The Final Award Ceremony...

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Welcome, everyone to the award ceremony for my final games: Author's Games Fandoms 2!

I'm happy you all could be here!

Now let's present the awards to their proper winners, shall we?


Best Last Line – RondaRayl "Rumple teleported back to his mansion in the Enchanted Forest and with a wide grin, he sat the gauntlet down on a shelf.

He looked at it and giggled."

I mean, come on! You can't get any more epic for a last line than that!

Final Entry that Made Me Cry – JamesWhite074. I mean, you can't kill Happy from Fairy Tail after giving him a Fairy Tail moment and NOT expect me to cry, right?

"As Sterling kneeled beside Happy's body, the others came and gathered around them. Firnen looked down at the little hero and knew that if it wasn't for Happy's sacrifice, they'd have lost and Khan would have destroyed everything good in the world.

As they watched, Happy's body slowly disappeared in a rain of white specks, like petals. Or cherry blossoms, Firnen thought. He knew, without even asking, that Happy was going home, back to his family, his...

His guild, Attickitcuk sent. Fairy something, I think."

Evilest Villain – Literally Azula and Khan and if they teamed up *shudders* they're both so evil and it's saying a lot that KaturaBayliss (Azula) and JamesWhite074 (Khan) wrote them so perfectly. 

Smartest Villain - Thrawn, hands down. JesterheadJohnSnow did such a fantastic job showing this guys' levels of total genius. 

Best Characterized Villain – Ties! KaturaBayliss.  You characterized Azula so well, I literally felt like I was reading a book that was canon to Avatar! JesterheadJohnSnow, you did such a fantastic job with Thrawn and his genius, which is super hard to pull off. JamesWhite074, Khan was epic and you really showed his intelligence and just stoic coldness!

Longest Entry – JesterheadJohnSnow. Your final entry was 14,000 words!

Bittersweet Last Line – KaturaBayliss'. Your final line was soooo bittersweet! "No one ever knew why the realms collided, or how to undo what had been done. But slowly, eventually, the different realms learned to live together.

There was war from time to time, as there will always be when humanity is involved. But over time, they learned to work together and to amend their mistakes. Some, through trial and error, some through fighting.

But, such is life."

Most Characters – Since this is a special award... We'll be giving out 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place for it.

Bronze, 3rd place goes to... Sara_R_Stark, with a total of 18 characters!

Silver, 2nd place goes to... JesterheadJohnSnow, with a total of 20 characters!

Gold, 1st place goes to... me, jesusfreak202, with a total of 22 characters!

Most Creative Blackmail – JamesWhite074. Literally Khan telling Sterling he can have all the women he wants! That was definitely unique!

Cruelest Punishment – ariel_paiement1. Man, oh man, Jellal was SO EVIL here. First, he wanted Kaladin to choose who to kill and then when Kaladin hesitated too long, Jellal killed them all. Literally everyone. SO CRUEL.

Most Mind-Blowing Fandom Crossover – Sara_R_Stark. Seriously, you win this hands down. You had like Obi-Wan and Luke and Anakin become friends with Superman, Loki, and Elijah, from Vampire Diaries. It was so epic! Not to mention Elijah turned Luke into a vampire!

Saddest Hero Death – This one is a tie! KaturaBayliss when you killed off Jack Sparrow! Man that really got me! And Sara_R_Stark when you killed Luke. (granted you brought him back as a vampire next task, but at the time, I didn't know that). Man, I had SO many feels you guys!

Slowest Person Ever – Me! I was seriously SO LATE grading entries for these last several tasks. I mean, for the finals, it's literally been a month!

Mind-Ception – ariel_paiement1's Task Four entry was literally a mind-screwing one. She had her characters do Inception and if you don't know what that is, go watch the movie right now. It literally is MASSIVELY confusing on its own much less with all of ariel's characters and fandoms added to it. This deserved a reward.

Late Bloomer – I felt like alice_may_johnson deserved this award for literally coming in and joining the games by taking over CCWinter's characters when she dropped out. She handed in two entries in a few days (which was faster than some of you guys, including my husband, LOL)!

King of Lateness – This literally goes to my husband, JamesWhite074 who handed in late on almost every task. I love you :p

King of Earliness – This goes to JesterheadJohnSnow, who handed in early on every task. Well done! *throws confetti*

Achievers – Honestly, I really felt like RondaRayl, MusicgirlXD, and 00VesperFangirl deserved this award for pushing through and keeping up with their entries and writing each and every single one no matter what problems you guys encountered.

Saddest Final Entry – That would have to be ariel_paiement. Literally everyone except for two people DIE!

Happiest Final Entry – This is actually a tie between MusicgirlXD and 00VesperFangirl!


Let's do some awards of our own but for our Fandoms. After all, we're all Fans, aren't we? Our characters we wrote and tweaked for ourselves and the ones we love watching and reading deserve awards to. But this time, you guys get to vote for the Character Winners (just for the characters, not the authors who wrote them). That way, you guys can still vote. I'll post the character winners up tomorrow or the day after (soon as everyone votes).

Villain Who Would Have Conquered The Realms – Now, let's think about this logically here. Right now, I am honestly thinking Sidious (I mean, he destroyed the Republic and formed an Empire) or Acnologia because, come on. In Fairy Tail, he can destroy islands and cities with one roar. Between those two, who do you think? Any other contenders? VOTE NOW!

Fandom's Hottest...

Female Character? I can't vote for this one, but what do you guys think? I've always thought that Katara was really pretty

Male Character? Man, it's so close between Anakin Skywalker, Jamie Frazer, Jace Herondale (Lightwood, Morgenstern, etc), and Damon Salvatore!

I just had to post some gifs so we could all properly choose ;)

Most Sarcastic? My vote is Damon Salvatore hands down!

I was going to post a gif here but I couldn't choose his most sarcastic line and I can't post too many more pics/gfs, so I'm just gonna type out my favs:

"Your girlfriends been kidnapped by a mad scientist. Do you A) Get a new girlfriend B) Call the police or C) Kill someone close to the mad scientist?"

"Dear diary. A chipmunk asked me for my name today. I told him it was Joe. That lie will haunt me forever."

"Vampires can't procreate but we love to try."

"You confuse me for someone with remorse."

"Am I wearing my 'I blew up the council' t-shirt?"

"It's founders day. I'm here to eat cotton candy and steal your girl."

"When I kill someone, they're supposed to stay dead."

"You know you were dreaming about me. Explains all the drool."

Best pet/creature companion? Chewbaca or R2-D2 in my opinion.

Kindest Hero? Aang. He literally didn't even wanna kill the Firelord or Clark Kent from the TV Show Smallville because he never wanted to kill anyone either

Evilest Hero? Mmmm. This is definitely hard. I would have to say... either Damon Salvatore (who was also a villain for a while but he's really evil when he does a hero act) or Anakin Skywalker maybe? My mind's blank for this one!

Kindest Villain? Hear me out here but ZEREF. He was just misunderstood and cursed which made him a bit crazy and desperate to die. But c'mon, deep inside, he's a good guy. 

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