Spot 7: ariel_paiement1's Characters

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These characters were made by ariel_paiement1

Villain Character Form:

Username: ariel_paiement1

Name: Jellal Fernandes

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Jellal stands at 6 ft tall and has dark brown eyes. His hair is a deep blue, and he usually allows it to fall in his eyes and around the nape of his neck. The most distinctive thing about him is the red tattoo that covers the right half of his face. Typically, he is found wearing a black shirt paired with a cloak that has mustard yellow trim. The cloak is also black, depending on the day, but it can also be a dark navy blue. Sort of depends on his mood.

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: Tower of Heaven arc of Fairytail

Backstory: Jellal grew up with Erza in the Tower of Heaven where they were both slaves. She escaped the tower, but it required her to leave everyone behind. As time wore on, Jellal ended up being influenced and then possessed by what he thought was Zeref's ghost. This led him to work toward building the R-System to revive Zeref. He used the Tower of Heaven as a base of sorts, and while he did treat the slaves much better than the previous masters, it was all just a game to him, and loss of life was no concern. The building went much faster because the slaves worked harder thanks to the better treatment they received. While this was going on, Jellal also created a projection of himself, Siegrain, to influence and manipulate the Council for his purposes.

At the time that the timelines and worlds merged suddenly, Jellal was still under Zeref's control. However, when the worlds merged together, something happened to Zeref's influence, and he was no longer possessed by the spirit. Zeref was also revived by the amount of power the merge had, though he left Jellal alone. Jellal never went back to his former self even after Zeref was purged from him. Without Erza to make a good influence on him, he caved under the horror of what he had done. His disgust with what he'd become and with Zeref caused him to decide that the only way to stop such things from happening again was to become the leader of the entire world—or worlds that were merged, at least. He's determined that he won't allow Zeref to win, or will he allow anyone else to do so because he must ensure nothing like this can ever occur again. Due to this, his manipulative side never went away, but he is striving to create what he thinks will be a better world, so he does inspire more diverse followers than he did in the past.

Personality: Jellal has a kinder heart than he did under Zeref's control, but he's still as manipulative as before. He has been broken by everything he did and wishes to atone for it, though his atonement is not in a way that most understand. He cares deeply about those who have chosen to follow him, and he hopes to inspire those who are following begrudgingly to see the value of his vision. But if he can't, he's fine with manipulating to get his way. The end goal is more important than the means to get there. He does have those he cares for that aren't minions, but he holds himself back from them to avoid dragging them into a war.

What is their main goal: His goal is to unify the worlds under his rule. Eventually, he hopes that he'll have a son or daughter to hand that throne over to, but for now, he plans to rule the world so that no one like Zeref can ever take power again.

What kind of villain are they: He's very manipulative. He's not precisely sadistic anymore, but he doesn't care what he has to do to accomplish his goal. In his mind, this goal has to be accomplished because it's the only way to atone for his sins and save the world. However misguided, he's dedicated whole-heartedly to the mission, and no one will get in his way.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Jellal is a skilled ranged combatant. His preference is to remain at a distance, but he has also trained to be a superb hand-to-hand combatant as well, just in case. He is capable of using a sword or staves, though he prefers a sword. In addition to his physical weapons, Jellal is extremely skilled in multiple types of magic, including dark arts. He uses the following:

· Heavenly Body Magic – Magic based around heavenly objects like meteors, stars, and black holes. The user must then generate and manipulate the energy of the stars from his body to use against the enemy. The power takes several different forms—

o Meteor – Allows him to move through the air at extremely high speeds. Even if people could follow his trajectory, catching him is nearly impossible.

o Grand Chariot – This ability is performed by placing both arms on top of each other with the top hand have only the index and middle fingers spread out. Seven magic seals are then summoned and connected to make what looks like a constellation. The seals then each release a powerful light blast down on the opponent to form the same pattern on the ground before exploding.

o Altairis – The spell creates a small black orb that grows rapidly in size and gains small white lights inside it like a starlit night. The orb holds a tremendous amount of gravity intended to crush whatever it comes in contact with.

o True Heavenly Body Magic: Sema – The spell causes clouds above the user to circle, forming a cyclone. Full effects aren't known.

o Heavenly Beams: Ability to shoot several powerful beams from his hands.

o Heavenly Blast: Used to send a big sphere of Heavenly Magic toward the targeted opponent.

o Heaven Palm: Allows him to use a ball of Heavenly Magic to push the opponent back as if an invisible wall is pushing them away.

o Heaven Breakdown: Breaks the ground in front of him, causing everything on that area to fall.

o Heavenly Arrows: Light arrows

· Thought Projection: Ability to create a projection of himself. Very skilled at it, to the point where the projection seems a separate being from him and can don attire that is not the owner's.

· Darkness Magic: This also has multiple forms –

o Dark Force: Ability to move a target in any manner using an invisible, powerful blunt attack to strike the target.

o Dark Grab: Red glyphs surround the opponent, swirling around them and then grabbing the opponent. The glyphs allow for lifting the target and moving them.

o Darkness Cage: Creates a sphere of dark magic in the form of ghosts revolving around the center. When released on a person, the ghosts wrap around them and restrain movement. Can also be in the form of several small masses of dark magic that grow and come together to create a sphere around the target. This form restrains movement and deals pain at the same time.

o Dark Vanish: This dark sphere expands until it turns into multiple tentacle-like entities that erupt upon contact with the opponent.

o Ghost Fireworks: A flurry of ghosts that attack the opponent. They do seem to be alive to some degree.

· Fire magic:

o Flame of Rebuke: Creates golden flames in Jellal's palm. Sucks up virtually all his magic at creation.

o Abyss Break: Employs the four main elements to attack the opponent.

o Bind Snake: Appears as a snake tattoo. Snake winds around target's body to tighten and restrict movement.

o Self-destruction spell: Used to destroy various things. Without knowledge of the cancellation code, it can't be dispelled.

o Telekinesis and Thought Projection: The telekinesis is straightforward, but Jellal can also use it through his Thought Projection too.

o Telepathy

o Magic Staves:

§ Five Layered Magic Circle: Sacred Song – Creates several magic circles covered in runes above the opponent. Then releases a concentrated beam of Magical energy to damage the enemy.

§ Three Layered Magic Circle: Mirror Water – Reflects spells back at the caster

· Jellal also possesses a keen intellect, enhanced speed and endurance, immense durability and magic power, and specializes in swordsmanship.

What kinds of minions do they have: Most of his minions are a mix of mages from dark guilds and other magic wielders who believe in the cause. He does have some people who are being manipulated or blackmailed into working for him as well though.

Do they have a second-in-command and if so, who: Since he lost the one who owned that position, Jellal doesn't have a second-in-command. He treats his minions equally but gives them tasks according to their power. His intention is that if he died, they would work together to see his plans come to fruition regardless of who took the lead.

What characters have they kidnapped and why: Jellal kidnapped four different characters: Kaladin Stormblessed, Aeri Trevana, Nesh, and Nimewe Embersurge. Kaladin was taken for his unique bond with a spren, which makes him part of the Windrunner clan thanks to the vows he spoke to Syl, his spren. Aeri was taken because of her unique ability to use biochromatic Breath, a power that draws strength from the color of the world, the tone of the user's voice, and the user's command in order to perform various actions. She also has a larger number of breaths than most with her number ranking at around a five-thousand, giving her the seventh heightening. Nesh was taken because of his display of incredible power when he was thrown from the portal he came through into Jellal's palace. Nimewe was taken because of her unique magic and quick mind.

Character Forms

Character One

Username: ariel_paiement1

Name: Kaladin Stormblessed (Kal-uh-din Storm-bless-ehd)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Appearance: Kaladin is a fairly tall man with the tan skin and dark hair of most Alethi. His musculature is well-toned, and he has multiple scars covering his body, including two brands on his forehead: one a sas nahn glyphair to indicate his status as a slave and the other a shash brand to show that he is considered dangerous. He had dark eyes until he swore the Third Ideal of the Windrunners, he gained the ability to hold Stormlight and his eyes turned to a light blue that glows when he's holding Stormlight. The epicanthic fold on his eyes also gains a faint amber hue when he's using it. He has a square face with strong lines and a firm chin. Usually, he prefers being cleanshaven.

What Part of Their Fandom are They Pulled From: Kaladin was pulled from his world just after he rescued Dalinar Kholin's army from destruction after the man who owned him and his fellow bridgemen ordered the army to abandon Kholin with no way to retreat in a fatal battle.

Backstory: Kaladin was born as a darkeyes, and for his entire childhood, he was told he was inferior to the lighteyes. This never sat well with him, but his life was only to increase that dislike. He grew up with a surgeon for a father, and he was their village's surgeon. He passed the craft onto Kaladin, but Kaladin always struggled with caring a little too much about every patient who came through the operating room, so he took the deaths of those he tried to help very personally. When he was old enough, Kaladin ended up joining the army, convinced that he had to kill to protect in some cases, though he would later come to struggle with a conflict over that since he was raised to save lives, not take them. In the army, he eventually faced a lighteyes warrior armed with Shardplate, armor and weaponry that offers the bearer additional strength through special, Stormlight infused plates and metal. Though it should be impossible for a darkeyed spearman to kill a lighteyed Shardbearer, Kaladin and his squad actually managed to take down the Shardbearer.

Unfortunately, General Amaram, who led the faction of Highprince Sadeas's army, which Kaladin joined, saw this happen. The lighteyed General wanted the shard for himself, though it should've been awarded to the one who had won it as law demanded. Amaram killed everyone on Kaladin's squad and sold Kaladin himself into slavery to keep everyone quiet so he could take the shards for himself. Since then, Kaladin has hated Amaram and all lighteyes in general.

As a slave, Kaladin spent his first eight months under at least six different masters, escaping and being brought back over and over. He made ten escape attempts, even leading twenty slaves to revolt in one escape attempt. He should've been killed after the tenth escape attempt, but his master found him intriguing. At this point, he earned his shash brand. He was then sold off to a slaver. The slaver sold him to High Prince Sadeas's bridge crew managers to serve as the slaves that run the bridges in front of the army to span the chasms on the chasm-riddled plains they fought on. The plains, known as the Shattered Plains, were the main front of the battle taking place between the Alethi and the Parshendi, who have been war for years since the death of the ruling Kholin, Dalinar's brother.

There, Kaladin was assigned to the Bridge Four, the crew with the worst reputation in Sadeas's army. They have the highest death rate. As a part of the crew, Kaladin grew more and more suicidal. He watched the men die as fast as he attaches to them. Pained and depressed, Kaladin stops growing attached. But when the rest of the crew dies except him, he's left as the senior member and is in charge of their little crew.

As he gradually comes out of the depression enough to care, he promises not to let another member of Bridge Four die. Secretly, he whips them into shape and teaches them to fight while they're on chasm duty, sweeping the floors of the chasms for bodies with valuables and loot. The progress begins to show, and they start experimenting with how they carry the bridge until they can carry it at the side, using it to block Parshendi arrows. This is a maneuver mimicked by the other untrained bridge crews, who saw how it kept Kaladin's crew alive, and Kaladin is punished for his leadership of the crew's new tactics.

As a result, he is strung up outside during a highstorm, storms with the power to destroy buildings when they aren't built properly. Kaladin survives, and some of the crew figures out he has some strange abilities. As the army leadership and Sadeas's wife turn their ire on him for his crew's success, Kaladin discovers more of his abilities and leads his men to further success.

After a while, the fatal battle with Dalinar Kholin occurs. Sadeas, who should've been Dalinar's friend and backup, betrays him and orders his bridge crews—the only ones the armies have since Dalinar refuses to use slave crews for bridge runs—to retreat, leaving Dalinar with no way to retreat back over the chasms. This forces him to fight the Parshendi alone when he can't win. Seeing this, Kaladin ends up going back with his crew to try to save Dalinar. At this point, he should've fought alongside Dalinar and they should've made it out. Instead, the worlds collided, and Kaladin found himself in Jellal's grip when he showed up in Fairytail's world instead of his own as a result of the collision of worlds.

Personality: Kaladin is a very intense individual. He struggles to strike a balance between saving lives and taking them to save others due to his training as both a soldier and a spearman. He's prone to depressive episodes, particularly around the Weeping, a season of constant storms and rain. At his darkest points, he's considered suicide. Despite that, he's a natural leader who inspires confidence and belief in those who follow him. He has an extremely strong protective instinct, and he takes the deaths of those he's sworn to protect personally. He feels he is cursed because he always survives when those around him die, and he tends toward being a bit on the morose side. Although confident on the outside, he usually feels that he is a failure due to all the deaths he failed to prevent. He also has a sharp tongue and bright mind. Many people have been subjected to his sarcasm, and he has a defiant streak that hasn't died even after all the abuse and tragedy he's endured. Due to everything he's been through, he has an intense hatred for all lighteyes.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Kaladin is a skilled soldier who is most accustomed to using a spear. He is also skilled with hand-to-hand combat and the use of his Stormlight. Beyond these, he is adapt with throwing knives and a quarterstaff, hammer, or halberd. He can use a sword, but he isn't a master at that by any means. He is a very adroit military commander as he became the youngest squadleader in Amaram's army at just eighteen. As a member of the Order of Windrunners, he is able to use Stormlight to perform various Surges. They are as follows:

· Adhesion: Full Lashing is the first of the Three Lashings Kaladin mastered, and the first he used consciously. He was able to bond fist-sized rocks to a sheer chasm wall and create a ladder. He used Full Lashing to disarm his opponents by yanking their weapons with his own and neutralize them by bonding them to surfaces, while sparring, although he stated he felt awkward due to lack of practice. His Full Lashing had no effect on himself at this time. He later bound himself to the saddle of his horse, demonstrating that he can choose when his Full Lashing would bond him or ignore him.

· Gravitation: Though he has never used it consciously, Kaladin performed Reverse Lashings during the bridge runs for the entirety of his time as a bridgeman. He instinctively managed to infuse the bridge he carried to attract the Parshendi arrow shot at him while approaching the target plateaus. Later at the Battle of the Tower, he infused the shield he was carrying to draw an entire volley of arrow shot at the Bridge Four. After his encounter with the Assassin in White, he managed to duplicate the ability to perform Basic Lashings. Initially he had problems adjusting to the sudden change of perspective, but with practice, he managed to push down his panic and become accustomed to the altered gravity. He has discovered how to perform multiple Lashings in the same or different directions, as well as partial Lashings. He has achieved "flight" by Lashing himself to the air and shown that he can keep up with a more experienced Surgebinder like Szeth.

Blackmail: Jellal has informed him that if he cooperates, his bridge crew will remain safe and be granted freedom in a safe place high up in Jellal's organization. But if he doesn't, Jellal said Kaladin would never see them again. He doesn't know where they're being held.

Who are his loved ones: His bridge crew

What do they want in life: He wants to be able to protect those he cares about from dying. Too many have already, and he feels like it's because of him, so he wants to ensure no one else dies when he's on watch.

Character Two

Username: ariel_paiement1

Name: Aeri Trevana (Eye-ree Tree-vane-nah)

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: Aeri has the royal locks, so they change colors with her emotions. She's used to living away from Idris, so feels no need to suppress this trait. However, she usually keeps a tight rein on her emotions as a general rule of thumb to the point where others label her as an ice queen. Due to this, Aeri's hair is usually a silver-blue color like glittering ice. This directly reflects how she sees and perceives the coldness and deadness of emotion inside her. It isn't the usual Idris black because in Hallandren things are more colorful, and black is associated with other things besides a deadness of emotion. Besides that, she's very fit. Generally, because of her slender frame, people underestimate her, but her small stature holds immense strength. She usually wears blues of various ranges and mixes it with the black of Idris, which she's drawn to for reasons she can't explain. When on a mission where she needs to remain anonymous, she wears the bright colors and styles any other Hallandren wears so that she can blend in perfectly. The crystal blue of her eyes is the one thing she's forced to disguise with her Biochromatic Breath because they're just a bit too bright and strange. They're also too intense, so she usually changes them to a non-descript brown. She also ends up masking her hair color too because the silver is too obvious even though it's her normal shade.

What Part of Their Fandom are They Pulled From: From before Siri and Vivenna's parents were born. (Before the main events of the book itself).

Backstory: Aeri is a bastard child from the ruling line of Idris. Her mother was involved with a man, and the man disappeared after one night with her, leaving her unaware of his identity and without a father for her child. Since her mother was not the eldest, her father hid her away while she was pregnant with Aeri. After Aeri was born, her grandfather wanted her killed and his daughter married off as soon as possible to hide the shame. Aeri's mother smuggled her out of the city and went on the run with her, heading to T'Telir and Hallandren for safety. Her mother raised her in the city for a few years, making money off her embroidery. But when Aeri was five, her mother fell ill. Wanting to give her child a better chance at survival, she passed on the fifty Breaths she possessed. Aeri never found out where her mother gained those Breaths. She used them after her mother passed to keep her alive, doing what little her mother showed her to stay alive.

Along the way, she ran into some Drabs who took pity on her, and she lived with them, fulfilling her mother's dying wish by hiding the breaths she possessed in the handkerchief she always had with her. As she grew older, she moved from group to group, learning to steal and perform odd jobs to keep herself alive and healthy.

As time went on, she learned that she could gain more power by doing favors for those who had Breaths to spare as payment for the worst kinds of jobs. When she was paid in valuables or money, she used it to buy herself more Breaths. She learned to make herself useful in every possible way, but to do so, she became cold and unfeeling so that she would never become attached or feel the pain of loss. She's lived this way ever since up to the very day that the worlds collided.

When the worlds collided, things changed, and she found herself in another land that she didn't know. She travelled until she eventually ran across Jellal. He discovered the amount of power she held when she tried to kill him, and he also discovered through trying to take the power by force, that he could only get it by her offering up of it. Since she refuses, he has kept her in his army and under close surveillance until he can determine how best to use her.

Personality: Very cold. She's an INTJ with a heart that's practically frozen. No one really gets through to her, so she's usually very calm and collected. She doesn't feel much. On the rare occasion when she does grow angry, Aeri goes deadly quiet and intense. This typically means someone is likely to die. She cares only about doing what she thinks is best and survival. If it gives her a good chance at survival, she'll do it. Otherwise, she's nowhere to be found.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: She's a skilled hand-to-hand combatant with extensive knowledge of various swords, knives, and axes. She's a fair shot with a bow, but she prefers close range combat. Despite that, she's got a vast knowledge of poisons and herbs to ensure that no matter the mission, she can succeed.

Biochromatic Breath is a power that involves four aspects: spoken word (command), perfect pitch (clear enunciation and pitch in the user's native tongue), color from a surrounding area or object to perform the Awakening, and an object to command. Usually the commands are bound to inanimate objects. The closer they are in shape or material to whatever the user is trying to create, the easier it is to Awaken that object and command it.

Aeri is of the Seventh Heightening due to the number of breaths she holds. This means she can:

· See the Breath auras of others instinctively to know roughly how many Breaths the person has and the general health of that Breath.

· Live longer.

· Use Perfect Pitch (sounds are all perfectly heard in her ears.).

· Use Perfect Color Recognition (instantly and instinctively determine exact shades of colors and their hue harmonics).

· Use Perfect Life Sense (maximizes ability to sense those around you. Drabs—those with no Breaths—are not detectable. Copperclouds can block lifesense.).

· Have maximum resistance to aging and disease.

· Be immune to most toxins and physical ailments.

· Use Instinctive Awakening (understand and use basic Awakening Commands without training or practice. Easier to discover more difficult commands and master them.)

· Have Invested Breath Recognition (ability to recognize auras of objects and know when something has been invested with breath via Awakening.)

As for her abilities, she can change her appearance slightly both through eye color and hair color changes as well as body shape modifications. She can also use both Basic commands (tie, choke, release, etc) and Advanced commands (phrases that require visualization of the action by the Awakener.)

Blackmail: Jellal gives her freedom if she works with him, and he gives her power. If she doesn't cooperate, he'll take away her ability to protect herself and strip her of any chance to use her powers ever again.

Who are her loved ones: Right now, she has none. She's too cold to let anyone get close.

What do they want in life: She wants to stop living a life where everything is full of chaos. She just wants to love and be loved, even if she's fairly sure it's too late for that. But she doesn't let herself feel anything toward that desire because she feels it is unsafe to feel.

Character Three

Username: ariel_paiement1

Name: Nesh (Nehsh)

Age: 105

Gender: Male

Appearance: Nesh has several different appearances depending on his form. In human form, he appears as a tall, slender man with strange red-gold eyes that blaze with an unholy fire and inky black hair that carries purple-blue undertones. In this form, he is relatively pale to the point where some thought he might be a vampire with his sharp canines and pallid features. As a humanoid being, he prefers to dress in a button-up shirt, a waistcoat, and a pair of nice dress pants. He's very meticulous about keeping these clean and undamaged.

His second form is his beast form. This form is a cross between a wolfish creature native to Eclesia and a horse. The creature is about the size of a small horse, but it is lean and mean. At initial glance, one would think the creature was starving. A second glance would reveal that there is muscle on the thing despite the visible ribcage and gnarled coat. Armed with claws the length of a man's palm and razor-sharp canines, the beast is a formidable opponent as it heals quickly, deals a great deal of damage, and isn't particularly harmed by regular weapons.

His last form is his shadow form or Ethereal. With this form, he is unable to be harmed by any physical means. His body becomes completely ethereal whether he's beast or humanoid at the time. This causes everything to simply pass through him without causing any damage. He is also unable to deal physical damage, but this form allows him to veil himself from the human eye and to cause psychological damage as well as take hold of the spirit and twist it toward evil. This form doesn't have a particular physical appearance because usually, Nesh isn't visible in this form. There's little reason to be.

What Part of Their Fandom are They Pulled From: Nesh was pulled from just before Lakesh passed through the Pathway and destroyed him for his ambitious rebellion.

Backstory: Nesh is known as a Korithel or shadow daemon. He was one of Sedra's first creations from the prototype she developed on Yilia, a neighboring planet to Riladia. From the start, Nesh's body was bound to the soul of a daemon and changed by its essence to be capable of what he is. The daemon is the consciousness of Nesh's system. For a long time after Sedra's demise, Nesh was subject to Ianabha, Queen of the Korithel. She kept him and many others suppressed and in the lower echelons of their Hive. They were allowed only enough energy to be capable of surviving. Nesh managed to survive, and when Ianabha chose him to be her scout, he went through the Pathway to Eclesia. When he got there and saw the ripe harvest of souls to take, he went rogue and refused to work for his Queen. He breaks the link with her and continues to terrorize the planet on his own. Eventually, he goes too far, and the ancestors of the line of kings protect the capital from him by blasting him with light magic. Nesh is sucked through the Pathway and thrown into another realm before Lakesh can come through and fulfill the orders he was given. He ends up being found by Jellal while in humanoid form and is taken to Jellal's castle home for recovery as the trip through the Pathway in his regular forms without a human vessel damaged him.

Personality: Dark and sadistic. Nesh kills for the fun of it, and he doesn't care who's trying to stop him. He mows over anything and everything he perceives as in his way, a threat, or a nuisance. Since he has to feed frequently on the energy and life source of other things, he is a terror to the people around him who aren't just like him. When everyone else ended up being like him, Nesh became very calculative and deceptive. This earned him his demotion and loss of his cognitive abilities as he barely managed to get by on the power he was given.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Nesh is a skilled hand-to-hand and close-range combatant. He doesn't use any particular weapon, typically, because he's more than capable of killing without them. At his current stage of power, he is able to take the souls of living beings with a touch. If he doesn't feel like killing that way, he allows the claws of his beast form to come out and fights hand to hand.

Blackmail: Jellal quickly discovered what Nesh could do and told him that if he didn't cooperate, he'd lock him up in a place meant to nullify magic to starve him.

Who are his loved ones: He has none.

What do they want in life: Chaos and destruction. Nesh wants to plunge the world into darkness, and he wants to rule over the destroyed universe.

Character Four: 

Username: ariel_paiement1

Name: Nimewe Embersurge (Nim-uh-way Em-burr-surge)

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Appearance: Nimewe has long, wintery white hair and tanned skin. She has eyes that change colors with her moods. Though her people can control it, she never bothered. She usually wears bright clothing in various whimsical styles. Tall and willowy, the young woman has a lithe frame and toned musculature.

What Part of Their Fandom are They Pulled From: She comes from the time in the fandom right before Leo ends up on Riladia.

Backstory: Nimewe grew up in the skies of her planet, Chaerel, with her people. They migrated up to the sky cities when Sedra's creatures drove them there. The creatures and her people, the Aurathel, consistently fight. The creatures live in the caverns, and the Aurathel live in the skies. Both forage on the surface of the planet, and the Aurathel have managed to protect their sacred sites. Nimewe was part of the Guard, a group that protects the sacred sites and other historical monuments on Chaerel. She became determined to join the Guard after her parents were killed in the first scuffles with the creatures after Sedra left them to continue experimenting elsewhere. She wishes to continue the fight they couldn't since they gave their lives to defend their history and sacred sites.

She was on patrol when Leo and Deira came through the Pathway and stumbled into a sacred site on Chaerel. Initially, she was going to deliver them to the Aura, the woman who rules their kingdom in the sky. But when Leo told her why they'd come, she realized the thing they spoke of coming through the Path was one of Sedra's creations, which they call the Cursed. Once they'd finished their tale, she promised to help them and offered to take them to the Aura to learn what they could of the creatures.

Nimewe was preparing to go with them to Riladia when the worlds collided. Their Path ended up leading them into Jellal's territory, where they were subsequently captured and held together.

Personality: Nimewe has a bright, vivacious personality. She isn't necessarily bubbly, but she lives life with gusto. Ever since her parents died, she realized that life was short. Too short to spend it in fear or mourning. She determined to face life with a smile and defiance no matter how painful things got. She can be very serious where the situation calls for it, but she is also a little bit on the daring side. Generally, she's a very open person emotionally. She's strongly empathetic and is good at leading.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Nimewe is skilled in the use of a staff or spear. She's not much for a sword or other weapons. She's passable at hand-to-hand, though larger opponents may overwhelm her if they can catch her. She's extremely fast and deadly when she hits.

As far as magic goes, Nimewe has a unique set of magical abilities. Her people use magic based on color. Their planet and others emit energy through various colors, and Nimewe as well as others of her kind are able to draw that energy into themselves. This does leech the color from the object drawn from, but the color can be replenished by the world itself in time. Different colors allow for different types of energy and therefore different types of spells. Most of Nimewe's people have some kind of affinity to one color or another. Nimewe is one of the ones who has an affinity for two: blue and green. The abilities/spells allowed by the energy absorbed from the colors are as follows:

Blue: Water and water-derived spells

Green: Nature and nature-derived spells

Brown: Ground-related spells

Red: Fire and fire-derived spells

Yellow: Light and energy beam spells

Purple: Psychic related spells

Gold: Physical enhancement spells

Orange: Heat related spells

Black: Gravity-bending spells

Indigo: Shrinking or enlarging of physical objects or people

Blackmail: If she doesn't help, Jellal will kill Leo and Deira.

Who are her loved ones: She has few she truly loves, though her squad is the exception. In general, she is protective of most people around her and is welcoming to all. However, she does have a soft spot for Leo and Deira.

What do they want in life: She wants to see her planet freed from the Cursed, and she wants to be able to live life on the ground like they used to be able to do.

Character Five

Username: ariel_paiement1

Name: Valeia Bramdiel (Vale-ee-uh Brahm-dee-ehl)

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance: Valeia has long red hair with orange and gold undertones, which compliments large grey eyes and porcelain skin. Tall and willowy, she doesn't have a build most would associate with a fighter, and that's often to her advantage. Typically, she wears darker colored clothes and carries a staff in hand with a bow strapped to her back for long-range.

What Part of Their Fandom are They Pulled From: Tower of Heaven arc from Fairytale

Backstory: Valeia was brought into the world in the Tower of Heaven before Jellal took over. She never knew her parents and was instead raised by an older man who was a cook for the prisoners when her abilities proved useful in ways not involving the building of the tower directly. He was the only reason the guards didn't kill her for her inability to work the hard, long shifts they demanded. With him, she learned to control her magic and to hold onto her fighting spirit without doing anything reckless. She was twelve when the rebellion happened and Jellal took over, but she never did fully believe his story about Erza's betrayal. Something about him struck her as wrong—a gut feeling she couldn't shake—and she listened to her instincts, refusing to trust Jellal. But she kept her head down like she always did and focused on finding a way to become strong enough to get out.

Her abilities eventually brought her to Jellal's attention and, indirectly, to Zeref's. She remained under their watch because of the great deal of talent she showed with the four elements and spell work from a young age. As she grew, she never forgot the man who raised her, and she didn't forget that she'd been born a slave like those who now worked for Jellal. Although Jellal had elevated her to a position of some authority in an effort to pacify her and keep her under his control, she burned with a sense that it was wrong that she should have such privilege when the others didn't even if none of them were treated particularly badly. As Jellal gave her more freedom in her later teen years, she taught herself about the world, magic, and history through whatever books she could lay hold of during visits to the mainland. In one of those books, she discovered the truth about the purpose of the tower and the reality of the evil Jellal was trying to raise. Angered, she left the tower, intending never to return. Unfortunately, when the worlds collided, she was sent to Tenrou Island, which was now under the control of some unknown group of soldiers and mages. After managing to evade discovery, she hid, hoping to discover more and escape again. She watched as Jellal's forces dealt with the tide of regular soldiers and then were too exhausted to face the onslaught of the mages that ambushed them after. Afraid of what might happen to her if she remained and was caught by the unknown person in charge of Tenrou Island, she sneaked out and got past both lines. Unfortunately, Jellal's soldiers caught her when she tried to steal a boat as they were marching back.

Personality: Fierce and cunning. She's smart but quick to fight if the need arises. She's not one to play fair when it comes to a fight, but it does matter to her to stand for truth and honor, so she always tries to find ways to stack the odds in her favor without lies or unreasonable behavior. More than willing to stand up for herself and for justice, Valeia often ends up clashing with superiors when asked to do unjust things for poor reasons. Because of this, Jellal and his men viewed her as useful but rebellious. She's tactically intelligent, and she's brave, but she doesn't like to be controlled, and she doesn't give her trust easily. Since she'll only follow willingly when she trusts the leader, most have trouble handling her when there's a disagreement on what's the best course of action or the right thing to do. Those on her level or below her find her quite agreeable to work with. She can be a bit of a loner, but she isn't frosty or unkind. She won't trust you until given a reason to, but she doesn't let that stop her from being congenial with those of her rank or below.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: She uses the same types of magic as Jellal does, though she tends to change the spells up and use water in place of fire in the ones that use fire. Though skilled in using fire, water, and air, she doesn't use much earth magic. Her strongest point is, unquestionably water magic and spells. Jellal was the one to train her, and he passed on everything he knew. She isn't as skilled as he is, but she's still quite formidable.

On a physical level, Valeia is accomplished with the bow and the staff. Either are lethal weapons when she wields them. She is also not to be dismissed in hand-to-hand combat though many people do because of her slight frame.

Blackmail: Jellal has nothing to make her stay, but she agreed when she saw that the others were also looking for ways to undermine him. She believes working with him for now will prove a good way to destroy him later.

Who are her loved ones: She loved the old cook who helped raise her until Jellal took a personal interest in her, but the old man died, and since then, she hasn't had someone she truly loved. She's too scared Jellal will use them to hurt her or hurt them in getting to her.

What does she want in life: She wants to stop Jellal before he destroys everything.

Character Six

Username: ariel_paiement1

Name: Wit/Hoid (Wit/Hoyd)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Appearance: Hoid's true appearance is difficult to determine, but in the Stormlight Archives, he often appears as a thin, tall man with deep onyx black hair. He has pale blue eyes, and no matter his diguise, he has a hawk-like, angular face and a keen smile. Usually, he's seen wearing a sleek, black uniform with a silver sword. He looks to be in his later thirties in this series, but no one knows how old he really is.

What Part of Their Fandom are They Pulled From: Words of Radiance (Second book in the Stormlight Archives) from right after he runs into Jasnah.

Backstory: Hoid comes from the world Yolen, where Shards initially began. He was there at the moment of Shattering that created them, but he's been around much longer. He spends his days sliding through time to get to the places he needs to be, making him much, much older than he appears. In fact, he is one of the two oldest beings in the Cosmere. Of particular interest is the fact that, while he can travel forward, he can't travel back. Most recently, he's shown up in The Stormlight Archives as The King's Wit or simply Wit. Neither Hoid nor Wit are his true names, as he apparently stole the name Hoid from the Master Lightweaver who trained him.

Personality: Hoid/Wit is an intelligent, knowledgeable man with a sharp wit. He frequently displays his wit by making sarcastic quips or poking fun at various Brightlords or Brightladies at feasts, as is required of any good King's Wit. Besides that, he can be serious when called for, though he's very often inclined to mock the stupidity of others even as he deals with a matter in an otherwise serious manner. His habit of showing up wherever he's needed or uninvited is quite baffling and irritating to most of the characters he deals with. Still, he always seems to know just what to say to encourage someone when needed and what to do to help those who need his help. Often, he tells stories as a way to get a point across.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc:

Worldhopping - Hoid is very good at manipulating Shadesmar, so he can travel between worlds in the cosmere. One method he has used is by getting in one Shardpool in Shadesmar and coming out a different one. Worlds are connected through Shadesmar, so when most of the space between worlds is cut out, there's a passage through to them.

Storytelling - Hoid demonstrates his storytelling ability by presenting the tale of Derethil and the Wandersail to Kaladin, the story of the first Returned to Siri and Lightsong in Warbreaker, and the story of Mishim to the people in Kholinar Market.

Lightweaving - Hoid manipulates an illusion magic that is similar to, but not quite the same as, the Illumination Surge used by Lightweavers. It is believed that he used this power during his storytelling with Kaladin, and - potentially, that with Siri in Warbreaker, and - further, with the people in Kholinar.

Allomancy - It has been long suspected that Hoid ate the bead of Lerasium he stole in Mistborn: The Well of Ascension. Plus, the scene in Shallan's flashbacks where he pours metal flakes into his drink, combined with confirmation that allomancy was used in Words of Radiance, seem to support this.

Feruchemy - Brandon has stated that Hoid's ability to always know where he needs to be is connected to Feruchemy in some way. However, readers don't yet know just how he obtained this power, or if he is a full Feruchemist or a Ferring.

Awakening - Readers know that Hoid was on Nalthis prior to the events within The Stormlight Archive and his comments about perfect pitch seem to suggest that he has at least the Second Heightening.

Unknown immunity - Hoid was threatened by Jasnah with a Shardblade but he remained unconcerned, saying "I'd be surprised if that little knife of yours poses me any real threat ...," implying that he is immune to the effects of a Shardblade or is very nearly so.

Blackmail: Hoid is the only character so far that Jellal ended up with and doesn't have blackmail on. In fact, Jellal isn't entirely certain how or why Hoid is there. He just sort of showed up while they were at the warcamps on the Shattered Plains and demanded to be taken along.

Who are his loved ones: None that anyone is aware of.

What does he want in life: Hoid's main goal isn't entirely clear. He goes wherever he feels he's needed without much in the way of restrictions, and then he pops back out when he isn't needed anymore.

Character Seven

Crossover Character (Chronicles of Eclesia and The Annals of Alcardia)

Username: ariel_paiement1

Name: Amadeira Thyrdas (Ah-mah-dare-uh Theer-dahs)

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance: Slender with a heart-shaped face and warm, inviting green eyes. She usually wears her honey-blond, waist-length hair in a braid. She has a surprisingly curvy figure despite being slender. Everything about her physical appearance speaks to the lively spirit of the woman. At 5'4" she's on the shorter side, but she's definitely not any less fiery for it.

What Part of Their Fandom are They Pulled From: From right after she and Leo go through the Pathway to Riladia.

Backstory: Amadeira was a clockmaker's daughter. After both her parents and her younger brother passed away, Amadeira hired out as a maid with one of the castles nearby. There, she managed to survive, but not without scars. The soldiers took particular pleasure in brutalizing the women working there, and often Amadeira took on the brunt of their sadistic pleasure to save other women from being touched. She caught the eye of the Marquess who owned the castle, and he summoned her. Fortunately, before he could rape her, Leo showed up and executed him.

From then on, things changed, and she ended up in Leo's care. As they spent more time together, the two fell in love. She went with him on his mission to bring down the Ishtralian Chapter in Argos and later accompanied him through the Pathway to Nimewe's world, where the two continued on to Riladia.

Personality: ENTP. She's always looking for a new angle to explore things from. Playing devil's advocate and ripping holes in arguments is something she tends to do for fun, though it has been repressed somewhat due to her station in life and the recognition that no one around her really appreciated it. She's always dreaming up new things and new ways to do various tasks, and she is naturally adventurous. To her, life isn't life if you aren't on a journey to do or try new things and to improve in some way.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Deira is capable with water magic. Known as a Quatrie on her planet, she is able to manipulate existing water forms into any shapes necessary and can control them accordingly. She isn't the most skilled fighter, though Leo has taught her to handle a knife and some self-defense techniques. She's better off with her magic in a fight where possible.

Blackmail: If she doesn't cooperate, Jellal has threatened to execute Leo's mother Anne, whom he managed to kidnap when visiting the world to find out more about Leo Ryalin.

Who are her loved ones: Leo Ryalin, Nimewe Embersurge, Anne Ryalin

What does she want in life: Escape and return to her own planet, preferably with Leo, Anne, and Nimewe. In the meantime, she'd like to fix the collision that happened so they can be rid of villains from other worlds. Her own has enough to deal with.

Character Eight

Main Character (Pathway of the Moon - Annals of Alcardia Series)

Username: ariel_paiement1

Name: Leorithdil (Leo) Ryalin (Lay-oh-rith-dill (Lay-oh) Rye-ay-lyn)

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: Tall and slender, Leorithdil has a trim figure, but he isn't so buff that others would immediately mark him as dangerous. With a piercing gaze and hawkish nose, however, people usually are inclined to be wary of him. He can have a charming attitude if he chooses, but he rarely chooses. There's usually a glare or stern glower set into his face. If one looked closely, they would see the pain of a haunting past etched into fine worry lines in his brow and a distant look in his sea-green eyes. He carries himself with a gait and posture that indicate some hidden strength and confidence, and this combined with his hawk-like gaze causes people to generally ignore or steer clear of him. Leorithdil dresses practically. A sturdy pair of leather boots, a warm dark green cloak, a matching tunic, and dark blue trousers. He wears an unobtrusive, tarnished silver pin on his chest on the left side, but he always hides it beneath his cloak to ensure no one has anything remarkable to pin to him. He only dresses differently for soirees and balls when he makes an appearance to use his title to gain access to his targets.

What Part of Their Fandom are They Pulled From: Pulled from fandom right after he and Deira go through the Pathway to Riladia.

Backstory: Leo grew up inside the Ishtralian cult's chapter in Argos, where his father was a prominent leader. To the outside world, they seemed like the perfect family, but inside the home, Leo saw unspeakable horrors. His father often punished his mother for anything he did that was deemed punishable. But he didn't escape punishment. His father often punished him psychologically by forcing him to watch whatever punishment was meted out on his mother in his place.

When he was eighteen, he had finally learned enough of the assassin's art and his abilities to destroy his father. He challenged his father one night after he'd listened to his mother's cries as his father raped her. Sick of allowing his father to do such horrible things and wanting his mother out of a community that encouraged her mistreatment, he killed his father and fled with her to the capital of Argos. There, he made a living as an assassin, rising through the ranks rapidly because of his natural talent and his ability.

When he was high enough in rank to choose his own jobs, he began taking only those jobs where the target deserved to die but wouldn't because they were viewed as above the law. Eventually, he broke off from the guild, though he maintained cordial relationships with the guild leaders, and became a vigilante.

Through this, he met Deira and ended up entangled in the mission to bring down the cult he'd grown up in. Unfortunately, in the process, they were able to use him to open the Pathway that had lain dormant since Sedra's time, and in doing so, they unleashed a horrible evil on Alcardia. Leo and Deira travel through the Pathway to scout out the situation at the king's demand, and while there, they run into Nimewe and her people, who help them to travel to Riladia through the Pathway on their world.

Personality: INTJ. He generally prefers cold, hard facts to emotional "nonsense". No sense in wasting time of things that have no bearing on actual reality. He can have very strong feelings, but he buries them all, refusing to let them out, and so most call him callous. He has a strong moral code of his own, and although it rarely matches others' ideas of morality, he sticks to it with a vengeance, refusing to be swayed. He trusts no one and lets no one truly come close to him. If he could, he'd live life in the shadows like a ghost that no one sees and no one knows. He does have a soft spot for those who have been misused by the very ones who should've protected. The few that he does love, he protects with the fierceness of a lion protecting its territory. He can be extremely cold, harsh, and uncaring to people, and he's not generally well-liked because he's blunt and doesn't care to sugar-coat. He will tell it to you straight, which can sometimes come across as rude.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Leo carries the power of Rith within him. This power allows him to call on the shadows and shape them to his will. Doing this, he can portal himself and others from place to place, create hovering platforms that speed his travel from one location to another, stick himself or other things to objects, infuse weapons with the shadows to animate them, touch the souls of others with the shadows, and fight using them in various shapes. He's also a Master in the assassin's guild, or was before he left, and his skills are almost unmatched in a fight. He's skilled with dual-wield weapons and with staves or single-handed swords. He isn't as strong in hand-to-hand combat, but he's still been trained in it enough that he could take on most opponents, even if they have training as well.

Blackmail: Jellal will kill Deira, Anne, and Nimewe if he tries anything. Not only that, Jellal has collared him with a weakened version of the magic-dampening collars on Alcardia, and he has to build up enough power to destroy it if he wants full use of his powers. Jellal won't remove the collar until he proves his loyalty.

Who are his loved ones: Amadeira and Nimewe. His mother, Anne Ryalin.

What does he want in life: To destroy injustice and evil.

Character Nine

Original Character (From Brent Weeks' Night Angel Trilogy)

Username: ariel_paiement1

Name: Ezra Cromwyll (Ehz-rah Crohm-will)

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Appearance: Ezra has bleach-white hair and piercing blue eyes. Some would say he's a bit pretty for a man, but no one's willing to say it to his face anymore. Not since he gained his Talent. No one wants to bother someone who can go head to head with the Vürdmeisters, according to the stories. He's not much to look at otherwise and isn't terribly muscular or tall. He usually wears dark clothes and avoids doing anything that would cause him to stand out.

What Part of Their Fandom are They Pulled From: Ezra is from the very end of The Way of Shadows (Brent Weeks) after Kylar has fled the capital with Elise. The Khalidoran invasion has been less successful than intended but has left the city in disrepair. The majority of the royals are dead or missing.

Backstory: Ezra is from Khalidor. He's had to lay low most of his life because of his strange lack of Talent, which caused many of the others in his village to pick on him. When he came across a strange metallic orb, which he later discovered was the silver Ka'kari or Globe of Edges rumored to be somewhere in Cenaria years ago, he gains the ability to use the Talent that had formerly been unusable due to a broken conduit. After this, no one dared to pick on him anymore. He's spent the years wandering from place to place, hoping to avoid the God-King's notice and afraid that assassins might be sent to kill him so that his Ka'kari could be bound to someone else.

Personality: Ezra is a loner. He interacts only when he must in order to keep others from being picked on or hurt. Otherwise, he wanders Khalidor and the other realms, picking up odd jobs and keeping his head down. He doesn't like people much for the most part, and he can be a bit gruff. His only real soft spot is for those who have been or are being abused and young children. He's quite knowledgeable, however, since he's spent much of his time wandering buried in one book or another and listening to the tales or facts shared between those he interacts with.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Ezra can use his Talent to make himself almost invisible. This is accomplished by drawing the shadows to him until those who look at him see only a blurry shadow, even when he moves. Of course, a moving man-sized shadow is a bit suspicious, so Ezra only uses this when he's planning to sneak around and not get caught or spotted period. He can also use the Talent to muffle his footsteps until he's almost entirely silent and can use it to allow him to move at unbelievable speeds. The Ka'kari he bonded with makes him impervious to blades or any other types of metal. He's not the most skilled fighter, but he's learned to wield his staff with a mean backhanded blow. People usually steer clear of him since he's not an easy target to harm and knows how to use his staff or a short sword with adequate ability. His lightning fast movements make him even less appealing as a target.

Blackmail: He can't go home until he helps Jellal figure out how to take over the realms. Until then, Jellal won't help him find his home or release him. He also has a young boy Ezra was protecting in his custody.

Who are his loved ones: He was taken with a young boy that was tagging along with him for a little while. The kid is the closest thing he has to a loved one.

What does he want in life: He just wants to go home and be left out of other people's fights.

Character Ten

Username: ariel_paiement1

Name: Arcannen Rai (Arc-ann-ehn Ray)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Appearance: Arcannen is tall and slender with dark hair and a piercing gaze. He can take on any appearance he pleases as a sorcerer, however, so this appearance is not always consistent.

What part of their fandom have they been pulled from: From the end of the Darkling Child (2nd book of the Defenders of Shannara series)

Backstory: No one is entirely certain where Arcannen came from, though it has been determined that he spent some time at Arbrox with the people there until the Federation destroyed them. This is, in part, responsible for his desire to gain as much power as possible.

Arcannen lives in Dark House in the Southland city of Wayford. He first comes to the attention of Paxon Leah when he uses his magic to lure Paxon's sister Chrysallin into a chance game and abduct her. Paxon tries to stop Arcannen from leaving Leah but is easily overpowered by the sorcerer, who dares Paxon to come after him.

Paxon pursues Arcannen to Wayford, taking the Sword of Leah with him. It later becomes apparent that Arcannen wanted Paxon to pursue him with the sword, so that the magic of the sword might be activated and he could claim the sword for himself. Arcannen's plan backfires when Paxon not only unlocks the sword's magic but manages to overpower the sorcerer with it and take Chrysallin back as well. Despite losing the duel, Arcannen manages to escape.

The use of magic in the battle between Paxon and sorcerer catches the attention of the Druid Order, and Paxon is summoned to Paranor by Aphenglow Elessedil, Ard Rhys of the Druids. There he is recruited to become the Blade of the Ard Rhys, a warrior sworn to protect the Druid Order.

While Paxon is away from Leah training in Paranor, Arcannen abducts Chrysallin once more and brings her back to Wayford, where the witch Mischa begins torturing Chrysallin under Arcannen's orders. Mischa uses her magic to brainwash Chrysallin into thinking she is being badly mutilated and defiled, and that the Ard Rhys of the Druids is responsible for her torture. Arcannen's plan is to imbue enough fear and hatred of Aphenglow Elessedil into Chrysallin's mind that Chrysallin would kill the Ard Rhys using the Stiehl, which Arcannen intends to provide to Chrysallin.

But Paxon and the Druid Starks go after Arcannen to rescue Chrysallin, and Grehling Cara, the fourteen-year-old son of Wayford's airfield manager, and Leofur Rai, Grehling's former nanny, have already been working to free Chrys from Mischa. Grehling and Leofur manage to get Chrysallin away from Mischa, and Paxon kills a creature of magic sent by the witch to pursue Chrysallin. A traumatized Chrysallin kills Mischa herself using the wishsong.

Arcannen gets away, but not before killing Starks using the Stiehl. Accompanied by Leofur, Paxon returns to Wayford, ostensibly to find some clues that might help bring Chrysallin out of her traumatized state, but also to avenge Starks' death by killing Arcannen. In Wayford Leofur gains easy access to Dark House, and there Paxon and Arcannen do battle.

Paxon gets the upper hand and Arcannen, realizing he is about to be overpowered, offers to give Paxon a potion that will cure Chrysallin of the effects of her torture if Paxon will let him go. Although deeply conflicted, Paxon realizes that healing is sister is more important than gaining revenge, so he agrees to the exchange. Arcannen finds the potion hidden in Mischa's former home and flees Wayford.

Later, Arcannen disguises himself at the Druid ambassador Isaturin and visits the Federation's Minister of Security, Fashton Caeil. In his disguise, he kills the Minister with the Stiehl and leaves, leaving the Stiehl at the scene of the crime to pin the blame on the Druids and their weapons of magic and create discord between the Druids and the Federation.

However, despite many in the populace believing that the murder was carried out by the Druids, the Federation's Prime Minister is not fooled, and he visits Aphenglow privately to exchange information. They confirm that Isaturin was in Paranor at the time of the murder and that the murderer was most likely Arcannen. Arcannen had been hiding out since then, laying low until the time was right to strike again.

Personality: Crafty. Arcannen is slippery and difficult to deal with. Extremely resourceful, he's on his side and his side alone, so anyone who deals with him should expect that he'll find a way to get the better end of the deal. He's also extremely cutthroat and doesn't care about honor or rules. Nothing is too wicked for him. Beyond that, he's not averse to running away if he can't win the battle, making it difficult to pin him down.

What is their main goal: World domination, of course. Second to that, he'll be happy with controlling the Druid order. He sees Jellal as a means to that end and is intent on manipulating him into a position of power only to take him down and take everything they built for himself.

What kind of villain are they: Devious and selfish. It doesn't matter who he has to stab in the back to get his way.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: As a sorcerer, Arcannen can change shapes and create powerful illusions on his own. He also is a skilled swordsman and posseses the Stiehl, a blade that can kill anything and cut through anything, including magic.

What kinds of minions do they have: Arcannen views everyone as a minion and someone to control for his purposes, but he has no formal minions.

Do they have a second-in-command and if so, who: None.
What characters have they kidnapped and why: He hasn't kidnapped any characters, but he's willing enough to do so if it suits his purposes.

Character Eleven

Username: ariel_paiement1

Name: Dom Cobb

Age: 30s

Gender: Male

Appearance: Medium-height Caucasian male with dark blond hair, blue eyes, and slender build. He usually wears whatever best suits the circumstances be it formal wear, casual clothing, or military gear. While off-duty, Dom tends to wear high-quality casual attire.

What Part of Their Fandom are They Pulled From: After the events of Inception

Backstory: Dom was one of those who experimented with the possibilities presented by the dreamscape and was the first to pull of Inception. Unfortunately, this resulted in planting an idea in his wife's mind that carried over to reality: that none of the world around her was real. This was an idea he planted to convince her to leave Limbo with him, but she in turn believed that reality was also just another dream she had to wake from. Despite Dom's attempts to convince her otherwise, she rejected his reasoning and became increasingly suicidal. Eventually, she planted evidence against him and told him that if he didn't end it along with her, he'd be arrested for murder. He refused to do it and was forced to run, leaving their two children with his parents while he tried to find a way to clear his name. Saito, a businessman who approached him with a job, is his shot at going home, so he takes it and performs Inception one last time. In the process, he is forced to face his past and the projection of Mal that his subconscious mind has constructed. This show-down required him to kill the projection and let go of the guilt he felt over her death. In the end, he returns to his children. This is the end of the movie.

In the further backstory for my version of Cobb, he starts a task force that's responsible for dealing with those who want to use the concept to hurt people. This is what he's been doing when Jellal approaches him about helping with the conquest to take over the world. Dom refuses, but is dragged into it anyway when Jellal kidnaps his children and forces him to help Valeia and the rest of his men to test the device's ability to perform Inception. Dom cooperates, but Wit got to him before they went under, and he agrees to plant an idea that is different from the one Jellal initially wanted. He does so successfully, turning Valeia against Jellal's newest side-kick, Arcannen.

Personality: Dom tends to act independently. That trait became his dominant one after his time as a fugitive. He is capable of planning and undertaking very intricate schemes, particularly covert intrusions. He prefers misdirection to confrontation, as can be expected from a covert agent, and will do his best not to endanger his team and/or innocent bystanders.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: Dom Cobb is an experienced field agent with a military background. He possesses a variety of skills, such as: covert intrusion methods (both intelligence and assault), weapons training, close quarter combat fighting, interrogation and persuasion techniques, an in-depth understanding of Inception and the dream machine.

Blackmail: His children

Who are his loved ones: His children

What does he want in life: To keep his team and children safe and to keep Inception from being used the wrong way.

Character Twelve: 

Username: ariel_paiement1

Name: Deckard Shaw (Deck-ard Shah)

Age: Late 30s

Gender: Male

Appearance: Shaw has a well-built, tall frame. He keeps his hair cropped short and usually has a 5-o'clock shadow. With piercing brown eyes and penchant for wearing black, he poses a formidable figure, and is even more intimidating once people realize what he is capable of.

What Part of Their Fandom are They Pulled From: Fast & Furious: Hobbs and Shaw

Backstory: Deckard Shaw was born on 19 October, 1973 in London, England.[2] The eldest brother of Owen and Hattie Shaw, Deckard grew up with them together and was close to both of his siblings. When his younger brother started fights with the toughest kids or stole from the corner shop, it was Deckard who finished the fight and took the blame for the thefts, enduring their father's belt as a result. He taught Owen that a man must have a code to live by.[note 1][3] He also created a lot of simulated grifts and heists as a child with his sister Hattie, naming them after pop culture references, prompting Hattie to admire and look up to Deckard.[4]

In 1993, at the age of 20, Deckard enlisted in the British military. By 1995, he had obtained the rank of 2LT, and was promoted to LT by the next year. In 1999, he was promoted to Captain.[5] Around this time, Deckard became an operative agent for clandestine operations. During his time in the military, Deckard developed a reputation of being a type of asset Hobbs claimed no government would ever admit to employing but they decided he was needed for the time being.[2] In 2000 he made Major in the Special Air Service, a position he spent the next eight years in until 2008. On June 19, 2007, he was made a recipient of the prestigious Victoria Cross Award due to risking his life on a mission on his country's behalf; however, Deckard chose to forfeit the award.[5] Deckard began to earn a reputation, and an official story was created that stated that Deckard was an unstable military asset that no government would admit to hiring and that he was a necessary evil at the time.

When he was no longer needed, his superiors sent a squad of men after him in order to kill him. However, his abilities were underestimated and Deckard escaped and fell off the grid. Not unlike Owen, he eventually became a mercenary for hire.[2] However, the real story is Deckard had repeatedly made decisions that saved the lives of civilians and his team and was a hero in every sense of the word. However, when a top secret black ops mission went bad, Deckard took the blame and became a criminal to cover up England's involvement.[5]

Personality: Deckard values his family above all other things. Deckard is willing to make alliances with others in his line of work to achieve what he wants. He cared deeply about his brother Owen, and was fiercely protective of him since they were children, to the point that he personally ended fights and endured punishments for him. He was capable of hoping that Owen would outgrow his cavalier, destructive behavior, and even when he was proven wrong about this, he recognized Owen as his brother and maintained a brotherly view of him. Driven by revenge, he attacked Dominic Toretto and his crew with the intention of killing them all no matter the cost or collateral damage that was left behind.

Like his younger brother Owen, Deckard is a dirty fighter. When confronted with the likes of Dominic, who intended to fight him one-on-one, Deckard was willing to shoot Dominic. He takes pride in harming or killing others. He will not hide his involvement in the death of others if it means making a point and baiting others out into the open. However, he is able to let his grudges go, such as when he begins working with Toretto's crew, and saves Toretto's son and settles his issues with Toretto afterwards, and is even present at their dinner table.

Deckard had a quick, dry wit, which put him at odds on several occasions with Luke Hobbs.

Powers/fight skills/magic, etc: When he was a member of the United Kingdom Special Forces, Deckard was known as being a highly capable man, having served as a Lieutenant in the Special Boat Service and as a Major in the Special Air Service. Thoroughly trained and highly accomplished in a variety of combat techniques, Deckard's abilities vary from the expert handling of firearms, explosives to hand-to-hand combat.

Trained to operate as an assassin for the British Government, Deckard presumably worked under clandestine parameters and carried out jobs as a "secret weapon". When he was deemed expendable by his government, Deckard went into business for himself as a mercenary for hire, much like his brother Owen, also former member of British Special Forces. Indicated by Special Forces background, Deckard is an extremely lethal fighter and skilled martial artist. Deckard's weapons training from his SBS and SAS background and skill with melee weapons makes him a formidable opponent.

Deckard's physical conditioning and his abilities allowed him to easily match and often surpass opponents both in agility and physicality. When he engaged in hand-to-hand combat with Hobbs at DSS headquarters, he was able to fight on almost equal footing with the extremely skilled and physically conditioned martial artist, able to match Hobbs's physical prowess and strength reasonably well enough to tackle him through a glass wall and rebound quick enough to out-brawl the man. He was able to repeatedly hit Hobbs hard enough to disorient and launch him through glass and block many of Hobbs's blows before he was ultimately overpowered. He can effortlessly take on multiple opponents, armed or otherwise and often come out of the fight as the victor. Deckard also proved to be one of the very few to be on par with Dominic Toretto, with Dominic being one of the few opponents with whom he fought that met him on an equal level of physical prowess and strength, able to fight him effectively enough to end in a standstill. He even displayed superior skill with wrenches in melee combat, forcing Dominic to use his strength to throw him on top of a car. Regardless, his great endurance allowed him to recover from such in seconds, proceeding to out-brawl Dominic and kick him to the floor. He also displayed similar endurance in his fight with Hobbs, recovering from being slammed in to a table fast enough to then disorient him by hitting him with a strip light.

Deckard is also adept with explosives. He entered a London hospital and created a sustainable amount of damage with explosives used to take out several officers and hospital personal. When fighting Hobbs, he used a military grade explosive to destroy the upper levels of the DSS headquarters. He was also able to mail a packaged bomb from Tokyo to Los Angeles that destroyed the Toretto house.

Deckard is a highly skilled driver and extremely proficient at driving varying cars. Like Dominic, he is skilled in cornering and drifting. He survived a head-on collision with Dominic in an underground tunnel with a Maserati (with reinforced chassis) which causes the vehicles of both drivers to be damaged. He survives another head-on collision on the rooftop of a parking garage with an Aston Martin and recovered quickly enough to face Dominic in hand-to-hand combat shortly after. He also managed to perfectly time crashing his car into Han's to cause him death, seemingly unfazed by that collision as well. In the Caucasus Mountains in Azerbaijan, he pursues and attacks Dominic with a Fast Attack Vehicle and tries to push his car off a cliff by ramming him repeatedly until Roman appeared and knocks Deckard's vehicle down a hill.

Blackmail: None. Shaw is there because Jellal made a compelling argument.

Who are his loved ones: His sister Hattie

What does he want in life: To determine whether or not Jellal is really worthy of his loyalty and following.

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