Task Two: Female Entries

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District 1 Female: Anika Brand

Graceful sword? I wondered, the cool morning breeze tickling my cheeks and causing goose bumps to rise on my exposed arms. Or monster?

Beside me, Altrin mumbled in his sleep incomprehensively. I smiled softly down at him, swiping away some stray strands of hair from my eyes. Through the dimness, Altrin looked so calm, so peaceful. Like we weren't stuck in The Hunger Games, like he wasn't sleeping right next to the girl who was known as the Graceful Sword in her community. I knew what Father would be thinking. Kill him! He would tell me, voice stern and as cold as ice. He's a useless ally. Not a true Career. Always so wrapped up around...I could almost imagine him spitting with rage, irritated that Altrin was such a failure to his community,so wrapped up about that girl, Coralie.

At the thought of the fiery-haired girl, I couldn't help but frown. For some reason I didn't know, I didn't like her. I don't know why...maybe it was the way she acted around Altrin, all shy and cute.

You're the graceful sword, Anika. You can win this. Kill him out here, no one would know.

You have the sword. A glint of pale morning light reflected off the blade lying in the grass, and subconsciously, I reached out towards it. One swing, one action—and he'll be dead.

One more step towards being the Victor.

My hand froze halfway towards the sword, as my thoughts from before flooded my mind.

Anika Brand, the graceful sword.

Anika Brand, the monstrous killer.

Altrin stirred in his sleep, and immediately I snatched my hand back like a deer caught in headlights. Guiltily, I licked my lips and looked at Altrin, who was thankfully still asleep. God knows what would've happened if he had woken up and seen me reaching for my sword.

Standing up, I stretched my arms and groaned softly as my sores from the bloodbath stung painfully. Furrowing my eyebrows, I tried to remember who had perished last night. There was Christian, I knew, one of my allies. His face popped into my mind and I pushed it away, refusing to think about the loss of an ally, even one I hadn't known well.

Colin. Alto. One by one, names started reappearing in my hazy, half-awake mind, accompanied with the deceased tribute's faces. There was Egan, still wearing his signature scowl, and Lyss with her sweet, shy smile alog with her doppelgänger, Heather. In the back of my mind, I envisioned what was going on at my household right now. What Father and Mother were doing. What Lauren was doing.

Father would be pacing, of course. I thought, mentally travelling back to my house in District One. Eyes glued to the screen, wondering what the heck I'm doing. Mother would still be asleep—she'd never been the early bird. But if she was awake, she wouldn't be watching the telly anyway. Hm, what would she be doing? Let's see. If the Game Makers hadn't screwed up the time, I guess Mother would be polishing her diamonds, setting up the jewelry shop. And Lauren—

At this point, I stopped. Forget Lauren. I continued on, closing my eyes and inhaling deeply, breathing in the crisp, fresh morning air. Mother would be setting up the shop and complaining about Father's lack of cooperation. Same old, same old. Then Father would probably snap something about, "Anika's in the Games, woman! Forget the diamonds!"

I chuckled, picturing the scene in my mind. Father and Mother nearly always had a morning row everyday—it was almost a routine.

I was still lost in my daydream when something wet and slimy brushed my left ankle. Frowning, I looked downwards thinking it was some type of bug, until I saw vines growing out of the grass, pushing it's long, thing tendrils out of the earth before securing themselves around my calf. On instinct, I shrieked and leapt for my sword. At my movements, the vine seemed to grow quicker, faster, out of the grounds, until they had curled around my waist and were still snaking their way up my body. A stray vine seemed to have a mind of it's own as it suddenly broke away from the others and curled around my arm, yanking it harshly to my side so that my sword dropped out of my hand.

"Altrin!" I screeched, panic rising rapidly in my chest. Desperately I clawed at the bounds with my free hand, but the vines were relentless as they continued to grow, higher and higher. They were now snaking its way around my chest. Oh, god, no...I'm going to lose oxygen! "Altrin!"

Altrin had leapt to his feet, awoken from his slumber, his eyes wide with panic and terror. The vines had not started to attack him yet—and frantically I waved my free arm at my sword, "Go get it! Cut the vine!" I screamed, my voice reaching an impossible octave. Almost robotically, Altrin dived for the sword before picking it up and swinging it with much force at the vines around my waist. A squelch noise was heard as the sword sunk deep into the green vines, and I felt the vine's grip on my chest loosen. As soon as the vines fell to the ground, a hiss was heard as the vines unexpectedly melted into acid, before dissolving into thin air, leaving nothing behind.

Jerking my head up, I saw Altrin staring at me with wide eyes, my sword held limply in his hands.

"Well don't just stand there!" I'm barking out orders now, my voice unlike my own and more like Father's, yet laced with panic, "Keep hacking at it!"

Snapped out of his stupor, Altrin grabbed my sword and again kept sawing at the vines rendering my immobile. Strangely, the didn't fight back—only continued their effort to climb higher, to mummify me in their suffocating grip. As Altrin continued cutting, my mind seemed to calm and my heart seemed to slow. Taking in deep gulps of air, I repeated a mantra of 'it's okay, it's okay' inside my head, praying that I wouldn't faint. As the last of the vines fell away, I got ready to put on the whole 'I'm not afraid' act, but despite my will my knees turned to jelly and I collapsed onto the grass, tears welling in my eyes.

Oh my god, I almost died.

Pulling my knees up to my chest, I buried my head onto my knees and sobbed, my body swaying back and forth. My mind was garbled, confused, and I could only make out several words. Lauren. Vines. Graceful. Sword. Monster.


"Hey," judging by the rustling of the grasses, Altrin had knelt down to me, "It's alright, Ani," his breath came out in ragged pants, and I knew that he was worn out. A reassuring hand was felt on my shoulder and suddenly, I yearned for someone's touch. A friend's touch.

Was Altrin a friend?


No. Father's tone had an air of finality to it. He's not a friend. You don't have friends in the Games. He's a foolish tribute, stupid and gullible.

He saved you, Anika. Altrin is your friend.

Shakily, I lifted my head and through my blurry vision saw Altrin looking at me, concern evident in his eyes. A choked sob escaped my trembling lips as I threw myself into him, holding him tight, my resistance failing. I felt his stiffen under my touch, but slowly, I felt his arms wrap around my shaking shoulders awkwardly, shyly. I didn't care. Burying my face in the crook of his neck, I let my tears flow, not caring if the world deemed me weak, not caring if Father was spitting at rage at the television.

Altrin was a friend. I was sure of it, no matter what Father thought.

And I knew from experience that friends don't come by easily.

I don't know how long the two of us stayed there, huddled together, letting my tears flow freely into his shirt. All the while, Altrin didn't complain. He let me sob it all out, the terror, the sadness and hurt I'd never got to confess to anyone. He was my rock, my refuge.

I wasn't going to let him go.

District 2 Female: Athena Kelso

No Entry

District 3 Female: Myka Sterling

You can't give up now. Come on, keep moving, you will be able to survive.

My target was up ahead—the dormant volcano. Although it was no picnic, I felt that my chances were a lot better there than if I let my pursuers catch me. I could hardly breathe and my legs felt as though they were about to give out. I turned around, seeing the Career pack right behind me.

Despite being in the ocean biome this morning, things changed the second Dan went to search for fresh water. I saw the Careers settle on the edge of the water, setting up camp. I was starving and as Anika set down a bag of apples I decided my fate. The red fruit proved too enticing for me to ignore and I crept out from behind my hiding place of tall rocks.

I slipped out as the Careers dove into the water, looking for their next kill. I reached the bag, shoveling three apples into my pockets.

"What are you doing?" I whirled around, seeing Altrin leering over me, his eyes searching me as a cat watches a mouse.

"*Nofing," I said between a mouthful of red delicious.

"Hey guys!" Altrin yelled to the water. "We've got ourselves a thief!"

Darn. I guess some small part of me was hoping that he would just pretend like he didn't see me. I didn't want to die. So I dropped my apple and I took off the moment his back was turned, running in no particular direction.

I could hear the heavy footfalls of the many predators behind me as I ran. Somehow I ended up going towards a steamy mountain. The dark and foreboding atmosphere took away my desire to end up there but I couldn't stay in the same place. I was just hoping that the area would scare away the Careers. The volcano swooped up into a point at the top that was nearly invisible due to the many clouds that surrounded the tip. I thought I saw movement as I approached the biome.

I was quickly running out of energy from lack of food or water.

My self-encouragement sounded a lot like an old picture book I had found in the library back in District 3. It was about a train engine that had to make a trip up a large hill. The whole time it would tell itself "I think I can. I think I can."

Only a few more hundred feet. I think I can.

"You can't run forever!" A high pitched voice spoke from behind. I think I can.

An arrow whizzed by my ear. I think I can.

I ran into the biome, my huffing and puffing probably equivalent to a train itself. I was the little tribute that could.

As I stumbled up the rocky embankment, I heard the footfalls stop abruptly. A hot, dry wind picked up blowing ash and dust into my face. I moved behind a rock, peering behind me after hearing some commotion.

The group of had stumbled across a creature of sorts. It seemed to be rising from the lava, red and molten and flowing freely about. Although the tributes were battling it furiously it appeared as though any attempts at destroying the mutt would be futile.

Instead of watching the potential demise of the few below I hiked up the hill, although this time I took my time. No vegetation was visible, only dust and rock and soot. This was a bad spot to be in, no allies, no resources, and some sort of lava monster.

As I continued my trek up the volcano I stumbled across a large, red bird. It sat elegantly on a perch of dried lava that was shaped oddly like a nest. A long neck curled into its side where a pretty assortment of long and thin feathers could be found.

I had never seen anything like it. It looked harmless so I took a step towards it. That was my first mistake. As soon as I made my first movement the creature's head poked up, its beady yellow eyes staring through my body.

"Nice birdie," I moved slowly, placing one foot gently in front of the other. My hands moved forward, my palms down as I attempted to keep the bird at its perch.

It stared at me, unblinking. I thought it was going to let me by when all of a sudden its three foot long wings spread out as it leapt into the sky. I watched in wonder as it soared above me, a trail of blazing light following behind.

My excitement faded as a long screech echoed out, and a fire ball the size or my fist shot from its beak. I dropped to the ground, scraping my knee as I went down. The bird then tucked in its wings a swooped down. I had to roll over to move out of its path as it erupted into flames. I was a bit terrified.

As the bird turned into ashes, I could see something moving amongst the cinders. More screeches echoed off the lava. I looked up, seeing more fiery birds circling above my head like vultures looking for their next meal.

I figured that they probably weren't the "nice birdies" I had hoped they would be. I started running again, this time to nowhere in particular except away from the killer birds. I could feel them following me, with each passing burst of heat that singed the hair on my arm.

I needed to find someplace to hide and quickly. I found a poorly made path that curved up the side of the volcano. Sticking close to the wall helped shield me from some blasts but that didn't stop all of the fire from hitting me. At one point the hail from hell so was intense that it burned a hole through my sleeve and my arm turned into one hot blister.

I screamed in pain, it was the worst I had ever felt in my life. I could only hope to make it through the pain to somewhere safe.

After ten minutes or so I rounded another corner and stopped dead in my tracks. In front of me was the same creature that had attacked the Careers down below. Behind me were the birds, on the right was the wall, and on the left was a sheer drop off. I had nowhere to go.

The mutt in front of me had no face; the only movement was the chunks of lava that spurted at odd angles all over. The red, yellow, and orange liquid pooled all over, freely flowing from the top of the six foot thing.

I backed away, nearly tripping over a bird that had landed by my feet. I peered over the edge, an ocean of water only two hundred feet below. The lava monster lurched at me and I jumped, hoping that I wouldn't be squished with pressure before I hit the bottom.

District 4 Female: Coralie Dunbrylle

"Wow," I say as we enter the accurately named forest. "It's really dark in here."

"They don't call it the sunshine forest for a reason." Dan offers his goofy grin.

He should be less concerned with making jokes and more concerned with finding a safe place. In a place this dark, safety will either be really easy or really hard. I haven't decided which it is yet.

"Lighten up a little," he says veering left into more of the wicked darkness.

"Lighten up?" I shout. "We're in the Hunger Games. There's not time to have fun or to make jokes. There's only time to plan and calculate the best way to insure my ticket home."

"If that's your plan," he whispers, "you might consider not yelling in the middle of this forest. The shadows offer some shelter. Let's not tip anyone off to our location."


We continue walking away from the strange maze. I nearly run into several trees on our trek. I don't understand how these trees can cast so many obscurities. Sure, there are a lot of trees, but not nearly enough to cast this many ominous shadows...

My head snaps up at the sound of twigs swiftly snapping in the darkness. Someone is coming for us. This could very well be my last moment.

"Get behind me," Dan whispers.

I want to argue that leaving him to be the one to fight isn't fair, but I feel that talking is a bad idea. I quickly take one of the throwing knives out of my belt and grip it so tight that my hand hurts.

I'm not prepared to fight. I can't kill someone. That's wrong in every way. Why are some tributes so eager to kill? Why is this considered honorable?

Out of seemingly nowhere, Dan is knocked down and I can hear him wrestling with the person who tackled him. He shouts for me to run, but I don't for more reasons than one.

If I run, the person might track the sound of my footsteps. Plus, I can't leave Dan to fend for himself. That would make me a bad person. That's not in my character.

Without a thought I drive my small knife into the back of the figure on top of Dan. With a few short sputters, the cannon fires. Dan pushes the body off of himself.

"What did I do?" I scream.

"We need to go," Dan begins to pull at my arm.

"No," I yell. "Who did I kill?" I cry, scrambling to the lifeless form.

"Coralie, don't." Dan wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me back.

I stop fighting against him and walk away from the murder with tears streaking down my face.

"What did I do?" I sob.

"You saved me. You had to do it," Dan says somberly.

"I killed somebody's child. Maybe they had siblings or a significant other. Dan, I'm a murderer."

He stops walking and faces me. My eyes have grown somewhat accustomed to the darkness and I can see his features more clearly now.

"You did what you had to do. If you didn't kill him back there, he would've likely killed us."

He turns and continues to walk while I continue crying. The feeling of killing a person is one that will stick with me for the rest of my life. I may not have much life left, given my situation, but feeling like this for even an hour will be torture enough.

"We need to set some snares," Dan says. "We need to find food."

"I don't have anything for snares. Do you?"

He shakes his head. I'm not sure how we're supposed to get food in here without snares. We can't really sit and hunt. It's too hard to see in this biome.

While we're walking along, I step in water. Great. Now I have wet feet. Upon further inspection, I notice that what I thought was a puddle is actually a pond.

"Dan, I found a pond. We can work with this," I say excitedly pulling one of my knives out.


"Find me a long stick."


He wanders away. It shouldn't take too long to find a stick in this forest. We are entirely and completely surrounded by trees.

I begin to unravel my hair from the elastic my stylist put in my hair. A couple of hair pins snag. Ouch. I forgot about those...

"I grabbed a few. I'm not sure what you need them for."

I take one of the thicker ones from him and start to tie my knife around the top of the stick with my elastic.

"Spear fishing," I state. "It's easier when you can actually see, but we'll make do."

Blindly stabbing water isn't much help. Luck doesn't really work when fishing. Roughly an hour passes by before I spear a fish.

"Finally," Dan says. "I was beginning to think that you lied about being from Four."

"Ha ha," I say. "You're not going to like this, but we're eating this raw."

"What?" he asks in shock.

"Lighting a fire would only create a beacon. We would be one massive target."

With a groan I hand Dan half of the filleted fish. I hate raw fish and it's something I'm used to. Poor Dan.

He takes a bite and instantly begins retching. I dive forward and plug his nose, placing my other hand over his mouth.

"You need to keep this down. It's the best food we're going to have for a while."

We finish eating in silence, aside from Dan's occasional gags. The two of us agree to stay put for a while. We don't really like the idea of hunting tributes and moving would make us hunted.

The anthem plays. Frantically, I search above me to see the faces in the sky. Nothing. I can't see the fallen tributes in the sky. I only want to know if Altrin's alive.

"How many do you think there are?" Dan asks.

"I don't know. I didn't count the cannons earlier." I bite my lip. I should've counted them. I don't know how many are left. What are the chances that Altrin is still running around in here? I hope good.

"Coralie, look up."

I notice that the shadows seem to be falling from the sky. I can see the stars dotting the dark blue now.

"What's happening?" I ask.

"I don't know."

Suddenly, the shadows fall thick around us. They have a feeling of heaviness. My breath hitches in my throat. The shadows are stealing my oxygen.

"Run," Dan croaks as if being strangled. I completely understand the feeling.

I pick up my stuff and we run as fast as our legs can carry. These shadows...they can't be shadows. Shadows don't come to life. They don't chase and they don't steal breaths. These are not shadows.

Running proves to be difficult as the shadows reach their dark, but foggy fingers around my neck. This is a nightmare. Surely it's only a dream.

Even with the Capitol's technology, this isn't possible. It shouldn't be possible. How did they manage to make shadows alive?

I trip several times and nearly fall to the ground. The shadows have to be finding ways to trip me. There's nothing I'm tripping over.

My lungs burn with the struggle of breathing. A line from a poem my mom once wrote me when she wasn't drowning with alcohol comes to mind.

Pain hides in shadows

Their fingers grip like the strongest vice

Don't be afraid to face it, though

You're stronger than it twice

Maybe it wasn't much of a poem. But she meant the words when she spoke them, that much I know. I also know now how eerily true the poem was. Pain truly does hide in shadows.

Despite running, breathing becomes easier. I look behind me and no longer notice the shadows flanking us. They've receded, but...to where?

"I don't like this," I say looking all around.

"Me either. Something feels wrong."

"All of it's wrong!" I shout.

Blackness encompasses us without warning. A sob escapes me. This darkness is darker than any that I've ever experienced.

"Dan," I whine. I don't want him to leave my side. I can't do this without him.

"Right here," he says linking his arm in mine.

A twig snaps in the not so far distance. Tears roll down my face. This is stupid! Why are they doing this to us? I didn't even rebel. It happened so long ago. What did we do to deserve this?

More twigs are snapping from every direction. My eyes still haven't adjusted to the darker than pitch blackness. I'm beginning to wonder if they ever will. Maybe they permanently blinded me.

Leave rustle so closely to me that I instinctively begin lunging my spear in every direction.

"What are you doing?" Dan whispers.

As I'm about to answer, I feel the spear sink into the flesh of something. A cannon fires.

A sickening feeling fills my gut. "No!" I shriek. I thought I was swiping at mutts. Not people. "Not again," I mumble in shock.

"What are you talking about?" he asks.

"I killed someone. I did it again."

"Calm—" Dan is ripped away from my side.

I scream out his name involuntarily. I can't see anything. I can't help him.

I start to swing my makeshift spear around and several more cannons fire. Another kid killed. I leave my spear in the body. I don't want to be a monster anymore. Let them kill me instead.

"Dan," I call out. "Are you okay?"

No answer. How am I going to find him? What if he isn't okay?

No. He is. I refuse to accept that he isn't.


The blackness lifts into a haze that quickly dissipates. The shadows must have driven us all together for fight. I walk over to the person with my spear laying behind them. They aren't dead. It must have fallen out

I walk to the front of them. I will try to be remotely human and stay with them until their cannon fires.

I see the face and scream.

"No. No no no no." The face is Dan's.

"Coralie," he mumbles.

I drop to my knees and pull the top half of his body into my lap. This is the worst thing I could've done. He's my friend. I didn't want to kill him!

I stroke his hair back off of his sweaty forehead. What did I do? I'm more than a monster. I am now a mutt. I'm only a weapon being used by the capitol.

"I'm so sorry," I cry, tears dripping onto him.

"It's okay," he says in an all too normal voice. He jumps up and pulls me with him.

"What? How..."

"It was a joke. I saw your spear in some kid so I thought I'd mess with you a little."

I punch him as hard as I can. "Daniel! I should kill you just for that." My voice is at more than a shout. "I thought I killed you," I sob.

He pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that," he mumbles into my knotted hair.

"Can we get out of here?" I ask, still crying.

Moans fill my ears instead of a reply. I frantically look up at him to see if he's joking or hurt. I find that neither is the answer.

I watch confused as a black mist enter through the nostrils of the dead tributes around us. They begin to stand and chase after us.

I yank Dan's arm and pull him toward what I hope will be the exit. This night has been full of too many unpleasant surprises.

"What's going on?" Dan yells to me.

"I'm not sure. The mist, or shadows, or whatever they were...they, like, possessed them and brought them back to life.

"We need a way out, immediately."

"No duh," I state.

I've endured entirely too much for one day. I have been in the arena for less than twenty four hours and it's already worse than I could have ever imagined.

I've seen people killed, I've killed people, we were chased by weird shadows, I have acid burns, we're being chased by zombie tributes possessed by shadows...this list could end at any point in time and I wouldn't complain at all.

"Climb," I yell. "We need high ground."

Dan helps me get my body up a tree as he follows closely below. We reach a fork and sit high above the undead tributes. Thankfully they don't seem to be climbing.

"What are we supposed to do?" I ask. "We can't stay here forever."

"I'm not sure," he says.

I notice the sky turning into the palest of yellow green colors. The sun is beginning to rise. This will be the first time I've seen daylight since yesterday afternoon.

I smile at the thought. The simple things can bring joy in dire situations.

"Look at the sky," I say in awe. "It's getting light."

"Wow," he breathes. "It's amazing how quickly you can forget what beauty a normal sky can hold."

The sun ascends quickly. I look below us to see the tributes clawing at their own skin. What are they doing? Their poor families...They watched them die once already and now this.

The sun reaches its peak for the morning and the tributes go nuts. They all scream and make unnatural noises before falling to the ground. The shadows leave their dead bodies below us and blanket the sky once again.

"Did you just see that?" I ask.

"We need to get out of this biome."


We climb down the tall tree and land on the leafy forest floor once again. I bet if this forest had more light, it might seem almost magical. The trees are everywhere and they're all so tall and massive.

If only it weren't filled with deathly surprises...

"How are you?" Dan suddenly asks.

"Uh, good. How are you?"

"I'm not making general conversation. I'm genuinely concerned."

How am I? I'm...I'm scared and disgusted with myself. I'm shaken up in more ways than I thought possible. I'm exhausted from getting no sleep since the other night in the Capitol.

"I'm okay. I'll manage just fine."

I can see him glance at me from the corner of his eye. He knows I'm not okay but he doesn't push the issue further. I say a silent thank you to him.

"Any clue how to get out of here?" he asks.

"No...We have a long day ahead of us, don't we?" I'm already dreading every minute—no, second—of this day.

"That we do," he agrees.

"Oh boy," I sigh.

District 5 Female: Catherine Malfoy

I woke up with the sun high up in the sky, glaring at me. I squinted, trying to adjust at the amount of lights entering my eyes.

I stretched my arms and yawn a few times. Looking around me, I find myself leaning against the tall ice wall that stretches to what seems like a cave.

I looked across me to Athena's sleeping figure. Her head hanging low in front of her. Her breathing is steady and silent. She's still fast asleep.

What am I doing here?Am I really suppose to be here?

I raised myself a little bit higher, my hands met with something sharp and cold.

I looked to my side and saw the silver weapon laying there. The thick blood that once that covered it, is now crisp and dry.

I run my finger around it, across the blood and to the sharp tip of the knife. A flash of memories of my knife, slitting across somebody's arms, neck and head came back in an instant.

'It had killed people by claiming their lives. I've never thought I'd be that of desperate. I could have just run and run, without hurting anyone. I could just have—

I dropped the knife from my hands, unconsciously. It's metal hit the cold floor, producing a loud clank.

Athena shot up immediately, shock. She looked around with her eyes alert and had her blades withdrawn in her hand, pointing nowhere in particular.

"Hey, hey. Calm down Thena, were safe. We ARE safe" I said, calming her down. Saying safe is like stabbing her back with a knife in full strong stabs. We sure were no longer safe at this moment.She lowers her head and dropped her hand to her side. Her shoulders hunch as leaned at the ice block behind her back.

"I thought someone might try attacking us" she said, her voice raspy from her sleep.

I shook my head and hid my knife at my side. There might be nothing could harm us now but we can't assure that all the way to our exit.I sighed and just kept silent

After a moment, we both let the silence linger,thinking what'd we do next.

I was the first one to broke the silence,"Are you hungry?" I asked, diverting the topic.She shook her head.

"I'm no—," She was cut off by her stomach, growling loudly and betraying her on purpose.

I smirked."Probably not," I paused, picking up another knife and tossed it at her."You might need that. Come on, we gotta keep moving. We have to hint some food for you,"

She raised her brows and crossed her arms. "In the middle of this ICE WALLS?" she paused to gesture around, emphasizing 'ice walls'. I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"The gamemakers won't let us die out in cold or atleast they must have known people need food to survive. Every bio has it's secret and are very unique than what we've seen outside the arena. It must be laying somewhere out there. It's worth a shot," I said as a matter-of-factly and immediately set off.

I heard her sigh miserably before I heard sets of footsteps behind my back. She followed.

"I wonder how long we will be walking at this stupid maze. I told you it's impossible to find food in the middle of ice. It's not like we're in the middle of the dessert that we may find a freaking oasis,"she snapped.

I just stayed silent, trying not to assault her with my words. It's been like an hour that she kept rambling about me being stupid for looking for food in the middle of ice and what not? I have already guessed why nobody's up for arguing with her, she's very irritating.

The cold breezy air swifted pass us, tickling our bare skins. I shivered.

"It's getting colder," she said through gritted teeth.

"Just keep moving. I think I'm seeing something,"I said, narrowing my eyes. As if ill be able to make out the figure from a distance.

"Right," she huffed.

I cross the path and as I come nearer at the figure, The picture seems better and clearer. I can now make out the trees and some bushes. The loud Athena became silent which for me is really agreeable.

As the garden unfolds beneath our eyes, I gasp in amazement as I concluded my theory was surreal.

I looked behind me and caught Athena gaping at the garden.

"That, is surreal," She pointed out.

"I know," I moved at step forward, gazing at the garden intently. It was beautiful.

"We have to get in and grabbed our food, shouldn't we?" Athena suggested, grabbing my arm and tug me forward.

"Right," This is a good opportunity to enjoy ourselves after a long night. With this we migh— I stopped when a realization hit me. " Wait, Just wait,"

"Wait, what?" she stopped pulling and looked at me.

"We've never been attacked,"I said in matter-of-factly.

"True, so?" Athena said impatiently.

"What if,"

"What if what," she demanded.

"What if this is a trap?"I asked, fairly troubled.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

"We never have been attacked since this morning Thena. What do you think this they're up to?This," I paused to point towards the garden." Might be a trap,"

Athena shocked her head in disbelief. "Do you really thought that shallow?"

"Athena, we have to be smart or we'll be dead,"I hissed.

"So you're saying your going to leave me here?" She asked,irritated.

"Exac—no it's for good. I—uh, exactly have a plan,"I blurted.

"What is it?" She asked as she just stared at me with raised brows.

Suddenly, my mind got fuzzy and I can't think straight. Think Catherine, think. Think something essential.

"Look, we don't know what that is, that might be a trap or a a safe haven. Unless, I go inside without waiting out here and look out for me. Now, whatever happens to me inside, it's up to you if you'll save me or watch me die and run. That's my purpose leaving you out here. You just have to trust me,"I said assuringly.

She nod and I set off inside. I walked right down the middle and was greeted by eerie silence.

The bushes are green sprinkled with hint of red and violet. The trees were humongous with large oranges and apples. At a corner, there was a small rock with a water flowing from it. The whole scenery was fascinating and simply peaceful.

I sighed and walked deeper into the garden. My ears perked up, listening to every move that was going on but instead, the place was still and silent.

Its not long when a scream broke into the air.

"Help!please Catherine, help!"I looked around and the troll was holding her by the neck in its huge hands, the tip of its spear were directly pointed at her as she cry for help.

I shook my head at her stubborness. She'll never listenand I was hoping I have guessed that earlier.

She continued to cry out and I can't help but to panick

I grabbed my silver knife and hold it between my fingers. I positioned myself in front, between the strangling monster and Athena.

I held onto my knife, tight and I narrowed my eyes. I placed the point straight at his head and threw my hand back and launched the knife into the air and into the monster's head.

The monster yelp and it had dropped Athena off along with its spear. The metal clung against the icy floor. I lunged forward, grabbing the long spear. I picked up my speed and bolted up the yelping troll, I swing my arms and slashed the spear right through his neck and into his back. He fell.

I put my hands into my knees, trying to catch my breath. When my breathing was stable I looked back to Athena. Her face pale, her hands trembling and her breathing was unsteady.

"Its fine, your safe," I cooed while I enveloped her into a hug, calming her down.

Her hand tightened between my waist as if she was trying to assure herself."Your safe," I whispered.

What happened back in the garden had brought Athena in paranoia. She was always carrying knife in her hands, trying to protect herself at incoming danger.

I felt bad for what happened to her. I just continued to walk and head both of us to the dreadful maze.

It felt like walking forever when we reach a cave, a dark cave. I looked back at her and I found her looking back at me.

"Are you sure were going in there?" She asked.

"We don't have other choice, do we?" I say and head off again into the dark cave.

I grabbed my flashlight at my side pocket and flickered it on. I pointed the light into the cave and was greeted by the stillness of the place.

Water drips from stalactites, creating small clinking sound. The walls are shining with diamonds.

I looked up and was greeted by the nice carvings on the ceiling. Different sizes of stalactites, dotted the ceiling.

I adored the way the stalagmite dotting the floor. It's sharp blades were like purposely carved and it shines whenever I placed the light through it.

I've never seen a place so wonderful as this before. It was very unique and beautiful.

I moved deeper into the cave adoring another sets of unique creation. The place could have been beautiful with light.

I was pulled out in my reverie when I notice that the cave became smaller and smaller by the second. It's high walls became shorter and its ceiling is just a few centimeters above my head.

The beautiful carvings became a sharp teeth that's ready to grind you alive if you made the wrong move. So I made my pace slow and careful as we explore the cave.

I looked around and saw Athena grinding her teeth as she move in with me.

I looked back out front again and saw that the cave had really shrunk into something smaller and it's getting hard to fit ourselves by every time.

When the smaller hole came, any attempts of ducking won't work. Instead we have to put ourselves in our hands and knees to crawl inside.

"Really, I cannot take this anymore,"Athena grunted as she follow me through the small hole.

"Athena, can you stop complaining and just do what you preferred to do. Nobody forces you to follow me or not. Its your decision if you want to figure tgis max or just sit back there and wait for the trolls to poke you with spear to death," I say and picked up my pace.

The cave became narrow and almost impossible to crawl in. I tried to fit my myself when I saw a small patch of light at the end of the tunnel.

I reach the end of the tunnel and climb out of the blinding lights of the tunnel.

The sight of the end of the tunnel is something that I haven't seen before. It was huge and the stalactites were bigger than the ones when we first came in.( And yes she still came, despite her complains. She really did came. Maybe she was just scared to wander alone amongst the humongous ice blocks and entrap by some unidentified monster).

In the middle of the cave, was a lake that has a very clear water, you can almost see at the depths of the lake. Above it was a huge hole in perfect circle, letting a huge amount of light enter the dome-like cave. The light strikes down right at the lake, making it shine like diamonds.

"This is amazing," I heard Athena say as she move beside me.I only nodded in agreement.

I was too stunned to even speak or comment about the whole scenery. It was just simply and completely fascinating at the moment. This whole maze has too many secrets to reveal and we have to find it all out.

"Catherine, Catherine!"I was pulled out from my reverie when Athena called my name and urged me to move forward. " We have no time to gape at all this, we have to move,"

I blinked a few times and followed her right into the other side where another entry was waiting, but seems like the luck hates us.

The ground shook and the whole cave starts crack from the floor to the ceiling above us.

" Athena, run!" I shouted as she stood frozen ahead of me.

I started running and I grabbed her hand and dragged her behind me. Athena was still speechless when we came running towards the entry way.

I tried tugging her harder to wake her from her daze but it seems like she was a wax statue that is too stubborn to follow.

I dragged her towards the entry and pushed her inside. She stumbled inside.

Her tear fell from her eyes and she was rocking herself back and fort." I'll be dead, I'll be dead, I'll be dead," she muttered, her lips quivering as she stare off the space.

"Athena—ATHENA!" I screamed when a huge abominable ape like creature came out of nowhere. His huge arms were slamming the walls and his feet, stomping the floor wildly as he enter the tunnel we were in.

Her cries became louder as she saw the yeti came towards us. I tried shutting her mouth but she wouldn't listen. She kept yelling over and over and the yeti had overheard her cries. It's eyes looked at us hungrily.

I urged for her to move but she wouldn't budge. The yeti was now charging towards us. It's every move was like a thump of drum in my head and I felt losing.

I don't have any other choice but to face the monster. I grabbed my spear and knife and charged to the charging yeti.

I lift my spear and run towards the side of the yeti. The yeti swung its arms in attempt of hitting me but to no avail, I slid beneath its legs. My spear was threwn at some foot away. I ran towards the spear but the yeti was fast I wasn't able to grabbed the spear. Instead, the yeti had grabbed my legs and threw me up in the air before slamming my body into the cold ice.

Pain shots at my body and at the moment, I'm useless.I tried to stand but the pain was starting to get unbearable. I can't move.

My vision starts to blur and the power that was once in me starts to slips away.

It wasn't long when I heard a wild yelp and something hitting the ice walls.She fought.I know she did.

I felt a strong thump and a set of foot running towards me. It held me up and enveloped me in its arms.

"Catherine, Catherine!!" It screamed.

My mind was fuzzy and I can't name the person who had just saved me. My arms fell to my sides and I closed my eyes, unable to bear that everything around me are blurry.

I just listened to my heartbeat as it thumps against my chest. I let the life from my body drift away and all I feel was unbearable weakness as I lay at her arms.

She continued slapping me in the face, waking me up.But to no avail, I can't move, not a limb.

I smiled as I let darkness take over me and my life leave my body.

The sun shines towards my eyes as I lay at the cold ice floor. I looked up to meet the same hopeful eyes.

She smiled and gripped my arms." your awake,"

I sat and beamed at her. I thought I'll die out there, in cold. Without no one. She walked on the other side and picked up something.

She smiled and handed me my spear.I mouthed a thank you and we both stood." Wanna head on?" I asked.

She furrowed her brows," Wait, you're not yet fully healed," she says.

" I can handle it. Thanks for your help,"I says and urged her for us to head on.

We move on a sloped and found ourselves encircle by a set of tall ice walls. The walls are still and the place was silent like any other places in this maze.

A click sounded throughout the walls and small part of a wall back away and a hole was formed.

I spread my arms and backed away, making for Athena to back away as well.

"Why what's wrong?" she asked.

"This might be another trap,"I says

And as if on cue an icicle launched from the hole directing on us.

"Go back," I demanded.


"I said go back!" I screamed and pushed her. She launched herself into a run.

"Catherine, what are you doing!Run!" she screamed.

I didn't listen, still trying to figure out what to do.

"Damn,"I heard her muttered."Wanna die or what?!"

I shook my head. "Fine," I launched myself into run and followed close behind her.

All the walls became shallow and starts to have holes. I picked up the pace and we hurried of the section. We both run to where until the walls are but the icicles made it impossible. All icicles were launched and now it pierces every other side of the walls.

I saw a door and yell for her to run faster. The door starts to lower itself from the ceiling and I tried my best ti catch the door.

I grabbed Athena's hand and tugged her down the ground and pull her along with me as I slid inside another tunnel.

"That almost killed us," she says,panting.

"That's just a beginning,"

District 7 Female: Natalie Pitchford

The air smelt fresh. Fresher than the maze at least. The sand felt magical between her toes. as she walked further along the beach. Dropping her shoes, Natalie smiled and sat on the shore line, allowing her to be gracefully touched by the waves. 'This is a good thing' she thought. Not seeing anyone or anything on the blonde sand or in the depths of the water Natalie ventured into the ocean. She walked half way in and found that the sea seemed to be getting warmer, although this was probably due to the fact that her body was reaching a lower temperature which allowed her to not feel the coldness of the water. Natalie yelped as she stepped in something slimy. Standing still she slowly tilted her head downward, thinking of all the things she possibly could have walked on to. Thinking the worse, she closed her eyes and reached her hand down. Feeling her fingers graze the culprit she quickly lifted it out of the water and opened one eye to look at it. The clump of green hanging down her fingers made her smile. The rough surface and jagged edges meant that this was a rare sea plant. The plant allowed you to breathe underwater for awhile. Natalie happily ate a piece. Almost gagging, she swallowed the seaweed it feeling slimy and wet down her throat. Taking a huge breathe Natalie ducked her head underwater and began swimming down. A reef caught her attention, surrounded by more seaweed, colourful plants and coral. Wanting to stock up on the seaweed she started to make her way towards it, breathing seeming natural to her under the water.

The reef was a distance away and Natalie wasn't a great swimmer. stopping to rest for a few moments and waiting for a school of blue coloured fish to pass was a mistake for Natalie. When she looked up from the fish she noticed a mermaid with a blue tail and piercing purple eyes. She noticed that they were singing. Natalie stayed calm. Sirens usually affect males so she should be fine. Slowly turning around, she located three others closely watching her. One was okay for her, four was a nightmare. Keeping cool, she simply smiled. The mermaid she spotted first darted towards her and grabbed one of her ankles, the long curved nails catching her skin causing her to bleed. Concentrating on the singing and not the pain Natalie tried to wriggle free and swim upwards but the other mermaids had blocked her path. They all grabbed a limb and started scratching her. Natalie felt the panic arise in her and she started to feel her lungs burning. The seaweed is not working anymore. Noticing in the distance a human figure that looked to be out of a daze. Staring at each other, he started to move toward her. He made his way into the middle with her and smiled. She bent down and reached for the sword that was tucked away in his belt. He winked in her direction causing her cheeks to heat up. It was Kale from district 12. Natalie had only seen him a few times, she seemed to know how to survive.

After recovering from her daydream and eating a bit more seaweed she saw Kale slash the throat of one of the mermaids. She started bleeding it looked red from behind him. Lunging forward Natalie hit one of the others in the stomach and this was when she noticed the intensity of the silver blood that was pouring out of her. A few moments later, they were both swimming away. Kale stopped and grabbed Natalie's sleeve motioning to the top of the ocean. Natalie nodded in response. Before she could attempt to swim upwards, he dragged her sleeve again and swam to the reef she so desperately wanted to get to. That's when she heard it. S rumbling sound, a sound like a car in the distance. Looking around the reef she found a creature that resembled a dinosaur and another that had many legs fighting. It looked territorial. A few seconds later and the dinosaur managed to escape, fleeing the ther creature a quickly as he could, however the other was hot on its tail.

Natalie smiled to herself. She would have to come down here again to explore further but she needed to recover from the gashes on her legs and arms. The sea water stinging slightly, but she paid no attention to it. She just watched as Kale grabbed one of her wrists were she hadn't been hurt and pulled her upwards. She felt so thankful and in debt to Kale. She would have to make it to him for saving her and not letting her die and the hands of the sea creatures.

District 8 Female: Phoebe Beckham

Wet. Stinky. Wet. Gross. Wet. Mosquitoes. Wet. Wet. Wet.

Phoebe grumbled as she carefully stepped over the soggy ground and avoided the muddy water.


She scowled as her feet nearly submerged in the ground each step she took. Half of her allies were dead and the other half were separated from her in the maze. She chose the swamp because she knew the others wouldn't like it as much. She didn't think she would be the only one. Sure this place could be pretty big, but wandering around all she saw were mosquitoes, frogs, and cicadas. She had been afraid the night before when she curled up on a rare rock. It was still damp and mossy, but everywhere else she would have been soaked. She was afraid of someone sneaking up on her and slicing her throat. Yet no one had laid a finger on her.

Now that she trudged along by herself, the eerie sense of loneliness surrounded her. It was warm around the green, murky water and mossy, muddy ground. There was a strange stench that was entirely unsettling.

The knife stored in her belt was an unfriendly reminder of the events that had passed not a few hours before. It was all behind her and she wanted it to stay behind her.

So much blood.

Phoebe shook her head grunted. She would not think about it. Trying to ignore her thoughts, or rather, deny them, she focused on the path in front of her. What was in her future? Surely she was not out of danger. Yes, she was alone. But there was something wrong about this. There was something wrong about all of this. If the Game Makers want them dead, why would they separate them?

Phoebe shuddered as possibilities flew through her mind. An itch crawled up her spine and her breaths grew short; as if she were afraid she was watched. Of course she was watched! She was watched by the entire Capitol! But still that didn't settle her uneasiness.

She stopped. Where was she going? She had no goal; no destination. Walking aimlessly was pointless.

She leaned against a winding, knotted tree that had few leaves and hung long green vines that almost touched the ground. The trunk was only as big around as her thigh. About the height of her chest, the trunk split into three large branches. The way they curled out and up made it look like it was holding something.

Phoebe sighed and hoisted herself up into its grasp. It was surprisingly comfortable and not as damp as she thought it would be. Leaning her back against the branch, she studied her surroundings more closely. There were many other trees like this one. Sometimes they branched into two, and sometimes even five. They all were decorated with vines and dull green leaves. Some had simple, cream colored flower blossoms. But they looked sick.

This entire place looks sick.

Even the air looked sick. The mist and fog that twisted around the trunks of the trees and curled around the still waters was the same drab green. It was thick enough that you couldn't see anything beyond 15 feet.

The itch in Phoebe's spine still alerted her of the discomfort she felt. Although it was warm and muggy, her insides felt cold and frosty.

"It's a fire swamp." She muttered. "Pretty soon they're will be quick-sand and giant natural land flame-throwers." Phoebe smirked. "And ROUS's... frankly I don't believe they exist!" She raised her voice to amuse herself. The dampness seemed to dampen her echo, too.

Out of the corner of her eye she caught some movement. She snapped her head in its direction and stared wide-eyed. The only difference she could detect was the disturbance in the water. After a few moments she sighed and pulled herself together.

Just a frog. I'm so paranoid.

She rolled her eyes at herself. But then she realized that the cicadas had stopped singing. The mosquitoes had stopped stinging. There was no toad in sight, and the fog was inching closer.

There was a small hiss and the water rippled violently. Phoebe stopped breathing. She felt claustrophobic with the mist slowly pressing in on her from every side. Her mind was screaming as her vision of the ground vanished. She clutched the tree's branch and gained her footing on the trunk. Everything was quiet and calm; everything but the frantic beat of her heart and the rushing adrenaline through her veins. Everything was green and everything was wet and none of it mattered but the unknown impending danger that loomed around her pretty little head. Snap! Phoebe shrieked as a monstrous alligator snapped at her feet. She panicked and fell between the branches, falling against her back on the soggy ground.

Still screaming, she groped at the ground and rocketed herself in the opposite direction of the alligator. She still couldn't see two feet in front of her and tripped into the water. Finding her footing, she waded across the waist-high water. She gasped for air and sobbed when she heard another hiss com from behind her.

Phoebe clambered onto the shore and blindly ran into the fog. She dodged trees and vines as she sprinted, holding up her hands to shield her head.

She skidded to a stop along a sloping bank. Six alligators slithered from the water and crawled onto the shore. She turned around to find two more.

She was surrounded.

Their hisses sounded like mocking laughter. The curl on their scaly snouts seemed to sneer at her. Their nostrils flared with the pleasurable stench of utter fear. She could see the smug enjoyment in their black-as-death eyes.

There was no hope for her. She would not die by the hand of another tribute, no. She would be torn apart and used as dinner to these footed vipers. No escape. No loophole. She was gone.

Closing her eyes, she remembered the last loving embrace of her father's strong arms. She remembered the last tender kiss of her aunt. She remembered the look in the eyes of Heather, the girl who was drawn, the girl she had done this for. She remembered the sad grin on Markus' face as he waved goodbye.

"I'll be rooting for you out there." Markus pumped his fist.

"Don't bet on me." Phoebe giggled. He shrugged.

"I might."

Oh, Markus.

I told you not to bet on me.

The alligators were nearly nipping at her heels.

You're going to lose.

She could feel the sharp breaths of their snouts.

Oh, Markus.

She felt a brush on her cheek and she cowered in expectancy.

Wait a second.

Phoebe opened her eyes to notice a vine dangling in front of her face. The alligators were ready to open their mouths and break her legs. Would it hold her weight? It was time to find out.

Phoebe raised her hands as far as she could reach up the vine and pulled, tucking her feet in under her. The alligators dove and missed her just by a hair. They angrily looked up at her and she felt her hands slipping. She wrapped her wrist around the vine and quickly pulled and put her other hand farther up. She moaned as her weight on the vine crushed her wrist.

But she couldn't hold her legs up like that forever. As she twisted the vine around her wrist more, she could hear the hisses of the alligators below. With the other hand she took the end of the vine and wrapped that around that wrist. She brought it back up to her other hand, to create a loop to put her foot in.

The relief off her legs was appreciated, but her throbbing, purple hands were not. She had to climb up. She knew there had to be a branch somewhere, but the fog still clouded her sights. Looking down she could barely make out land. But there were no alligators. Maybe they had given up.

Phoebe loosed her first hand, keeping the loop in the other. She slowly inched her way up the vine using her makeshift pulley.

The fog began to clear and she could see a few feet in every direction. She could see the branch just above her. But when she looked down it wasn't land she saw. It was water. And it was rising.

Phoebe scurried up the vine as fast as she could. As she just reached the branch, she heard a loud splash.

My knife!

Phoebe craned her neck to see her belt. Her knife was still safely wedged to her side. Splash. She whipped her head around. A large, round fish with long, sharp teeth flew at her with its mouth wide open. She screamed and veered out of its path as it dropped back down into the water. There were more.

She grabbed the branch and pulled herself over it, teetering on its very end. She tied the vine around her waist... just in case. The fishes leapt out of the water from every angle, always just missing the ends of her boots.

As she reached the base of the branch, she sighed in relief and rested against another large branch. This tree was certainly bigger than the others.

I'm not dead.

She smiled to herself.

"Markus! You can keep your bet money!" She shouted into the air. She imagined him in an ice-cream shop looking at a TV with that grin plastered on his face as other people grudgingly paid him the money they gambled on her fate. But most of all, she liked the thought that he was more happy she was alive than about the money he gained from it.

A grumble from her stomach made her blushing smile fade. She hadn't eaten anything for a long time.

As if on cue, a fish (that she had identified as a piranha) jumped out of the water and into the air, pointing its glary eye at her. A shiver ran up her spine. She liked fish, but she didn't like sushi. It's not like she had a choice anyway. Were piranhas even edible? All she had to catch them with was a meager little knife. A light bulb flashed above her head.

Twisting around, she looked for a smaller, yet sturdy branch. She spotted one and leaned over. She plucked her knife from her belt and cut off the branch.

Phoebe untied the vine from her waist and cut off some from the end. She used it to tie her knife to one end of the stick. A makeshift spear would have to do.

With much effort and patience she was able to catch a piranha through the eye when it jumped out of the water. She was surprised it was able to jump so high now that the water was receding.

She resisted her urges to throw up as she peeled it open and picked out the meat.

As the water went down, the fog dissipated. The frogs began to croak again the cicadas joined with their chirping. The alligators were still swimming around so she wasn't getting off that tree anytime soon.

She moved to a more comfortable branch and tried to catch a nap. Alligators and piranhas? There couldn't be anything else. Nothing but sleep.

"Phoebe? Phoebe, darling?" A womanly soft voice called out through the darkness. A small light that seemed so far off in the distance grew in size and quickly swallowed up the shadows. A glowing face appeared along with a caressing hand. "Oh, my brave little girl. You must not get yourself lost."

"Momma?" Her own voice questioned the beautiful blue-eyed figure before her.

"Yes?" The delicate hand reached out and pushed back her course hair.

"How come you lost?"

Sad lines appeared on the woman's face.

"Because I neglected to be cautious."

"Poppa said it was because you didn't know how to fight."

The woman nodded.

"Yes, but I don't believe anyone could have beaten the poor soul that took my earthly life."

"Why do you call him a 'poor soul'? Did he not murder you?" Phoebe felt her mind twist in confusion.

"Any man who betrays and murders for a victory is either an evil man or a man in desperate need of love. And he was no evil man." There was silence and the smiling face faded again into the distance.

"Momma! How can I stop them from murdering?" Phoebe's mind groped to bring back the loving face of her mother.

"Love them. Love them." A faint remnant of her voice echoed in the vast dark.

Another image appeared. It was more clear and familiar. It was Markus!

"So I took a poll among my friends and they all said my hair was red." He rolled his eyes. Phoebe was surprised how fast her emotions jumped from sadness to joy. She chuckled to herself. Of course Markus would take a poll on what color his hair was.

"I told you so." She said mockingly. "It's fiery like your personality."

"Like my personality? Talk for yourself, you're the little fire-ball!" He claimed. His words seemed to become literal. Flames began to lick her leg and rose quickly to her waist.

"Markus!" She cried out for help as the fire burned her flesh. She could see his figure fighting against something. His arm reached for her, but something was pulling them apart.

"Phoebe!" He yelled. "Phoebe, wake up!" What? "Phoebe, don't let down your guard! Be cautious!" His voice was curiously mixed with another. "Wake up!" The added voice was her mother's. "Wake up!"

The burning sensation that swept across her skin didn't subside in her waking. She grunted in pain as she sat up. When she looked down on her legs, a rough, green moss covered every inch of her. She yelped and looked at her hands. They burned and looked like mitts of moss. She rubbed it against her pants and tried to wipe it off her stinging face. None of it came off.

Frantically looking around, she noticed the tree was caked in the stuff. She grabbed her makeshift spear and climbed down the tree, still trying to rip the moss off of her.

Was she safe anywhere?

There was still about an inch of water all over the ground, but it was falling quickly now. As the water reached her mossy boot, it sizzled and the moss detached from her foot. Desperately she threw herself into the murky water. The cool water against her burning skin took her breath away. She kept herself submerged for as long as she could hold her breath. Soon, the burning stopped and the moss came off her skin.

When she resurfaced, the water had dropped dramatically. Only the deepest passages of water still existed. The moss that had been on the tree now covered the ground.

Phoebe panicked. Would the water go away altogether?

An alligator stepped on the land and hissed, backing into the water again. It turned its focus towards Phoebe. She waded towards shallow water and held her spear in her hand. If the alligators couldn't corner her on land, then she could possibly maybe hold them off here. As the 'gator swam towards her, she realized she was backing into a pool; a dead end. It was surprisingly deep and she nearly tripped into it. It was to her hips, but sinking. Just as the monster was about to cross the shallows, it dried up and moss grew at an amazing speed over the open area. The alligator hissed and slithered away.

Phoebe was trapped.

But the water level stopped dropping. With a sigh, she sat on the inclined underwater bank. Her amount of luck was ridiculous. Maybe someone up there liked her.

One thing was for sure, she would take her mother's advice. She could also say it was Markus' advice. But it was all through a dream she had in a tree full of flesh-eating moss. So she would follow her own advice she gave herself.


She growled to herself.

I'm going loony. Out with the sane and in with the insane... and wet. Wet. Wet.

District 10 Female: Noura Katalin

Noura was forced to walk around with bloody palms. There wasn't a stream in sight, nor was there a lake to wash off the crimson from her fingers. The realization that she may have murdered all those people hadn't come yet, but maybe that was a good thing. If Noura were to discover the misery she had caused, then who knows what terrors would swarm her at night. She had the knife, too. Her mind was veiling the truth.

The forest was dark-themed, to say the least. The trees were bare, and so was the ground. Several leaves had fallen off, abandoned by their mother and left to deal with the turmoil of the dirt. Of course, the dirt had nothing against them, but Noura's feet sure did as the leaves cracked under her shoes. The skyline could barely be seen between the thickness of the branches. The only reason she saw sky at all was because the trees had nothing on them.

Something that sounded like a whisper reached her ears, but when she turned around, there was nothing.

Her throat felt as dry as the cracked ground under her, matching the aridity of the blood on her skin. Her body seemed striped as shadows and streams of sunlight lined her chest and legs. When she looked up, she had to cover her eyes, even though the rays were small. It was hot as well; Noura wasn't exactly comfortable.

Her thought raced with every step. It was as if her brain compensated for the fact that she wasn't speaking. From Thom and her mother, to the random faces of the dead tributes and if she would kill when given the chance.

Something that sounded like a murmur reached her ears, but when she turned around there was nothing.

With no destination, Noura sat down on the first stone that she came across. She was breathing heavily, so she didn't hear the footsteps come near her, or the various mutters of something she didn't know yet.

During a strong inhale, a dead leaf crunched under the sole of a shoe. Her breath didn't exhale; she didn't breathe at all. Her head was buried in her hands, but she slowly lifted her eyes to see if anyone was there. The knife was hidden under her forearm, which was propped on her knees. When her eyes were able to take in the view of the other tribute, she saw it was Chance.

He looked afraid of Noura. Maybe it was the blood on her hands, or the sense of deja-vu he got when he came across her. They both could've sworn they had met before, and he shivered at the remembrance of him dying at her hands. Maybe it was the look on her face, or maybe the largeness of the casted shadows made him look afraid, and Noura would never know what he looked like.

"What're you going to do?" Noura was the one to ask. She didn't notice him to be carrying any weapon, and as far as she knew, he didn't see the knife. His feet carried him forward, against the raging thoughts of fear. Noura sensed how afraid the boy was. His hands were shaking and his brow was soaked with sweat. Exhausted and scared. The two commodities of the Games.

The boy's feet stopped inches away from Noura, and he stopped watching her. Maybe it was because she had revealed the knife, and maybe it was because he knew he was going to die. But, just maybe, it was because of the standing shadow behind the girl. The moving, physical, seemingly alive shadow. Noura took the moment of hesitation and answered her own question.

Her question that, yes, he would kill if given the Chance.

To her, this was the first time she had killed. Her eyes were wide and heart paced back and forth from within her chest. Her brain seemed to have misplaced its responsibilities, for her mind went blank. Almost dark, but maybe that was also the shadow. Maybe it was the sequence of undertones behind her.

It came towards her at the same speed as Chance had before. The shadow didn't have legs, but it wasn't exactly floating, either. It was simply there, moving, coming at Noura like it was just another tribute. The only reason she saw the shadow, was because she turned to sit back down. It didn't have arms, but Noura felt as if the shadow was reaching out for her. She backed up, afraid of whatever she thought it was.

Her mind found itself, but only to panic. Her brain reappeared and was suddenly the one pacing around quickly, and her heart was the one that disappeared. Her legs rushed back, but she couldn't think enough to fully turn around and run. Fear became a crutch, but a useless, broken one. The shadow had no real shape; it was dark and freeform as it chased after Noura with an almost skittish float.

Suddenly, it stopped. The shadow stopped coming forward. Noura still felt the sense that it was reaching at her, but it wasn't coming forward any long. It was as if a chain was locking it to its tree. Noura could see slightly through the shadow's body. Well, Noura called it a body, but it could just as easily be called simply "it". She could see how the tree in which the shadow was attached to, shake. Its roots were upturning the dirt as the shadow longed for Noura.

It was a sad sight, but Noura didn't have time to dwell. Another shadow was to her right; she saw it just in time. She turned to face her new attacker and, starting to walk backwards, she gradually calmed.

After that shadow reached the end of its rope, Noura was being chased by another. One by one, they all reached the maximum distance from their home tree. Nothing could reach her, until her back hit the bark of a tree.

There was a shadow to her right and a shadow in front of her. Both of them halted; she was out of their reach. That moment of calamity went away, because the shadow of the tree she was laying against appeared. It had her.

Her skin felt passive as one of the reached her. She could almost feel the shadow's relief. The darkness engulfed her torso and hips, but nothing else. A strip of blackness detached from the rest and slipped its way up her spine. It was like a fog as it wrapped itself around her head like a bandage. She felt petrified and like her mind was under attack, but not her.

The shadow protruded into her forehead and a small incision was made, like the shadow was using Noura's knife. It slipped into the hole and grabbed at her brain, making it tingle. Noura felt an itch inside her thoughts.

And, slowly, the shadow morphed into a shape. Soon, it had arms around her throat and legs on the ground. The shadow became a silhouette of Noura, taking her exact form, but with a blackened tint. Just as effortlessly, the shadow slipped out of her head, and stepped back, through the tree. Noura's back was to the newly-shaped shadow. The thought made her uncomfortable, so she turned to face it.

The tree was in her way. Her forehead collided with the trunk and she winced in pain, and at her own stupidity. The shadow's arms returned and wrapped around the tree. This involved Noura, so the only thing preventing her from fully embracing the shadow, was the tree. She mentally took a note to thank it later.

She pulled against the force of the shadow, so her face was inches from the tree itself. The face of the living darkness came through andsmiled at Noura. However ridiculous this made her feel, she smiled back. She felt like an idiot. She knew this was a trick of the Game Makers. Because, as she looked closer into the figure, she realized it wasn't her shape, but Thom's.

They wanted to manipulate her fears.

Her hand tightened against the handle of her knife enough to where they ached with potential bruises. Seeing him made her furious, as she forgot everything about the day prior. Her forearm struggled to rise. Once the shadow saw the blade, it backed out through the tree and tried to flee. Noura was suddenly in control as her hand came flying down at the tree.

The knife lodged itself in the bare tree. White flecks of dead bark lined where the hole had been made, but something else was flying into the slit. The fog of darkness was being pulled. She could hear the slight whispers of the shadow as it whined about leaving the earthly world. Noura watched it go until it was gone for good. She looked at the tree confusedly as the hole closed up.

The tree was stabbed, so the shadow was too.

Noura didn't know how much she had saved herself.

Blood came trickling down her face, blending with her vision. The cut in her forehead was real, and she could barely comprehend how dangerous the creature was before she was walking away. It closed as well not long after she left the tree standing there. Just like Chance had been afraid, the shadows were scared of her too.

She was safe, for now, but she still felt endangered.

District 11 Female: Dayshia Kelly

Dayshia was already starting to get bored.

She knew that "bored" wasn't exactly the right word to describe the situation she was in, but Dayshia honestly didn't care. The Bloodbath had been both terrifying, yet exciting at the same time. After the initial shock with the so called "Reaper" had worn off, Dayshia couldn't help but admit to herself that her whole body and mind was already yearning for more adventure.

She knew it was wrong, in the depths of her mind, not to be affected by the blood and gore and the deaths of the eight tributes that were displayed in the sky last night. But Dayshia couldn't help it—she liked it. However, now, a full twelve hours had passed without anything drastic happening, and Dayshia was growing tired of sitting in the drab grasses.

Oh, did she forget to mention that Anika had disappeared during the night?

The thought made Dayshia bite her lip in anxiety, but she quickly stopped the action, hoping cameras weren't pointed on her. The Voice—her voice—in her head had popped up at random times during the day and told Dayshia advice. 'Style your hair with flowers and leaves—just make sure they aren't poisonous!' and 'Show your warrior side, Day. The whole little scenario back with the Reaper? Nah.'

Maybe, Dayshia thought, staring up at the blazing afternoon sun, maybe that's why I feel bored. Because the Voice told me so. There's nothing wrong with me—just my conscience talking, that's all.

Somehow that didn't exactly sound too convincing to Dayshia's ears.

The girl sighed, before continuing her long, arduous trek through the vast, never-ending meadow.


How long has it been? Dayshia thought hazily, her head swimming. The Voice had gone silent for a while, and strain of malnutrition and dehydration had finally caught up to Dayshia. A few minutes? An hour? A day—no, it couldn't have been a day. Could it? Wearily, Dayshia lifted her head to glance up at the sky, and even that miniscule movement sent shock pains of pain washing throughout her neck and upper back. Dayshia winced, and gingerly touched her dry, flaking cheeks. Ugh, sunburn. In disgust, Dayshia started scratching at her peeling brown skin, trying hard to turn them baby-smooth again. I look hideous.

You sure do. Didn't anyone tell you not to peel sunburnt skin? With you coming from District Eleven, I'd thought that you would've known that. Tsk, tsk, Day. You disappoint me.

Outwardly groaning, Dayshia stopped her scratching and full-on ignored her "Voice". Secretly, she wondered if the annoying, high-pitched voice was a side-effect of some drug the Capitol had injected into her. She had been a little suspicious of the trackers. Oh my gosh. It's the trackers, isn't it? That's how you talk to me all the time.

The Voice laughed. Chill, Day-Day. It's just me—uh, well, you talking. By the way, shouldn't you be figuring out the time of the day right now? Just saying. No offense.

Dayshia scoffed, tossing her fabulous hair over her shoulders. Taking the Voice's advice, Dayshia squinted at the baby-blue sky for the sun's position. She wasn't all that good with astronomy, but she could roughly figure the time of the day by the position of the ball of fire, thank you very much. However, her heart seemed to drop as the girl only stared up into puffy white clouds—the sun was hidden. Crap. Now what do I do?

How about run and avoid those weird bee things coming? Heard bee stings swell up—wouldn't want you looking like a puff cake now, do we?

"Bee things?" Dayshia pivoted sharply on her heel, panic suddenly rising up in her chest, "What bee—"

And that was about as far as Dayshia got, because the next thing she knew she was surrounded by large, humongous bees about the size of a small cat. Dayshia shrieked, instinctively reaching for her dagger and swinging it randomly at the bee buzzing closest to her. It cut the bee's black-and-yellow stripped skin, and some clear liquid spilled out, but the wound was far from fatal. The said bee buzzed angrily, it's enormous wings creating a light breeze and picking up dust, before curling its body into a C shape and swinging its stinger at Dayshia.

"Oh my god!" Dayshia screamed, managing to deflect the blow with her dagger. The brute force of the bee, however, knocked Dayshia backwards and into the grass. The wounded bee's comrades seemed to make a hissing sound, before all swarming forwards at the same time to attack the terrified Dayshia, stingers swinging side to side. The first bee landed daintily on the ground, it's antennas twitching and swiping at Dayshia. A second bee attempted to land, but was knocked to the side by the first bee. The second insect buzzed in frustration at the one that knocked it over, and the first bee was suddenly distracted from it's prey.

Oh, got it! Piped up the Voice, quite suddenly, They're big. And I'm guessing with their increased size, slower too. See, their wingspan doesn't quite match their weight, and that would slow them down. May I have brownie points?

Dayshia took the Voice's advice without hesitation, ignoring its nonchalant tone. She jumped up, heart racing, while the bees were still distracted, and took off sprinting as fast as she could, heading in no direction in particular. Her hair stung her already burnt face, and Dayshia winced slightly, blinking her eyes in order to get the waves of brown out from her face. She could only hear the howling of the wind in her ears, could only see the world blur around her in blobs of green and blue and brown, and this only fueled her fear. She ran and ran, blood pounding in her ears, until she collapsed behind a clump of bushes, feeling as if her lungs would burst. Her throat burning, Dayshia weakly lifted her dagger and brandished it in the air, only for her eyes to widen when she saw the bodies of the four bees lying at awkward angles behind her. Some were beheaded, while others were still twitching on the blood-soaked ground, their wings cut off and stubby legs in the air.

"Did you miss me?" a giggly voice announced, out of nowhere. Dayshia whirled around, and came face to face—again—with Anika Brand. She held a bloodied sword in both hands, blond hair in tangles. Shakily, Dayshia stood up, and nearly collapsed as her leg muscles screamed in protest. Anika reached over and steadied her, before flashing Dayshia a small, reassuring smile. Dayshia almost returned it, until her Voice spoke again.

Well. This blonde chick is really started to creep me out.

"Yeah, me too," Dayshia muttered wearily, eying Anika out of the corner of her eye. How did Anika always, always show up at the most convenient of time?

"Yeah what?" Anika asked, looking surprised.

"Oh," Dayshia realized that she had spoken out loud, "Nothing, nothing. Just, tired. And hot."

I think you should really leave, Day. Like, now. I really don't want you to get eaten by a Reaper thing. Mainly because it'll be a horrible death, and also because it'll mean, I'll die. Which will suck. Bad. And I really don't want me—us—to die. Cause' we're too fabulous.

Thank you for the vote of confidence, Confucius! Dayshia thought back sarcastically, before turning back to Anika and asking, "Where were you all this time?"

"Oh," Anika shrugged, "Here and there."

Oh yeah, that tells up a lot. Dayshia groaned at the sound of the Voice.

Shut up, please. You are seriously driving me insane.

Hey, that's good! Maybe the guys dig insane Victors back at the Capitol. You know, insane is the new sexy?


Hey! R-U-D-E!

Dayshia concentrated hard, and slowly the presence of the Voice faded away. She breathed a sigh of relief. Finally. She looked around for Anika, and her jaw dropped open when Dayshia saw, that once again, Anika had disappeared. What the heck is going on?!

Well, remarked the Voice, you did want adventure.

Dayshia groaned.

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