Spot 7: FantasyTeller12

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Name; Arminda (Arm-in-da) which means protector of mankind

Age; 18

Gender; Female

Their generation; ww1 (world war one) July 28th, 1914 to November 11, 1918.

Country; Russia. Russia was allied with America during ww1 so Russia sent a few nurses to help aid in the battle, and Arminda was one of them. She lived near the border of Russia in a small town, which wasn't as popular as most.

Language; Russia. She knows Barely any English, but still tries to pronounce it, even if you can barely understand it. She knows some Spanish, and French, due to having many childhood friends that taught her.

Appearance; she wore a grey dress underneath, and multiple undergarments and some long white tights that covered any showing skin under her dress. She then placed on a white "dress" that covered her front but showed the grey dress in the back. She had light skin, that went well his her dark brown, slightly curly hair. That she covered with a white cap. It had a light fabric leading from it, covering her neck. She had one Red Cross on her hat, and another one on a wristband she wore on her arm. She didn't wear much makeup, other than a light blush that sorta hid a scar running down her cheek and another on her eyelid.

Backstory; her childhood was like any other girls living in Russia. She was is poverty. Lacking food, water, clean clothing, and medicine. Another reason why she wanted to join the medical force. She helped her mother, who was a nurse At her towns little "hospital" she learned a few tricks, and soon developed her own as she grew older. She was given the job once the need for nurses grew higher due to the Russian revolution. She worked and worked for not a lot of money. Actually barely any money. She loved her job and soon married a boy around her age, which gained her wealth since it was an arranged marriage (she was 17) her town was soon Attacked, killing her husband and mother. the sadness sent her to help with WW1 as a nurse, to keep her mother and husband proud at the age of 18.

Personality; She's a kind-hearted soul. She hates seeing people hurt, (no wonder she's a nurse) and is a little protective. She tends to get a little religious at times just to protect herself. She is really talkative, whenever she talks it's like an angle, is what most people say. She has a 'magical' touch which people say calms almost anyone down. She is bubbly and try's to light everyone mood up. She gets scared easily, but try's to hide it as much as possible to help other people with her.

Weapons; since she was a nurse, she never did really use a weapon. Since usually the nursing clients were stationed in the very back so they could be protected from the war, but still, help.

Friends and family; Her family had died, but again she was very close to her mother and husband. she gained some friends during her service in WW1 which she still tends to talk to if she ever gets free time. She as also made friends with many of the American soldiers who are helping her learn English.

Favorite Activities; Surprisingly, she loves to hunt. Even if it's against the rules. She loves to read in her free time on all the books they can find. And if she wasn't a nurse she would love to cook. She even cooks for the nurses since her shift is a little short than most, due to an... accident.

Captured; she was frightened. The man literally just appeared right in front of her, forced her with him as she screamed... but it seemed as everyone was too shocked to help. When she arrived at the museum... she sorta just stared. Seeing all those other people trapped frightened her. She cried, she shook in fear and was paralyzed (not literally) It was like she didn't know who she was anymore... because she was supposed to be dead. she wasn't supposed to see the future... not yet. she missed her family and friends, missed working on the battlefield, missed the past.



Name; Bunah (Ba-na-hu)

Age; 14

Gender; Female

Their Generation; May 1939

Country; Germany, most left from Hamburg Germany, to board the St. Louis to head to Havana, Cuba.

Language; She can speak German, and is pretty good with English. She can't really speak any other language due to being a Jew, and they didn't have really any privileges once Hitler came into power.

Appearance; Brown wavy hair, tends to be in a mess a lot. dark brown eyes, and tan skin. she has dimples and a scar on her collarbone. she has many bruises on her legs and stomach from fights. She usually wears a light blue dress or a brown dress that looks the same as the blue one. as well as a pair of black boots.

Backstory: She was born in Germany in 1925, in a Jewish family. At first, she made friends all throughout her kindergarten years and her family lived happily among the other people. That was until Hitler came into rule. Destroying all rights for the Jewish people. She was kicked out of her school, forced to hide. she was bullied, beaten by her old fellow classmates that used to be her friends. She soon took off her little wristband, that showed she was a jew. She just couldn't stand the punishment, even if that meant leaving behind what she believed in. During that time, her brother had seen her do that, so he took off his, and was thrown into a concentration camp because of it, forcing all the pressure onto her.

Personality; She's a little cold-hearted due to what has happened to her, she doesn't trust everyone easily, and tends to be the quiet one. She has a fighter inside her since she got most of her bruises because of fights and other things. Though she can be sweet, nice hearted person. she loves animals, mostly cats and loves everyone that treats her nice.

Weapons: She doesn't really use a weapon, other than her fist, and maybe a small pocket knife, given to her by her father before he was sent to a concentration camp. But that's mostly it. She's super skilled with her fist and tends to pick them over the knife. But she is just as good using a knife. but, then again she doesn't want to hurt Anyone badly.

Friends/Family: She has her mother, Elisabeth, and her best friend Josef. Josef and Bunah have been friends ever since they could remember he's a year older than Bunah. *Cough* She might even like him *Cough* And hang out whenever they can. Sad thing is, Josef isn't Jewish so he can't be seen with her as much as they would like...

Favorite activities; She loves to write, read, Draw. anything relaxing. She tends to write sappy romance novels because she always found love... fantastic. She even thought about publishing a novel once she gets older.

Captured; She was scared you could say that. she was just enjoying her time, about to board the St. Louis to be free from Hitler's control when a time machine came out of nowhere. Trying to take her with them. She fought, using her knife since these men were terrifying. But they still managed to take her, going into the future. When she stepped out of the machine, she was shocked. There were people here... All from a different Timeline.



Name; Parth

Age; 34

Time; 13th century, Aztecs.

Gender; Male

Country; Northern Mexico, Mesoamerica, and central Mexico.

Language; Nahuatl, sometimes Spanish

Appearance; his skin is a light brown color, dark brown eyes. He usually wears a white cloth that covers his... lower parts and goes down to his mid-thigh. He has scars running up and down his chest, and he is built on muscles. His hair is messy and has small amounts of dirt in it which makes his hair look dirty then it is.

(Don't mind the clothing, other than that he looks like what the picture says)

Backstory; he was born in a family of two, taught at a young age to farm and hunt. His "tribe" started off small, slowly frowning with the help of him. He usually helped with the hunting, sometimes bring back loads of food, or he could bring back not enough depending on the weather. His mother died in childbirth, his baby sister never making it leaving him, his dad and younger brother. He has lived like that, for a while before being married off to a lovely lady which must bare him, children, to keep his family line going.

Personality; he's quiet, tends to be off thinking rather than talking and being in reality. He can be pretty mean, but only if you piss him off. And can be serious... and a good ball.

Weapon; Atlatl is a spear, and whoever carried one also carried a tlacochtli which again is a spear tipped in obsidian. He also used a sling or a blowgun during hunting trips, a sling is like a slingshot, it threw rocks or clay tipped or made with obsidian. The blowgun held poisoned darts or regular darts. When they blew into the gun, the dart would go flying hitting the target, either killing them or injuring them.

Family/friends; his tribe was his family. He had no enemies, other than the other tribes that would try stealing food and other resources.

Favorite activities; hunting and farming. He would hunt almost every day unless they were packed on food, then he would help his friends with the farming.

Captured; he was out farming with his brother (most males would farm while females would lead) a time machine came out of nowhere, destroying half the crops. He held onto the blow gun, aimed strictly for the people walking out on it. And their leader wasn't too happy when a dart flew right into one of his worker's neck, so he took me, tied me up and knocked me out. And the next thing I know, I wake up in a building different from the ones from home.



Name; Josef

Age; 19

Gender; Male

Time; 1765-1783

Country; America, or the United States colonized by Great Britain.

Language; English

Appearance; (Sorry that most of my pictures are black and white) his hair was cut short due to an accident, he wore an American hate sorta shaped like a boat. Ones people used to make out of paper. Under his "coat" he wore a button-up, white shirt, and high waisted white pants. He had on black boots, comfortable for running in. Around his coat he had a back, that was attached to the side. And on his left hip held a gun holster for their pistols. He usually had dirt on his face, and many, many scars even some fresh ones. His nose had a dent in it from being broken multiple times and had bruises all over. And let's not forget. He wore black gloves to

Backstory; he lives under Great Britain's control most of his life, thinking that, well that was what life was like. He went to school, learned how to fight, and overall was a good person. He had friends, family. That was until a "raid" happened to his family. Soldiers came bathing in, and when his mother didn't agree to give herself away. As well as my younger brother, they were shot in the head. My father escaped, leaving me to deal with the torture. I was beaten, starved... that's when I wanted to be a soldier. Go against Britain's rule. So that's what he did, he trained and prepared until it was finally ready when they went into war.

Personality; he was a fun, happy soul until his little... accident. He became cold-hearted, didn't speak and usually chose violence out of most options. He loved to talk though, and sometimes could be a party person. He can be shy, and sneaky when needed and is always the first to come up with a plan.

Weapon; his main weapon was a pistol since he usually chooses with close-to-close combat. He could use a musket good, as well as a sword and rifle, tho again he chooses to use a pistol.

Friends/family; He had a mother whose name is Marsha. A younger brother whose name was Jared. And his father, which he has yet heard of named Mikel. He has a close friend in the army named Jacob, they do almost everything together and really love each other. He's the only person that can open up Josef.

Favorite activities; he used to love to read. Sing even. He would sing his little brother to sleep every night, even read to him. He loves coming up with stories to tell his friends. And always enjoyed reading in his free time.

Captured; he fought all right, he was in the middle of battle as well!! Everything was blurry, he couldn't tell what was what, like someone had hit him in the head, which they did. And he was being dragged. He couldn't fell his body as he was lifted into something. The last thing he heard was the yelling of his best friend. Calling out to him.



Name: Luke

Age; 24

Gender; Male

Time; September 9, 1513

Country; Branxton, United Kingdom

Language; English, with a bit of a Scottish accent.

Appearance; He wears all iron. Every part of him is covered because he is the caption of the Scottish army. Under his armor, he wears a white shirt and white pants to cancel out heat. Under his helmet, he had red hair, many freckles, and blue eyes. He has a scar under in lower lip, and above his left eye.

Backstory; he went to school, learned and behaved like a regular child. Until he found a new interest in fighting. He has his father teach him the basics until he was able to go into the army. Which he did. He was the best of his class, fast, smart, and was an overall an amazing fighter. So he was given the rank of captain.

Personality; he's friendly, a good ball and tends to make jokes a lot. He's free-spirited and try's to get on everyone's good side. But during battle, he's crazy, bloodthirsty. He'll do anything to keep his country safe. So yeah, he's a little... more than protective.

Weapons; he used a long sword, thick but not too heavy. If he ever had a close-up, he would use his fist or a small combat dagger in his pocket.

Family/Friends; he has an amazing family, a father, sister and a mother. All still alive and doing well. And well his friends, that's going to be hard! He has so many! Too many to name. But his best friends name is Josh. They have been together forever, literally since they were born.

Favorite activities; he loves sports, playing random activities with his father, or playing a small board game with his sister and mother. He loves to draw as well, and he would sell them for money when he had the chance.

Captured; he was taking a break, they had managed to keep the English off them for a little bit so they could grab food and whatever else they needed to replenish their bodies. That was until it popped into the sky. They kindly asked for me to get in. But instead, I drew my sword. They all groaned, they looked beaten and tired so I got this one easy. But before I could attack the main one had a rock and threw it at my head. Knocking me out.



Name; Isabella

Age; 34

Gender; Female

Time; December 7, 1941

Country; United States; Pearl Harbor

Language; English

Appearance; she has long brown hair, brown eyes and some freckles over her checks. She's wearing a white dress, the bottom part of it is a light silky material with pretty flowers ranging from all colors. With some white heals.

Backstory; she was a pretty girl around the age of 13, already her parents tried to find men suitable for her. She turned down everyone until she found the perfect one at age 16. He didn't love her though, they went through tough times together until she finally got his affection. Now he joined the army, she saw the bombs coming before anyone else, she ran to warn him but she was too late right when she stepped on the boat the bomb hit

Personality; sweet and shy. She loves everyone and always wants to see the good in people. She can be a bit shy though and doesn't like to speak her mind a lot though she will when she is allowed to since she grew up in strict households

Weapons; none, she thinks weapons are... useless that whoever made them should be punished they are a crime against God as her mother would put it.

Family/friends; she has a mother, and a father and a couple siblings. One younger sister, two older brothers. She has a best friend, her name is Seam. They hand out almost everyday and have been friends for many, many years.

Favorite activities; swimming. She would always go to the beach to swim, her favorite time to swim was in the winter because she loved the cold. She also helped in the hospital during the summer

Captured; she was running to worn her husband, but she was too late, the bomb hit the hot sending her and the crew flying into the water. Her head hit hard against a metal pole, knocking her out cold. The time machine picked her out of the water, still unconscious.



name; Damasia

age; 19

gender; female

time; December 2, 1976

country; Cuba, Havana

language; English and Spanish, a bit of an accent.

Appearance; her head is shaved on one side, the rest is bunched up in many small curls. she usually wears a white tank top with 'badass' written in red on it with paint splattered on it. she loves her earrings, and makeup whenever her family has enough money to buy them she wears short shorts, and some black boots, other than that, that's really all other than a scar running up her right arm due to an officer once during a riot.

Backstory; she lives with a family of 6. her grandma and grandpa, her mother and father. her and her older brother. and let's say, she grew up with very little food. she also grew up in the bad side of town, learning how to fight and use violence to get her way. she stole from stores to provide for her family, went into riots. many things, most found... horrible. She then wanted to get away, she's been in jail once for trying to escape, but she won't stop trying...never.

personality; well what can I say, she's feisty, hard-headed and can be a bit stubborn at times. she loves people like her family and friends though. shes a bit secretive and tends to lie her way through things and comes out intimating.

Weapons; her small flip knife. or her dad's police gun, that he still doesn't know is missing. though she tends to use her knife and keeps it hidden in her boot.

family/friends; she has a father, who disapproves of her lifestyle. her mother and brother are in jail for trying to escape, and her grandpa and grandma are on the other side of Cuba. she has a best friend, his name is Jacob and she helped and has been with her his whole life. '

favorite activities; stealing and sitting on the rooftop looking into the stars. maybe even sitting on the beach, it always seems to relax her, not the stealing part, that just lightens her mood when she's down.

captured; she was captured one night star gazing. she just went with it. I mean a new adventure right? even if it meant risking her life. she took risks... even if it meant leaving her family and friends behind. they seemed nice enough... and it only took seconds before they were someplace new... and she couldn't believe her eye, she. was. out. of. Cuba!!

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