Spot 6: RondaRayl

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Name: Thomas

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Time they're from: 1841 - 1855

Country: America

Languages: English, a little Lakota

Appearance: Thomas has short blonde hair and he's tall for his age with a medium built. He has a perfect skin tone and brown eyes.

Backstory: His family left Independence, MO to settle west in Oregon. Along the way, his father got sick and the wagon train was forced to leave them behind. Thomas wanted to go off into the woods alone to try to find something to help and his mom didn't want him to. A tribe of Lakota found them and didn't attack but was wary to help because of his father's sickness. One day, a young Lakota boy, age 15, angered a male elk and was attacked, so Thomas saved the Lakota boy. Because of this, the warriors took their medicine man and helped Thomas' father recover.

Personality: Outgoing, adventurous, bit of a rebel who doesn't always listen.

Weapons: None

Friends and family: Ma and Pa and eventually the young Lakota boy

Favorite activities: reading books, walking and exploring the woods

The day he was captured: After his dad recovered, they were trying to catch up to the wagon train when Kenneth's agents attacked and knocked everyone out. Thomas woke up in the future, confused.


Name: Norman

Age: 31

Gender: Male

Time they're from: 1912 - 1943

Country: Poland

Language: Hebrew, Aramaic, a little German and a little English

Appearance: He has short, brown hair with brown eyes covered by glasses. He's tall and slender with average looks.

Backstory: He grew up in a loving Jewish community and met his beautiful wife, Batya. They married and he owned a small store and he knew how to run the business well. They had a happy and content life until the German Nazi's began registering Jews and forced them to close their store. Eventually, they were placed into a concentration camp and separated. He became angry at the suffering, especially when he found out that the women and children had been killed in a gas chamber. Life was hard. Later in the camp, Norman found out that one of his German friends was a guard in the camp and it broke his heart.

Personality: He has a lot of pent up anger, but he's good at controlling and hiding his real emotions. He's intelligent in math and knew how to run a business well.

Weapons: None

Friends and family: His wife, Batya, and a few Jewish friends

Favorite activities: Dancing and singing traditional Jewish songs

The day he was captured: Kenneth's agents came and took several people in the shack Norman stayed at and they were treated better at the Museum so he didn't mind, but he misses Batya terribly.


Name: Richard

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Time they're from: 1944 - 1969

Country: USA

Languages: English

Appearance: Richard has black skin, muscular body, short cropped hair, wide, brown eyes, and a wide nose.

Backstory: Richard lived in a small town to a poor African American family. He wanted to get away from that life and the struggles of his skin color, so he joined in the war in hope that it would change things. He rose in rank and became a lieutenant. Since he was a black officer with a mostly white company, he was often disrespected. One day, he was on patrol and they encountered Viet-cong soldiers. He told them to call in an air strike, but it couldn't get through. So they were left on their own. So they got into a heavy firefight. His soldiers in his company didn't obey his orders and almost half of his company died before reinforcements arrived. After that, they learned to listen to him better.

Personality: Richard is stern, disciplined, serious, and firm.

Weapons: M16 rifle and an M60 machine gun

Friends and family: He has family back in the US and the soldiers who fight with him matter to him.

Favorite activity: Baseball and playing the trumpet

The day he was captured: He was asleep when Kenneth's agents showed up. He fought and killed three of them before they shocked him with a future weapon and took him to the future. He resisted them a lot and didn't want to obey and wanted to find a way back to his time.


Name: Astrid

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Time they're from: 771 A.D - 793 A.D.

Languages: Gaelic, Old Norse, broken English

Appearance: She has rib-length blonde hair and blue eyes. With a fit body, she stands at 5'5 and has an intimidating yet beautiful appearance.

Backstory: Her viking parents farmed a small parcel of land when she was younger. The Earls of Orkney attacked their farm and killed her parents. She ran and hid and eventually escaped. She traveled to her uncle's farm. He taught her how to fight and protect herself. When she became old enough, she joined him in raiding the Earls of Orkney. Her uncle was a rich viking and he taught her to fight with the sword, axe, and shield. One night, she went to the nearby village and found men loyal to the Earls of Orkney. She pretended to be drunk and then killed them all.

Personality: She's a tomboy who loves fighting and weapons and would rather do that than cook and clean.

Weapons: Axe and shield, helmet and chainmail

Friends and family: Her deceased parents, her uncle

Favorite activities: Hunting, fighting, training, weapons, drinking - she can hold her liquor

The day she was captured: After she killed them, Kenneth's agents swooped in and took her, but she killed five of them first. At the Museum, she fights them all the time and refuses to cooperate.


Name: Jackson

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Time they're from: 1758 - 1785

Country: America

Languages: English

Appearance: Jackson has a shaved head with a goatee. He has brown eyes, handsome features and caramel colored skin with a muscular body.

Backstory: Jackson was the son of a slave whose father owned the plantation but eventually, he was sold to another plantation a whole state away. Once at the new plantation, he fell in love with the owner's wife. They carried on their affair in secret for a while. He didn't meet his daily quota one day and the owner started beating him. Jackson grabbed a firepoker and hit the owner with it and it killed the owner. So he ran away and went on the underground railroad and escaped to the north.

Personality: He's kind, compassionate, helpful, and cares about others

Weapons: Barehanded fighter, or whatever's on hand

Friends and family: mom is a slave on another plantation and he has a lot of siblings who were sold everywhere.

Favorite activities: Singing African American spirituals, and gambling

The day he was captured: He was trying to settle north, when Kenneth's agents kidnapped him. He doesn't want to be a slave anymore. He's been fighting them.


Name: Catalina Alessandra Bacherelli

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Time they're from: 1303 - 1324

Country: Italy

Languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish, Hebrew,

Appearance: Hip length, light brownish-red hair with bright green eyes, smooth skin, slim body, standing at 5'4.

Backstory: She was the daughter of a famous Bacherelli artist who traveled with her father to get the patronage and sell his work. She fell in love with one of his students and married at the young age of sixteen. She followed in her father's footsteps and became an artist but because she was female no one accepted or bought her work. So her husband sold them as his own and lied for her. She was her father's favorite child. Their forgery was discovered when she was seen painting and they were coming to arrest them both for fraud.

Personality: She's refined, elegant, mannerly, intelligent, and sweet

Weapons: None

Friends and family: Her father, mother, lots of siblings and her husband

Favorite activity: Painting, sculpting, language

The day she was captured: Before she and her husband were arrested, Kenneth's agents came and kidnapped her. She misses her home badly.


Name: Alan

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Time: 1175 - 1205

Country: France

Languages: French, English

Appearance: He has handsome features, short brown hair and he towers at 5'11. He has a charming smile with dark green eyes.

Backstory: Alan grew up in a good life with rich parents as a Breton French Noble. He was spoiled and had everything he wanted. King John of England invaded their lands and killed his mother just to prove a point to Alan's father. After that, he trained so that one day he could fight England and bring down John and his Empire. Eventually, he helped support other nobles who King John had mistreated and they brought John's reign to an end.

Personality: He's arrogant but intelligent, strategic, know-it-all, smooth talker, good at negotiations.

Weapons: Crossbow, longsword

Friends and family: His father, deceased mother

Favorite activity: Archery competitions, horseback riding, boar hunting

The day he was captured: One day during a boar hunt, he was separated from the hunting party and Kenneth's agents captured him. He cooperates and tries to negotiate his freedom. 


Name: Marcus Tulius

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Time: 292 A.D - 330 A.D

Country: Rome

Languages: Latin, Greek

Appearance: He's 6'1 with short black hair and light stubble. He's muscular and wears steel armor with a cape in the back.

Backstory: Marcus was happily married to a senator's daughter and worked his way up the army ranks. He earned the respect of his men and became general.

Personality: Marcus is a good leader, loyal to Rome, skilled strategist and swordsmen. He's a good man and always obeys orders, he would never order his men to do anything he wouldn't do himself.

Weapons: A Roman sword

Friends and family: His wife, and the men under his command

Favorite activity: Training, blacksmithing, making his own swords and armor

The day he was captured: He became suspicious of them and followed the group to the time machine and watched them go inside it. He snuck inside to see if they were enemies of Rome and when he got inside, he was pulled through time with them. 

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