Spot 0 - jesusfreak202's Characters

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Since I'm not actually participating but I'm gonna be posting characters and entries right along with you - because with this epic storyline of course I have to write entries too - I thought I'd post my stuff as Spot 0 since I don't count as anything, lol. Enjoy :)

Villain Character Form:

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Niklaus (he goes by Klaus) Mikaelson

Age: Thousands of years old

Gender: Male

Appearance: Klaus is extremely handsome and it's hard to resist his outward charm, English accent, and dashingly good looks. He has short curly blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. Sometimes, his lips pull into a devious smirk or a sarcastic grin, depending on his mood. If he's really angry at you, of course, he'll snarl and show his fangs, which is something no one wants to see. When Klaus becomes angry, someone dies and violently so.

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: Toward the beginning of season three of the Vampire Diaries after he gets his hybrids and lets control of Stefan, but before Stefan takes his family's coffins.

Backstory: Klaus' family was a Viking family that escaped from Europe and came to the New World long before it was ever discovered, nearly a thousand years ago. There, they tried to live in peace but the area where they settled were filled with werewolves from special bloodlines.

Throughout his childhood, Klaus suffered abuse from his father, Mikael after their younger sister was killed by a plague. On many occasions, Mikael beat and even whipped Klaus. The psychological effects from this would have devastating consequences.

Because of the werewolves, every night on the full moon, their family hid in terror and fear, until one night, Klaus' younger brother was killed. Both of his parents were desperate to save Klaus and his four siblings. Klaus' mother, Esther, was a witch. She did a spell that gave Klaus and his four siblings immortality but it came at a price: drinking blood without remorse and thus, the vampire was born.

At the time, Klaus and his closest brother Elijah fell in love with the same woman and what was special about her was she was the first Petrova doppelganger. She wouldn't choose between them, so they became distant with each other.

To end the feud, when Esther, their mother, did the spell to turn them into vampires, it was the woman's blood that they drank; she was dead.

Klaus world was further turned upside down after it was discovered that his father wasn't really his father. In fact, his real father was one of the werewolves, thus making Klaus the first and only vampire-werewolf hybrid. Mikael had always hated him anyway, but this made everything so much worse. In revenge for Esther's betrayal, Mikael hunted down and killed the man who fathered Klaus and his entire family, thus creating the war between werewolves and vampires that would last generations. Esther helped Mikael cast a spell on Klaus to keep his werewolf side dormant. This, he saw as a betrayal, so he killed her and kept it secret from his other siblings and blamed Mikael. Over the years, Mikael started hunting them down one by one. He was a vampire too but one that only drank vampire blood; a vampire who killed vampires.

Even though Klaus' werewolf side was dormant, which meant he couldn't turn, the anger and aggression inside him grew and combined with the psychological effects of being abused by Mikael for so many years.

To protect his family and mostly to be in control of everyone, Klaus used the only weapon that could kill his siblings: a special dagger dipped in the ash from a tree in their homeland – that tree had been the only thing that could kill them aka a stake through the heart – but they burned it down. Over the years, Klaus put a dagger in every single one of his sibling's hearts. Of course, they would wake as soon as the dagger would be removed, so he locked them in coffins along with his mother's preserved body and hid them away.

During the middle ages, Klaus knew that the Petrova doppelganger would appear again in the Petrova family and she did. Katerina was to be used in the spell to break the curse so he could finally become a werewolf but she escaped and turned herself into a vampire. The spell would only work if a Petrova doppelganger was drained of blood as a human. After that, he spent 500 years hunting down Katerina to seek his revenge.

In modern days, the Petrova doppelganger appeared again in Elena Gilbert. She was in love with a vampire named Stefan Salvatore and in a twist, Stefan and his brother Damon had both been in love with Katerina in the 1800s. She was even the one who had turned them into vampires.

Klaus drained Elena and broke the curse, but Stefan and Damon, both in love with Elena, found a way to save her. After that, Stefan agreed to go with Klaus if he saved Damon from dying from a werewolf bite – Klaus' blood is the only cure. So Klaus spent time trying to make Stefan become the fun vampire that Klaus knew back in the 20s. He forced Stefan to shut off his humanity which was something that vampires could do so they didn't have to feel emotions but that also leaves behind anything that makes them human and makes them evil. During this time, Klaus made more hybrids. He found other werewolf bloodlines and turned them all into vampires and because his blood turned them to vampires, they were all sired to him, which means they all obey him.

Everything was going exactly as Klaus planned. He finally killed Mikael with the help of Stefan betraying Damon and Elena's plan to kill Klaus and in exchange, Klaus gave Stefan his freedom from being under Klaus' compulsion.

The realms merged. Klaus at this point was used to strange spells going off, so he found a witch who realized what was going on. At first, he wanted to know how it was done, by whom, and how to stop it, but eventually, he saw this as an opportunity. Realms that they had no access to were now at his fingertips.

Why stop at being an immortal vampire-werewolf hybrid when you could have and be more?

Personality: Klaus wants, no he needs to be in control of others. He is powerful, immortal, and can't really be killed and he knows this, embraces it, and uses it to his advantage. He loves and enjoys having people under his control and what he enjoys even more is terrorizing them and watching them suffer. Yes, he's a sadist. He does what he wants, when he wants and whatever Klaus wants, he gets, uncaring who or what he crosses to get it. Let's face it; not many people can stand up to him or face up against him and win. Everyone who has ever opposed Klaus is dead.

What is their main goal: Klaus wants to make himself as powerful and unopposable as possible With the realms come the possibilities of not only creating new werewolves at will (since in their realm, werewolves are by bloodline and there aren't many life) like vampires and thus, creating more loyal hybrids, but it also opens up new chances for new hybrids, things that have never been seen before. And Klaus especially wants magic. Witch magic has always been the one thing that could cause him problems and with these new realms, he could finally have a way to be truly unstoppable.

What kind of a villain are they: Klaus is sadistic and a liar. He makes empty promises but if you don't do what he wants, he'll kill everyone around you and do terrible things to you anyway. He will compel others to do what he wants so even if you don't do it willingly, you'll do it unwillingly. He's always in control.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: As a vampire, he's super strong and fast with enhanced senses, especially hearing. He can compel humans to do whatever he wants. Because he's an Original vampire, he can compel other vampires. He's older, which makes him stronger than other vampires and on top of that, he's a werewolf-vampire hybrid which makes him stronger anyway. A werewolf bite will kill a vampire and Klaus' blood is the only cure. He also can't be killed.

What kind of minions do they have: Klaus has hybrids – werewolves who were turned into vampires who are now sired to him to do whatever he wants.

Do they have a second in command and if so, who: Klaus is all he needs. He has a few witches he'll contact for what he needs and Tyler Lockwood – one of Elena's friends who was a werewolf Klaus turned and now enjoys controlling.

What characters have they kidnapped and why: He's kidnapped Kanan Jarrus, Jedi Knight in the hopes of creating the most powerful hybrid and becoming as powerful as he can. At first, he wanted to turn Kanan into a vampire to see how the transition works, but he can't until he knows how to use the Force. He kidnapped Kanan's wife and makeshift family and can't wait to kill them if Kanan disobeys him. In the meantime, he wants to find a way to learn the Force and then will turn Kanan into a vampire and hope that the sire bond works; it will ensure his loyalty forever. Secondly, he chose Hijikata more for his wife's Oni blood. That is a prize almost just as precious as the doppelganger's blood in that it can make his vampires stronger and make humans-turned-vampires stronger as well. An old vampire friend of his had come across Oni before and he told Klaus about it, so he used one of his witches to track an Oni and he found Chizuru. The third person he went for,

Anything else? No

Character 1 Main

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Kanan Jarrus

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Appearance: Kanan has dark brown hair that he usually keeps tied back at the nape of his neck. Months ago, it was cut short, but it's finally starting to grow back out again. His eyes were once a beautiful blue color, but they became pale when he was slashed across the eyes by a lightsaber and blinded. His eyes are still filled with wisdom, the more he grows with knowledge of the Force and becomes the Jedi he was always meant to be.

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: After his death in the final season of Star Wars Rebels and after the main events happened toward the end of the last episode (before the final scene that jumped many years).

Backstory: Kanan was once a Jedi named Caleb Dume in the Jedi Temple during the Clone Wars. Clone Troopers fought alongside Jedi who became their commanders as they fought against the Separatists and their droid army. It was during this time that Kanan went on his first several missions with his master, Depa Billaba. The Clones who fought with them were some of his closest friends and allies. He learned a lot and became stronger and learned so much from Master Billaba. Then, Order 66 happened. Their Clones turned on them and betrayed them. Kanan and Billaba fought them but she ordered him to run, so he did. In the distance, he watched in horror as they shot her down. For months, he went on the run, afraid to be seen after receiving a message on his holocron from Master Obi-Wan Kenobi that the Jedi Order and the Republic had fallen. He starved for several days, scraping for food in the slums. This is where he met a smuggler named Janus Kasmir who not only taught Kanan how to survive but how to become someone completely different. From that time forward, Kanan did away with all the teachings of the Jedi and the Jedi ways and became someone else. He was a smuggler, a no good scoundrel who made his way through taverns and women as quickly as he could. During one job he did on Gorse when the Empire was draining it for resources, Kanan met the Twi'lek pilot, Hera. At first, he only tried to do what he does best – flirt with a lovely woman, but he ended up falling for her and the two stuck together. Even though they had a romantic relationship, they always put the mission first and never really acted on their feelings. Eventually, they made a team and became a family with Sabine, a Mandalorian running from her past, Zeb, the last of his kind, Chopper the droid, and eventually Ezra Bridger who just so happened to be Force sensitive. Kanan didn't want to teach him; after all, he had denied the Force for so long but eventually, the two grew on each other and he saw Ezra as his Padawan. The group joined the Rebellion against the Empire and fought them whenever and wherever they could. They met Ahsoka who fought Darth Vader and gave her life to save them after they trusted Maul where he blinded Kanan.

He isolated himself after his blindness but a creature called Bendu taught him to see things through the Force in a different way. This brought him to a different level than he had been before and strengthened him in more ways than just physically.

Their struggle against the Empire worsened as the Empire brought in Grand Admiral Thrawn. When Hera was kidnapped, Kanan immediately went to rescue her and almost succeeded. There was an explosion and none of them were going to make it out of there alive.

Kanan used the Force to throw Hera on board a ship with Ezra and Sabine at the same time that he held off the explosion. As it consumed him, his eyes met Hera's and turned blue one final time. He Force pushed the ship away as the explosion consumed him in death.

Or so everyone thought. Even Ezra, who found a portal that led to a world between worlds, a pathway to all time and space and giving anyone in control of it, control of the universe. He watched Kanan die after saving Ahsoka who warned him that there could be consequences for saving him before the explosion, since he saved Ezra, Hera, and Sabine.

Klaus had a powerful witch do a spell to bring to him someone who could make him more powerful. The spell pulled Kanan out of the explosion after he pushed their ship back and let the explosion consume him, literally not even miliseconds before he died.

When Kanan woke, he was in the world between worlds, believing himself to be dead. From there, he was able to use the Force to manifest himself in the present in the form of a Lothwolf to help his friends as he watched them continue their struggle against the Empire. To Kanan, it felt like only moments passed before the entire world between worlds began to crumble and fall apart.

When he woke, he was with Klaus in the new world; the one where all the realms had merged together.

Personality: Kanan is a good leader and a father figure to his team, who is really his family. He's the best fighter among them and believes in their cause of helping the Empire fall to help other people and end the Empire's evil reign. He would never admit how much he misses the Jedi Order, but has also come to accept his new life. Kanan still has a bad habit of easily slipping back into the role he had to play, the man he pretended to be when he became a scoundrel and played with women's hearts and had no care in the world. It took him a long time to realize that that man wasn't really who he was and it took a woman like Hera and teaching Ezra in order to find out who he really is: a Jedi and that he shouldn't have to be afraid to admit that anymore.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: As a Jedi, Kanan can use the Force to be more acrobatic than other people, such as landing big jumps and guiding himself when in a ship or jumping or aiming. He is great with a blaster but he's even better with a lightsaber, which he can use defensively or offensively. Since he's blind, he uses the Force to sense objects and people to help himself navigate.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Klaus tried to compel Kanan but Kanan is able to use the Force to resist Klaus' compulsion, though it takes a lot out of him. So Klaus ordered another witch to do a locator spell but soon found nothing. For a while, Klaus kept Kanan locked up, debating about turning him into a vampire to see if he couldn't create a new type of hybrid, but Klaus soon realized that wouldn't help him; he had no way to learn to use the Force even if it would possibly sire Kanan to him. Eventually, one of the witches helping Klaus used Kanan's connection to the Force combined with the memories of his loved ones to track them down. Klaus sent his hybrids after them and captured Hera, Sabine, and Zeb. Now Kanan has to do whatever Klaus wants or he will kill them all. To make the situation even more agonizing for him, Klaus let Kanan see them to ensure they were safe, even if he couldn't rescue them, not even with his abilities with the Force, not against Klaus and all his hybrids. At the same time, none of them know who has captured them, why, or that Kanan is alive.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Hera, a woman he considers to be his wife even if he didn't have the time to officially marry her, Ezra, his Padawan whom he has no idea where he is, Zeb and Sabine, both like younger siblings or even children to Kanan and he loves them all very much.

What do they want in life: Kanan wants to be with the team again. After all the fighting, he finally realizes that he wants peace. He wants to create a better world, one where the Empire doesn't oppress others and a place where he and Hera can finally start their lives together and train Ezra without fear of being caught by the Empire where their family – including Sabine and Zeb – can stay together.

Anything else? No.

Character 2 Main

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Toshizo Hijikata

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Appearance: Hijikata has long, jet black, smooth straight hair that reaches down his back, or it used to before he cut it to be more westernized. Once, he wore kimonos with the bright blue overcoat of the Shinsengumi haori, but as the Boshin War escalated, he wore western clothing even if it felt constraining. He's tall compared to others around him and skinny but strong.

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: Following the TV show version of Hakouki to the end, but taking the ending from the movie for Hakouki where Hijikata lived.

Backstory: Hijikata grew up as a poor medicine peddler in Edo, Japan. He became friends with a man named Kondo who was also poor. They both wanted to be samurai, which was a position one was born into and they weren't. They trained at Kondo's dojo together and trained several others including a boy named Souji who had been left and abandoned there by his family, a left-handed swordsmen named Saito, Nagakura who had been born into a samurai family, and Sanosuke who once tried to commit seppuku and lived. They left Edo and went to Kyoto to form a group of samurai called the Roshingumi under the leadership of a man named Kurosawa who created many problems for them so eventually, Hijikata and the others killed him and were renamed the Shinsengumi. They were ordered by the Bakufu – the government they served – to use the Water of Life to create furies and basically be the experiment for it. This caused many of the men in the Shinsengumi to go insane and want nothing but blood. Over time, the head man working on it went missing but the Water of Life was continually perfected. Eventually, the man's daughter, Chizuru, was captured by the Shinsengumi after seeing them kill two of the furies one night. The Furies were supposed to be a secret, so they debated about what to do with her. When Hijikata learned that she was the daughter of the man who made the Water of Life, he ordered her to stay there. Eventually, she did more than simply stay in her room. The political situation in Japan had worsened to the point of war. Ronin were lose in Kyoto and the Shinsengumi stopped several plots to kill members of the Bakufu government. The rebels wanted to see the Bakufu overthrown and soon it was discovered that these rebels were being helped by beings called Oni. It was their blood that helped create the Water of Life and the Oni, one called Kasama, wanted Chizuru for his own because she was one which was a shock to everyone, especially Chizuru. Hijikata and the Shinsengumi promised to protect her. When the Oni, along with the Satsuma-Choshu alliance, got the Emperor's support, many clans changed sides in the middle of the Battle of Toba-Fushimi. The Shinsengumi were betrayed and their leader, the Shogun, fled and left them behind to die. Hijikata fought Kasama to protect Chizuru but Hijikata was wounded and dying and couldn't beat him. So he drank the Water of Life in a moment of desperation and became a Fury – that would become his greatest regret. The fight continued with Hijikata in a blind rage, taking out all of his pain and anger at the betrayal out on Kasama, holding his own against an Oni. This only infuriated Kasama who wouldn't stop until he destroyed Hijikata. At the end of the fight, Hijikata accidentally stabbed one of his friends in the Shinsengumi, who stepped in the way to stop the fight. After that, the Shinsengumi and the Bakufu suffered a series of loses and defeats. Nagakura and Sanosuke left the Shinsengumi and Souji had been taken away to heal. In the same month, Hijikata was told that Sanosuke had died in battle fighting alongside one of the Oni. Kondo ordered Hijikata and Chizuru to escape with their troops and was captured and executed shortly after. When Souji found out, who had taken the Water of Life to help stop his disease even though it didn't, he blamed Hijikata. Samurai fighting for the Emperor found Hijikata and Chizuru, but Souji gave his life to kill all the rogue samurai and save them. All Hijikata and Chizuru found was Souji's katana in the ground. They had learned that being a Fury used up too much power in the human body too quickly, so it drained away their life and in that moment, Hijikata knew that Souji had now become dust; that he had used up the last of his Fury powers to save them both. It was too much, and Chizuru was the only thing getting Hijikata through the heavy and dark grief that haunted him. As the war escalated and they had to flee further and further, Hijikata knew they would lose and that he would die. He had accepted that. But Chizuru? No. After all he had lost, he couldn't lose her too. So he left her behind. Those next several months without her were rough. His own Fury side slowly started to consume his life. He suffered and endured the bloodlust which caused him pain and weakened him alone, where Chizuru had been there for him before. To his surprise, she returned to him, determined to stay. During the final battle, Hijikata was shot and his ability to heal as a Fury was dimming. Kasama caught up to them and though Chizuru begged him not to fight, Hijikata told her he would. That this had to end now and he was going to fight for what he believed in, for what the Shisengumi had been and what they had stood for.

Wounded and weary, Hijikata fought Kasama as hard as he could. Kasama saw his eyes and realized something was different. He explained to Hijikata that he was no longer just a Fury – that he had become an Oni. Hijikata held his own and killed Kasama. Because Hijikata had been drinking Chizuru's offered blood to help with the bloodlust, and since she was an Oni, it had prolonged Hijikata's lifespan that would have been short because of the Fury powers draining his life.

The two returned to Edo where they married and settled down to start a family. Only Chizuru and their new baby daughter, Chiyo, helped Hijikata through the grief. He loved his wife and daughter and even the quiet life they lived together, but watching his country change and the hole left behind from his friend's death often brought him to the brink of depression many times. Chizuru was there for him whenever she could be. Eventually, the new Meiji government banned katanas and Hijikata could no longer bear to be in the country he once loved and called home, but they needed money to travel and neither of them were sure if they wanted to take their daughter, only two years old, on a journey like that.

None of it mattered.

The realms merged which caused natural disasters all over Japan. Their world was completely reshaped until it became something none of them recognized. Wars erupted in the borders all around them and Hijikata took Chizuru and Chiyo and fled Edo after it was attacked by foreigners – strange, mysterious foreigners.

In the wilderness, trying to find a safe place to take his wife and daughter, Hijikata was attacked by several beings just as fast and strong as him and to make matters worse, they healed just like he did. It was Klaus' hybrids who eventually bested him after he killed two of them simply because they had sheer numbers on their side.

Klaus had his loyal witches study Hijikata and Chizuru and discovered the Oni blood within Chizuru. She wasn't the Petrova doppelganger Klaus had used to create his hybrids, but the Furies were nearly perfect. He compelled them to tell him everything they knew about the Water of Life and Chizuru told him since she had read her father's papers on it. So Klaus had Chizuru captured and brought to an unspecified location where he takes her blood and uses it with the Water of Life to turn captured vampires and werewolves into Oni. And because Klaus has no need of Chiyo, Hijikata is forced into obedience to keep his daughter alive until he can somehow rescue Chizuru and Chiyo safely.

Personality: Hijikata is a commander and a skilled strategist. He was known as the Demon Commander because of his tendency to be sharp and harsh. In fact, the harder he is on someone, it actually means he cares about them deeply. He has a heart filled with grief, so some days he falls into depression which is cured only because of his wife and daughter. They're the love and light in his life and now with their lives at risk, Hijikata feels as if he will go insane. He cannot lose them and he will do whatever it takes to save them, even to the point of losing the honorable samurai he had once been.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: As a Fury/Oni by blood, Hijikata can heal quickly. His hair turns white and he is really strong and fast. Sometimes, he still has bloodlust issues and severe pain and weakness.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Klaus will kill Chiyo if Hijikata doesn't obey and even though Klaus won't kill Chizuru since he needs her blood, Klaus can and still will make her suffer.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: His wife, Chizuru and daughter, Chiyo.

What do they want in life: Hijikata regrets hating Japan and the world they lived in. All he wants now is Chizuru and Chiyo to be safe and sound, in his arms again. Wherever they are is home and that's all he wants.

Anything else? No.

Character 3 Original

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Oscine

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Appearance: As a Redguard, she has beautiful, smooth caramel-colored skin and dark hair that once reached her hips. After being imprisoned by vampires, she cut it all off, leaving only dreadlocks in the center of her head in a small Mohawk. Oscine is slim, never fully gaining back the curves her body once had after being vampire cattle for three years. Since then, however, she's spent time training and building back up her body strength to restore her muscles. Despite her size, she can wield a battleaxe with ease, which often surprises opponents. You'll never see her without her steel armor.

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: In Skyrim after the Dawnguard Arc is complete.

Backstory: As a child, she was kidnapped by cultists who burned children alive and kept them in cages hanging over a cavern. After many years there, barely surviving, she was rescued and took time recovering. After that, she was able to become close with her blacksmith father. When she had first been taken, her father had been badly injured and he was unable to keep up blacksmithing, so she learned from him and eventually took over so they could have an income. That time of her life was the most peaceful as she grew up and her weapons, steel, and style of making them was well known in their village. She fell in love with a man and had a child, but the man left her. So she took care of her father, kept up with the shop, and raised her child. Eventually, vampires attacked, killing her father, and took her and her son. She was kept in one of the many cages where people were grouped together, called "cattle" by the vampires. They were there for the vampires to feed on whenever they felt like it. Sometimes, they would take them out of the cages to feed and one day, one vampire took her, fed from her, and showed Oscine her son. He had been turned, just like they had been doing to many kidnapped children; turning them into vampires and adopting them. The vampire let Oscine's son feed from her. Oscine had planned on letting him kill her, but the vampire used its vampire seduction to order her to fight back. She did and ended up killing him. It broke her and after that, she stopped caring about life. In the cage she was kept in with the other "cattle" she ended up falling in love with a man who loved her deeply. They kept each other going and were all each other had during those dark times. Years later, Oscine had grown weaker and the man she loved knew that they would both die soon. He didn't want to die and leave her to die alone and he couldn't bear the thought of her dying. So he sliced open his arm, knowing that his blood would attract a lot of the vampires to him. He told her to escape, so while they fed on him, she escaped. After that, broken and alone with nowhere to go, she was found by the leader of Dawnguard who promised to help her seek her revenge. Ever since then, she's been hunting vampires – any and all she can find. When the realms were merged, rumors of vampires spread all around so Oscine and Dawnguard recruited and spread farther out. She's been working non-stop, even against strange new vampires that had existed other realms. That is, until she heard of the oldest and worst of them all, a vampire-werewolf hybrid named Klaus.

Personality: Once, Oscine found contentment in forging a blade or weapon, being near the intense heat of her blacksmith shop. Once, she enjoyed riding horses and relishing in the free feeling it gave her. Once, she loved horses as much as she loved friends. Now she's alone and doesn't care to make friends. She's hard and stern, with a heart that once loved and cared and laughed and now has been broken beyond repair. She's focused on her mission to kill vampires and that's usually all she thinks about. No matter how many vampires she kills, it's never enough to heal the pain and grief that they have caused her.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: She's a human with no magic, but she's highly skilled with a battleaxe and can hold her own against vampires. She's the best at forging steel and knows how to make strong weapons capable of killing vampires.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Klaus doesn't have anything on Oscine because she has no loved ones. Not even Dawnguard, because she emotionally kept herself distant from them. She approached Klaus and offered to follow him and do as he asked. Because she took time studying the strange vampires from other realms, she knows to drink vervain so Klaus can't compel her. What she's really doing there is waiting for a perfect chance to kill him and in the meantime try to undermine him whenever she can.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: None

What do they want in life: To rid the world of vampires and make sure that no one ever suffers the way she suffered and the way she saw others suffering at the hands of the vampires.

Anything else? No.

Character 4 Original

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Kiara

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Appearance: In her lion form, she is beautiful and golden and a majestic sight to behold. It is easy to see her as the lioness princess and queen of the Pride Lands that she was always meant to be. In her human form, Kiara has shining dark skin with black sleek hair that reaches her collarbone. Her doe-brown eyes hold the determination to become the queen she was always meant to be. She stands tall and proud, holding herself high despite how life has torn her down. Her figure is slim but she's fierce in battle and yet at times, her compassionate nature allows her to have a contagious smile.

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: Technically the end of Lion King 2, but she's an original character from Once Upon A Time.

Backstory: Kiara was born in a happy and peaceful time in her home known as the Pride Lands. Her father Simba had been thrown away and discarded when his uncle and aunt murdered his father, Mufasa. Simba had been given to the Dark One as a price for his aunt's deal to give Scar the throne of the Pride Lands. Everyone had believed him to be dead, but he returned, overcoming what the Dark One did to him and won back his kingdom. Because of her father's bravery, courage, and hard work, Kiara was able to learn from him and live in a time of peace. Scar was dead and his followers had been banished to the Pride Lands.

As she grew up, her father taught her everything she needed to know to be a queen as she would be one day. But she didn't just want to be a queen or a princess. She wanted to travel the world, see the realms that existed, and believed she could be more than just a princess or a lioness. Simba was overprotective of her because he knew the reality and cruelty of the world and had faced it many times in his own years of banishment before his throne had been restored.

One day, while Kiara was on a hunt, a terrible wildfire spread throughout the lands and she found herself trapped and unable to escape. Many animals had already been killed and she believed she was going to die. A mysterious lone male lion saved her life and she soon learned his name was Kovu.

Kiara fell hard for him. Kovu showed her many new things and even traveled with her outside of the Pride Lands on more than one occasion. With him, Kiara had adventure and love and around him, she was more than a princess.

Until he betrayed her.

Kovu's mother, Zira – Simba's aunt, the same who had helped Scar murder his father – attacked them when they were alone and together, Zira and her lionesses killed Simba.

Kiara was devastated; she had trusted Kovu and he had betrayed her. Filled with her father's bravery and courage, Kiara led the other lionesses to fight Zira and the Outlanders, but Zira won and now was Queen of Pride Rock.

Kiara refused to let her father's kingdom fall to ruin and stay beneath Zira's tyranny, so she and her lionesses still loyal to Simba started a rebellion. Kovu led the forces against them.

During one battle, Kiara's lionesses finally were able to corner Kovu and kill him, knowing that without him to lead their army, Zira's hold on the Pride Lands would weaken. They told Kiara and she quickly found him where he lay dying. With his dying words, he told her how sorry he Simba died, sorry for everything he and his mother had done. He told her that he truly had loved her and that Zira, she had unknowingly followed him the day Simba died. He wanted her to know how much he loved her.

Kiara grieved, but she wasn't sure what for: her father, their people, now oppressed by Zira, or their home. Anytime she thought of Kovu, it brought her only pain. One day, the Evil Queen's curse blanketed the land and then everything in Kiara's life changed.

Zira and all her people in the Pride Lands disappeared. Unable to do anything about it, Kiara sought someone who she knew could help her, a guru by the name of Rafiki. Rafiki helped her gain a human form and opened a portal to the Land of Untold Stories where people left, not wanting to see their destinies play out.

Many years she stayed there, until they were all brought to Storybrooke, where she tried to adjust to living in this new world with no sign of Zira. Kiara vowed to find her and kill her for justice for her father, the Pride Lands, and even Kovu.

Before she could, the realms were merged and their life once again dramatically changed. Everyone kept saying it was a curse by the Black Fairy, but no one knew for sure. Kiara decided to search the realms for Zira and refused to stop until she brought her to justice.

Personality: Kiara has a sweet personality that has now been hidden by years of pain. Despite her loses, she's never lost the good, caring, compassionate young woman she once was and she will still help others in need whenever she can. Killing Zira is not revenge; she wants to rid the world of Zira's evil and to seek justice for her father. Now, she regrets all those years she hated living in the Pride Lands, when she wanted to leave and see the realms and worlds, when she disagreed with her father and argued with him and hated how protective he was over her. She would do anything to go back and undo it all, but she can't, so she will spend the rest of her life finding Zira and trying to restore the Pride Lands and her people, if she has to.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Kiara can stay in her lion form or her human form for as long as she wants, so she could be considered a shapeshifter, but it's however long she wants and anymore, she prefers her human form, unless she's fighting.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Klaus was out one night, enjoying a run in his wolf form when he found a beautiful woman being attacked by ogres. He decided to watch and see what happened when suddenly, the woman – Kiara – changed into her lion form and killed the ogres. He became fascinated by her and sweet talked and flirted with her, but Kiara didn't trust men the same way after what Kovu had done to her. She went with Klaus to have a place to stay while she searched for leads on Zira, but when she continued to reject him, Klaus grew bored with her and captured her. They fought and Kiara held her own against him, but his werewolf form was a bit stronger than her lion form, especially when combined with his vampire abilities. When she held her own, he became even more fascinated and intrigued by her. So he offered to let her stay with him and more than that, to send some of his hybrids to track down Zira for her so she could seek her revenge – he calls it revenge and Kiara hates that because she sees it as justice but he always says, "it's revenge, sweetheart. No use in denying it. I've had a few tastes of it myself, actually." In exchange for helping her find Zira, Kiara would help Klaus – that was his offer. He convinced Kiara to go hunting with him and ever since she lost the Pride Lands, she hadn't been able to go on a good hunt, so she actually enjoyed hunting deer and other new creatures that existed because of the new realms. The urge to hunt and everything that goes with it is something that Kiara doesn't want to admit she has in common with Klaus, despite her compassionate and caring nature toward people. It's that nature inside her, combined with Kovu's betrayal, that is keeping her from fully trusting Klaus. She agreed to his offer and agreed to help him if he helped her find Zira.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Whatever remain of her people from the Pride Lands.

What do they want in life: Kiara wants to see Zira dead, not for revenge but for an assurance that she won't hurt anyone else or take over the Pride Lands again. She wants to see the Pride Lands at peace as they were in her father's reign as she grew up. She wants to be back with her people again, to see them happy and content and maybe one day, have a family of her own and rule the Pride Lands in a way that would make Simba proud.

Anything else? No. 

Character 5 Task One (Main)

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Jecht

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: Jecht is tall - standing at 6'4 - and intimidating because he has a very toned, muscular body after years of fighting and training. His shoulder-length black hair can sometimes be matted, but most of the times he ties it back to keep it better tamed. His almond-shaped eyes are black, and he has a black goatee with a smirk that seems almost permanently etched on his face. He has a scar on his left cheek, one lining his left collarbone, one crossing the right side of his ribs and another crossing the left side. There are two more criss-crossing his chest, one lining his side, curving around his right hip and another etching his left abdomen. He also has a burn scar on his right elbow. He wears a red bandanna around his forehead. For reasons unknown, he never wears a shirt and instead wears only black loose pants that he's comfortable fighting in.

Fandom: Avatar, the Last Airbender

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: In the middle of Book Three, as the war with the Fire Nation has progressed and the Fire Nation has control of Ba-Sing-Se

Backstory: Jecht grew up in the Fire Nation hearing about how powerful it was and how it needed to be shared with the rest of the world. His father was a general in Fire Lord Ozai's army, so Jecht had the best firebending teacher and he took to it immediately. He joined the army and rose through the ranks, all in his upper teens. When he was eighteen, he was sent on a mission in the Earth Kingdom, where they raided a village, killing anyone who resisted, especially the earthbenders who fought back. This struck Jecht wrong and he went to his superiors but they refused to hear him out. That next week, they raided another village, but this one was made up of women, children, and older people since all the men were away fighting elsewhere. When the firebenders attacked the people, Jecht immediately turned on them, protecting the people. Though a lot of them still died, Jecht's betrayal to the firebenders did save a lot of people. When he knew they were safe, he fled, realizing what he had done. After that, he traveled around, helping out innocent people suffering from the war wherever he went. Though most people shunned him when they found out what he was, he never stopped trying. He became the Fire Nations most wanted criminal and had bounty hunters and soldiers tracking him wherever he went. Whenever and wherever he could, Jecht fought the Fire Nation and sabotaged them however he could. Eventually, stories of his heroics spread and people began to trust him. He became like a guardian angel to them, often arriving when they were in trouble or being attacked by firebenders. He's been wounded and burned many times, but none of his injuries have ever stopped him from protecting the innocent. He met a girl from one earth village and stayed there for a while and fell in love with her. Jecht wanted to marry her more than anything, but his duty to stop the Fire Nation caused him to leave and the girl, Ekka, understood. When the Fire Nation took control of Ba-Sing-Se, the Earth Kingdom capital, the Fire Nation Soldiers' presence in the villages increased. Jecht was caught several times but managed to escape. During one capture, he was whipped with fire, leaving horrible scars marring his back. Fortunately, the Earth benders of that village helped save him, though many were captured.

One day, he attacked a convoy of ships firing on an Earth Kingdom city with little defenses and no earthbenders to protect it. Jecht single handedly sunk one of the ship and then attacked the main one, knowing taking it out was his only hope of saving the city. There, he encountered his father. He didn't want to fight him, but his father attacked him furiously, leaving Jecht no choice. Even though Jecht was gravely wounded, he managed to beat his father, but his father cheated in the Angi-Kai, having all the other soldiers attack Jecht. Mortally wounded, he tried to fight them and managed to kill one of them before they captured him. They tended his wounds because Ozai wanted him alive.

Personality: Jecht is a sarcastic man who doesn't let anything phase him. He despises the Fire Nation and what they've done not only to so many innocent people, but to the world, and he wants to see them brought down. Despite this, he has a good attitude and never lets his negative emotions show. Sometimes, when he's fighting, he seems angry, though he actually stays very calm and never panics even when he's wounded.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Firebending

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Klaus negotiated with Ozai in order to rid Ozai of some of his benders. Ozai had planned to execute Jecht for being a traitor, but Klaus convinced Ozai to hand him over, promising that Jecht would receive a punishment worse than death. Klaus plans to turn him into a vampire and has captured several innocent people and will kill or turn them all if Jecht doesn't obey him. Jecht didn't want to be a creature that hunted and killed humans for food, so he promised to teach Klaus firebending if Klaus didn't turn him and Klaus agreed.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: He still loves his mother and siblings and cares for his father, even if they're enemies now. Jecht really can't help it. Most of all, he loves Ekka, but knows he will probably never see her again.

What do they want in life: For the Four Nations to live in peace and the Fire Nation to stop the war and Ozai to fall.

Anything else? No.

Character 6 Task One (Award)

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Jace and Clary (Jace is my main one)

Age: 20's

Gender: Male (Jace)

Appearance: Jace has chisled, handsome looks with golden hair and bright green eyes. He has a muscular tone and often turns a few heads from how sexy he is. His smile is charming and irresistible and the runes covering his skin make him look as dangerous as he really is

Fandom: Shadowhunters/The Mortal Instruments

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: From the end of Season 3 Part One

Backstory: Jace was raised by Valentine, believing him to be Michael Wayland. As Michael, Valentine was often abusive and cruel to Jace, turning him into a man who would kill demons without hesitation, was highly skilled at everything he did. Valentine even taught Jace the piano and would break his fingers if he messed up, then heal him with an iraze rune. When Jace was a young boy, Valentine bought him a falcon. So Jace trained it, despite how often it cut up his hands and fingers. After long, grueling hours, he showed his father what he had taught the falcon to do. Valentine broke its neck. "You destroyed it. You taught it to love. To love is to destroy." This was the lesson that formed Jace's entire mentality. After he saw his father killed by Circle members, Jace was given to the Lightwood family at the New York Institute. At first, he pushed them all away, refusing to love any of them, but eventually, he became paraboti with Alec. It was the closest bond a person could have. One day, out on a mission to kill a demon at a club, Jace met Clary. She was a beautiful redheaded Mundane who could see the Shadow World and ended up being caught up in the middle of a plot none of them saw coming. She was the daughter of Valentine, an enemy of the Clave. Jace helped Clary find her mother and try to hide the cup before Valentine got to it. They failed and Valentine revealed the disastrous truth; that he had been Michael Wayland all along and that Clary and Jace were brother and sister. Jace went with Valentine to save Clary and the others and Valentine continued his harsh training just like he always had. Eventually, he was rescued, but then he pushed Clary away, unable to face the fact that they had feelings for each other. They went to the Seelie Court where the Queen forced them to kiss and that only brought forth more feelings from Jace. When Clary started dating her best friend Simon, it broke Jace's heart, especially after he fought Valentine with the Mortal Sword and killed him after Valentine revealed that he had raised Jace but that he had pulled Jace from his mother's womb after she died. For a while, Jace hid the truth from Clary, but when Valentine was captured by the Clave, the truth came out. Shortly after that, Clary told Jace she loved him and they became boyfriend and girlfriend. Valentine escaped and was able to steal two of the three Mortal Instruments, the cup and the Mortal Sword. Jace and Clary traveled to Lake Lyn, which was the third and final Mortal Instrument. Valentine showed up and stabbed Jace and killed him, but Clary killed Valentine and used the wish from Angel Razel to bring Jace back. That made him vulnerable and a powerful Greater Demon named Lilith was able to take control of Jace's mind any time he slept. She used him to become an owl-faced demon, where he kidnapped Mundanes to serve Lilith so she could raise Jonathan, Clary's real brother who had tried carrying on Valentine's work, but he was killed too. Jace kept losing sleep and having nightmares of killing Clary and he thought he was going crazy, since that ran in his real family, the Herondales. He became scared of what was happening to him. Lilith tricked Magnus, a Warlock, to make a potion to take away Jace's love for Clary which was the only thing that kept bringing the real Jace back. Without that, he became the owl-faced demon permanently. Clary and the others figured out that the owl-faced demon was really Jace, so Clary fought him but Jace dropped her from a multi-story building. Simon saved her life. Alec and his sister, Isabel, who were both like siblings to Jace, got help from Magnus who let them inside Jace's mind. There, they found him trapped in a room full of Clary's dead bodies, where Lilith was forcing him to kill Clary in his mind over and over again to torture him. Jace begged them to kill him, but Izzy and Alec told him that they all stayed together. He told them that Lilith would find him, sobbing and crying, but they took his hand. Before they could fully rescue him, Lilith took Jace back. Jace, serving Lilith, kidnapped Clary so that Lilith could use her to raise Jonathan once and for all.

Magnus got a powerful spell and he and Alec went to save Jace and Clary. Jace fought Alec and said, "Your boy is crying, you know. He's begging... begging me not to do this." Jace leaned down and stabbed Alec in the chest. Magnus shot him with a blast of the spell and it banished the owl-faced demon forever. Jace's guilt at everything he had done consumed him as he crawled over to his paraboti, that he had stabbed. Magnus said he would take care of him, so Jace ran into the building to save Clary.

At the top of it, Clary and Simon had a plan and used the Mark on Simon's forehead to destroy Lilith. The explosion went off and destroyed the entire top of the building.

Jace ran up there, only to find Simon, who told him, "Clary's dead."

Personality: Jace has a lot of inner pain that he hides behind sarcasm and humor, sometimes dark. He's tough and never really shows his pain and punishes himself by getting into dangerous fights where he can be injured. He's calculating and as much as he hates it, he's Valentine's son.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: As a Shadowhunter, Jace is stronger than humans and he can wield Seraph blades. He can write runes on his skin with a stele that can give him all kinds of abilities.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: After the explosion, since Magnus didn't have his power, Klaus kidnapped Alec, Magnus, Luke and Izzy. While his hybrids locked Alec and Izzy away, Klaus himself went to retrieve Jace and Simon. When he realized the Mark on Simon's forehead would destroy him, Klaus fought Jace and won and captured him. Now, he will kill Izzy first and then Alec and then go retrieve more friends and family until Jace cooperates. He wants Jace to help him capture realms but especially to help him find the Mortal Instruments. With the cup, he will force one of his hybrids to drink from it and see if it turns them into a Shadowhunter. He wants their power, especially the power of the runes and seraph blades. He's also looking for Clary, after a witch did a tracking spell and found out she was alive.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Alec, his paraboti, Izzy his sister, Magnus who is a family friend, and Luke who is Clary's stepfather

What do they want in life: Jace wants to fight demons, or at least, that has been what he's wanted for years. Now? Now he just wants Clary alive and to live a life with her.

Anything else? No.

Character 7 Task One (bought)

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Collin Myers

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: At 23 years old, Collin is quite charming and handsome but his attitude is always kind, curious, and lighthearted. His smile warms the room and everyone is usually cheerful when he's around because he makes everyone feel better. He usually wears nice clothes and has a confident gait. His blond hair falls past his ears and sweeps down his right ear and around the left side of his forehead. Collin's Avatar has cyan colored skin with large, golden eyes. His tail is long and swishes constantly and is used for balance. Overall, his Avatar stands at ten feet tall, which is typical of Avatars and Na'vi. His long, black hair is braided down his back and ends in a queue which is a collection of nerves at the end of his braid.

Fandom: Action Movies (Avatar)

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: The middle of the movie

Backstory: Collin originally wanted to be a paleontologist since he grew up being obsessed with dinosaurs. His family came from the upper middle class, so he had a good life and had good grades in school. He read a lot and joined a few sports, so even though he wasn't super popular, he had a few friends and overall, a normal childhood. He went to college for four years and got a degree in biology and zoology, but still wanted more from life. So, he finally made the decision to join the RDA (the Resources Development Administration) and fly to Pandora, which was a densely forested habitable moon that orbited the gas giant Polyphemus in the Alpha Centauri star system. The atmosphere of Pandora was poisonous to humans, so after Collin woke from cryo-sleep, he joined the team of scientists headed by Dr. Grace Augustine, who was head of the Avatar Program. This program allowed the scientists to use hybrids that are part human and part Na'vi – the native species of Pandora. Through this program, the scientists can psionically connect with the Avatar hybrid bodies, created so that the human can become the Avatar's driver. When this happens, the human's consciousness leaves his or her own body and enters into the Avatar's, so they're able to control them and receive all the senses that they do. The Avatars are created on earth and left in amnio tanks on the trip to Pandora, which takes 3 ship years (5 years in earth time). By that time, the Avatars are full adults by the time their human drivers wake from cryo-sleep. So Collin used the link chamber to take control of his Avatar body. Using that, he was able to explore the world Pandora with Grace Augustine and their team. He became interested in Pandora's animals but found himself fascinated with the Na'vi culture and people. Trying to speak to them and teach them English was difficult and not going over well with the native locals, but Collin and other scientists like him never stopped trying. One of the other biologists was a woman named Eileen and even though she didn't use an Avatar body very much, she and Collin became close. As soon as they return to earth, they want to marry.

Personality: Collin is curious, which sometimes gets him into trouble and makes him reckless. He loves learning new things and isn't afraid of new places, things, and loves exploring. Pandora was his way of doing what he truly loved which was being an explorer. And even though he loves his human form, parts of him wishes that he could become an Avatar forever.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: None as a human, but his Avatar body has greater strength and resilience than the body of its human owner and can breathe more air types. His Avatar's bones are reinforced naturally with carbon fibers, which means that his Avatar won't take damage from falls. However, his Avatar cannot function without him driving it, so if he isn't in the Link chamber, then his Avatar can't do anything.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Klaus found a wondering human who happened to be lost and after compelling the human for information, he found out that the human came from the nearly formed Pandora and had gotten lost in the chaos of the Merge (what everyone calls the merging of the realms). After finding out about the Avatar Program and the mysterious Na'vi, Klaus took several hybrids and broke into RDA's headquarters on Pandora. He was far too fast for everyone, so he captured several scientists at random – Collin and Eileen included. Now, Klaus has no problems killing Eileen or worse, turning her into a vampire if Collin doesn't cooperate. So while the scientists create more Avatar bodies to match Klaus and his hybrids' DNA, he's using Collin's Avatar form to help him in battle and attacking other realms. So he also stole Collin's link chamber and moved it to Klaus mansion. Fortunately, with a few witch spells, the growth of the Avatar's being built for Klaus and his hybrids will be sped up so that it only takes a few weeks, rather than a few years.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Eileen and his friends, the other scientists including Grace.

What do they want in life: Collin wants to explore these new worlds and realms and all that they have to offer, but he doesn't want to do it working for someone like Klaus. So deep inside he wants to live happily with Eileen.

Anything else? No.

Character 8 (Task One bought)

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Damon Salvatore

Age: 155 but he looks like he's in his 20's

Gender: Male

Appearance: Damon has sharp, bold features that make him extremely good looking and an eye turner for most ladies. He has blue eyes and a wicked smirk that looks just as devious as it does handsome. He has short black hair that falls across his eyes and a strong jaw and body tone that's slender and muscular.

Fandom: Vampire Diaries

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: Middle of Season Five

Backstory: Damon grew up with a father who hated and hunted vampires in a town called Mystic Falls. When he became old enough, he joined the civil war and soon came home, which disgraced his father. He and his brother had always been close, but their bond became stretched when a beautiful woman named Katherine came into their lives. Damon fell in love with her and discovered she was a vampire. He let her drink from his blood and she promised to turn him into one so they could be happy. All the while, he knew she had been compelling Stephan to love her. Eventually, Stephan betrayed Katherine and told their father about her, even though Damon had begged him not to. That resulted in Katherine being taken to be burned with the other vampires in town. Desperate to save her, Damon and Stephan almost rescued her but their father shot them both, not realizing they had vampire blood in their system. Stephan killed their own father and turned, then forced Damon to turn even though Damon insisted he was going to die and not complete the transition. For turning him, Damon blames Stephan and vowed to make him live a life of misery. Stephan drank from women and became reckless and drank from everyone and anyone he wanted. Damon tried to control him and used his lessons from Katherine to be smart and hide their tracks, but eventually, they became estranged and went their separate ways for several years until they encountered each other again for a funeral of one of their descendants. There, Damon convinced Stephan to drink human blood which caused him to turn into a ripper again. Eventually, they parted ways yet once again. In the mid-1950s, Damon returned home only to have the current Salvatore family sell him out for money. He was sold to a man named Dr. Whitmore who experimented on vampires by opening them up, digging into their organs, watching them heal, and studying how their bodies worked and regenerated. It was torture enough to drive anyone mad and Damon almost did or worse – he almost shut off his humanity. The only thing that kept him going was his good friend Enzo, who had been in there since World War 2. They had a plan to give Damon Enzo's blood rations to help him get stronger. That way, the next new year party when Dr. Whitmore showed them off to his guests, Damon could break them both loose and they could escape. Their plan worked and Damon killed everyone at the party, including Dr. Whitmore. Unfortunately, the place was lit on fire and Damon couldn't get Enzo out. He was forced to leave Enzo behind but couldn't bring himself to do it. So he shut off his humanity and left, never looking back. For years, Damon kept his humanity shut off and eventually ran into his brother again to make his life miserable. Stephan had never come for him which only added to the pain he never felt, so he never told him. When Stephan returned to Mystic Falls and started dating Elena Gilbert, Damon followed him and caused a lot of trouble for everyone. He wanted to raise Katherine from the tomb and save her from desiccation only to find out she was never in there and that she had used him the entire time. Soon, the two brothers worked together to defeat many foes including Klaus, a vampire-werewolf hybrid that created more hybrids and took over Mystic Falls. He forced Stephan to shut of his humanity, so Damon worked with Elena to help her get Stephan back and in the meantime, Damon fell in love with her and she with Damon. Stephan came back but it took him time. Eventually, Elena turned into a vampire and it changed her life forever. Both brothers were there for her, but Stephan broke up with her when he realized her feelings for Damon had become stronger. It was discovered, as Damon and Elena got together, that she had a sire bond to him, but she shut off her humanity after losing her brother, which broke the sire bond. Together, Damon and Stephan got her humanity back and eventually fought off Silas as the Originals left to go their own ways, including Klaus. Bonnie became the anchor to the other side, the Travelers became a problem and a nuisance for them, and Katherine took the cure and became a human, which resulted in her almost death. By then, it was revealed that Damon had been letting one member of Dr. Whitmore's family live to carry on their family line, just to kill all but one member and keep doing it as his revenge for what happened in the vampire labs called Augustine. A new doctor was still doing it, so Damon and Elena were captured. He told her the truth of what happened and Damon escaped. Elena met Enzo and was rescued and the doctor went into hiding. Enzo almost killed Damon but eventually wanted Damon to help him kill Aaron Whitmore, Dr. Whitmore's descendant. Damon said no but he and Elena got into a fight. She found out about what he did to the Whitmore family so he broke up with her because he wasn't good enough for her and he felt like he was changing her and staining her. At this time, Katherine died, or so everyone believed but in reality, she as a human was a traveler so she possessed Elena and pretended to be her. Damon wanted to get back together with Elena after a pep talk about it from Stephan but Katherine wanted Stephan so she broke up with Damon and basically called him a bad person. While Katherine kept trying to get with Stephan and pretended to be Elena, Damon went with Enzo and became the monster Elena and everyone else sees him as. What he doesn't know is that Klaus was merged from a different timeline and that he has that Elena with him or that his Elena is possessed by Katherine.

Personality: Damon is highly sarcastic and almost never has a serious moment, even when his life is on the line or there is a serious moment going on. Deep inside, he holds back a lot of pain, more than most could handle and no one realizes just how much pain he has taken. His time in Augustine drove him to near insanity and his guilt over what he did to Enzo plagued on him when he turned his humanity back on. He tries to make everyone around him hate him, as if he wants them to see their lowest expectation of him. At one point in his life, he missed being human and he hates that he enjoys killing and tormenting others; hates that side of himself. It was that side of himself that he buried and suppressed for Elena but now that she broke up with him – or so he thinks – he's unleashing that side of him again.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: As a vampire, Damon has super speed, strength, enhanced senses, he can compel humans and has to drink blood to survive.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: When his timeline of Mystic Falls merged with the other realm, it sort of merged both timelines of Mystic Falls together. Some people disappeared entirely while some were dragged from one timeline and some were dragged from other. Damon believes Stephan and Elena hate him which is why he noticed that they disappeared and were replaced by the Stephan and Elena that still loves and cares for him. When he and Enzo ran into Klaus in their search for the new Augustine doctor, Damon was surprised that this was still the Klaus that had his hybrids and hadn't moved on. Or, Damon found out, this Klaus moved on quite a lot – trying to take over the newly merged world. He offered to help them seek their revenge against the Augustine doctor and give them anything they wanted and since Damon is on a bad streak, he thought, why not. So he and Enzo have teamed up with Klaus

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Damon still loves his brother and Elena even if he won't admit it because he's hurting right now. He also does care about Elena's friends, or at least, he tried to force himself to for her sake.

What do they want in life: Maybe he wants Elena back and he wants his brother back and the life he had back. He doesn't think he'll ever get that back, so he doesn't dwell on it. So now, his new goal is to seek revenge against Augustine and do whatever the heck he wants.

Anything else? No.

Character 9 (Task One bought)

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Ahyra

Age: She isn't sure, but she's around 26

Gender: Female

Appearance: Ahyra has beautiful blonde hair that used to shine and glisten in the sunlight. Now, of course, its course and rough from years without properly cleaning and tending to it. In fact, it's divided into several thin dreads, but she keeps her hair tied back in a ponytail most days, to keep it off her back in the heat. She has a slender body tone but is muscled from years of surviving and running. Her blue eyes match the color of the deep ocean.

Fandom: Crossover; Eragon the Books and Ark the Video Game

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: Any time during the game Ark

Backstory: Ahyra grew up in Alagasia to human parents who loved and adored her very much. They weren't rich or poor and fell somewhere in the middle with a farm, living comfortably to themselves and away from the rest of the wars going on around them. She always loved hiking in the woods and exploring the area and finding new exciting things always brought her joy. Usually, she went with her father, but one day, when Ahyra was eight years old, she grew impatient and went out alone. She found a dragon egg leaning against a tree and it fascinated her, since she didn't fully realize it was a dragon egg. The only problem was that it was far heavier than she had originally thought, so it took her a lot more time to carry it back home than it had taken her to leave home. By then, her parents were worried sick and had gone to look for her. Suddenly, bright light appeared out of the sky and Ahyra woke up in a strange place she had never seen before. This place was made from metal. Eventually, the people who kidnapped her dropped her off on a strange, new world that they called The Island.

Unbeknownst to her, the people who had kidnapped her were the creators of the experiment Ark, where they made an artificial planet to serve as a zoo that housed many different prehistoric creatures of all shapes and sizes. With her dragon egg, they wanted to see not only if she survived, but if the dragon survived and how it coped with the world known as The Island – just one of Ark's many planets they created for this experiment.

On The Island, Ahyra's dragon hatched and she formed a bond with it, not realizing that back on Alagasia she was a Dragon Rider, which meant she could communicate telepathically with her dragon and ride him as he grew older.

She named him Dakyr. It didn't take long before they were attacked by dinosaurs. Ahyra barely survived an attack from a group of two dinos she called Spitters because they spit poison that blinded her. Even though Dakyr was a baby at the time, he managed to scare them off. For years, the little beach she had landed on became her home and she managed to make a shelter out of large leaves. Dakyr caught a dodo and fortunately it was a tiny enough bird that they were both able to eat from it. In Ahyra's case, she had to eat the meat raw because she couldn't get a fire going. Weeks later, she started her first fire. Within six months, Dakyr was old enough to breathe fire on his own. He killed the Spitters who came back to attack them and a larger dino that Ahyra called a three-horn. It provided them both with plenty of meat.

After that, she and Dakyr learned to survive together. They flew together for the first time, but always returned to their special beach. She tamed a few of the friendlier dinos, fat bulky ones that she called Waddlers because they waddled as they walked. Her tamed Waddler was killed by a raptor that attacked in the night, but Dakyr managed to kill it after it injured them both and in the chaos, Ahyra's shelter was torn down. More raptors flocked to the beach, so Ahyra jumped on Dakyr and he flew her to another part of the island.

Over the years, she learned to make shelters, hunt and forage for food, fish, use the resources around her such as wood, stone, and some of the plants and vines for every day needs. She learned how to find freshwater streams and rivers and how to avoid paranas and Long-Snout swimming dinos.

She also learned how to tame several dinos as she and Dakyr continued on their journey. Sometimes, he could communicate with them, but it wasn't always easy. They were smarter than the mammals they encountered, but usually driven to attack by instinct, in the case of the carnivores.

She and Dakyr accidentally wondered into the North. There, it was covered in snow and she and Dakyr tried to fly away, but the air was too cold and they nearly froze. So they settled to try to journey south on foot, but Ahyra was slowly freezing to death. Dakyr hid her in his wings, but they were thin and no help at all. They came across a Direwolf one day who was badly injured in the fight with a feathered T-Rex. Against her better judgement, Ahyra mended the Direwolf's needs and called her Moon. She started a fire and barely survived the night, but she provided meat from Penguins that fished for her and shared it and gave those to Moon. Moon healed and she started trusting Ahyra. When she was completely better, Moon ran off and Ahyra thought she would never see her again.

Ahyra was sick, so she and Dakyr continued southward. That was when they encountered a pack of pigs who viciously tore both her and Dakyr up. Moon and a Direwolf pack saved her and Dakyr and with his communication he was able to have Moon and her pack lead them out of the north. Because Moon trusted Ahyra, now Moon and her entire pack followed her leadership.

It was a lonely life that Ahyra lived, but the dinos she named became her friends. Besides, she always had Dakyr to talk to in her mind and eventually, she forgot her parents and her home. The Island, as dangerous as it was, became her home.

Personality: Ahyra once loved many things but after being in a place and forced to survive for so many years, that's all she knows. The one thing that stuck with her is her urge to explore and discover new things. Now, she loves taming creatures that aren't too much of a risk and she adores the sweeter creatures of The Island. They are her friends and the ones she cares about. Their deaths hit her just as hard as a friend would to a human. She knows how to survive on her own, how to build shelters, and stay alive. She knows what dangers to avoid and how to hide her scent from the good smell of some of the creatures that hunt her.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: A high amount of survival skills and an uncanny ability to be trusted by most creatures – she practically is one herself

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: When the realms merged, Ahyra never noticed it, but during a run with some of his hybrids one day, Klaus came across the territory of Ark known as The Island and ran across several dangerous dinosaurs that fortunately, couldn't leave the border. Klaus, of course, hated the idea of creatures that could kill him or close to it, so he came back with more hybrids. That was when he ran into Ahyra who was shocked to see him and didn't know how to react. Klaus noticed her dragon, so he compelled her and thus, compelled her dragon, to come with him and when he realized she had a bunch of those creatures tamed, he let her bring them too.

Klaus wants to use her and her dinos to help take over minor realms that he doesn't wanna mess with and has no time or patience for.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Dakyr is her closest loved one because he's all she has.

What do they want in life: Anything else? No.

Character 10 (Task Two Main—Original)

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Adrick

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: Adrick has a young, handsome face that probably would have had a lot of attention from girls if he had ever gone to high school or college. His green eyes are lifeless and dull with no light or excitement in them after years of imprisonment. He never smiles and has a skinny stature.

Fandom: Marvel (X-men)

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: In middle of movie 2

Backstory: When Adrick was born, his parents at first never knew that he was a mutant. He grew up happy with his parents, who took great care of them, but the threat of more and more mutants being born made them wary and afraid. One day, when he was six years old, he was able to change the TV channels without being near it or a remote. At first, both of his parents just shook this off as a random fluke, but over the years more and more things slowly began to happen. He was able to connect to the telephone and listen into their calls or shut calls off if he wanted. He could make computers use internet without any wifi, change the TV channels, and more. One night, he got in trouble over something small—back talking his parents, so they grounded him in his room. That night, he connected to their security system so he could try to sneak out. Instead, a robber came in and stole a lot of items from them. When this happened, his parents couldn't take it anymore. They didn't want the neighbors or anyone thinking they were freaks, so they told everyone they were going on vacation and instead, took him to facilities in Europe that they had heard about—holding facilities for mutants. They dropped him off there when he was just ten years old and earned a nice sum of money for it as well. There, in that facility, he was watched and his powers were experimented on. They used him over the years as they helped his powers increase, to break into bank vaults, security systems, and eventually, hack into powerful vehicles and stop them. Each one caused more of an overload to his brain, but they didn't care.

Personality: Once, Adrick was a normal kid that loved to ride bikes, was passionate about dinosaurs, and one day wanted to be an astronaut because he loved learning about space. All that changed when his parents dropped him off. It gave him a lot of abandonment and trust issues. He doesn't trust people at first and keeps his distance. Many of the mutants he got close with in the facility died, so he doesn't make friends very well. He hasn't had a normal life and wants one more than anything. No one has ever cared about him or showed him love in 12 years and his early memories are too faint to remember what that's like. He wants a family, someone to care about him, friends, parents, maybe a girlfriend. The facility had increased his powers, so they wanted to find a way to either replicate his powers, so they started physical experiments that made him wary of doctors and hospitals or anything that looks like a lab. After that, the government was wanting to use him in their military, to stop weapons, so they did a lot of testing against weapons. At first, he couldn't do it from far away and he was hurt several times but eventually, his powers got to where he could control some weapons, just not a bunch at once.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Adrick can connect and control any piece of technology within a certain radius around him, including phones, computers, vehicles (cars, airplanes, tanks), a few weapons at a time (nothing too big and not too many at once). This causes bad side effects with his mind; sometimes, his mind gets overloaded with information his mind automatically downloads from connecting to tech, which causes him to occasionally pass out or space out a lot. It could even be dangerous if he isn't careful. All his time in the facility has made him shy, stressed in crowded situations and unwilling to socialize at times, so he's also very quiet and laid back, but easygoing, and is a follower more than a leader.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Klaus knew he needed more people loyal to him and wanted their loyalty so when he learned of mutants, he knew humans would always want ways to exploit their powers. He found this facility and others like it and freed Adrick and the other mutants there. He's become a parental figure to them, especially to Adrick and they will always be grateful to him and loyal to him for that reason. He gave them a home, food, clothes, a life that no one ever had before.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Since he's been freed, he sees Klaus as their main leader and has gotten close with the other mutant experiments that Klaus freed from other facilities.

What do they want in life: Adrick wants to have a family of his own someday and to help Klaus control the merged realms so nothing like what they went through will ever happen again, so anyone who is different will be safe.

Anything else? No.

Character 11 (Task Two Bought)

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Kaisu

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: Kaisu has narrow features with bright green eyes and long, straight crimson hair that reaches mid-back. His eyes are almond-shaped and calculating, always thinking ahead of a situation and his smirks and smiles are just as cold as his heart.

Fandom: Fairy Tail

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: After Grand Magic Games Arc


Kaisu and his twin sister, Kani, grew up in a smaller guild with their mother after their father passed away when they were babies. Their guild was in a territory belonging to a Dark Guild, so there was almost always danger around. Because of this, both twins had to learn their magic at a young age and they also learned how to fight and survive. There were a few attacks over the years, but nothing has bad as one when they were both seven years old. The Dark Guild Shadow Blade killed their mother and their guild, only keeping the most powerful children alive.

Both twins were kept separated at first to make their transition into a Dark Guild easier. Kaisu wanted to kill the mages who had killed his mother, but he knew to do that, he would have to become even more powerful than he was. So he quickly adapted, listened, and learned. Life in the Dark Guild was hard; there were constant fights with the guild members and everyone was always trying to rise in rank over another. It was thick with competition for the Guild Master's respect.

Eventually, Kaisu and his sister were trusted to be alone together again. They often went on jobs together, raiding other towns and guilds, searching for magical artifacts and ways of undermining the council.

One day, Kaisu was able to catch his Guild Master off guard and they fought. The Master told the guild not to interfere as he and Kaisu fought furiously, evenly matched. In the end, Kaisu barely managed to kill him and despite that he was wounded, the entire Shadow Blade Guild now saw him as their leader. He didn't want to lead alone, so he picked his sister and together, they tested the loyalty of everyone in the Guild until only the strongest and the ones they could trust, were left. He picked a few members to lead with them as a sort of council and then they started recruiting young mages and others who had been cast aside by society until their guild grew large and numerous. Kaisu and the others in Shadow Blade knew that the Magic Council and the sanctioned guilds would take them down, so they stayed hidden and secret without causing trouble so they could keep living as they wanted and doing as they pleased. His ultimate goal was to destroy other Dark Guilds to protect people from being hurt like he and his sister were. Eventually, the Magic Council saw this and decided to take Shadow Blade down. They sent a young man to join their guild and get close with Kani. She fell deeply in love with him until he kidnapped her and betrayed them all. With her as hostage, it forced Kaisu to surrender, but by then, the other members of Shadow Blade had scattered. The Magic Council arrested Kaisu and Kani and kept them in separate parts of a prison where they couldn't use their magic and the guards abused them for entertainment. They had no idea the realms merged.

Personality: Kaisu is serious and can sometimes be darkly sarcastic. His mind is always thinking ahead of a situation and because he's calculated, he never makes any reckless decisions or does anything without thinking first. This, however, does not make him slow in battle. His magic is also extremely powerful and thus far, no mage has been able to beat him. He wants to keep getting stronger so one day he can destroy all the Dark Guilds and he's misguided in that he's willing to do whatever it takes to see this plan come true.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Kaisu has Acid Magic, which is a type of Caster Magic that is extremely corrosive and can eat through solid metal, including weapons and in some of his extreme spells, other magic. He has several spells that he uses with this:

- Etherion – This is a spell Kaisu casts that can eat through other magic attacks. He only does it in a major situation against a powerful attack that he couldn't dodge that he knows is from a stronger opponent

- Maelstrom – This is a typical spell Kaisu uses where he sends his acid in a tornado or like a tidal wave toward his opponent and is usually combined with him twirling his hands

- Acerbic weapon – This is a spell that forms Kaisu's magic into a weapon he can hold and fight with that typically cuts through anything it comes in contact with (at least, in Fiore). If he holds his palm outward, it becomes a war axe. If he forms his hand into a knife hand, it becomes a sword.

- Cero – This spell forms hundreds of wires made out of acid that Kaisu can manipulate in any direction.

Even though Kaisu and his twin sister have opposite magic, they can combine their magic into a single, powerful attack that's called Argana where Kaisu's acid becomes infused with Kani's steel in whatever she makes that can attack its opponent and eat through it because of Kaiu's acid.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Klaus helped free Kaisu and his sister Kani. They gathered the members of Shadow Blade and Klaus offered them refuge since they were now fugitives of Fiore and wanted by the Magic Council. Klaus promises that if they help him take over all the merged realms, he will not only help them destroy the Dark Guilds with his army, but the Magic Council too, then Shadow Blade can return home to Fiore and rule it in his name.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: His sister, Kani, and the members of Shadow Blade.

What do they want in life: Kaisu wants to become stronger so no one can ever kill anyone close with him. He wants to protect his sister and loved ones and actually wants to destroy any guild that dares to try to take people away or hurt them like he and his sister were hurt. It's as if he has the right intentions but the problem is that with the way Kaisu was raised in Shadow Blade, he's willing to do whatever it takes to destroy all Dark Guilds, which in turn makes him just as evil as the Guilds he wants to destroy.

Anything else? No.

Character 12 (Task Two Bought)

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Kani

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Appearance: Kani has beautiful, wavy crimson hair and bright, matching crimson eyes. She has pale skin with pink cheeks and her beauty often gives her more attention from men than she really wants. She has a slim figure but she's tall, just not quite as tall as her twin brother.

Fandom: Fairy Tail

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: After the Grand Magic Games Arc


Kani and her twin brother grew up in a small guild with their mother. It was at the edge of a territory that belonged to a Dark Guild, so she and her brother had to learn to protect themselves at young ages. Eventually, a Dark Guild named Shadow Blade killed their mother and most of the people in their guild, except for a few children like Kani and Kaisu who were powerful for their age—seven. She and her brother were separated while they learned to adjust. Kani made things difficult by resisting and fighting back. The member of Shadow Blade often beat her when she resisted. Eventually, she learned it was better to keep her mouth shut, thanks to her brother's influence in convincing her to learn and wait for the right chance at revenge. Kani didn't like it any.

Over the years, she grew stronger with her magic and learned to fend off the attention of the men in Shadow Blade as she grew older and became more beautiful.

One day, her brother betrayed the Guild Master and fought him. She worried he would lose, but Kaisu won. He became injured but Shadow Blade respected that he had won and pledged their loyalty. Naturally, Kaisu let Kani rule the Guild with him and together, she and Kaisu were able to get rid of anyone who was disloyal or troublesome.

After that, they started recruiting anyone who had magic that had been outcast and especially younger mages, knowing they would get stronger and help bolster their guilds numbers. It was also Kaisu's idea to lay low so the Magic Council wouldn't arrest them.

Unfortunately, the Magic Council already knew about them due to their previous Master's activities before Kaisu killed him. They sent a young man and powerful mage to infiltrate their guild and Kani fell deeply in love with him, believing him to be on their side. He turned on her one day and kidnapped her and would kill her if Kaisu didn't come with him and surrender to the Magic Council. Kani didn't want him to, but Kaisu did and they were both arrested.

Personality: Kani speaks without thinking but has learned to keep her mouth shut over the years, it's just sometimes she can't help it. She's blunt with no filter and has become tough and she doesn't fully trust anyone other than Kaisu. She's learned to stick up for herself and can endure a lot after what Shadow Blade did to her as a little girl.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Kani has steel-make-magic which allows her to create objects and creatures made out of steel at will. Her spells with this are:

- Reinforcement – This spell pulls Ethernano into whatever object she just created to reinforce it, which makes it extremely tough to break through – up three times stronger.

- Beast – This spell creates a four-legged beast that resembles a wolf made out steel with spikes along its back that can shoot out at its opponent. It can also move and claw her opponents as she controls it.

- Prison – This spell forms a cage or sometimes a complex area of cages – up to a dozen – that entraps her opponents

- Copy – This spell creates a steel copy of the opponent and it can copy one aspect from it (such as one spell or one weapon, etc).

- Ultimate Bow – This spell creates a steel bow that can only be broken if Kani dispels it. She uses this and creates an unlimited number of arrows with this.

- Argana – This spell is one she combines with her brother's acid magic, even though their magic is opposite. Kaisu's acid becomes infused with Kani's steel in whatever she makes that can attack its opponent and eat through it because of Kaiu's acid.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Klaus freed them and they called together Shadow Blade once again. Now, if they remain loyal to Klaus and help him, when he takes over the merged realms, he will destroy Dark Guilds like they want, and get rid of the Magic Council and then they can rule Fiore in his name as Shadow Blade, which means they can ensure no one else will get hurt and they can live the lives they want as they please.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Kaisu and some of the members of Shadow Blade

What do they want in life: No one but her brother would believe this but Kani actually wants to settle down with a husband and have children. Well, the husband is a bit iffy to her, but deep inside, she really wants to find a man who can truly love her. She wants to be a mother to her children like their mother was to her and her brother.

Anything else? No.

Character 13 (Task Two Bought)

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Rina

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Appearance: As a Nautolan, Rina has teal colored skin with tentacles coming out of her skull instead of hair. Her thin eyebrows arch over her wide, larger-than-human, black eyes. She has a wider jaw that comes into a smooth chin, high cheekbones, but an overall beautiful appearance. Her body is slender and fit.

Fandom: Star Wars

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: In between Episodes Three and Four

Backstory: Rina grew up in the time of the Republic on a distant planet in the Outer Rim. She lived in an orphanage filled with aliens of all races where no one was really given extra care or attention. Eventually, she ran away and started making money by cleaning a shop nearby that sold old starship parts and blasters. Working there, she learned a lot, but the shop owner was a greedy man who wanted to make more money. So he planned to have her dance for men. Determined not to be used that way, Rina once again, ran away. She stole a blaster and a starship and never looked back. After that, she traveled the galaxy doing jobs for whoever she could until eventually, she became a well-known Bounty Hunter. When the Empire took over, nothing much changed in her life. She still did jobs for the highest bidder. Of course, she has things she won't do; kidnapping or killing children is one of them. No matter where she went, she never stayed in once place for too long.

Personality: Rina is someone who runs. Even she really doesn't understand why, but she'll never stay in one place very long, which is why she doesn't make friends. She'll work with other people if she has to, but usually, the job will be over or she'll be gone before they have to work together. Because of this, she has a flighty mentality and doesn't stay committed to anyone for long (this has also caused her to break up with many men over the years).

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: She doesn't have any powers, but she knows blasters really well and is a highly skilled, self-taught shooter.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Klaus has compelled all the credits she and the other Bounty Hunters could ever want, so they have agreed to work for him as long as he keeps them well supplied. Rina doesn't care who she works for as long as she gets paid (although, staying in one area might be a problem, if she stays too long).

Who are their loved ones if they have any: None, never had any

What do they want in life: Rina's never really thought about it before. She's too flighty to ever want to settle down, have a family, or get married. Maybe she would want to find her birth parents to find out why they gave her up, but they already gave her up, so in her mind, why does it matter? All that matters to Rina is getting paid so she can enjoy life in the present moment.

Anything else? No.

Character 14 (Task Two Bought Crossover)

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Hawk Lahaye (called Ranger Lahaye by strangers who see him)

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Appearance: Hawk is a Native American, so he has full lips and narrow cheekbones with a muscled body, especially his shoulders. His nose is a little wider than whites (because he's Native American), and he has brown, almond-shaped eyes and long brown hair. Usually, he keeps it back in a pony tail at the nape of his neck, in a single braid down his back, or in two.

Fandom: Crossover – Walker Texas Ranger (crime show) and Assassin's Creed

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: Modern day in the game, end of final season of Walker

Backstory: Hawk grew up on a ranch in Texas to a Cherokee mother and a half-blooded Cherokee father. He loved riding horses and being in the outdoors. He was a typical, southern, farm boy who had a few friends in school and always worked hard and helped his parents out even though they had several ranch hands. One day, someone broke into their house and murdered his father when Hawk was 14. He woke up that night to hear his mother screaming. When he went into their bedroom, the killer had already slit his father's throat and beat Hawk a pulp then tied him up. The killer raped his mother and murdered her. This changed Hawk forever. He had PTSD and nightmares for years afterward and sometimes still does if something reminds him of it. After that happened, he trained in mixed martial arts underneath Trent who was a local private detective and when he told Trent about his family, Trent and his buddy Carlos from Dallas PD started searching for his family's killer. With a Texas Ranger named Walker and his partner, Trevette, they found the killer and Walker's fiancé, Alex, put the man away for life. After Hawk graduated high school, he went through training and joined the Texas Rangers, still training with Trent and working with him and Carols when he could. Hawk had gone through ranger training with Gage and Sydney, so when they joined up, the three became good friends. Hawk was working on a case going undercover in what was thought to have been a terrorist group secretly selling arms, but when Hawk went under, he found out that they called themselves the Templars. The deeper he got, the more he found out that they had existed for years without anyone realizing it and had tried to take control many times, often using war to disguise their movements. Hawk knew this was too much for the Texas Rangers to handle, but his time with the Templars helped him become aware of the Assassins – an order fighting against the Templars, also in secret. Hawk found a way to get in contact with the assassins and agreed to keep infiltrating the Templars for them. While he was with the Templars, they started training him in the way they fight; with rope darts, hidden blades, air assassinations, leaps of faith, etc. He added in his mixed martial arts with his new fight skills and became an even harder opponent to beat in a fight.

Personality: Hawk wants to see killers and bad guys put away for good, which is why he joined the Texas Rangers. The Templars are more than he ever thought possible and he's in over his head, but he won't stop until they're all defeated. He's a genuinely nice guy and will always try to help someone in need. Despite this, he can be tough when the situation calls for it and he's a good liar after years of being undercover.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: No magic, but he's a highly skill martial artist who's trained in mixed martial arts and he's trained with the Templars, so he can blend in with a crowd, sneak without getting caught, walk quietly without making a sound, air assassinate, and more.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Klaus offered to help the Templars take control of the realms through him and the army he has. The Templars want control and want order and the merged realms is nothing but chaos, but they aren't strong enough. They know it, so their leader appointed Klaus as their main leader and they're now working for him. Hawk was infiltrating them so he got caught in the middle of all this when the realms merged and now he hasn't been able to contact the assassins.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Hawk cares for the Texas Rangers – Walker, Trivette, Trent, Carols, Gage, Sydney, and his Ranger partner. His parents were murdered so he doesn't have any family.

What do they want in life: Hawk wants to marry a woman that will love him and he can love her, have children, and raise a family on a ranch peacefully.

Anything else? No.

Character 15: (Task Two Award Villain)

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Anakin Skywalker (goes by Vader, Lord Vader, or Darth Vader now)

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: Anakin has brown hair that curls around his neck. He has wild eyes filled with hatred and anger that hide a lot of pain. Their normal color would be brown, but ever since he's become a Sith, they've become bright yellow. He has an athletic body type that most women of all races across the galaxy would consider handsome if he wasn't so terrifying.

Fandom: Star Wars

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: Shortly after Episode 3 ends

Backstory: Anakin grew up as a slave on Tatooine where he and his mother were sold by Gardilla the Hutt to a man named Watto. Under Watto's care, Anakin and his mother were both mistreated and he always dreamed of becoming a Jedi and freeing all the slaves. A Jedi named Qui-Gon came for parts to repair his ship with and ended up betting in the podraces with Anakin as their podracing driver. During this time, Anakin became close friends with Padme, a handmaiden to the Queen of Naboo. When Anakin run the podrace, he realized Qui-Gon had also made a bet to set him free. Leaving his mother at ten years old was hard and it broke his heart, but he wanted to train with Qui-Gon and become a Jedi to free her. They returned to Coruscant where Anakin found out the Jedi Council refused to train him, so when he and Qui-Gon and Qui-Gon's apprentice, Obi-Wan returned with Padme and the Queen to Naboo, Anakin watched Qui-Gon closely to learn. They fought in a battle with the Trade Federation, where Anakin accidentally blew up the droid ship from the inside which saved their army. It was also revealed that Padme really was the Queen of Naboo, disguised for her safety. Qui-Gon died fighting a Sith in battle, but because of his dying wish, the council finally agreed to have Obi-Wan train Anakin. Both were young but as the years passed, they went on many missions together and Anakin's abilities in the Force grew. As they did, he became arrogant and felt that Obi-Wan was holding him back. Ten years later, he became the bodyguard of Padme, who was now a senator and had to take her back home to Naboo for her protection. There, he found himself drawn more to her, unable to contain the feelings he had for her, no matter how forbidden they were. Anakin and Padme shared their first kiss, but still resisted, knowing their love could cost them both everything. Anakin started having dreams of his mother dying and no matter how he tried to save her in the dreams, he couldn't. So he and Padme traveled back to his home planet, Tatooine to find out what happened to her. After talking to Watto, Anakin found out a man bought her but freed and married her. When Anakin found the Lars homestead, he learned that she had been captured by Tusken Raiders. They had viciously tortured her and she died of her wounds in his arms. His anger and pain at being unable to save her caused Anakin to snap and he slaughtered the entire Tusken village. He told Padme of this in his grief after he buried his mother. Shortly after, Obi-Wan was captured, so Anakin and Padme went to rescue him. The three were all captured and put into an arena but they made a daring escape and soon, the arena was filled with hundreds of Jedi battling against Count Dooku's droids. Yoda showed up with an army of Clone Troopers and they were rescued. Anakin and Obi-Wan went after Dooku, but Anakin foolishly tried to fight him alone. Dooku shot him with lightning and when Dooku fought Obi-Wan alone, he injured him. Anakin fought Dooku and kept up with him well, but eventually Dooku cut off his arm. Yoda fought him and Dooku escaped. After this, the Clone Wars began. Anakin was given command of a Clone unit – the 501st and he became good friends with all the clones in it – Rex, Fives, Echo, Hevy, Top, and more. He even was given his first apprentice, a Torguta youngling named Ahsoka. She was reckless and never listened to him but he ended up teaching her everything he knew, including how sometimes it was okay to defy the council for the greater good. They went on many missions together and Anakin's service in the Clone Wars made him a General. On one mission, the Council made Obi-Wan fake his own death and disguise himself as a Bounty Hunter. They made Anakin believe he was dead, so when Anakin learned that Obi-Wan and the Council had lied to him, he started to lose faith in the Council. Eventually, Ahsoka was blamed for a murder and the council believed she had done it. They expelled her from the order which broke Anakin's heart. When the real murderer was discovered and defeated by Anakin, the Council apologized to Ahsoka and offered her her place back, but she refused. Anakin pleaded with her and tried convincing her to stay, but she left him. This broke Anakin in many ways and it didn't help that he was sent to the Outer Rim, away from Padme. Keeping their relationship secret had been hard and the war separating them even more so. Palpatine was captured by the separatists, so Anakin and Obi-Wan were brought back to Coruscant to rescue him. Home at last, Anakin and Padme finally reunited and she told him she was pregnant. Even though Anakin worried for what her pregnancy meant for them, he was still elated at the news. That night, he had a nightmare of her dying in childbirth, just like the nightmares he used to have about his mother. It haunted and plagued him, but Yoda told him to let go of his attachments. Anakin felt so lost and the only one able to help him was Palpatine. He appointed Anakin to be on the Council, but they refused to make him a master, even after his service as a General in the Clone Wars for years and years. It infuriated him, especially after everything the Council had done—Ahsoka and the lies they told never left his mind. Palpatine eventually told him that he knew the Dark Side and that it could save Padme. He turned Palpatine in to Mace Windu, informing him that Palpatine was the Sith Lord they'd been looking for, but in the end, Anakin knew what he had to do to save her. It broke his heart as he went to Palpatine's office and stopped Windu from killing him. Anakin surrendered every part of himself to Palpatine and his teachings. Palpatine sent him to kill the Jedi in the Temple as Order 66 wiped out the Jedi all across the galaxy. Anakin fought and killed Jedi he had trained with for years. When he killed the Younglings, he had to shut his mind down. He went to Mustafar and wiped out the Separatists Leaders, bringing an end to this war. For a moment, he released all his emotions and pain and guilt at what he had done.

Padme's ship showed up and she broke his heart. He tried telling her that they could defeat Palpatine and rule the galaxy themselves, but she wanted him to run away with her, to leave all this power behind. Not after everything he had done to save her. But when Anakin laid eyes on Obi-Wan, knowing that she had brought him here, he couldn't control his anger. He force-choked her then fought Obi-Wan in the hardest battle he had ever been in. Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally.

Obi-Wan leapt to the bank while Anakin still floated on a piece of equipment in the lava river. Anakin thought with all his powers, he could leap over Obi-Wan, but his old master warned him not to try it.

Just as Anakin jumped, the realms merged and the lava planet continued to implode on itself. During the chaos, Obi-Wan was thrown backward giving Anakin the time to jump onto land, where their fierce battle continued while the earthquakes of the merge happened. Obi-Wan used the force and his lightsaber to throw hundreds of rocks toward Anakin and though he managed to use the Force and his lightsaber to deflect or cut through most of them, one managed to hit him in the back of the neck. As he fell, Obi-Wan left him, believing him to be dead, only he wasn't.

He was paralyzed.

When he woke, Sidious told him that he had killed Padme. Everything he had done for her, and then he had killed her. Nothing compared to the guilt and grief in his heart and Anakin was inconsolable for months afterward. During that time, Sidious taught Anakin to use the Dark Side of the Force to reignite the use of his muscles using small amounts of force lightning to kick-start his nerves. This means Anakin can walk and move as normal, but he's constantly in excruciating pain which brings him closer to the Dark Side every moment.

Personality: Anakin was once a good leader and an even better friend. He would do anything for the people that he loves, but now, all he has left is Palpatine. One day, he wants to kill Palpatine, who made him promises about being able to save Padme's life. The guilt and grief and pain he holds in his heart often manifests in his actions, words, and deeds through anger and intense rage. This only fuels his power with the Dark Side, but there is still a part of Anakin that wishes he could go back and change everything. He would never let anyone else know that.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Anakin uses the Dark Side of the Force. He is the best starpilot in the galaxy, is skilled in fighting with a lightsaber

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Anakin was sent on a mission by Sidious to stop Klaus, a powerful being that Sidious felt threatened by since Klaus was taking over many realms. When Anakin discovered just how big Klaus army was and how many loyal races he had to him, Anakin used a hologram to inform Sidious that he would infiltrate Klaus' ranks to betray him and destroy his army from the inside. Klaus couldn't compel Anakin, but he made promises to him just like Sidious did – that he could help him save Padme. Anakin shook his head in anger, telling Klaus she was already dead but Klaus explained to him that all the realms had merged and that he had already seen different timelines exist. So Klaus took Anakin to a timeline where Padme was alive and this time, Anakin was able to save her life. He keeps her away in Klaus mansion and wants to help Klaus for doing what no one else could – saving Padme – and he will be eternally grateful to him. And because Padme still is angry and hurt at him for everything he had done, Anakin wants to kill Sidious. In the meantime, he's teaching Klaus the Dark Side of the Force and together, they can kill Sidious and rule the galaxy.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Padme Amidala and soon, their newborn children

What do they want in life: To live happily with Padme and their children in the Jedi Order. But now that's gone, so Anakin just wants to live happily with Padme and his children with them safe. He wants to help Klaus because Klaus gave him back his life and he wants revenge on Sidious for what he did.

Anything else? No.

Character 16: (Task Two Bought)

Username: jesusfreak202

Name: Alexandre (last name is unknown but he sometimes goes by Andre or whatever suits him depending on where he is. Sometimes he even goes by other names)

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Appearance: Alexandrehas wavy blonde hair that reaches his shoulders with deep blue eyes oftenhidden by his Templar uniform. When he's court he wears the clothing ofnoblemen, but when he's working he dons his gray leather Templar armor with redcloak and belt underneath, torn and worn from age.

Fandom: Assassin's Creed

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: Before Ezio's games

Backstory: No one knows for sure what country Alexandre grew up in or what his life was like as a child. Judging from his name, if it's even his real original birth name, he could either be from Spain or Italy. In either possibility, it was likely that he was from a prominent family in Spain or Italy, one that had a lot of connections to the royals of Spain or the Church in Rome. As a teenager, the Templars saw him as a means to an end in achieving their goal; using him to get inside the royal household or the Church in Rome. This meant Alexandre had to betray his parents and everything they had raised him to do. Perhaps they had been too strict on him and the Templar Order gave him freedom to be anyone he wanted to be. Whatever the reason, Alexandre came to admire the Templar Order and believed in their cause to create order and rule in Europe. Their plan to get him involved in both the Spanish Court and the Roman Catholic Church worked and as they did so, they taught Alexandre about their Templar Order and he trained and learned to fight in their ways with their inventions, which was ahead of the time in the 1300s. It was soon rumored that he had gotten in with the royals of Spain who also had connections to the church and Alexandre became a part of the Spanish Royal Court. From there, the Templars used his connections to Court to send him to infiltrate other royal courts in England, France, Portugal, Denmark, and more. During each of these missions, while Alexandre posed as a diplomatic ambassador for the Spanish King and Queen, he was really working for the Templars. In each Court, he would quietly assassinate anyone who stood in the Templar's way of gaining control and make it look like an accident or frame others for it. He would stay long enough to ensure that the Templar agent of that country found their place in court and that they set themselves in order for that country as well, before moving on. The Assassin's Order was becoming a problem for the Templars, undermining all of their work and coming after them. After one attack, the Assassins killed many of their men, so the Templars came up with another plan. They created a virus and started spreading it through Asia first, to hide their tracks and plans from the Assassins since they had no contacts there at the time. From there, the plague spread like wildfire and the Templars were immune because they had a cure for themselves all along. Even as the Black Death wiped out over half the population of Europe, the Templars never relented but it did as they wanted; it decimated the Assassin Brotherhood and allowed the Templars to gain easy control during the time of so much death. This was the first time that Alexandre felt remorse for what he had done, but he still believed that the Templars could make a better world, one of Order and not of chaos. So he stuck with them and continued infiltrating courts, royals, and upper class people to kill those who stood in the way of the Templar Order.

Personality: Alexandre can be whoever the Templars need him to be. He can blend in with a crowd not only in appearance in most countries, but with his behaviors and even his accent. In fact, he doesn't really have one and he knows many languages, so he can speak English, French, Spanish, and Italian with perfect accents so it's easy to believe he's a Native Speaker at any one of those countries. He catches onto things quick and learns even faster and he can easily adapt to situations to survive, blend in, and stay ahead of whatever is happening. He knows how to spy and listen, how to stay hidden, how to gain information and blackmail others to get what the Templar's want. He's trained in fighting, so he's tough to beat in open combat, but he prefers to assassinate from the shadows. He could kill a man in a crowded room without any magic and without anyone noticing.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: No magic, but his skills as a Templar and an assassin make it seem like he does. He can blend in with people easily, sneak around without getting caught, eavesdrop, assassinate, and has excellent fighting skills.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: When the realms merged, it threw the Templars off their plan. They soon met up with Templars from other periods of earth history but there were so many other new races and magic, they knew even with their forces all combined that they couldn't beat them alone. When an Original Vampire who was just as ancient from earth as they were offered to use his army to take over all the realms and bring it to order as they wanted, after the Templars realized they could trust him to give them what they wanted, they named him their leader and have vowed and promised to follow him. Alexandre will serve the Templars, but he isn't sure he trusts Klaus yet. Despite his personal feelings on the matter, he will still serve the Templars loyally—the Templars doesn't necessarily mean he'll always serve Klaus.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Alexandre doesn't have any known family and he cares about some of the members in the Templar Order. Perhaps he has a girlfriend, wife, or fiancée out there somewhere, but again, no one knows much about him or his past.

What do they want in life: Alexandre wants to see a world where the Templars have control so that they can create order, especially in this new merged realm with many different races and magic and villains that has created so much more chaos than there was before.

Anything else? No.

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