Female Spot 13: Conjurer Wizard Verna Ningha Ankundinov

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Name: Verna Ningha Ankundinov

Gender: Female

Reservation Number: 13

Age: 28

Appearance: Verna is certainly a beauty. She has gorgeous, wavy, long blonde hair that appears almost white in some lights and flows down to her middle back. To keep it out of the way Verna braids it. Her eyes are wide and a pale blue in color, complimenting her hair and skin. She is very thin and tall with a petite frame and long slender legs, standing at around six feet. Her cheekbones are extremely sharp, some might even say you could cut yourself on them. Everything about her is pale, from her skin to her hair to her eyes, and gives Verna an exotic appearance.

Personality: Verna is quiet, but not anti-social. She is friendly, but not a big ball of happiness. She is smart, but not a walking encyclopaedia. She is a good fighter, but not a warrior. Verna doesn't exactly stand out - she is quite average in pretty much everything except her looks. She's just Verna, really, and can't be labeled as anything.

Where in Castre they lived/are from: Hallowes, but she'd travelled around.

Background: Verna grew up with two loving parents who fished for a living. Her parents also collected rare shells and gems that could be occasionally found along Hallowes' beaches and traded them with the mermaid tribes living there. When Verna was young, her parents (especially her mother) were over protective of her as they had lost their previous four children in infancy. Thus, Verna was cooped up in the house and never went out much, a reason why her skin is really pale. When she turned eighteen, she decided to leave home to pursue her lifelong dream of being a fashion designer, and a year later when Verna was still travelling, Hallowes was attacked by Vaxon. Her parents were killed, and Verna fled to join Mathas, training to be a Conjurer wizard. She was very close to Mathas, and there had been rumours that she had a relationship with him. Even though Verna denies this, the fact is she is pregnant with Mathas's child.

Magic: Conjurer Wizard

Weapon they would use if necessary: Bow and arrow or dagger.

Greatest Fear: That someone would discover her relationship with Mathas, and the fact that she is pregnant with his child.

Deepest Secret: Verna was in love with Mathas, and he with her. When she was travelling with him, her dream was to run off with the great Mage and settle down somewhere where nobody, good or evil, would find them, and start a new life together. When Mathas died, it crushed her, but her horror only grew when she discovered she was pregnant with his child.

Strengths: Since she is labeled as "average", Verna is usually overlooked. And when she is overlooked, she observes. When the time is right, she will strike for the sake of her and her unborn baby.

Weaknesses: Her fighting skills aren't all that great, and she isn't the most skilled Mage of all time, so in heavy combat she might easily falter, especially because she is very protective of her baby.

Family Members: Quelinos Ankundinov (Father, dead) Evelina Ankundinov (mother, dead) Natalia Ankundinov (older sister, dead), Rusinia Ankundinov (older sister, dead), Corinthia Ankundinov (older sister, dead), Zachariah Ankundinov (older brother, dead).

Favorite mythical creature: since she grew up with them, Verna would say mermaid.

Vaxon Asherex: "Your secret relationship with Mathas is not so secret. I learned of it just before I chopped off his head. You are a great danger, carrying the next generation of Magi within you. Therefore, you must die."

Kyren Asherex: "Pregnant? Great. There's no way I'm coming after you."

Vassti Asherex: "The life that grows within you is dangerous... and it makes you dangerous... More than the other Magi around."

Jahad Asherex: "For the sake of yourself and your unborn child, blend in. It is good that many people overlook you. Perhaps, if enough do overlook you, you and your child may survive."

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