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Ok, this is one of my best friends, Lainey! Give her a hand!

Interviewer: How did you discover Wattpad?

Lainey: Somebody on YouTube said "it all started with an apple" was good and that it was on Wattpad. So I downloaded it...

Interviewer: How long were you writing before Wattpad?

Lainey: I've been writing since I was seven or eight, so about six years.

Interviewer: Where do you find inspiration?

Lainey: Everywhere, really. Music, art, other books, bible studies, the list goes on.

Interviewer: What is your favorite thing about writing?

Lainey: I like to write because I get to invent stories and paint word pictures; I get to be creative.

Interviewer: Any advice for aspiring writers?

Lainey: Well, as an aspiring writer myself, my advice would be to never give up. Nobody gets anywhere if they don't try.

Interviewer: Finish the sentence: It was...

Lainey: It was exhilarating. I was standing at the highest point in the entire city, before me was nothing but blue skies and vast oceans stretching out to what seemed like forever.  The breeze blew through my hair, the smell of ocean mist surrounded me and the moment engulfed me completely.  Standing to my right was my best friend who catches me looking at her and gives me a thumbs up before shaking off her hands nervously and returning her gaze to the waters before her.   To my left stands my little sister who, though she has always been the most fearless person I know, looks over at me like I'm totally insane and then takes a shaky breath, her face contorted with fear.  And then there's me; standing between the both of them with the giddiest smile on my face as I bounce on my toes before approaching the edge of the cliff.  I have always wanted to do this. I remind myself when I get a twinge of fear at the sight of my bare toes literally hanging off the edge.  A few rocks tumble down the huge, steep drop and into the crystal clear water.  "Okay." I say shakily and hold out my hands to my friends in an attempt to coax them forward and closer to the edge, "Don't think," I say, mostly to myself, "just go for it."
     My sister grabs my left hand first, naturally, and then my Best Friend takes hold of my right. 
      "On three," my sister says. We both nod in response. "One. Two. Three."
    And we jump.


But thanks for letting me interview you! 😊

Go check out Lainey's works (I personally recommend you read Living 101)! Tell her I sent you!

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