Grading Rubric

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I'm using a new grading rubric system this time, so I thought I would post it so you guys know what I'm looking for when you write your entries. 

If you make any mistakes at all, then you lose the points associated with that mistake. For instance, any grammar mistakes and you won't get your 0.1 for grammar. Same with the rest of these below. It's stricter, but it should correct the scoring so that not everyone is getting a perfect score right off the bat - that way , there's an average most of you will fall under. 

SCORE = 12

Grammar? –0.1

Good Punctuation? –0.1

Spelling? –0.1

Good Sentence Structure ( run-ons included here)? –0.1

Flows Smoothly? –0.1

Follows task? –1

Adheres to Word Count Requirements? –0.1 for every 100 words

Realistic or is it too far out there?–0.5

True to the fandom?—1

Shows clear research into the fandom—1

Creativity? 0.5

Characterization? –1

Emotion? –0.5 per mistake

Action scenes realism? –0.5 per mistake

Dialogue (natural or stiff)? –0.5 per mistake

Character growth and development? –1

Good grasp of vocabulary (descriptiveness)? –0.5 per mistake

Engaged? –0.5

Emotional Impact? –0.5

Hook? –0.5

Originality? -0.5

Bonus point (This is strictly bonus. If you got a perfect score so many times in a row and you're writing is amazingly impressive, enough to publish, then you'll receive this bonus point, making your score 13). 

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