Spot 11: Shermanblook

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Marie Antoinette - Original name Maria Antonia



August 1793 - The month of her execution

Lives in France, born in Austria

Speaks German, Italian, French

Her hair has turned white from stress and grief, and it has been cut. She no longer dresses elaborately as she used to.

As dumb of a backstory as I can muster: She was born in Austria as the youngest daughter of the Empress who was sovereign over Austria. At 14 she was married to Louis, heir the the French throne. Louis refused to consummate their marriage, and the people spread many illicit rumors about the two royals giving Marie a bad name. It was after all, her most important job as his wife to produce the next heir. Eventually Louis has a surgery which was needed for him to bed her, and they do have children, but by then it was too late. When she was 19, Louis became King Louis XVI, and she the queen. During her stay at the palace, she gambled and spent money on her appearance, and the people hated her. She was very ignorant to the suffering of the peasants within kilometers of her lush lifestyle. The peasants stormed the palace of Versailles, and took the royals hostage. They later try to flee to Austria, further angering the 3rd Estate, but get caught. Eventually the king is executed, and then she. At this point in time, she waits in a cell.

Preceding her death she is filled with worry for her children, especially for her son who she knows will not be treated well after her death. She maintains an air of dignity as those around her treat her with contempt. Still, she wants to escape her prison, and will go along with plans that her followers come up with. Her prison cell has very little privacy and she is constantly attended by guards.

There are a few people still loyal to the crown who she may influence, but she herself is a frail woman.

Her husband is King Louis XVI. She gave birth four times, but two of the children had died at this point. Her son Louis XVII (8) and her daughter Marie Thérèse (14) are the two remaining. Her son had been turned against her by the revolutionists, and in the October trial (hasn't happened yet but it's interesting) accused her of incest, to which she appealed to the mothers in the room who sympathized with her objection.

She learned to play the harp, harpsichord, flute, and had a good singing voice. She once loved to dress well (and somewhat ridiculously) and gamble, but those days are over.

Somehow she had done what she was supposed to. She had bribed the guards. The sky was dark. She approached the gate- and was halted. "You will not leave," said the guard. "I will call the guards if you do."

Her hands were cold with fear. This man had already been bribed, and he was stopping her!

A quiet a crisp 'crack' sounded and the guard fell to the ground. Marie turned around. Two uniformed men were there. How odd they appeared. One spoke gruffly: "We will take you out of here."

Not wanting to protest, Marie followed them as they led her away from the palace and prison.



Maurice Zhang



1985, December

Lives in US, California

Speaks English and a tiny bit of Chinese, only with her parents

Chinese (black hair, dark eyes). She wears her hair short. She usually wears something along the lines of a long-sleeve and patterned pencil skirt. (picture is only for clothing ^_^)

Her parents are well educated, and stay largely in a community of Chinese immigrants. Maurice herself tended to befriend non-Chinese kids at school, lest her parents compare her to their Chinese neighbors. From her parents she feels pressure to follow the American dream, from her teachers and peers she senses an amount of dislike towards high-performing Asians. Her dream is to find a simple lifestyle, but she has not discovered what that life would be yet. Her parents want to send her to college, but she has been satisfied working at a music store.

She tries her best to be low-stress, but she often reads too much into what others are thinking, and cares more than she would like to admit about her self-image.

Well she wouldn't be able to fight much, but she could probably obtain a gun if she really wanted to, like in the most sketchy gun-obtaining way. Otherwise she would probably hide behind other people.

She has moved away from her parents and occasionally talks to them. They are on good terms. She has a cat named Nugget and a plant named Planty. The music store owner is named Jared. A Hapa man, he plays percussion and the guitar. She likes him a bit, but she wouldn't initiate anything.

She enjoys listening to music more than she likes playing anything. She also likes to read the news and non-fiction. Sometimes she and Jared hang out or eat food together, but it's technically platonic.

A good day today! Maurice had found an interesting book at the library. It had an ugly cover and she had skipped her gaze over it a couple of times, but upon cracking it open, she realized that the human brain could indeed be quite interesting. It had been raining all that day, and she had been waiting for the chance to snuggle up with Nugget and the tome while listening to the drip drip drip. She flicked the light on for her apartment, and nearly jumped out of herself at the sight of intruders. They two of them wore the same uniform, clean. "You're coming with us." She nodded weakly.



Barbara Jones



August 1914 (around beginning of WWI)

Lives in Britain

Speaks English

White, young, beautiful, healthy. Dark brown hair tied up or pinned under a hat.

Backstory - Europe at this time was very militaristic and people thought of war as glorious. People returning from successful battles were able to attain higher status. At this time, Britain was a great imperial power. She comes from a middle-class family in Britain, her father is a modest merchant who exports goods. Also at this time, women's suffragettes are getting more violent. Her parents would like for her to get married, but they haven't been to pushy about it. She is the younger sister in her family.

Meek personality. She is affected by the suffrage movements. She likes the ideals, but is too afraid to do anything radical.

Her dad taught her to use a hunting rifle, but she wouldn't shoot anyone unless desperate. She is good at getting those around her to do as she wants.

Her dad is named Gilbert. Her mother is named Betty. Betty sometimes performs midwife services for the community. Barbara has a few female friends but hasn't yet found a boy to her fancy. Her best friend is named Lily, she works at the theater as a house manager. She has two older sisters.

She enjoys watching theater performances. She finds cinema interesting, but it doesn't quite compare to the live thing. She usually ends up doing household tasks for her parents, but is happy to hang out with her friends when she has free time.

She shut the door to her room, encapsulating herself in darkness. That day, she had seen the most heart-shocking thing. A group of women's suffragettes getting manhandled by the police... their shouts and screams pierced into her like pebbles in water. Barbara covered her ears with her hands, and sat on the ground next to her bed. She yelped as her room was illuminated with the brightest light she had ever witnessed- brighter than the sun even. It lasted for only a fraction of a second, but her eyes teared in from the pain. Suddenly she was grabbed. Confused, she could only think that she must be dreaming. These hands were the police and she the protester.



Carlson Russel




Lives in US, Iowa

Speaks English

White, brown hair, sports a short beard, off-white button-up shirt, grey overalls.

The only education he has received is from schooling at church, where he learned to read and write. He and his family, travelled west in the 1850s to the fertile lands of Iowa. He is now a humble farmer living with his wife and three of his children. He was too old to fight in the war, but his oldest son John went against his wishes. Carlson wanted him to stay and help the farm, but alas no. His family is recovering from a crop shortage in 1857 and part of 1858. Their farm hosts wheat. As people are voting. Iowa is thickly Republican and Abraham Lincoln is popular. Just some background there :P

Despite his poor schooling, he has good common sense and knows how to talk to people. He has a grandfatherly type of charisma, even though he isn't quite that old. He is patriotic, but has learned over the years that sometimes it is best to be self-centered for the good of his family. He would put his family above anything else.

He could use a hunting rifle or simple brute force. He's not exactly in his prime, but he's got a bit of something left in him.

Sons: John 19, William 8, James 6 - Daughter: Sarah 7 - Wife: Mary 39, a sweet brown-haired woman. He married her when he was 26 and she was 20

He is usually busy with work. When he has free time, he will read newspaper. Everyday, the family has fun reading and sending mail when the kids return from their school at church. Carlson and Mary have some friends back east who they still talk to. One in particular, named David, will write stories for the kids every once in a while.

Ah, Carlson sits under a tree to take a brief break from the sun. From the tree he overlooks the field he cares for with only the help of a few hired hands. If only his son hadn't gone to fight that silly war! He hears rustling from behind the tree. Before he can turn around, a cloth is pressed against his face and he falls into an unwitting sleep.



Max Shmuck (It's a real last name and I thought it was too funny to resist).




Lives in Vienna, Austria

Speaks German. Knows just enough Latin to get by reading music and such.

He would be considered handsome if it weren't for his crooked nose. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. His lips are rarely dry, as he takes care of them. The picture shows the clothing he would wear- a tracht and jacket. The tracht here is the leather pants accompanied by wool socks.

He comes from a modest family living in Vienna. He had received education, but not an extraordinary amount. He specializes in music, and plays the trumpet. Music at this time is of course not recorded, so you would either have to play something or sing yourself. Because he is not a wealthy noble able to provide money to composers, he decided as a young adult to join the symphony itself. His parents allowed him to receive tutelage for this. Now 28, he has reached the level where he plays music written by Beethoven himself. The band has been practicing Eroica, and will soon perform in publicly for the first time.

He is driven, but a very quiet man. Meek, almost. He tends to stay to himself, and does not enjoy social interactions. One would observe that he makes a good first-impression, but fails to maintain relationships well as he is not proactive.

He would never, ever, whack someone with his trumpet (just putting that out there now before someone gets any ideas). Otherwise, he is fit. He doesn't sit around a lot, so is decently healthy.

His tutor is named Felix. A large-bellied man. He no longer needs lessons from him, but they still talk as friends. Felix himself plays in a separate group for a noble patron. Max knows other instrument players, but does not tend to associate with them much. His parents live elsewhere in the city, and he occasionally visits them, or they might attend a concert of his once in a while. He's single ladies, get in line ;)

He loves to listen to music, and will attend performances when he can. His whole life is centered around music, as he must spend possibly four hours each day practicing. He is still learning. He is not a first-chair trumpet, but he is working towards that in the future.

The future was certainly an interesting place. How had he gotten here? Was he still in a dream? What a strange dream this was! Bass reeds and cellos played in the background of Max's mind as he tried to describe this emotion to himself. A blurse, the future was. A blurse which took him away from his symphony and from Eroica (song name, not girlfriend), but which allowed him to perform for a new crowd here!

Indeed, he had been placed on a small stage, almost a podium, and given time after the museum closed to practice. He felt like a busker begging for money in the 'Music Through the Eras' section of the museum, but he received no money. His crowd never seemed wholly impressed, and he had recently heard someone make a snide comment: "Ew, classical music. Heard one song you've heard them all." Once a kid had even approached him and shouted through the energy barrier for him to play some obscure song from that time.

Nonetheless the experience was interesting. The horrible part was after he had practiced and performed his heart out. Then he was shoved into a room full of other historical figures. It was cramped, smelly, and overall uncomfortable. He hated it, and would do a great deal to get out.







From the Mayan Empire

Speaks Classic Ch'olti'an (I believe this is what Mayans would speak, correct me if I am wrong).

Tanned dark skin, wears a loincloth. When it is cold, he may wear a poncho. (Women at this time would wear a blouse and skirt). Because he spends much of his time working, he is a rather well-muscled man.

He is from the peasant class. He spends most of his time working in the fields, as Mayan people had no beasts of burden to transport things and plow. When the crops have been harvested, he helps in the construction of buildings. He is married to a woman who he was arranged to by their parents. Their relationship is passionless, and he finds satisfaction in his life from working. They live on a residential compound with a few farming families. They and their family live in a one-room house, and sleep on reed mats. There are no metal tools. Obsidian and flint are used for cutting things.

He is a quiet man, but if he must say something he will. He does not make frivolous statements if he can help it, and his demeanor demands respect.

He is able to use the spear throwing tool which increases the force and accuracy of spears. He is also very fit just from doing everyday work, and he is very focused and careful. For close range he would use an ax, with one blunt side and one sharp.

His father is Tohil, his mother Iktan. His wife is Chen. He and his wife were arranged together when he was 19 and she 20, and the relationship is tense. She is a rather flippant and gossipy person, which he dislikes.

He does not play ball himself, not wanting to get injured, but is entertained just by spectating the pok-a-tot games. Religious ceremonies are held usually once a month where they celebrate their gods.

The two men boarded the time machine, ready for another round of kidnapping historical figures. The scientists configured the machine to its proper settings and gave them the ready. The gruffer of the two did not hesitate to hit the switch, activating the contraption. What a marvelous machine it was, taking so many factors into consideration! A rift was opened to transport them to the past or future, and then a wormhole was summoned to take them to the correct place. After all, the point that Earth would be in the universe hundreds, thousands of years ago is far from the point it would be in the present. Earth orbits the sun, a member of a swirling galaxy. The galaxy itself moves. Everything hurtling through space at incredible speeds...

Well a simple man such as him could not fully comprehend the scale, but he knew that it was awe-full, and all compacted into a reasonably-sized machine. This time, they would be going to the Mayan empire. The guard himself was curious about the time. Gregory had warned them of a possible violent reaction from their to-be, and as with all such situations the two were given cloths with anesthesia.

They arrived far from any actual towns. The bright flash which the machine admitted was too conspicuous, and so they trekked a ways to human-life. There! At the edge of the cornfield was a likely young man, sweaty from a days labor. As they spotted him he turned around, and they realized they had lost the surprise advantage. The Mayan backed away and held out a flint edge. The gruff man twitched his hand to his side, prepared to grab his pistol.

The three stood there silent for a long moment. Slowly the Mayan shifted into a less hostile position, and then said something in his language. Grinning, the man approached with a deceptively friendly smile. "I do not speak that," he said sweetly, proving his point. The Mayan allowed him to become close, perhaps not realizing that he was armed. Why would he know what a gun is! A mistake on his part. The future held out the cloth as if offering it. As the Mayan set the knife down and reached out, he swiftly brought the cloth over the past's mouth and nose. They had succeeded once again.



Marie Antoinette (She's such a different person younger-older, so I'm breaking time and doing her twice. I won't repeat too much information, so I'll just focus on how she was at this time. There is a two decade difference).




Lives in France, born in Austria

Speaks German, Italian. She does not speak French that well yet.

Before arriving to Versailles, she had been married by proxy to Louis XVI already in Vienna. Once arriving, they have another wedding celebration. She is a beautiful young woman and loves to dress up. After the extravagant celebration she and Louis were to consummate their marriage, but because of a condition he had which made it painful, Louis showed a disinterest in her and nothing happened. Other people of course knew of this because there were court members in the room. -The first time between royals had to be observed to ensure that the bloodline is pure, and afterwards they would even inspect the sheets for blood to be sure that the woman was a virgin.- This lack of action ruined the Queen's reputation, as her main role was to produce a clear male heir. If there was no heir apparent, then the throne would be a toss-up after Louis XVI and people would fight over it. Moving on... Marie adopted a rather extravagant lifestyle, paying great amounts of money for hairstyles and portraits. She was generally unaware of the poverty-stricken 3rd Estate. Being from Austria, a country that had previously been at war with France, she was not seen as properly loyal to France.

She cares about her appearance. Well, she's 16 and has so much money available to her... She spends money on her hairstyle and paintings of her. At the same time, she is unused to the excessive French ceremonies, and enjoyed sometimes to have privacy with a close group of friends.

The Revolution at this point is just an idea being brainstormed in salons, and so there are still a number or people loyal to the royalty. She is not Queen yet, and is not quite hated as fervently as later on. She could command guards and they would obey her, perhaps a greater weapon than any object.

Her husband was King Louis XVI. Her parents were the rulers of the Holy Roman Empire. She had 15 siblings, and was closest to her sisters Maria Amalia and Maria Carolina, exchanging letters and gifts with them.

She learned to play the harp, harpsichord, flute, and to sing while she lived in Austria. Once she reached Versailles, she became more extravagant with spending money, enjoying shopping and such, and had a private theater for plays,

She yelped as she was crudely tossed into a large room with other historical figures. 'How dare they!' she thought, but she did not voice this. She caught her breath and looked around. Her captors closed them in. It was both am amazing and terrifying sight. There were bare-chested men and women from more primitive cultures. Dark and light skin, rich and poor, clean and dirty. Self-conscious, she brushed off her dress. There were many unfamiliar cultures packed into the space, and she didn't feel completely safe.

She was surprised as a hand tapped on her shoulder. An older woman smiled gently to her. "You seem to be from an era like mine," she said in German. "Do you speak German young lady?"

Marie turned around, "Yes, I do."

The older woman's eyes widened. "Why, you're me!"

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