Spot 1: CCWinter's Characters

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These characters were made by CCWinters



Name: Maleficent

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Appearance: She's tall, pale, and imposing. She wears a black cloak with deep purple lining and carries a short golden staff that she uses to channel her magic (although she can cast spells without it). Atop her head are two large ebony-black horns.

Fandom: Disney

Part of Fandom: Sleeping Beauty (Some representation is taken from other forms of media she's been in, but mostly from the original cartoon.)

Backstory: Nothing is known of how Maleficent came to be, only that she is an incarnation of evil itself. Some think it's possible that she was once one of the Good Fairies, but most have deemed this unlikely.

Personality: She is ruthless, cunning, and manipulative. Her determination to complete her goals is matched by only a few. She will use any means necessary to get what she wants, regardless of the damage it may cause. She can be very deceptive and persuasive to get people to join her cause. Despite all this, however, she has a very elegant and proper air about her and expects those around her to behave in a similar manner.

Goal: As a being of pure evil, she only wishes to spread her power and dominion across all worlds. She will use any means necessary to do this.

Villain type: As previously stated, she is cunning and manipulative. She often prefers to have others do most of her dirty work for her, but if they fail her, she won't hesitate to do what she believes needs to be done.

Powers: At the height of her strength, she is one of the most powerful villains imaginable. Her powers are entirely magic-based, giving her the ability to cast spells and curses, summon lightning, teleport, and more. Her greatest ability is that of transforming into a great black dragon with venomous fangs and flaming breath. However, the true extent of her magic remains yet unknown, and she may well be holding on to a spell that puts all these to shame.

Minions: She doesn't have an army--with all her power, she probably doesn't need one. Instead, she'll typically focus her energy on ensnaring specific people, usually people of power, to fight by her side.

Second in command: Her pet raven Diablo. He is the only being she seems to have any sort of affection for.

She has kidnapped:

Ventus. Maleficent has encountered Ven's former master, Xehanort, in her own world on a few occasions. He spoke to her of a boy with extreme potential for both light and darkness locked within his heart. She hopes to sway Ven's heart towards the darkness and then use him to her own advantage.

Draven. His world was one of the first ones Maleficent sought to conquer. She is very interested in his mutant powers, but even more so in his shifting and somewhat deceptive personality. It's possible she sees a bit of herself in him--but it's difficult to tell.

Jenaara. Maleficent likes the idea of having a Force user on the team. She's mostly interested in the ability to shape the thoughts and desires of the weak-minded.

Alin. Her training as a Mistborn spy and her desire for money and money alone was what drew Maleficent to her. Maleficent needed someone who was not only powerful but loyal--at least to the highest bidder.



Name: Ventus. Most everyone calls him Ven.

Age: His exact age is unknown, but he appears to be around 15 years old.

Gender: Male

Appearance: Ven is short for his age, with spiked-up blond hair and bright blue eyes. He wears a tunic that's black on one side and white on the other. He wears shoulder armor on his left arm. When he touches the circle on it, it transforms into a full suit of protective armor powered by his Keyblade.

Fandom: Video Game

Part of Fandom: Kingdom Hearts (this takes place about a year before Birth By Sleep begins)

Backstory: An incident unknown to Ven caused him to lose his memory three years ago. He was taken by his former master Xehanort to a place called the Land of Departure. There, he would train under Xehanort's old friend, Master Eraqus--alongside two other apprentices named Terra and Aqua--to wield an ancient weapon called a Keyblade.

As the years passed, Ven formed strong bonds with Terra and Aqua. The two of them were older and more skilled with their Keyblades than he was, but they never put him down because of it. Instead, they constantly encouraged him and helped him grow stronger. The three of them grew to share the same dream--becoming masters of the Keyblade.

After a particularly rough training session for Ven, Terra bequeathed him his own wooden practice Keyblade. It's become one of his most valuable possessions, and it reminds him of the close bond he has with his friends and of their shared dream.

Just a few days after this, an unknown event caused all known worlds to merge together. Villains began running rampant and unchecked. Master Eraqus left the Land of Departure to help other heroes restore order, leaving Ven, Terra, and Aqua on their own. Ven, wanting to help (as well as wanting to prove his strength to his friends and master), took off without telling Terra and Aqua. They saw him leave and followed him. However, before they could catch up, the two of them were intercepted by one of the villains. Maleficent. The two of them attempted to take her down with their Keyblades, but in the end, they were no match for her magic. Both of them were knocked unconscious and brought to Maleficent's castle as prisoners.

After taking care of the two elder apprentices, Maleficent tracked down Ven. However, instead of fighting him like she did Terra and Aqua, she offered him a "deal"--he would help her conquer worlds, and in turn, she wouldn't kill his friends. Driven by his loyalty, Ven had no choice but to go along with her plan.

Personality: He's extremely loyal and will do almost anything to save his friends. He can be quite reckless at times, as well as a bit naive.

Powers/Weapons: Ven wields a Keyblade called Wayward Wind. It, like all other Keyblades, has the power to lock and unlock any door. He can use it to channel simple magic spells. If he needs to transport himself somewhere quickly, it can also transform into a vehicle simply called a Keyblade Glider.

Maleficent's Blackmail: As previously stated, Maleficent has taken Ven's best friends Terra and Aqua. She's promised to kill them if Ven doesn't do her bidding.

Friends/Loved Ones: The only ones that he knows of are Terra, Aqua, and Master Eraqus. It's possible he had close friends before losing his memory, but they're lost to him now.

Goal: His main spoken goal is to become a true Keyblade master, but deep down, his true dream is to be happy and safe with his friends forever.



Name: Draven Kenneth Olliver

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Appearance: Draven's mother was of Asian descent. He inherited her narrow eyes and dark hair. He has an earring in his left ear and a tattoo under his left eye, both received during his time with the Dusks. He's always had a sense of class and style. Even when he's on missions or dressing "casually", he wears a suit coat--usually black with a bright red tie.

(I can't find who the original artist is, but whoever they are, props to them because I can't draw this well) (but I added the tattoo)

Fandom: Marvel

Part of Fandom: Comic universe

Backstory: Draven's was born in Melbourne, Australia. His father worked for a prestigious law firm and his mother was the CEO of a large prestigious company. Because of this, they were rarely home, and he had to learn how to take care of himself from a young age.

At age 13, Draven discovered his mutant abilities. He trained himself to control them whenever his parents weren't around. For four years, he hid them from everyone else, not telling a soul.

After a while, he began to grow tired of keeping his powers a secret. He wanted to test their potential and maybe even use them to do some good in the world. So, he ran away from home and became a vigilante. His first goal: taking down the Dusks, a notorious crime gang made up of mutants that had made a name for themselves in his city. His plan was not to take them down by fighting them outright, but to destabilize them from the inside. He had to join them in order to destroy them.

It was during this time that he met Owen, the 12-year-old mutant son of the Dusks' leader. The two formed a fast bond. Draven found himself growing closer to Owen than he had ever been towards anyone else. However, Owen's position as the son of the leader meant that it was extremely risky for Draven to carry out his plan and spend time with him at the same time.

Draven spent a year among the Dusks, and although he was feeling extremely conflicted, he prioritized his mission over spending time with Owen. Every time he did a job with the Dusks, he did something small and seemingly insignificant that ensured their plans would fail.

One day, Draven pulled off a risky move during one of the missions. It worked the way he hoped--the mission was jeopardized--but Owen found out about what his friend had done. That night, Draven told him the truth in private. Owen now felt as if he had to choose between the man who was his biological father and the man who had become his closest friend and mentor. In the end, he chose neither. He fled from the Dusks the next night without telling anyone where he was going. Draven quickly noticed that his friend was missing and left to look for him. Unfortunately, Owen had left no trail and no hints as to where he was headed.

That very same night, all the worlds converged on each other. Draven knew that he now had infinitely more ground to cover to find his friend. While he was trying to come up with a better plan, he was approached by Maleficent. She offered to use her magic to find Owen, but Draven would have to help her in her conquest in return. Draven agreed reluctantly, knowing that he had no other choice.

Personality: Draven can be a bit difficult to read for those who are meeting him for the first time. He comes across to many as a sarcastic, apathetic joker who doesn't really care about anything. However, those who know him well know that the opposite is true. He deeply cares about his friends and loved ones and will do nearly anything to protect them. He follows a strict moral code that he's set for himself. The only reason he'll ever break it is to save someone he cares about, but even then he has to be sure that there's no other way.

Powers/Weapons: Draven's mutant powers are a bit hard to describe. At first glance, what he does looks a bit like Doctor Strange's dimensional magic, but after looking closer, it's obvious that he does something different. At the core, he's a fire elemental, but his fire takes the form of "strings". They can be used to painfully ensnare opponents or as flaming whips.

Maleficent's Blackmail: She's promised to help him find Owen once her conquest is complete. Draven doesn't really believe she'll come through, but he has no other options. He plans to double-cross her as soon as she gives him what he wants.

Friends/Loved Ones: Aside from Owen, he had a few other friends among the Dusks, but they weren't extremely close. Both of his parents are still alive as well, but he hasn't seen them for over a year.

Goal: Find Owen, and then bring Maleficent down from the inside.



Name: Jenaara Kalor

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance: Jenaara has dark skin and fierce, blue-gray eyes, and an average height and build. Her hair is auburn-brown, and she normally keeps it tied back.

Fandom: Star Wars

Part of Fandom: In between Episode III and Rogue One

Backstory: Jenaara never knew her mother. Her father Talrik had always told her the story of how a mysterious woman had appeared on his doorstep in the year 30BBY, holding two sleeping children in her arms. He described her as being "beautiful and terrible, and cloaked in darkness". She only said a few words to him: "The children are yours. Take care of them." And then she was gone. One of the children, of course, was Jenaara, and the other one was her twin brother Mikaal.

All three members of the family were shocked when, a few days after the twins turned ten, a strange man appeared on their doorstep announcing that Mikaal was to become a Jedi. To Jenaara, the thought of her brother being a great warrior was almost outlandish. Mikaal had always been the more shy, restrained one of their duo. He was so attached to both her and their father that the thought of him leaving home to train was something she couldn't bear. Evidently, it was something her father couldn't bear either, because he would not allow Mikaal to move away to the Jedi Temple for his training. He told the man that the only way he would allow this arrangement would be if Mikaal was still allowed to live with them. The man agreed since they lived only a short distance away from the Temple. Thus, Mikaal began his training to become a Jedi Knight.

Then came the fateful day of the fall of the Republic.

Jenaara was eleven at the time. A different man whom they had never seen before came to the door and gave them the news: Mikaal, along with the other younglings, had been slaughtered by Darth Vader.

Jenaara's life was completely changed that night. The entire galaxy was completely changed that night.

Her father Talrik became distant, nothing like the kind, loving father he had once been. Even when he was forced by the Emperor to join thousands of others working on plans for a new super-weapon, he did not fight. The death of his son had taken the fight out of him completely. He had no comfort for his daughter, leaving her alone to wallow in her sadness.

Seven years passed. When the Empire discovered that Jenaara had Jedi blood in her veins, they captured her. She and several other rebels were forced to participate in a series of tasks which would pit them against each other, and, in the end, eliminate them all. With the help of a few other prisoners, she was able to escape, but not before a heavy price was paid. Many of the people she met there died. The few that did survive--people she had come to consider friends--left her behind and went into hiding alone. She never saw them again.

After her great escape, Jenaara joined a small group of rebels who were beginning to recruit more people for their cause. About three years passed, during which she continued to train privately with the Force and the rebellion continued to grow. After many long and harrowing experiences, she had finally found a group of people that she could grow close to.

Then, out of nowhere, all the worlds in the multiverse merged together, and chaos ensued.

At first, the rebellion tried to ignore the catastrophe, desiring to focus on their own problems and not those brought about by other worlds. However, as time passed, it became clear that this was no longer an option. Villains from all over were thwarting their plans, causing them to lose many members in the process.

About a month after the worlds converged, Jenaara was on a mission with a small group of rebels when they were attacked by none other than Maleficent and her team. They were easily overpowered. The entirety of Jenaara's team was killed except for her. Maleficent spared her when she saw her using the Force. She was taken prisoner instead.

Personality: Watching all the people she's grown to care about die around her has given her a somewhat nihilistic view of life. She goes out of her way to avoid forming bonds with anyone. Instead, she devoted herself to her work with the rebellion, hoping to create a better world for the next generation.

Powers/Weapons: She wields a lightsaber that was previously owned by her brother. Aside from this, she can use the Force, but not with as much skill as the Jedi Masters could. She often carries a blaster, but she rarely uses it.

Maleficent's Blackmail: After she was taken prisoner, Maleficent convinced Jenaara to join her team by telling her that it was possible to use dark magic to bring back her friends and family members that had died.

Friends/Loved Ones: No one is left.

Goal: If at all possible, she wants to see her family and friends again.



Name: Alin Tekiel

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Appearance: Almost everything about Alin is dark. When she is out on missions, she wears a hood and a mask to keep her true identity hidden. She usually wears a traditional Mistborn cloak to help her blend in with the mists. Since the worlds have collided, she has also donned a bulletproof vest, which she usually wears underneath her cloak.

(Art by Pryce14 on DeviantArt)

Fandom: Book

Part of Fandom: Mistborn

Backstory: Alin was the third daughter of the Lord of House Tekiel. She discovered her powers as a Mistborn--that is, she Snapped--at a very young age. She was trained by her father to use her abilities in works of espionage against the other noble houses. However, at age 15, she grew tired of acting as her father's puppet. She ran away from home and disappeared into the mist, leaving her life of nobility and wealth behind.

For the past eight years, she has worked as a mercenary, hiring out her talents to the highest bidder. For this reason, when all the worlds collided, she immediately began looking for a villain to side herself with--whichever one would pay the most for her unique skill set. A few days later, she was contacted by someone who claimed to be a representative of Maleficent--someone promising extremely gracious compensation for any powerful person who allied themselves to her cause. Alin instantly accepted the offer.

Personality: As a result of her training, she is both ruthless and secretive. If she speaks at all, she never says what she is really thinking. Because of this, no one she works with knows anything about her past. She can be extremely cutthroat when trying to get what she wants.

Powers/Weapons: As a Mistborn, she has the ability to burn any of the ten Allomantic metals, each of which give her unique abilities.

This is not a complete list, but these are the most commonly used metals. (Source: )

As for weapons, she is trained in all sorts, but she prefers to use ranged weapons. After the worlds merged, she equipped herself with two semi-automatic pistols. These are even more dangerous when combined with her Allomantic abilities.

Maleficent's Blackmail: Money, plain and simple.

Friends/Loved Ones: She was once close with her two older sisters, but she chose to leave them behind. As of now, she doesn't know where they are, or even if they're still alive.

Goal: Although she would never admit it to anyone, she would love to find a world that's peaceful enough for her to retire.


Name: Celyste

Age: 15--extremely young for a fairy, as most of them live for thousands of years.

Gender: Female

Appearance: CH has bright purple hair that reaches down to her shoulders. She usually has it pulled back with a headband or in a bun. Her eyes are the same color as her hair. In her normal form, she's about 4'10". In her pixie form, she's only a few inches tall. She's extremely thin and petite. Her ears are delicate and pointed. She possesses a pair of clear, iridescent wings.

Fandom: Disney

Part of Fandom: Sleeping Beauty

Backstory: As a fairy, Celyste grew up in the forests surrounding King Stefan's castle. She grew up as an only child, raised by her mother Radella. Magic was part of her daily life. The two of them lived completely normally, and their only concern was staying away from Maleficent and her cronies.

This lifestyle worked well for them until the realms merged. Maleficent, using those loyal to her, raided Stefan's castle and killed everyone inside. They then ransacked the forest and captured as many sentient creatures as they could, killing anyone who didn't have any significant magical abilities. Celyste and Radella were captured.

Personality: Despite her small stature, Celyste has a fiery spirit and a strong desire to protect the people she's close to. She becomes attached to people easily and enjoys making friends.

Powers/Weapons: Her magic includes shooting powerful rays and moving inanimate objects. She knows a bit of transfiguration, but not enough to be useful. She can also talk to animals, although she isn't quite fluent in their language yet.

Friends/Loved Ones: Her mother Radella and various woodland creatures she's befriended.

Maleficent's Blackmail: Since both Celyste and Radella can do magic, Maleficent uses them as blackmail against each other. If Celyste doesn't do what Maleficent wants, then Radella pays the price, and vice versa.

Goal: To bring back the peaceful life she once had and to improve her magic skills. 



Name: No one ever gave him a name. In the few interactions with humans he's had, they've called him "Dragon" or "Snow Wraith".

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male


Fandom: DreamWorks

Part of Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon

Backstory: He lived on a northern island with a small colony of other Snow Wraith dragons. They were rarely invaded or attacked by humans, and when they were, they were easily able to overpower them. However, all that changed when the worlds merged. The dragons suddenly found themselves facing humans with powers that outshined their own. It didn't take long for many of the worlds' villains to start trafficking dragons to use for their own purposes. The colony of Snow Wraiths was no different. Despite their best efforts to fight back and stay together, they were torn apart and sold, each to different corners of the world.

One of the Snow Wraiths was sold to Maleficent after almost a month on the black market. Separated from his home and the closest thing he had to a family, he became uncooperative, only moving to lash out at anyone who dared come near him. Maleficent grew tired of trying to tame an unruly dragon and threw him into her dungeon to rot.

Personality: He is reclusive yet vicious, lashing out at anyone who tries to get close to him.

Powers/Weapons: Like every member of his species, he can breathe ice. He also possesses thermal vision, which is useful for tracking and hunting. On top of these abilities, the barbs and spikes covering his body are useful as weapons.

Friends/Loved Ones: His colony. They are all he has.

Maleficent's Blackmail: Maleficent doesn't realize that dragons are intelligent creatures, and thus she hasn't thought of reasoning with the creature. She uses physical torture and brutality to get him and his colony-mates to do her bidding.

Goal: Escape. 

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