District 10 Male: Dan Lincoln

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Name: Dan Lincoln

Age: 17

Appearance: Dan's appearance isn't anything special, but he's good looking in his own way. With brown eyes as sweet and innocent as a dear and a mop of dark hair on his head it can be said just by looking that he wishes to cause no one any harm. His skin is lightly tanned, sunkissed from working on the fields and he has a lean build that theoretically should be buffer considering the work he does everyday, but because of his lack of nutrition he only has lean muscles.

Past: When he was younger he was shy, completely the opposite of how he is today. And because of this shyness he was an easy target to bullies. They did some very cruel things. For example he had a little dog that he looked after. One day while he was petting it a group of boys dragged him away and began torturing the thing, forcing him to look. From then he was even quieter than before when his older brother spoke to him and took him to a church for the first time. He learnt the "Love your enemies" and knew that no matter how cruel people were to him he'd love them, and the way he loved was through humour.

Personality: Truly he is the joy of the district. Whether he's in the field working hard or being flogged in public for making a fool of a peacemaker he's always making people laugh. When he speaks people tend to naturally quieten down to hear him because he always has something funny to say.

But when someone's down he knows what to say and how to cheer them up. Being so social has it's perks. And because mostly what he says are jokes when he's being serious people take him seriously and he never feels the need to lie because half the time when it's necessary he can twist the words in a way that you can't tell if he's being serious or not.

Plans for Games: Have you ever seen a clown in the Hunger Games?

Not that he plans on dying, but if he does he's going to make sure he is memorable. He makes people laugh, that's what he does. So even if he's in the middle of the Death Games he's going to make sure that the viewers at home are holding their bellies in laughter with tears streaming down their faces. He just wants to know that his family is at safe home, smiling...

Strengths (both physical and internal): He is a bit of an adrenaline junkie, meaning that he lives for life-threatening situations and because of this he is able to find unique but clever ways to get out of them. He is also a bit of an expert on human behaviour, and he especially aware of the fact that in these Games there aren't many that can be trusted.

Because of his job in the district he is used to waking up early and performing long, laborious tasks. Also he's used to gore and is able to outsmart dangerous animals.

Weaknesses (both physical and internal): Used to loud noises he can't really detect if people are sneaking up on him or if something is out of the norm.

Despite his hard work he is underfed which means he is unable to build muscle as well has his friends in the Career Districts, which puts him at a disadvantage.

Another thing is he has a weakness when it comes to people weaker than himself. People who need to be protected . And also it may not be considered a weakness but he really likes girls and can be considered a bit of a flirt with his charismatic personality.

Their deepest darkest secret: On the eve of every second, third and fifth full moon he goes down to the cemetery and spends the night digging up a body. Once the sun hits at the perfect angle he cuts off the hair and adds it to his collection...

That was sarcasm. Couldn't you tell? There's no way in hell he's telling you that.

Greatest fear: Loosing someone he cares about.

Type of person or personality they tend to clash with: Someone who s too serious or thinks they can boss him about. People tend to listen to him so if someone won't let him have his input it really gets on his nerves.

Potential ally strategy (if any): He doubts he will have any allies, which is a shame because he'd probably go mad having no one to talk to. But f he were to have an ally it would probably be someone weaker than himself who needs protection .

Weapon of choice: Rope and a good hunting knife

Token: A white bracelet that everyone he works with wears

Trinket Levingsview: Well, you are definitely something we have never seen before. You probably won't last long, which is such a shame, but then again, you just might be clever enough to go far. I'm most certainly intrigued by you. I will make sure the Games change you.

 "You,Dan, are an anomaly. I'll have to disagree with Trinket. If you use that intelligence and thrill-seeking attitude to your advantage, you just might win .And with that charismatic, clownish behavior of yours, you have the perfect camouflage for that brilliance. Love the sarcasm, by the way, kid." ~KeeganCarelle    

Kami Jones: "I just love tributes with your kind of attitude! Kind, adventuresome, and still silly in your own way. I wish you luck, sweetie! Don't clown around too much, you don't want to end up with a knife in your back!"

Alaric Smith: "As noble as your intentions are, I wonder how far you'll be able to keep it up. I truely wish you luck."

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