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Interviewer: How did you discover Wattpad?

Madness: I was looking through the app store in hopes of finding something that might help me out with my writing abilities. Nothing too crazy, just an app that might have some tips for how to write a good story, things you shouldn't do that might turn away readers, how to write proper realistic dialogue, etc. Just little stuff like that that would help keep me on the right track in pursuit of a future writing career. Then I saw the orange Wattpad sign and thought, 'Hey, why not. It has some great reviews, might as well give it a spin'. And amazingly, voila, here we are now.

Of course, I wasn't prepared at all for what craziness really awaited me when I downloaded it onto my iPod and made an account. Its a good craziness, though. The kind that keeps you happy and loving life. Wouldn't trade it for the world. :)

Interviewer: How long were you writing before Wattpad?

Madness: I've been writing ever since I could hold a crayon. When I was in my early toddler years, before I actually knew how to spell out words, I'd scribble on small pieces of paper and fold them in half, like a book cover, and then pretend they were actual stories I'd published. I'd "read" them to my dog or my mom or my sisters, though the stories were different every time I told them. I guess I'd been writing for eleven years, then, since I made my account when I was twelve and didn't start "making books" 'til I was a little over a year old.

Interviewer: Where do you find inspiration?

Madness: Usually in music or different fandoms. I'm working on a book I actually want to get published someday, and a lot of the characters are based off of my favorite fictional heroes like the Tenth Doctor from 'Doctor Who', the Winchester brothers from 'Supernatural', Varric Tethras from 'Dragon Age', etc. But if I need inspiration for a certain scene, whether it be action-packed or heart-breaking, I rely on music to help me get in my zone and form an image of what I want to happen in my mind.

For my 'Assassin' series, I listen to a lot of hard-rock, especially when it comes to the recent scenes revolving around Obi-Wan and his...well...'further character development', to put it lightly.

Interviewer: How do you feel about the feedback from your readers?

Madness:  I absolutely love my readers. For the most part, their feedback is fun and genuine and seems to always put a smile on my face. I'm a huge fan of putting plot-twists in my stories and insane cliff-hangers, so whenever I post a chapter like that, seeing their reactions just makes my day. It shows me that they really like my work and have grown attached to my characters. It pushes me to continue with my fan-fictions, no matter how many times I hit a bump in the road or have trouble pulling myself out of a writer's-block abyss. I don't think I'd still be writing today if it wasn't for them and their constant support.

Interviewer: Any advice for aspiring writers?

Madness: Not everyone is going to like your work. There will always be people who dislike what you're trying to say or think you could've said it better or believe you shouldn't have even said it at all. But if you put your heart and soul into your words and hold their personal meaning close, those opposing people will matter less and less until they become nothing more than background noise in your life. Because the only thing that truly matters when it comes to writing is your own relationship you have with your mind and the words you use to express its thoughts. If you love the stories you write and want to keep writing them, then don't let other people tell you that you shouldn't follow that dream. Don't let people tell you what you should and shouldn't write, because that's not what writing is really about. Writing is about exploring new things, taking chances, making mistakes and learning from them to improve yourself and your abilities. Never let anyone's opinion change how you tell your story, because it's not theirs to change.

Interviewer: Finish the sentence: It was...

Madness: It was another limp, lifeless morning as her eyes groggily slid open and the world came into view once again. Another twelve pointless hours, inevitably slipping away like sand in an hour glass. Though her world wasn't much, just four walls and a roof she rarely ever left, it was still her world. And, reluctantly, she knew she'd have to get up and face it.

The blue comforter was still warm from a night of restless sleep, tossing and turning and trying to find a way to bring back what had been lost weeks before. No matter how hard she tried, she could never return to that beautiful dream she'd been blessed with lifetimes in the past, a dream she'd given up without thinking twice. A dream that had brought tears to her eyes and a false hope to her soul.

With a heavy heart, the young teenage girl rolled out of bed, pulled on her clothes and made her way from her bedroom to the living room, where her dogs sat impatiently in their kennel in hopes that their owner would let them outside to eat and do their business. Of course, she obliged and they immediately ran for the door with a strange, joyful excitement in their step.

She headed for the food bowls first and removed them from their perch on top of the lockers next to her front door, both pieces of metal smelling strongly of wet dog and drool-soaked puppy treats. A scent that never grew old.

By now, her two precious boys were jumping and yipping with energetic glee at her hands, though no dog-chow actually rested within them yet. She didn't expect anything different to come from the small pooches she had the responsibility of taking care of; it was all part of their predictable morning routine.

It gave her something to look forward to.

What she could've never predicted, though, was that strange sound. That weird, unusual humming and whirring of an other-worldly engine vibrating through the air with each step she took towards her garage door, where the dog food sat in a white container against the wall.

Her eyes widened.

Her heart began to pound in her chest like a war drum.

It couldn't be. It'd only been a dream, just a figment of her over-active imagination. Nothing more. Nothing less. It wasn't real. It couldn't be. It was just the air-conditioner turning on. Or the fridge acting up again; it was always doing stuff like that, making abnormal whirring sounds.

With a dismissive shake of her head, she pulled the door open and turned the light to the garage on...

...and was met with a sight that would change her life forever.

Thank you, madness124 ! You're amazing and I've enjoyed interviewing you! And that last response? Totally made my day!

Guys, thank you for reading this. If you have any authors you want me to interview, drop a comment or PM me! Either way, I'm sure to see it! (It's completely up to the author whether an interview takes place.)

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