Spot 5: RondaRayl's Characters

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These were made by RondaRayl 

Villain Character Form:

Username: RondaRayl

Name: Walter Donovan

Age: 52

Gender: Male

Appearance: Walter Donovan is about six foot, 230 pounds, with short gray hair parted on the side. He has green eyes. He always likes to wear suits and ties, always looking his best.

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: Toward the end of the movie just before he dies.

Backstory: Walter Donovan was digging in some copper mines when he found a stone tablet. It told the story of being immortal through the Holy Grail. So he set his heart on finding it. He hired Henry Jones Senior, who is also Indiana Jones's father, to find the Grail. When Henry found out they were working for the Nazi's, he mailed the Grail diary to his son, Indiana Jones, so Walter tried to get Indiana Jones to help him, but he wouldn't. After that, it was a race to see who could find the Grail and they all ended up at the temple at the same time. Donovan shot Henry, which forced Indiana to solve his way through the traps and find the Grail at the end. They were told to choose which cup was the Grail and Donovan made his choice. He was wrong, but just before he drank from it and died, the realms merged. Everything was in chaos and everyone was thrown around. Indiana Jones got the Grail and used it to heal Henry from the gunshot wound, but there were earthquakes as the realms merged and the world changed, which separated Indy from his father. Donovan saw this chance and kidnapped Henry to force Indy to work for him once again. Donovan came across a wizard from the realm of Middle Earth, named Sauroman. Sauroman sensed the power within the Grail so he decided to help Donovan. Sauroman told Donovan that the realms had been merged and explained all the different possible magical artifacts that exist. This made Donovan want more than immortality with the Grail. Donovan knew with all these different realms that he would need a fighter, so he traveled to a place called Winterfell where he'd heard of a man named Ned Stark who was a good swordsmen. While Ned Stark was out, Donovan came to Winterfell and was polite with Catelyn and talked with her to gain her trust. When they had a moment alone, he kidnapped her and now is forcing Ned to work for him too as a fighter and protector.

Personality: Donovan is the kind of man who is very prideful, arrogant, greedy, and selfish but he hides it well and acts like the perfect gentleman. He also is a very critical person and is ruthless.

What is their main goal: His goal is to get immortality and power through artifacts and now that he knows other realms exist, he wants to try to override the existing laws of nature.

What kind of a villain are they: Donovan is very manipulative and he likes to be in authority but he also makes people do his dirty work for him.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: He doesn't have any powers but he has basic fighting skills and he's an expert in rifles and machine guns and 1940's weapons.

What kind of minions do they have: Donovan has Nazi soldiers who obey and listen to him and want him to be in control.

Do they have a second in command and if so, who: Elsa Schneider is a very manipulative woman who will do anything to keep her position and to serve Donovan.

What characters have they kidnapped and why: Indiana Jones because he knows artifacts and history and is good with tombs and puzzles. Ned Stark because he's a good swordfighter.

Anything else? No

Character 1

Username: RondaRayl

Name: Indiana Jones


Gender: Male

Appearance: He's a handsome young man who always wears a hat and has a whip on his hip with a satchel. He has an unshaven face with a beard and mustache.

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: Toward the end of the movie just after he saved his father.

Backstory: Indiana Jones is a linguist and archaeologist who believes that all antiques should be in a museum. So he's spent most of his life treasure hunting and trying to return them to the National Museum of History. When his father mailed him a mysterious diary of the Holy Grail, Indy thought it was a myth but he soon learned that his father had been kidnapped. After a daring rescue, the two worked together to find the Grail and stop Donovan. In the end, Henry was shot and Indy went through three trails and found the Grail. Just as the realms were merging, Indy took the Grail and saved his father, but they were separated by the earthquakes. Donovan soon found him and told him that Henry was kidnapped and if he ever wanted to see his father again, he needs to help Donovan go throughout the realm and find the antiques from each one.

Personality: He's a historian who knows many languages and has a habit of getting of himself into trouble but somehow he finds his way out. He is a college professor who likes to teach young minds but he most enjoys being out treasure hunting.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Indy has been in a few scraps so he knows how to do a good brawl fight and can hold his own and always comes out winning.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Donovan will kill Indy's father if he doesn't help.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Henry Jones Senior is Indy's father

What do they want in life: He wants to restore his relationship with his father that he missed while he was a kid due to his father's adventures.

Anything else? No.

Character 2

Username: RondaRayl

Name: Ned Stark

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: He is about six foot with long shaggy brown hair, a beard and mustache. He has brown eyes and wears leather armor. He carries a greatsword and has a scar on right upper his forehead.

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: Toward the beginning of season 1, before he became the Hand of the King for Rob.

Backstory: Ned is the Lord of House Winterfell. His sister was stolen by a Targaryan prince, so his best friend Robert, the man who was supposed to marry his sister, started a war known as Robert's Rebellion. Ned helped him fight and win the Iron Throne and returned to Winterfell to live in peace. When his sister died, she gave birth to a Targaryan son and begged Ned to claim it as his own. If Robert knew the truth, he would kill the child. So when Ned came home with the boy, he lied and said that the boy was his bastard son. It was during this time, he and his wife had many children and they lived in peace, until the realms merged. Shortly after, Walter Donovan showed up to Winterfell and Ned came home to discover his wife kidnapped. Now, he's forced to obey Donovan to keep Catelyn alive.

Personality: Ned is a very honorable man who loves his family but will protect them at all costs. He's a very skilled swordfighter and will kill when necessary but he doesn't enjoy it.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: He fights with a Valaryian Steel greatsword and he's highly skilled at it – rumored the best in Westeros next to Jamie Lannister.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Donovan has kidnapped Ned's wife, Catelyn and will kill her if he doesn't help him

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Catelyn, his wife and his children: Rob, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Rickon and Jon Snow, his bastard son.

What do they want in life: For his family to live in peace and happily ever after.

Anything else? No.

Character 3

Username: RondaRayl

Name: Daijiro

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Appearance: He's 5'6 and really skinny, only 170 pounds. He wears a long black cloak with thin armor and hidden blades with his throwing stars and nun-chucks.

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: He's from Assassin's Creed, in an unknown story about the Boshin War in Japan.

Backstory: His father was an assassin and they supported the Shogun, while their enemies the Templars supported the Satsuma-Choshu alliance. He followed in his father's footsteps and joined the assassins. This time the Templars won and took control of Japan, so he had to go into hiding with his family. When the realms merged, Donvan offered to give him superior weapons to help them defeat the Templars and win back Japan.

Personality: Daijiro is a loner and as a ninja, he's willing to do whatever it takes for the assassin order to survive. He operates from the shadows and that means that his fighting style isn't always honorable.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: He uses nun-chucks and throwing stars and prefers sneaking up on his targets.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Donovan is offering to give him superior Nazi weapons to help them take back Japan.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Father died in the Boshin War so he's alone.

What do they want in life: He wants the Shogun back in control of Japan and wants to see the Templars defeated. He wants the Assassin Order to be restored in Japan.

Anything else? No.

Character 4

Username: RondaRayl

Name: Jaenia

Age: 21

Gender: Female


What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: Skyrim after the Thieves Guild Arc

Backstory: Jaenia is an orphan that grew up on the streets and Brynjolf found her and offered her a job with the Thieves Guild. She completed the job that no other thief could do which helped the Thieves Guild grow and become powerful. The realms merged but the Thieves Guild kept control of things in Riften. Donovan showed up after hearing about her and pretended to know all about who her real parents were. She believes him so she's willing to work for him using her skills in order to find out about her real parents.

Personality: She can hold her own and after living on the streets, she knows how to survive. She's skilled at lockpicking, pitpocketing, and stealing things and she isn't afraid to go against the law and take risks. In fact, taking risks is fun for her. She loves the challenge of it.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Lockpicking, pitpocketing, stealing, sneaking, fighting with two daggers.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Donovan has pretended to know about her real parents and claims he will tell her about them if she works for him.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: The Thieves Guild, especially Brynjolf.

What do they want in life: She wants to find her parents and continue helping the Thieves Guild grow. She really wants to do something special for Brynjolf for all he's done for her.

Anything else? No.

Character 5 Main Character Task Two

Username: RondaRayl

Name: Ashley Blueseeker

Age: Hundreds of years old

Gender: Female

Appearance: Ashley is tall and slender, at six foot. She has pearly white skin and veins that you can see. She has straight blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She wears boots with heels on them up to her knees, has a skirt on with a nice shirt and a cape.

Fandom: Shadowhunters

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: Season One

Backstory: Her parents were high up in the Seelie Court and she loved her mother and wanted to follow in her mother's footsteps. She was actually really clumsy and the Court didn't want her around, so they sent her to the Mundane world to live among them for a while. She lived like a Mundane and got a job washing dishes at a restaurant. She wanted to learn about other Downworlders in the Mundane world. One day, a Seelie female who offered to take her back to Seelie Court and help her win the Queen's favor. But she never had a chance because the Seelie Court was attacked and the Queen was killed.

Personality: She's clumsy, but she's very intelligent and tricky and wants to fit in.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Nimble, good at acrobats, she can't lie, and knows a lot about Seelie magic and their Portals.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Donovan found her brother after he attacked the Seelie Court and will kill her brother if she doesn't cooperate and use the Portals to help him travel from realm to realm.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Her brother

What do they want in life: Ashley kingdom to be restored to peacefulness and be among her people again.

Anything else? No

Character 6 Ship Award Task One

Username: RondaRayl

Name: Rocky and Adrian

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: Rocky is a handsome man with short black hair and he stands at 5'10 and weighs 217 pounds. He's has a lot of muscle and a defined jaw.

Fandom: Rocky

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: The end of the first Rocky movie

Backstory: Rocky was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to a Roman Catholic family. He became a small town boxer but was taken in by Mick who helped him train. Eventually he was able to fight Apollo Creed which was his dream and Mick agreed to help him prepare for the match. At this time, Rocky and Adrian started dating. Apollo won the match by a split decision but no one had gone the distance with Apollo and that's what Rocky did so in a way, he won and Rocky felt like a winner. He and Adrian married and he continued with his boxing career.

Personality: He's very determined and he is a hard worker and he'll do anything to protect his loved ones and will help other people.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: None but he's a highly skilled boxer

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Donovan kidnapped Rocky and his family and will kill Adrian and Pauli if Rocky doesn't fight for him.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Adrian his wife and her brother Pauli

What do they want in life: He wants to live a good life with Adrian and be the champ.

Anything else? No

Character 7 Crossover Task One Bought

Username: RondaRayl

Name: R2-E5

Age: 17 years

Gender: Neutral/Droid

Appearance: E5 stands at 1 meter tall. It has a rounded dome with mostly white coloring that occasionally has strands of purple throughout its body.

Fandom: Star Wars

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: In the middle of the Clone Wars

Backstory: R2-E5 was made by the Industrial Automation, part of the R-Series and was bought by a senator in the Republic who often used it for languages and get information. When the Clone Wars started, E5 was sent on several missions to gather information from the Separatists, free prisoners, and blow up different starships. During a mission one time, E5 crash landed on a planet called Earth. It was found by Clark Kent aka Superman and became Superman's sidekick.

Personality: E5 was accidentally programed wrong and it resulted in E5 being more rebellious. It has a tendency not to listen to its owners or if it does a mission, it does it its own way.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: E5 knows many languages, can fly Starfighters on its own, can speak to computer systems in technology, and has a Taser built into its system.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: One day, E5 was left at Clark's house alone when Donovan and his soldiers broke in and stole him. Donovan wants to use E5 for the technology it has and Donovan promises E5 to take it back to his original senator owner. So E5 helps him – in his own way.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: E5 is oddly attached to his senator, who has owned it since it was built

What do they want in life: E5 wants to be back with its original owner

Anything else? No

Character 8 Original Task One Bought

Username: RondaRayl

Name: Kida

Age: Hundreds of years old

Gender: Female

Appearance: Kida has long white hair and tanned skin. She's slender and athletic with a beautiful shape.

Fandom: Once Upon A Time

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: End of Season One

Backstory: Kida was born in the kingdom of Atlantis in the Enchanted Forest. They thrived more than any other kingdom, at least until a massive tsumami threatened to destroy the entire city. Kida's mother sacrificed herself and became part of the crystal – which was where Atlantis got all of its magical power – and the crystal formed a shield around Atlantis as it was consumed by the sea. There, it thrived once again, beneath the depths of the ocean. Their people started to weaken over the years and the only thing keeping them alive was their crystals that they wore around their necks. One day, many years later, a team of explorers found them and eventually the explorers tried to steal the main crystal. What they did caused a nearby underground volcano to erupt so Kida gave herself to the main crystal to save Atlantis. After it was over, the crystal released her and she became Queen of her people and helped them thrive again, but the crystal is still inside her, along with its power.

Personality: Kida is kind and compassionate and a wise leader and a good queen. She loves and cares for her people

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: The crystal keeps her and her people from aging and it also gives her powers that she isn't fully aware of

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Donovan kidnapped Kida and as she left, so did the crystal's power and Atlantis is dying. He will save Atlantis if she helps him learn the power of the crystal and how to use it to give him long life

Who are their loved ones if they have any: All her people and her family

What do they want in life: Kida wants to see her people safe and to see them prosper

Anything else? No

Character 9 Task Two Main (Original)

Username: RondaRayl

Name: Kenneth "White Beard"

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Appearance: Kenneth has white hair with a mustache and a well-trimmed beard with long hair. He wears a bandana with a hat and he's in very good shape. He has tattoos and wears a vest with blue pants and boots.

Fandom: Disney (Pirates of the Caribbean)

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: The end of the movie

Backstory: When Kenneth was born, he had a defect with his hair that came out white. His dad and mom didn't want him, so they gave him up to his dad's brother, who was a pirate. Kenneth grew up on his ship and learned the ways of the sea. The pirates gave him the nickname White Beard because of his hair. After his uncle died, he took over his uncle's ship and crew. During one voyage, Kenneth and his crew came upon an island where Jack Sparrow was marooned and looked for gold and they decided to leave Jack Sparrow there. Jack Sparrow had gotten into a fight with his crew and so Kenneth left him there as punishment.

Personality: Kenneth is mean and is a good swordfighter. He doesn't care much for people except for his crew. They mean everything to him. He loves life on the sea and being a captain is everything he dreamed.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: He doesn't have magic but he's a good swordfighter and he uses a cutlass and a small dagger—he's amazing with knives.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Donovan promised him riches and to have a bounty taken off his head once Donovan takes over if Kenneth helps him succeed.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: His crew and that is all.

What do they want in life: To be the best pirate on the sea.

Anything else? No

Character 10 Task Two Main (Original)

Username: RondaRayl

Name: Jack Sparrow

Age: 40's

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has long hair that's braided, a mustache with a goatee. He has a red headband and is about 5'9, wearing a long sleeve off white shirt with black vest and pants. He always wears his pirate hat with a white belt around his waist that holds his pistols.

Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: After the latest movie

Backstory: Jack Sparrow worked on a pirate ship and eventually became captain of the Black Pearl for ten years. His crew mutinied against him and left him to die on an island. He escaped and worked with Will and Elizabeth to free the Black Pearl from the curse. Together, they went on many adventures but Jack as always been captain of the Black Pearl.

Personality: Jack Sparrow is a drunk who cannot talk very well. His speech is slurry. He's very deceitful and doesn't like to fight and will always end with trickery or debate.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: He has no magic and doesn't like to fight and is good at tricking his way out of things, but usually his clumsy drunkenness eventually causes everything to work out.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Ned brought Jack to Donovan and convinced Donovan to let him live in exchange for The Black Pearl.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Jack doesn't really have any loved ones besides his ship but he does kind of care for his crew. He is close friends with Elizabeth and Will.

What do they want in life: To sail the seven seas.

Anything else? No

Character 11 Task Two Main (Original)

Username: RondaRayl

Name: Tinkerbell


Gender: Female

Appearance: She's a fairy who's very happy, small with blonde hair blue eyes, and has a wonderful smile and a really pretty green dress.

Fandom: Disney (Peter Pan)

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: After the first Peter Pan movie

Backstory: Tinkerbell lives in Neverland with Peter Pan. They had to run from captain hook which Pan sees as a game. They spend a lot of time with the lost boys and have become a family. Tinkerbell loves him and would do anything for him.

Personality: She's very sassy, feisty, and hot tempered. She loves Peter Pan and gets jealous if he spends time with other girls. She can't speak but communicates with her facial expressions and magic dust.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Tinkerbell's fairy dust can make people fly when they think happy thoughts.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Once Donovan captures Peter Pan, he will kill him if she doesn't cooperate.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Peter Pan and the Lost Boys

What do they want in life: To live in Neverland with Peter Pan forever

Anything else? No

Character 12 Task Four (Original)

Username: RondaRayl

Name: Eric

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Appearance: Eric has cute, curly, blonde hair with blue eyes. He's 4'6 at around 70 pounds. As a child, he used to wear T-shirts with shorts.

Fandom: Disney (Peter Pan)

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: After the first Peter Pan movie

Backstory: Eric and his older brother Peter Pan ran away from home when they were younger. They ended up in Neverland where Eric followed his brother and became a Lost Boy. They played games, ran from the pirates, and had lots of adventures together. Until Donovan and his men captured the Lost Boys and killed Peter Pan.

Personality: Eric is young and carefree. He never wants to grow up. The anguish and anger he feels from Peter being killed is overwhelming to him and it's changing his carefree character to one of revenge.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: None

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Eric is Donovan's prisoner

Who are their loved ones if they have any: The Lost Boys and Tinkerbell

What do they want in life: He wants the Lost Boys, Tink and himself to go back and live fun and free in Neverland.

Anything else? No

Character 11 Task Two Main (Original)

Username: RondaRayl

Name: Rumplestilskin

Age: Hundreds of years old

Gender: Male


Fandom: Once Upon A Time

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: After the curse is broken in Season One.

Backstory: Rumple watched his dad scheme and scam people. His dad left him behind and went to Neverland where he became a father again. He grew up and eventually married and they had a son named Baelfire. He joined the ogre wars where he was told a prophecy that his son would grow up without a father on the next day. He took this to mean he would die, so he broke his own knee so that he would be sent him. This made his wife leave him for another man, a pirate named Captain Hook. He killed the Dark One and became the Dark One. He killed his wife in revenge and took Hook's hand. With the evil things he was doing, his son wanted him to be good again. So Rumple promised that they would travel to a land without magic so that he could be good but he let go of Baelfire's hand and left him to go to another realm alone. Rumple spent the rest of his time inventing a dark curse, teaching Regina magic, and manipulating her to cast the Dark Curse, which sent Rumple and everyone in the Enchanted Forest to Earth. He was cursed as well but Emma, the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming broke the curse and everyone now lives in Storybrooke and remembers who they once were.

When the realms Merged, Rumple returned to the Enchanted Forest and became the Dark One once again.

Personality: Rumple is conniving and always gets what he wants. He will use anyone to achieve his goals. He always craves power, even about his friends, family, and the ones he loves.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: As the Dark One, Rumple can use Dark Magic. He can make potions and do all kinds of spells of pretty much anything but all magic comes with a price. As the Dark One, he can give people their wishes but they must always pay a price to him for it.

What is the blackmail the villain has on them: Donovan sent Daijiro to find Rumple's dagger so after listening and finding information, Daijiro stole the dagger from bell and now Rumple is under Donovan's control.

Who are their loved ones if they have any: Belle and Baelfire, his son whom he is still searching for.

What do they want in life: Rumple wants to find his son especially in this newly Merged Realm. He wants to live happily ever after with Belle, but since he's a villain, he doesn't think he will get a happy ending.

Anything else? No

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