Mini Task and Notes

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Before you panic about having a mini-task before task two scores are even out, just relax. All you have to do (and everyone HAS to do this), just comment or PM the name of THREE TRIBUTES who are your tribute's enemies. 

If you don't want everyone to know, for fear that they may kill you in entry or ballot you, feel free to PM me with the name. You have until scores come up and voting begins (hopefully sometime tomorrow night). 

For the important notes: The other Gamemakers and I were all highly disappointed about the late entries this task. As a result, we are cracking down and changing the rules. 

As in, things just got a lot harsher. 

For the rest of this Game, starting with task three, late entries will be treated like late college assignments (yes, my professors are cruel, and congratulations, so am I, now). 

Any entry turned on the due date, a few hours past due, will only receive a ONE POINT deduction. Anything turned in the day after, will be given only half credit. Another words, HALF your score will be docked if it's a day late. Anything beyond that, will be given a zero, and you all know the rules:

Two zeroes in a row means automatic elimination.

Now, we're not completely cruel. If both your zeroes came from late entries, your tribute will simply go up for votes, rather than being automatically eliminated. You are all fantastic, mature writers, so it's time we start treating you like ones: at college level penalties. 

My suggestion: no more late entries. 

Scores and rankings hopefully to be posted tomorrow night, or the night after. Don't forget to comment or PM the name of three tributes who are your tribute's enemies. 

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