end up poisoned because she ate the wrong thing.

Deepest darkest secret: It's not so much a dark secret as something she would never tell anyone for fear of getting into huge trouble. On her seventeenth birthday, she broke into the justice building and picked her name out of the reaping bowl so that there was no chance of her getting caught. Only she knew about this and she got away without any kind of alarms going off, but afterwards, although she didn't get picked that year, she swore never to do it again because she didn't think it was fair to make someone else go to the games when it could have been her, if she hadn't cheated. That's why she volunteered to go in the place of a young twelve year old girl. She didn't want to have to watch the games permanently destroy that girl and she still felt guilty for cheating.

Greatest fear: That she'll get home and find that her father died while she was gone.

Type of personality they tend to clash with: Mostly other girls, but usually only the girls that are obsessed with themselves and have no thoughts for other people. She also hates the kind of people who do things only to please others, and not because they want to do it or because they have a good reason for it. Also, she dislikes stupid people and girls who care more about looking pretty than what their next meal is going to be. So she clashes with lots of different personalities, then.

Ally strategy: Ally with people who are useful to her, but stay distant in order to avoid getting attached.

Weapon of choice: Hand strikers

Token: A bracelet Andrew and Matthew wove for her on her eleventh birthday. It has both of their initials woven into the design, as well as her own in between them.

Trinket Levingsview: "Ah, now here is someone who stands out. An unusual girl, who will do anything to return home. Keep your eye on the prize, girl, and you just might make it out of the Games alive. I'll be watching."

Kami Jones: "A tomboy Ooooh. I can't wait to see you kick butt, girl. Show us what you got. But be careful out there, sweetie. It's a dangerous place you've gotten yourself into."

Alaric Smith: "You're one feisty girl. I like that. Even though you don't know much about weapons I have a feeling you're smart enough to make it through, but how far you'll go is the question? Can't wait to see you in the games."

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