Spot 12: ZSB2000

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Name: Nafanua

Age: 34

Gender: Female

Time they're from: Born 1476, Currently 1510

Country they're from: Samoa

Languages they speak: Samoan. Probably knows some Fijian and Tongan.

Appearance: Nafanua has intensely curly coffee brown hair that covers her back and rich dark skin. She has round facial features with full lips. Her foes describe her eyes like bottomless chasms of the underworld and her allies describe them as brimming over with mercy. She is shockingly tall at six foot four inches, completing her warrior stature with a strong and wide build. This, combined with her battle skill and speed, enemies mistook her for a man. Now that she leads the people, she is open about her femininity. Because her mother and her aunt brought tattooing from Fiji to Samoa, she has several tattoos.

Backstory: Nafanua was born in the middle of civil war. The East, Lea'ea-Sasa'e, and the West, Lea'ea-Sisifo. Her father, Saveasi'uleo, was an important man, brother of one of the greater chieftains, Tai'i. When her mother, a woman from a far away tribe, died while Nafanua was still young, her father raised her as a warrior. She showed such talent and promise that she poured herself into training. She hoped one day that she would make a difference in the war through not only victory, but the rise of ideals. Her father refused to let her fight in battle until she was twenty-two, but only under the disguise of a man. When Tai'i was captured by their greatest enemy, Liloma'aiva, he made Tai'i climb a palm tree upside down. It was agonizing and shameful. When Saveasi'uleo caught word of this, he was enraged. Nafanua pleaded with him to let her defeat Liloma'aiva herself. After much debate, he finally allowed it while he stayed to unite the tribes of the West. Nafanua took four masterfully made weapons and vow that she would spare her mother's kin tribe. With the help two brave women both named Matuna, she almost single-handedly defeated her enemies. She held to her principles and became known as a courteous warrior. If her enemies asked for mercy, she would give it to them. She demanded that both Matunas follow it as well. Unfortunately, the one time they disregarded these orders, they pursued an enemy in hatred and ran into Nafanua's path where she could not see that they were allies. Their deaths nearly destroyed Nafanua's resolve, but she held to her ideals even stronger. When she approached her mother's village, a gust of a wind lifted her tiputa (a common woven tunic worn by warriors), exposing her breasts. The fight stopped as the men realized they were being defeated by a woman. They gave themselves up in shame and the great war was over. She spared them and led all of Samoa into a golden age. Her ideals founded a new culture based on fa'asamoa and fa'amatai. She now lives a full life as a leader without husband or children.

Personality: Nafanua is a dedicated person who puts the needs of her people over her own. When she puts her mind to something, nothing can stop her. She is an achiever who is always looking for something to climb literally and metaphorically. Her constant development and independence has chased away most suitors and she has decided not to marry in light of what she wants to accomplish. The actions she takes in bettering herself and the people around her inspires them to do the same. Sometimes the responsibility of being not only a leader, but an image makes her fear failure and imperfection. While she knows perfectionism can be toxic, it is the thing that eats away at her the most. Every once in a while she craves the intimacy of a partner with whom she can speak freely and would support her in her emotional turmoil. In recent years, she found some solace in rekindling a relationship with her brother, but she still has want for a strong connection.

Weapons They Fight With: She uses a nifo'oti (cane knife), and several other types of club. She created 4 specifically to bring into battle.

Friends and Family: Nafanua has a strong relationship with her retired and aging father. She is reaching out to her brother, Tamaalelagi, but sometimes it is difficult to know him well. Other than that she is simply friends with her advisors and attendants.

Favorite Activities: Nafanua enjoys doing her job, but sometimes she'll sneak away to swim in the ocean and listen to them crashing on the beach. For fun, sometimes she will hold feasts with other chiefs and their villages. They drink, dance, sing, and tell stories to the children late into the cool nights.

The Day They Were Captured: A storm was brewing and the sound of distant thunder made her hair stand up on end. She was up in the night, watching the clouds slowly envelope the full moon. So entranced by the sight, she did not realize there were intruders. They ambushed her from behind. She injured two, but she was unprepared and unarmed. A few seconds after she felt a prick in her arm, she slipped into darkness.


Name: Kjell Ujarakson

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Time they're from: 1009 (born 995)

Country they're from: Scandinavia

Languages they speak: Old Norse, English

Appearance: Kjell's pale eyes and blonde hair mirrors Ujarak, his father. He's a growing 5'5" with gangly limbs and no hair on his chest. While stronger than he looks, he doesn't feel like it compared to the other boys his age. Technically he's a man but Kjell doesn't have the presence a man should. He does, however, have a restless energy and you will always see him doing something. When he is sitting something about him is always bouncing or rocking.

Backstory: Kjell was born into a stable family. He didn't see his father a lot as a small child as Ujarak was always sailing. He bonded with his mother, Sylvi, and they carried on life together. When he was just big enough to pick up an axe, his father began to teach him how to fight. Kjell was expected to follow in his father's wake and become a warrior. This didn't appeal to young Kjell, but he looked up to his father and trained with him whenever he could. This happened more often as his father sailed less and less. He grew into a man just as his baby brother was born. He didn't feel like a real man – always behind in his peer group and a "momma's boy". When Ujarak offered to take him voyaging, he took it believing it would turn him into a real man. Little did he know that it would lead to a test bigger than he could ever imagine.

Personality: Kjell was always a compassionate, sweet child. He's always wanting to please the people around him and live up to the expectations given to him by his culture and family. The relationship with his mother is tight and precious to him. Kjell loves her more than anything else. She understands him. He loves his father too, but sometimes he feels distant from who Ujarak really is. When Siggurd was born, Kjell's motivation to achieve manhood grew. He wanted to be an example for his younger sibling and prove he could become a real man.

Weapons They Fight With: He can fight with an axe like his father, but he picked up using a spear quicker and prefers it more than Ujarak.

Friends and Family: Kjell is closest with his mother, Sylvi. He is strengthening his bond with Ujarak in his search for manhood. Siggurd is still just a baby, but Kjell feels protective and responsible for his future.

Favorite Activities: Kjell likes to hear stories about Viking mythology from his mother. He also enjoys training with spears with his father.

The Day They Were Captured: Kjell was with Ujarak preparing to raid someplace on the coast of Ireland when strange looking men attacked. He was separated from his father in the fight as several of their compatriots died. In the last spur of hope, Kjell gathered his courage and led the men against the enemy before they could kill his father. Just as Ujarak shouted for them to retreat, he was struck with Thor's lightning bolt. Stunned, Kjell and the men were distracted long enough for them to be overtaken and Kjell dragged into what he could only describe as the land of the gods.


Name: Turgen

Age: 10

Gender: Male

Time they're from: 467 (born 457)

Country they're from: Mongolia

Languages they speak: Mongolian, Hunnic

Appearance: Turgen is a small boy with small brown eyes and a wide flat nose. His cheeks are pink from the cold and his fingers are calloused from the constant use of rope. He keeps his dark hair short and wears crudely sewed animal leathers and furs underneath a thick coat his mother bought from traders. His legs are strong and sturdy from riding horseback and she has sharp reflexes.

Backstory: Turgen was born in Mongolia under Hun rule, yet he and his family identify apart from the Hun war-like life. They are horsemen and drive their cattle around the plains and mountains. It was only when Turgen was about 4 when a group of Hun warriors forced them to house and feed them as they traveled. They helped drive cattle, but otherwise they were foul men who leached off of his family's already limited resources. Over the next few years, other families and groups joined them – some traditional Mongolians, some peaceful Hun nomads. But with them also came warrior parasites. Amid this caravan, when Turgen was 9, he met a meek young woman abducted from China. Her name was Khen. Turgen thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and he hated the way the Hun men treated her. He knew they were bad men before, but now he couldn't stand them. He began to sneak in and out of yurts to secretly give her bandages and food. He was never questioned since he was a child and he was never caught because he was so small and quick. At first Khen was suspicious and terrified of him, expecting the very worst of her enemy's children. Yet, the more he helped the more she warmed up to him. He was always kind, but they never spoke.

Personality: Turgen is a gentle soul with a heart of fire. He flares up at injustice and is angry at the world for its cruelty. From the time he met the Hun warriors, he swore to himself he would defend all that is good against people who take advantage and lay waste to purity. That is why he loves horses. Not only are they close companions, but they have no desire to inflict pain on others. They are pure hearts that just want to run like the wind and eat green grass. Turgen loves horses more than he loves his family and he loves his horse more than he loves life itself. Deep down he fears more than he hates. The Hun warriors terrify him and he wishes they would just go away and leave his family alone

Weapons They Fight With: Turgen doesn't fight – he rides horses and herds cattle.

Friends and Family: Turgen has very young parents who love him tenderly and raise him with grace. His grandparents are more hardy, but they spoil him to their hearts content. Turgen twin baby brothers. Turgen thinks they're exciting, but they aren't too interesting. He's waiting until they're old enough to walk. Then he can show them around the horses. Turgen is very concerned whenever his family is near a warrior, but he's never brave enough to say anything. Turgen designated Khen, a young woman he met, as his new friend. They haven't really spoken, but he's determined to help her. His family owns several horses, but he has his very own named Salkhi. Being with Salkhi is peace for Turgen.

Favorite Activities: Turgen's favorite thing is to ride Salkhi. Most of the time they're driving cattle but sometimes they will just wander the plain alone with the wind. The most exciting thing to do is when the other horseboys get together and they hold a race. Turgen and Salkhi have won only once, but they plan to do it again and again until they're the best.

The Day They Were Captured: A group of strange men came in the night while Turgen was trying to sneak Khen some food. Confused and afraid, he was found and taken by these men to a strange place. He has never been so afraid in his life.


Name: Rhonda Phillips

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Time they're from: 1973 (born 1950)

Country they're from: Mississippi, United States of America

Languages they speak: English

Appearance: Rhonda has an afro that puts Diana Ross's to shame. She is a lithe five foot ten with spindly arms and a smile that goes ear to ear. She has smooth black skin and matching deep set eyes. Just as the 70s entail, Rhonda wears bell-bottoms, wide collared shirts, and knit pullovers.

Backstory: Rhonda was practically raised by her grandparents. Her father was killed in what was deemed an "accident" and her mother worked so long and so hard she was barely around. Rhonda appreciated her mother's ambition, but she felt distanced from her. Rhonda went through everything from racial to gender persecution in her childhood. The neighborhood may have been relatively safe, but she always felt vulnerable at school. Despite this, she sought out the best time she could have. Sometimes that meant marijuana and beer long before she was old enough to have it. Bad experiences in her life rolled off her shoulders and were abandoned; her philosophy always holding to leaving the past behind and holding onto what you got now. That was at least one belief she held as firmly as her mother did. Rhonda isn't sure where life will take her. Her mother presses her to find something she wants to work in, but she just doesn't know. She can't bear the thought of working something she might not love.

Personality: Rhonda is fun-loving and a bit of a free spirit. She's always on the hot new trends if not setting them – pioneering the latest lingo and being the first to try out whatever whacky thing came to town. She's the life of the party followed by multitudes of friends. The fast life fuels her. Yet, underneath it all she's also covering up all the scars and unhealed wounds – lies she's been told that fester and make her doubt her own humanity. On the outside, she won't stand for it, but inside she's not sure what she believes. So she puts on some heels and seeks out the time of her life that will distract her from the existentialism.

Weapons They Fight With: Rhonda doesn't fight with weapons, but she does have a mean ass slap and an encyclopedia of witty comebacks.

Friends and Family: Rhonda's most precious family is her grandparents. They raised her and kept her grounded while the world stirred around her. She loves her mother dearly, but she doesn't really know her well and wishes she could have the kind of relationship that she sees with other mothers and daughters. Her father died when she was a small child, the circumstances being more than fishy, but she was told he was an honest man who had a heart for fun and a soul for music.

Favorite Activities: Rhonda is a partier and sometimes a shopper, but one of her favorite things to do when she's anywhere is singing. She has an incredible voice and she is not afraid to use it.

The Day They Were Captured: It was a late night – or should I say, an early morning – when Rhonda and her friends were nearly passed out on a ripped couch in the backyard of someone's second cousin with a groovy fire pit. They had had a few too many drinks... and maybe one too many puffs of pot. Nonetheless, no one was prepared for the dudes who came out of nowhere. All Rhonda could remember was a blur of bright colors and white men who kind of looked funny. Their faces made her laugh but at the same time something in her chest made it feel wrong.


Name: Mrs. Clara Norton

Age: 40

Gender: Female

Time they're from: 1820 (born 1780)

Country they're from: England

Languages they speak: English, French

Appearance: Clara is considered relatively handsome. She has pale skin, an oval face, a long nose, and curled black hair that is always pinned back. Her dark grey eyes seem emotionless at times, but there is a spark just waiting to be lit by witty joke or a gay story. She is average height and slightly plump. Her nimble fingers have made many years' worth of children's clothing. Her own clothing is simple and modest.

Backstory: Clara is the last child of her father, a clergyman by the name of Willem Lindsey. There were three boys born before her and if it weren't for their doting, she would have believed she was nothing but a nuisance. Her mother was strict and never let her play with the boys. Clara was made into a decent house-keeper with an average education and an excellent seamstress. Otherwise she was regarded as clumsy and mousy. When her brothers promised from the depths of their hearts to take care of her should she never marry, she wanted to rely on them and not dabble in any of the mess that included marriage. This only lasted a couple of years before she met a kind, quiet farmer and fell desperately in love. She was married at nineteen with all of her brothers' blessings. As Mrs. Clara Charles Norton, she quickly settled in and had her first daughter. Two boys and another girl came soon after, completing and filling her life with the joys of motherhood. They grew up and now her eldest is married with a child of almost two years of age.

Personality: Clara is a slow, quiet person who basks in peace and takes joy in appreciating each moment's blessings to the fullest. Her heart is filled with nothing but love and her home is overflowing with it. She's gentle and patient and doesn't push back. In some ways she spoiled her children, but they learned to be thrifty being in a lower class. Clara never cared much for vanity and gave whatever lavish things she had to her family. As a young woman she feared poverty and what it might do to her husband, but they worked through it together. As mother of four, she only fears that her children will not succeed in life. Although she is mellow, she still enjoys to thrilled by the humor of a joke or anecdote. It surprises some people when she tells one herself – to the amusement of her knowing husband.

Weapons They Fight With: Clara is the opposite of a fighter. She barely has enough zest to argue with her husband. She has pricked a few baby's butts with a pin if they were misbehaving, however.

Friends and Family: Clara's parents moved in with her eldest brother when their father retired. She still sees them weekly along with the rest of her brothers and their families. Clara has a unique relationship with each brother. The eldest, Willem III, is fussy about her comfort, always wanting to help, gift, and favor Clara and her family. She appreciates it but sometimes his gifts are more suited for her children than herself. The second, George, is a witty and charming man who swaps stories with Clara and entertains her children with silly tricks and tickles. The third, Edward, is closest to Clara. They spend visits reading, talking about their love of life, and the past and future late into the night in sweet companionship. Her husband Charles is the love of her life and they rarely argue. Her children are: Anna who is twenty, Robert who is eighteen, Edward II who is fifteen, and Katherine who is fourteen. Anna is happily married with a baby. Robert was sponsored by his uncle Willem to apprentice in a higher society. Edward stayed behind to follow in his father's footsteps. Katherine is still young and while falls behind on sewing, excels at cooking.

Favorite Activities: Clara loves to sit and read in the evenings with her family. When she isn't reading aloud herself, she is sewing away. Sewing is another one of her favorite things to do at any time of day.

The Day They Were Captured: Clara and her two youngest were walking around the fields at sunset when a group of men appeared. She tried to inquire about their business but they grabbed her and said she would be going with them. Edward thought quickly and made his sister run while he tried to defend his mother, but he was easily kicked down and she was whisked away.


Name: Una MacHunnha

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Time they're from: 1307 (born 1290)

Country they're from: Scotland

Languages they speak: English, Gaelic (Scottish)

Appearance: Una has long fiery red hair, a speckled face, and forest green eyes. She's five foot five with rounded curves. When she walks she takes large steps, making her appear taller than she really is. Her hair is thick and wavy, never tied back and always cascading down her back. She's stronger than she looks from training.

Backstory: Una is the daughter of a Scottish Lord. She was raised with an education and a love for her home country. She insisted she also be taught the art of war, believing she was just as good as a man when it came to the fight. With Robert The Bruce struggling for power, Una knew she wanted to be apart of it. Her father swore allegiance to Robert and their family traveled to meet him. There she met Robert the Bruce's brother, Alexander de Brus. The two instantly became friends, sharing their passion and ideals for the future of their home. Not long after her family returned home, their home was attacked, and her parents murdered. She escaped with her life and swore to avenge them. Una met up with Alexander once again and followed wherever the battle led him. It wasn't long before they fell in love. They promised to wed once Scotland was secured. But Una never expected the battle at Loch Ryan. Little did she know that she was destined to die.

Personality: Una is single-minded and determined. She can also be incredibly stubborn and head-strong. Una doesn't care for things she doesn't have use for and will often apply the same logic to people. Those that doubt her or try to tell her what she can or cannot do are ignored and written off. People say she has a bad temper, but she's never irrationally mad. They mistake her blunt honesty for anger.

Weapons They Fight With: Una was trained to use long swords and short swords. After meeting Alexander she learned to use some axes and daggers. She still prefers the long sword, however.

Friends and Family: Una had a mother and father. They worried over how she would find a suitable husband, but they loved her too much to stop her from training. She also had a younger sister who was more feminine than her. She was just as bright, but loathed physical activity. Una buried their names when they died and she will only speak them again once they are avenged. Alexander is her hope of a future after that revenge.

Favorite Activities: Una's down time usually includes chess or an occasional Celtic tune, but her soul is truly alive when she's lost in the battle with a single goal in mind.

The Day They Were Captured: Una's world was crumbling as the English overran the Scots at Loch Ryan. Alexander was nowhere in sight and she was cornered and vulnerable. She knew she was going to die and she whispered a prayer under breath – asking her family forgiveness for failing them and wishing they would welcome her in death despite it. When she opened her eyes, she had been saved. It wasn't long before she realized that she had jumped out of the pan and into the fire. Would she regret being plucked from her fate?


Name: Falerius Petreius

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Time they're from: 280 (born 242)

Country they're from: Egypt

Languages they speak: Latin, Greek, Coptic, and Aramaic

Appearance: Falerius has bronzed skin and deep-set eyes that peer out from under heavy brows. His hair is thick and curly and he sports a beard. He's about six feet tall, but he's usually hunching over something so it's hard to tell. When he's not focused in the contents of a scroll, he has a very nice smile and broad shoulders.

Backstory: Falerius was born in Alexandria into higher society and given a thorough education which he pursued with zeal. Knowledge became his life and he spend years collecting it. As an adult he was pressured to marry by his family. When he did marry, Titia was the only one of his parents' attempts at match-making who truly caught his eye. She was bright and quiet and had enrapturing eyes. She respected his time and space for his studies but reminded him to eat and sleep when he forgot about the rest of the world. When he felt like there was not much more to learn, he began to create. He wrote everything from poems to tragedies and even contemplated a few epics. He set his sights to the Library of Alexandria and was determined to write his way there.

Personality: Falerius is rather energetic for someone who spends his days reading and writing. You'll see him bouncing his knee or tapping the table. His talent is being able to focus all his attention on one thing and work for hours on end. His thirst for knowledge and love for creating spurs him in everything he does. When he's not held up in his study, he is a talkative person and – as expected – a wealth of knowledge in every situation. His friends see him as charming, but his close friends know how quiet he can be. For how much he knows, sometimes he appears awkward when it comes to gossip. If his friends aren't making ground-breaking discoveries, he doesn't care who they were with last week and for what. This isn't to say he doesn't care about them. He just has a hard time showing it.

Weapons They Fight With: Falerius' weapon is knowledge and imagination.

Friends and Family: Falerius is an only child and has a fair relationship with his parents. They believe he is obsessive even if he is successful. Titia is a source of reality and retreat for him. She makes him realize when he's gone too far and needs a rest. He often wonders what he ever did without her.

Favorite Activities: He loves to bury himself in his study, but he also enjoys being with his friends where he can converse his ideas instead of dictating them. Another favorite thing to do is relax with his lovely wife -cOUGH-

The Day They Were Captured: Falerius was at the library when foreigners stalked in the room and seized him and a few others. At first he panicked in thinking he had wronged the law, but these men were not of Egypt. They took him to a place where knowledge literally walked by him at every moment. Did he walk into a dream or just a disguised nightmare?


Name: Titia Petreius

Age: 34

Gender: Female

Time they're from: 279 (born 241)

Country they're from: Egypt

Languages they speak: Latin, Greek, Coptic, and Aramaic

Appearance: Titia has soft yellow hair and captivating silver blue eyes. Her skin is very light, but it tans well if she stays in the sun. She's tall and slender and not very strong, but she is coordinated and graceful.


Backstory: Titia was born into a high-society family in Egypt, but had Greek origins. She grew up socializing and learning about everyone. Finding out everything she could about people was her hobby when she was not allowed to do much else. Her self-made rule, however, was to never give out this information like the other women did. She kept it all to herself. She did have a fine education considering her place. Despite her position in society, she 'lowered' herself to complete chores servants would. She was the keeper of her chamber and enjoyed maintaining the beauty she brought to it. Her parents found it odd, but hoped it would aid her in managing her own home one day. Titia found the prospect of marriage daunting, knowing how so often the matches made for the sake of connections went sour after wedlock. Even so, she understood it was expected of her and made her parents promise to consider character if they insisted she marry. Titia had low expectations of the men she met and many fell short. She was at her wits end when she met Falerius. At first she believed he wished to slight her by refusing to take part in conversation, but once she caught him on a subject he enjoyed, she discovered his brilliant mind and kind soul. Once they were married, she realized his body could not keep up with his brain and made sure he allowed himself to eat and rest. When he did rest, he was tender and open. She never imagined she would be so happy with a man who loved her so dearly.

Personality: Titia could be described as 'perfect' by her peers, but it's only through her hard work that she has such great appearance and diplomacy. She loves everything beautiful and her home reflects the love and care she puts into it. Closer friends understand that she's human and has her moments – sometimes she bursts under great stress and says cruel things she doesn't mean. But she is always penitent afterward and strives to improve herself. Sometimes her life of grandeur feels empty and without purpose. The shallow conversations drive her away eventually and she finds herself drawn to her husband's lifestyle of reclusiveness for deeper satisfaction. Falerius' welcomes her into his den of knowledge until her soul is rejuvenated and once again she seeks out the excitement of her friends. He needs her to keep him grounded in reality and she needs him to whisk her to the sky.

Weapons They Fight With: Titia does not know how to fight, but she is a quick thinker and will grab whatever is near to defend herself.

Friends and Family: Titia is very close to her parents and parents-in-law. They keep in touch and meet often. She had two younger siblings but both were sickly and died when they were young. For this reason, she is afraid for when she has her own children. Titia loves her husband Falerius up and down, deep and wide, and would spend eternity with him.

Favorite Activities: Titia enjoys spending time in Alexandria with her friends doing everything and anything. When she isn't out or entertaining guests, she loves to take care of her home and keep it beautiful. Another favorite thing to do is relax with her wonderful husband -cOUGH-

The Day They Were Captured: When Falerius reappeared after being missing for a year, she thought she was dreaming. Together with the help of his companions, they saved the Prince's life and supposedly saved history. She didn't quite believe that last part until Falerius pulled her through a magical door and showed her the future.

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