Spot 5: JesterheadJohnSnow

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1) Name: Akhenaten (or Amenhotep IV) (pronounced Ahk-n-ahton)

Age: 46

Gender: male

time:(1353-1336 BC)

country: Egypt

Languages they speak: Ancient Egyptian, some English

Appearance: Like most Egyptians, Akhenaten had chocolate-colored eyes as well as a caramel skin tone. Moreover, due to him suspected of having Marfan's syndrome, he was tall, had a wide arm span, and a skinny build. His appearance would appear unusual to most of his fellow Egyptians, which would result in him being ridiculed behind his back. 
Personality: Akhenaten may have a quirky and rebellious attitude, he displays individualism and stands out among the other pharaohs.He is unwavering in his decisions and so strong willed that nothing others would say would sway him. Some may think him brilliant while other would think he was a madman, but he is a unique Pharaoh as well as a person.

Backstory: Akhenaten , born as Amenhotep IV,was the youngest son of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, a known Pharaoh.Once his older brother Thutmose, who was supposed to be the heir to the throne, passed away, Amenhotep IV rose to take his place. IN 1353 B.C, the young Amenhotep became Pharaoh when the Egyptian civilization was at its peak. During his 5th year of rule, he had changed his name to Akhenaten, meaning 'Living Spirit of Aten'. This was around the same time when he completely rebooted the religion of the ancient Egyptians from polytheism to monotheism much to the chagrin of his people. Instead of keeping gods like Amen, Horus, and Osiris, he introduced a sun disk known as Aten and taught his people that this disk was above all other gods and gave life. He even went as far as to build new temples and a new city known as Amarna to honor Aten. During his reign, the oddball Pharaoh changed the aspect of art as well. Rather than placing an emphasis on ideal body art, he made sure to switch to realism. Moreover, he had halted any foreign Egyptian military campaigns that were going on that that time. He was married to Nefertiti, but had many consorts with him as well.

Weapons: His weapons include a scimitar, a couple daggers, and a shield which he never used at all.

Friends and Family: His family consists of his wife Nefertiti as well as various consorts whom he loves dearly. In addition to that, he has several sons and daughters, most notably Tutankhamen, AKA King Tut, that are really important to him.

Favorite Activities: Like all Pharaohs, Akhenaten liked to play board games like Senet or Dogs and Jackals in his spare time. He couldn't play physical sports thanks to him having Marfan's Syndrome, causing him heart problems.

The day they were captured: As Akhenaton was exiled to the desert, he had thought that was the end of him until he had seen a light flash in the sky. Thinking it was Aten reaching out to him, the Pharaoh was elated to meet his god until to his horror, he learned otherwise. He was brought to some alien-looking building where he was to spend his eternity educating museum patrons about his culture. Resigned to his fate, he assumed that this was life after death so he came to terms with it.


2) Name: Jarl Starkad ( Yarl Stahr-kahd)


Gender: male
time: 810-849
country: Scandinavia, modern day Denmark
Languages he speaks: Old Norse, some English that was recently taught to him.
Appearance: The Jarl is over six feet tall, possesses broad shoulders and a fit body. He has light brown hair, bright blue eyes, and a beard that cover the lower half of his face. He may seem intimidating, but outside appearances can be deceiving.

weapons: His weapons include a sword and a shield.
Backstory: Born in what is today known as Denmark, Starkad Kaertenson was the second son of Jarl Kaerten. The middle child among three boys, Starkad takes everything he was taught seriously. From faith in Odin as well as the rules of his father's lands, Starkad would make an effort to learn everything about the way of the Vikings. As a child, he had begged his father to let him attend the Althing with Mord so he could formally become a man worthy of succeeding his father. Reluctantly,his father had cajoled Mord to take young Starkad to the yearly event. However, tragedy would strike the family. It wasn't long until a man named Thorarin had challenged Kaerten in a combat for his position. This resulted in the death of their father as well as the man usurping their father's title. Thorarin had honored the former Jarl's request to spare the lives of his family members so Starkad and his remaining family members were safe for now. Several years later when he was brave and strong enough, Starkad had challenged the usurper to combat for the title of Jarl and ended up winning it back for his family. His brother Mord, who wasn't brave enough to do attempt such a feat, was initially jealous, but grew to overcome envy with respect and awe for his younger brother's prowess and courage displayed during the duel. Not long after, Starkad and his oldest son Arnvid would set off for conquests of foreign lands in the West. They would soon establish base in modern day Isle of Man.
Personality: Although he could be fierce and deadly in battle, Jarl Starkad follows a code of honor and respects his foes. He believes those who don't adhere to laws to be unworthy of any titles bestowed upon them. He seems intimidating because of his size, but he is a kind soul. Moreover, he adheres strictly to his faith in the gods.
Friends and Family: He had respected and even feared his father before the man's untimely demise. He also has a deep respect for his mother Heitha. He has tough love for his brothers Mord and Hauskuld. He loves his wife Melkorka and has high expectations for his oldest son Arnvid. He holds his second son Thorgeir to a high standard as well. He is much softer on his daughter Gerda.
How he was captured: He was sitting inside his home in the recently conquered Isle of Man, listening to people's grievances and requests when a couple outlandish individuals approached him. Thinking they were foreigners on Saxon lands, he demanded to know who they were and what business did they have with them. These foreigners would then use a foreign weapon that would shoot lightning to stun him and abduct him from his position. Later on, he would learn that this weapon was called a taser and its purpose was to take immobilize an individual and prohibit him from resisting. The Jarl would then begrudgingly accept his fate in the museum, but it pains him each night to know that instead of feasting in Valhalla, he would live out the rest of eternity as a kind of slave for these people.


3) Name: Johannes Kepler (pronounced Yo-han-is Kehp-Luhr)

Age: 48

Gender: Male

Time: 1571-1619

Country: Modern day Germany
Languages he speaks: German, heavily accented English
Appearance: Tycho is a slender man with a sharp intellect, but a poor body figure. He has pale skin, graying brown hair , and achin length brown beard. Furthermore, he has hazel eyes.
Backstory: Johannes Kepler was born in 1571 in Weil der Stadt in modern day Germany in a family whose fortune had taken a fall for the worst.His father was a mercenary who was martyred in the Eighty Years War while his mother was a healer. As a child, Johannes was sickly, but his mathematical abilities impressed everyone.Moreover, he would get exposed to astronomy early when he was taken to see the Great Comet of 1577 and this would end up as his lifelong passion. As a result, he was awarded a scholarship to the University of Tupingen. It was here where he was introduced to Copernicus's heliocentric ideas which he would become strongly defensive of. Despite wanting to become a minister as he was brought up to as a Lutheran, he had accepted a position as a teacher of mathematics and astronomy at the age of 23 at the Protestant school in Graz. He would leave this school due to his religious views as a Lutheran, but would move to Prague to work with Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe. After Brahe's death, he would publish a couple of books in which he would explain how the physics of optics really work. In Astronomia Pars Optica, he would set the bar in how to create then set the bar on how to create eyeglasses for nearsightedness and farsightedness. In Stereometrica Dolirium, he would explain how telescopes really work. This would then help him establish his laws that planetary motion isn't circular. Rather, it is elliptical.
Personality: To those around him, Johannes doesn't come off as boring. Rather, he is a fun and stimulating person. He is also intelligent and sharp, not to mention quirky and soft-natured.

Weapons: He doesn't have any lethal weapons per se, but an astronomer's main weapon is his telescope.
Friends and Family: Johannes was good friends with Tycho Brahe until his death. His father had died when he was young and his mother followed not long after. He is close to his three siblings which he had not spoken to in a while as well as his wife and many sons and daughters.
Favorite Activities: Johannes likes to stargaze, read works of previous astronomers and mathematicians, and sometimes attend important events and celebrations.
How they were captured: As he took a break to stargaze one night, he was approached by some oddly-dressed men who had offered him a teaching position with a prestigious title and compensation. Agreeing, he had followed them to their mechanistic invention only to learn that he was tricked into eternal slave work at the hands of Kenneth. Enraged, he had grudgingly accepted the job since there was no other alternative. Kepler resigned himself to the fact that he would spend the rest of his days teaching museum attendees about math and astronomy.

4) Name: Zheng Chenggong ( or Koxinga) (pronounced Jhung Chung-ong)

Age: 36

Gender: male

Time: 1624-1661

Country: China
Languages he speaks: Hokkien, Japanese, broken English
Appearance: Like most people from East Asia, Zheng has a dark hair, a beard with a matching color, and almond-shaped eyes. He has a slightly tan complexion from being out in the sun for a long time as a pirate. He is fit and able-bodied as well in addition to standing at 5'7.
Backstory: Zheng Chenggong, also known as Koxinga to Westerners, was born in Hirado, Japan to a Japanese mother and a Chinese father. His father was a maritime trader as well as a pirate who controlled the Taiwan Strait. At the age of 7, Chenggong was taken to Fujian, China by his father, who was offered a maritime defense position by the Ming Dynasty, where he studied Confucian education in Nanjing. A year later, the Qing Empire invaded from Manchuria and the Zheng family defended prince Tang the pretender in Fujian. The prince himself bestowed the title of Zhu on the young Chenggong, which would be where is Western name, Koxinga, comes from as the Dutch hear it. Once the Manchus invaded southern China and killed Tang, Zheng Zhilong, Chenggong's father, surrendered to them for the sake of retaining his position, but Chenggong refused to succumb like his father. Over the next 12 years, Zheng would build up a force of rebels and pirates for the purpose of restoring the Ming Dynasty. Many times, the Qing would try to sway him, but he would refuse to even hear out their bribes. He was dominating the seas in his war against the Qing invaders, but his forces were crushed on land. As a result, he captured Taiwan from the Dutch and set up an administration there for the Fujian refugees. He had then planned to liberate the Philippines from the Spanish, but had never received the chance to.

Personality: Chenggong is witty and sly as well as intelligent to say the least. He is a quick thinker and knows how to bluff his way out of a situation.

Weapons: He mainly carries a sword, but rarely is seen with a weapon that requires gun powder like a musket.

Favorite activities; Chenggong was known to gamble and drink. Moreover, he would also attend entertainment events like acrobats or shows put on by actors when he isn't busy fighting the Qing.
Friends and family: He had good relations with his mother while his relations with his father soured after they took opposing sides in the Qing-Ming conflict. Zheng Jhing, his son, whom he raised to be like him. He also loves his wife Queen Dong for her support in his efforts against the foreigners.

How he was captured: One morning, he was just returning from a scouting run with his crew when he met several foreigners in outlandish clothing. Thinking they were remnants of the former Dutch occupiers, he met with them and tried to bribe the men to leave, only to be restrained by Kenneth's agents and their foreign weapons. As a result, he was brought to Kenneth and reluctantly agreed to spend eternity teaching children and adults alike about his time period.


5) Name:Thomas Parrish


Gender: male

Time period: 1744-1776

Country: England /colonial USA

Languages he speaks: English, German, French, a little bit of Iroquois.

Appearance: Thomas is a man of medium height as well as a fit build despite being a bookworm. He has chestnut-colored hair as well as a matching beard in addition to his pale skin and green eyes.
Backstory:Originally a schoolteacher from England, Thomas Parrish had joined up with the British forces in order to quell the rebellion in the colonies. He had wanted to be like his father, who was an officer during the 7 years War, in order for the rest of the people to honor him. His quick thinking as well as his aptitude were essential for him to rise up the ranks. One day, he had witnessed the brutality and true colors of the lobsterbacks once the Boston massacre occurred. Using his contacts on the rebel side, including Sam Adams, John Hancock, and General Washington, he was able to defect to the rebel side. Using his code name Cypher, he ran a spy ring for Washington alongside the Culper Ring in addition to being his adviser.

Personality: Thomas is witty yet sarcastic. He believes those of the sharpest intellect like himself have great humor. Despite being awkward, he is a devoted and loyal person and would not hesitate to do the right thing no matter the cost. He is also a gifted analytical thinker which is his defining feature.
Weapons: A musket and a sabre he had taken from a surrendering British Officer.
Favorite activities: Thomas likes to hang out at taverns with his fellow colonists and drink as well as converse. He rarely gambles, but he occasionally takes part in order to occupy himself. Playing darts is another favorite leisure activity for him. However, his main favorite past-time his chess although he wouldn't mind playing checkers once in a while.
Friends and Family: He considers Washington, Sam Adams, John Hancock, as well as Benjamin Tallmadge and Abraham Woodhull is closest friends who is is on good terms with. However, he and his father have a falling out due to his defection while he hasn't talked to his wife and child back in England after entering the colonies.

How they were captured: During the dead of the night, Thomas was awaiting a message from one of his spies when a peculiar-looking object appeared next to him and two burly men exited it. Reminding him of a recent misadventure from a year before, he thought Kortana and her friends were returning to visit him, only to receive the surprise of his life when he was brought before Kenneth and forced to serve as some sort of history teacher form the patrons. Initially, he was wary of the true nature of his job, but he eventually saw it as no different from his job before becoming a revolutionary.


6) Name : Viktor Dragunov
Age: 32

Gender: male

Time Period: 1910-1942

Country: Soviet Russia
Languages they speak: Russian, heavily-accented English
Appearance: Viktor is about 5'8 with a sharp look. He is a light complexion along with ocean blue eyes. He has raven-colored hair to his shoulders as well as a mild stubble on his chin. A scar also runs across his left eye to his cheek, a token of a recent scuffle with a German scout.
Backstory: Born in Leningrad, present day St. Petersburg, as the oldest of three boys to two working class parents,Viktor was always an ambitious and energetic young lad. His parents couldn't reign his hyperactivity in, so they would send him outside so he could play. When he was young, the first World War had broken out and the Czar had ordered all able bodied men to take part and enlist in the White Army. His father was one of those men and Viktor was proud to boast about his father's membership in the Russian military, However, a few years later, his father had returned from war a broken and wounded man. Despite trying to explain the horrors of war to a young Viktor, the boy would still approach the subject enthusiastically. He was disappointed when the Brest-Litovsk Treaty was signed and the Russian Army had opted out from the war. To him, this was like a surrender in which his country lost its honor. However, it wasn't long until the Red Army which followed Vladmir Lenin's ideology that appealed to working class families like Viktor's rose to challenge the corruption of the Czar's White Army. Viktor's father had defected from the Czar's military and joined up with the Communists in order to overthrow the corrupt monarchy. Once the Czar and his family were wiped out, Viktor once again gained hope for his country and his father and it wasn't long before he would join up with the Red Army as the Soviet Union would expand. To him, what the Communist regime was doing was actually breaking the chains of the oppressed and cracking down on the corrupt bourgeoise. However, he would question his loyalty when he had learned that there was corruption in the Soviet Politburo once Stalin had deposed of his rival Leonid Trotsky and the purges began. He would work his way up to the rank of Captain for his services in the Red Army until the Nazis invaded during the Second World War, breaking the Non-aggression Pact signed by Hitler and Stalin. Captain Dragunov and his brothers would then commit the rest of their lives to defending the motherland from the Nazi invaders.

Personality: Viktor is a joyous and easygoing man. However, there are times when he needs to be strict with his regiment and won't hesitate to punish those who would deviate from the rules. He loves partying, but he knows his limits as well. His time in the Red Army had slightly hardened him and he learned to be more assertive than before.

Weapons: A PPS submachine gun and a Luger taken from a German officer he killed in battle.
Favorite activities: Viktor drinks and likes to have fun with his comrades on his spare time. When things quiet down, he plays the piano or reads a good book. Sometimes, you could see him engaged in a game of soccer.
Friends and family: His parents mean a lot to him as do his comrades and subordinates, especially his lieutenant Sergei Azarov. He and his newly-wedded wife Oksana, who is a partisan fighter, have been separated during Stalingrad's siege, but they remain close in their feelings for one another. He hasn't heard of his two brothers since the Great Patriotic War began, but he will always have them with him in his thoughts and heart.

How they were captured: During the siege of Stalingrad, Captain Dragunov had taken a bullet from famed German sniper Heinz Thorvald and had to be taken to a makeshift hospital, which was a bombed-out factory. That was when Kenneth's men had arrived in the time machine. Seeing that Viktor was vulnerable and no one was around, they snatched him and transported him back to their timeline. Captain Dragunov put up quite a struggle, but he was restrained and gradually indoctrinated to do his duty over there.


7) Name: Paul Walker

Age: 23

Gender: male

Time Period: 1930-1953

Country: USA Languages he speaks: English

Appearance: Paul has unkempt brown hair as well as some acne scars on his white skin. He has grey eyes and a devious grin plastered on his face. He is 5'8 tall.

Weapons: His weapons include a browning automatic rifle and a 0.45 colt sidearm pistol.Backhistory: Born in Santa Cruz, California to an accountant and a stay at home mother, Paul Walker was an average child born during the era where the people were reeling from the effects of the Great Depression, especially the Walker family. It was during this time that Franklin Delano Roosevelt would introduce his New Deal which would allow some breathing room for his family. Growing up with his younger siblings, Paul would get bored to death in school and end up goofing off, ending up in him getting in trouble. Moreover, he lacked the motivation to study so his grades were impacted negatively. He was in elementary school when the Second World War erupted. Paul and his two best friends Wally and Joe would fantasize about joining the military and shooting up the enemy abroad. It wasn't long until they would get their chance in the new era. Determined to face down the Communist threat, Paul Walker and his close buddies enlisted to the Korean War to fight Kim Il-Sung's well-armed force in addition to taking on Mao Zedong's Chinese reinforcements sent to aid the North Korean military.
Personality: Paul is a known practical joker which had earned him the title of class clown throughout his school years. Since he joined the military, Paul has been more reserved and caring. he takes things more seriously now and never goofs off anymore.
Favorite Activities: In order to pass time, Paul likes to play sports like basketball and football. He also likes to swim and hike. The only sedentary thing he likes to do is to watch television. His favorite shows include the Three Stooges and Charlie Chaplin episodes.
Friends and Family: He is close with his fellow enlistees, especially Wally Bridger and Joe Romano. He is on good terms with his parents despite getting on their nerves as a prankster. He also is really close to his younger brother Jack as well as his sister Janet.
How he was captured: He and his unit had taken heavy fire from the North Korean armored division just outside Pyongyang during a nocturnal offensive during the coldest winter. Being pinned down, Paul used his AN-PRC 6 walkie-talkie to radio for back up. Watching his unit get harassed by the North Koreans, Paul ran up to a mountain top to see if backup had arrived. Except, it was not an American helicopter. Rather, a weird-looking object from an H.G. Wells novel had appeared from out of the snow and Paul was captured by Kenneth's men. Reluctantly, he resigned himself to educating patrons about his experiences in the war. To him, this was no different than being a prisoner of war.


1. Wrong for the Greater Good Award characterName: Tutankhamun (or King Tut)
Age:16Gender: maletime: 1341-1324 Egyptlanguages they speak: ancient EgyptianAppearance: King Tut is 5'8, has caramel-colored skin,black eyes, short-cropped dark hair, as well as a club-foot. His disability makes it hard for him to move around . Moreover, he is scrawny like his father. He is also susceptible to diseases due to having poor genetics as a result of inbreeding.Picture:
Personality: Akhenaten is attentive, spunky, eager, and a little too hotheaded for his own good.backstory: Tutankhamun ( meaning the living image of Amun) was born in 1341 B.C. in ancient Egypt to Pharaoh Akhenaten and one of his female cousins (or sisters) in a time where ancient Egypt was in an uproar over 'the heretic king's' reformation of religion. His original name, Tutankhaten, meant the living image of Aten, was discarded when his advisers did away with his father's Amarna Revolution and he soon ascended to pharaoh, ushering in the 18th Egyptian Dynasty. He had accomplished nothing remarkable as opposed to other Pharaohs, but he would gain fame after his death when Howard carter would discover his tomb in 1922.weapons:A scimitar and a dagger.Friends and family: His family consists of his father Akhenaten, his mother, his wet-nurse Maia,his older half-siblings and his tutor Senedjem. Moreover, he would take a wife named Ankhsunamun. His closest adviser, General Horemheb is there to give him good counsel and to calm him down when necessary.Favorite activities: He is known to enjoy listening to stories, music, and other sedentary things due to his disability.The day they were captured: As a result of him surviving a few assassination attempts, Tut had several bodyguards accompany him on his trips, especially on his visit to Giza. Since his existence was a threat to the current timeline, Kenneth had ordered him to be terminated. Starkad was tasked with his elimination, but once he made it inside,he didn't have the heart to hurt his friend's son so he decided to kidnap the boy and drag him along with him to the time machine. 


2. Drama Award character Name: Zhang Xinyi
Age: 27
Gender : male

time: 233 B.C. to 206 B.C.
country: Qin China
Appearance: Xinyi stands at 5'7, possesses shoulder-length black hair, dark almond-shaped eyes, and pale skin. He has a stubble in his chin as well and is well-fit thanks his career as a soldier.
backstory: Zhang Xinyi was born to a military family in modern day Gansu. They had moved to the capital city due to his father's promotion in the ranks. He and his brother would play fight as children, pretending they were soldiers fighting off the enemy horde. This along with his desire to follow in his father's footsteps would settle his career path. He would enter the Emperor's service as a simple foot soldier, but would soon get promoted to the position of a palace guard,stationed within the Forbidden City.

weapons: A Chinese sword with a curved blade and a crossbow.

Friends and family: His closest friends were his fellow palace guards, one of them, his childhood friend Leewha (who was killed in the palace raid). He holds his parents in close regard due to the tradition of filial piety. He also serves as a mentor for his younger brother Han who hopes to follow in his footsteps and join the Imperial guard. He has a wife named Yu who he loves dearly as well as 3 young children.
Favorite activities: On his spare time, he enjoys hunting, sparring, cuju, jiju, and mahjong.
the day they were captured: While he was on guard duty at the royal palace, a group of Chu brigands led by Zheng Chenggong had sacked the royal city. Desperate to do his duty and serve the emperor, Xinyi fought tooth and nail against the invaders. Once they made it to the palace grounds, he managed to take down several invaders before facing off against Chenggong who he mistook as a turncoat guard. Thinking he would have an easy victory, he was gravely mistaken and would end up underestimating the Ming rebel's prowess in battle. As a result, he was captured and taken as a prisoner by Zheng Chenggong.


Name: Lanre Haliaxage: 29gender: maletime: the 13th centurycountry: Francelanguages they speak: French, fractured English, a bit of Spanishappearance: Lanre possesses short-cropped dark hair, a matching beard, and chocolate-colored eyes. His skin tone is light, but not pale due to the time he spent in the sun. He is broad-shouldered and lean due to the time he spends training and in battle. He also dons the white mantle and red cross of the templars in addition to some chainmail and a cloak. image:
personality: Lanre is a devout Christian who takes his faith really seriously. However, this doesn't mean that he puts down others for their views. He believes people shouldn't be ashamed of what they believe in. Lanre would also go out of his way in order to ensure the right thing no matter the cost. This is what makes him courageous and headstrong. Backstory: Lanre grew up in a shabby orphanage outside of Paris run by nuns. As a child, he was fascinated with knighthood and he and a few of his friends at the orphanage would pretend to be knights slaying dragons and other enemies they could imagine. Once he had grown older, he took his vows and joined the order. His first taste of action would be the Second Crusade to take Jerusalem in the Holy land. That was the most thrilling event of his life. He completed significant military adventures that included pushes into enemy territories as well as menial tasks that included providing escort to pilgrims as well as guarding key points. weapons: He carries a longsword as well as sidearms like the arming sword and daggers.Friends and Family: Since he was raised as an orphan, he doesn't know who his family members were, but he considers a few of the closest Templars to him friends since their orphanage days.The day they were captured: While he was on guard duty during a sleeping shift in Aker, two men dressed in outlandish clothing had tried to ambush him, but thankfully he had the upper hand. He came across an unearthly creation that was glowing in a brilliant light that reminded him of an angel, The only thing was that angels weren't made of metal. Once inside, the held the men at swordpoint before learning about what a time machine is. Intrigued by the invention, Lanre played around with it and ended up stranded in 16th century Spain as a result where he would be taken in by the Spanish and would integrate into their society, eventually joining Hernando Cortes on his voyages to the New World. 

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