Spot 6: baileygaines Characters

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These were made by baileygaines


Name: Saruman

Age: Looks about 70, but is really a couple thousand years old

Gender: Male

Fandom Part: The Lord of the Rings (The Fellowship of the Ring, or any of the later books)

Backstory: Sent to Middle Earth as a wizard, but corrupted by the thought of power from Sauron.

Personality: Grave and serious

Main goal: Dominion over Middle Earth

Kind of villain: Twists other people's words and actions to make them see things his way.

Powers/Skills: Magic, uses a staff to channel the magic

Minions: Orcs

Second-in-command: Grima Wormtongue

Characters Kidnapped: Bjorn Ironside, Clove Kentwell Eoin Buchanan, Erebwen Ryndes


Name: Bjorn Ironside

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Fandom: Vikings Season 3

Backstory: Essentially the Viking prince, goes out into the wilderness to test himself but is kidnapped by an Orc patrol.

Personality: Confident but serious, quiet and sure

Blackmail: Saruman threatens to attack Rohan (innocent people), but Rohan also poses a threat to the Vikings so it's in Bjorn's interest to work with Saruman
Loved ones: His father and mother, Ragnar and LagerthaWhat does he want in life: To become chief of the Vikings one day

Name: Clove Kentwell
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Fandom: The Hunger Games (first book)

Backstory: Trained practically from birth to volunteer in the Games, then tried to run away the night before the Reaping
Personality: Mean-spirited and irritable
Powers/Skills: Knife throwing, general combat
Blackmail: The threat of death/being tortured by OrcsLoved ones: A family, maybe?
What does she want in life: To survive and maybe win the Hunger Games


Name: Eoin Patton
Age: 27

Gender: Male

Fandom: Outlander

Backstory: A Jacobite rebel who was fleeing British soldiers with his sister when they came upon a band of Orcs.

Personality: Stoic but good-natured

Powers/Skills: Wrestling, hand-to-hand combat
Blackmail: His sister Kenna is being held by Orcs

Loved ones: Sister KennaWhat does he want in life: For Scotland to be free from English rule, and for his family to be left alone.

Name: Erebwen Ryndes
Age: Looks 30, but is several hundred years old

Gender: Female

Fandom: Middle Earth

Backstory: Normal everyday elf life was interrupted by an unexpected assault of Orcs who served Saruman.
Personality: Unreadable like most elves, but nice

Powers/Skills: Weaponry, stronger and faster than most humans

Blackmail: The rest of her people are at risk of another attack

Loved ones: Everyone in Middle Earth

What does she want in life: Peace and Harmony in Middle Earth

Character 5

Username: baileygaines

Name: Eored (Ey-oor-ed)

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall and blonde, like the rest of the people of Rohan. (Yes, I know the pic is Eomer.)

Fandom: Lord of the Rings

Backstory: Eored was part of the vanguard for Prince Theodred that was ambushed by the River Isen. He was about to be slain, but was saved (aka captured) at the last minute by a commanding orc who was fulfilling orders from Saruman.

Personality: Deadly serious when in battle, but filled with fun outside of battle.

Blackmail: Eored has been led to believe that his prince is still alive and has also been captured by Saruman. Thus, he will do whatever Saruman tells him to keep his prince alive. He doesn't know that Theodred died back with his people shortly after the ambush.

Loved ones: For the purpose of this story, Theodred. Eored is fiercely loyal to the prince and will do whatever it takes to ensure that Theordred stays alive to take the throne.

What does he want in life: He really just wants peace. The last years have been filled with an ever-increasing number of orc attacks on his homeland

Character 6

Username: baileygaines Name: BirichAge: Ageless-looking, but has been in existence for centuries Gender: Female Appearance: Normal woman, but her skin looks like the bark of a tree

Fandom: Narnia (After Prince Caspian)Personality: Light-hearted, impulsive Backstory: Birich traveled to Middle Earth seeking adventure and began serving Saruman before he was corrupted.Blackmail: Saruman keeps Birich in check with a spell, but also with an oath that she swore to him. Loved ones: No one, reallyWhat does she want in life: To return back to Narnia

Character 7

Name: Jingim Kahn
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Fandom: Marco PoloAppearance: Well-built, leaning towards stout, with angular features
Backstory: Jingim grew up during his father's rise to power, and grew entitled. He wasn't with the army the day Saruman conquered China, but was captured in the aftermath of the battle.
Personality: Stubborn, tenacious, and hot-tempered (a lot like his father)
Powers: Hand-to-hand combat, weapons
Blackmail: The promise of power, even as a puppet ruler, is appealing to Jingim. Saruman offered him death or power. He chose power.
Loved ones: Nobody, really. But if you asked him, he would say his country.
What he wants: To rule China and fulfill his father's vision of founding a dynasty.

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