The Finals: Scores and Feedback

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-0.4 for punctuation

-0.8 for grammar

2 on the writing maturity scale

SCORE: 10.8

Now THIS is a boss fight! Ah, man. The sci-fi battle was like perfect space battle and it was soooo exciting to see the team back together again (woot woot). I LOVED HOW THEY TAG TEAMED AGAINST KAHN. Like seriously. THAT is how you write a boss fight! Wow!

You... you killed Happy. Like what the...? I cried. Legitly cried. Why would you do something so terrible. WHY?

Any other Fairy Tail fans here? Because this makes me sad. But it's also epic how Happy sacrificed himself to defeat Kahn.

What an epic final entry!


-0.2 for grammar

-0.1 for punctuation

-0.2 for sentence structure

SCORE: 11.5

Aww Harlow finding out about Jason's death was heartbreaking and gave me feels. Things escalated quickly so it did feel a bit rushed but it was still well written. It did feel as if they suddenly decided to rebel for no reason. I know Harlow lost her brother so she has reasons but up until now, if I remember right, everyone seemed to be too scared so it seemed a little random that they all decided to rebel now. Despite those few issues, though, I loved reading this! GAAH! I'm reading the boss fight at the end and so many people are dying and its heartbreaking and giving me feels! I did feel like not all loose ends were tied up—It never said Peter was actually defeated and it did end on a cliff hanger to see how they got home. Although, that was actually a really clever way to end it. Not knowing for sure whether Pan was defeated kind of kept me from getting full closure. Other than that, great job. I love your characters and your story and enjoyed it!


-0.1 for grammar

-0.4 for punctuation

-0.1 dialogue description

-0.2 for sentence structure

SCORE: 11.2

It was hard during your dialogue to tell who was speaking because there wasn't a lot of action or description in the dialogue, which left me confused and some of the conversations hard to follow. I love Kaladin and the struggle he and Leo and Diera face about Jellal and whether to take him down or help him defeat a greater evil. It would be a super hard decision for anyone and you did a great job displaying that. Leo and Diera's ship is so sweet. I love how they know each other so well they don't need words. KALADIN CANT BE DEAD. AAAH. What a boss fight. Like I need to take notes. This was so realistic and so true to battle and all the fandoms involved. I CANT BELIEVE EVERYONE IS DEAD OR ALMOST EVERYONE. GAHH. And yes, I caught the Lord of the Rings Easter Egg. Nicely done, by the way. DANG IT ALL THIS IS SO NOT A HAPPY ENDING. I mean, I'm glad Diera and Leo are safe and happy but EVERYONE ELSE IS DEAD. What an ending though. All loose ends were tied and I honestly felt like I got closure. Great job!


-0.4 for sentence structure

-0.4 for punctuation

-0.4 for spelling

-0.1 for run-ons

-0.5 for grammar

SCORE: 10.2

THIS IS AN ENDING. Man, the references to your past games and Thomas' past really gave me feels for ending this one and it felt like a finale for all of them! The rebellion, their plan, and man that space battle with Spyro was so amusing and epic. The idea of him flying a ship makes me smile but even more so because it was an epic space battle. This is how it's done, man! MORDZAR! Man you're bringing out all the good stuff for this epic finale, the entry to end them all! I love it so much! This is an ending! Also, how dare you kill Sonic and Crash! Overall, this was a perfect ending. I mean, not only did you tie up all lose ends from this Games, but your others as well. It was nice getting a glimpse of Mordzar and how they ended up and it's so sweet. I'm soooo happy Thomas finally gets to be FREE! Amazing job! I loved it!


4.6 for grammar

0.9 for sentence structure

1.4 for punctuation

1.4 for spelling

0.4 for lack of description

SCORE: 3.3

Overall this was a good ending. You did have a lot of mistakes and it did feel very rushed. But you tied up all loose ends and gave your characters an ending and ended your story. The fight scenes were well written and really intense. Great job and great ending!


-0.1 for description

-0.1 for action

-0.1 for punctuation

SCORE: 11.7

Overall, this was a short entry but it tied up all the loose ends well. I love the twist that Rumple turns on Donovan at the end and it was creative and very true to Rumple's character. You characterized him so well. I also loved how you took your time to show each character getting back home and how some had happy endings, while others had tragic endings—poor Daijiro. And some had a bit of both, like Ashley. It was a well written ending that I enjoyed reading and you did a great job! Also, the very last line of your entry was super creative! I LOVE IT!


-0.1 for punctuation

0.1 for grammar

SCORE: 11.8

This entry was a lot of fun to read. I loved Akram's rebellion and how he was the one who helped them kill the Unseelie King. Kiara's story was super intense and I loved what you did with her character. I was so happy to see Raiden finally accepting the truth even if it was sad and yayyyy everyone got a happy ending, especially Raiden cuz he totally deserves it. You tied up all loose ends and really gave your characters a good ending! Well done!


-0.2 for grammar

-0.2 for spelling

SCORE: 11.6

Man, what a boss fight! There is so many beloved characters and Fandoms meshing together here, I feel like this is the perfect final entry for a combination of Fandoms. I mean, Obi, Luke, and Anakin getting a brotherly relationship going on. Obi and Elijah versus Loki? Totally aweseome! What a great ending to your entries and a great way to end all your entries that have come down to this one!


-0.2 for sentence structure

-0.2 for punctuation

-0.4 for grammar

SCORE: 11.2

I cannot believe you killed off Zuko. I am still in shock. Man, this was quite an intense boss fight and I was so happy when they killed Azula. Jed is suck a jerk and I'm glad he's dead but it's terrible that Katura had to die. When Steve said he'd stay with her, I got so many feels. This was a beautiful ending and intense and your last line is so bittersweet. Amazing job; fantastic ending!


-0.1 for punctuation

-0.1 for lack of description


This was short and to the point. It did feel a bit rushed, but you gave everyone a clear ending and tied up all loose ends. I enjoyed your entries and am glad you participated! Good job!

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