Female Spot 14: Warrior Sage Isanabella Spoolblac

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Name: Isanabella Spoolblac (Is-Ana-Bella Spool-black)

Gender: Female

Reservation Number: ?

Age: 17, she was seven when the war started

Appearance: Isanabella turned to flash a crooked-toothed smile, her mud brown hair tangling inside of the makeshift earring she wore in her right ear. Her eyes, pale blue and listless, spoke of unhappiness but determination. Her body spoke of years of training that started far too soon after she was born. While she isn't thin, Isanabella certainly isn't overweight. She had a shrewd look about her and her jawbones jutted out. Her body has very little fat on it as she was majorly made from muscle.

Personality: Isanabella is like what she is: a warrior. She has a sharp tongue and doesn't think twice about letting others know her opinions and thoughts. She is reluctant to talk to others and is self-absorbed at times, only listening to select people. Despite her attitude, she has deep respect for the elders she considers actually an elder. (Not just in age, but in their actions and ability to react in certain situations.) She's a very cold, this-is-the-right type girl who doesn't like being told she's wrong.

Where in Castre they lived/are from: She came from the mountain range Sibris but moved with her uncle at the age of four to find Mathas.

Background: Both her parents abandoned her at a young age for no real reason--at least none she knows. Isanabella doesn't play "pity me" though, for she truly cares not for them. She lived with her uncle, who trained under Mathas. She began her training at the age of four but didn't quite understand it until years later. After Mathas died her uncle continued to train her until he too was caught and killed around six years ago. Isanabella continues to train and teach herself and only occasionally asks for help. She has never lived a life without using her magic and at times can be better at using it than most three to four years older than she.

Magic: Isanabella is a Sage Warrior.

Weapon they would use if necessary: A bow and arrow if she couldn't use her magic.

Greatest Fear: Not being strong enough, smart enough, fast enough, good enough...just not being enough in general. She doesn't like to fail and fears it more than anything else in life.

Deepest Secret: Isanabella actually cares deeply for all she knows. She doesn't talk to them, is spiteful and mean to them, but she would lay down her life for any of them. She is loyal to all magic users and wants the best for them.

Strengths: Isanabella is physically strong and can hold her own in a fight. She's also able to hide really well and can use that to her advantage in a long fight.

Weaknesses: Isanabella isn't too good at running. Her stubbornness and sharp tongue can really get her in trouble. Also, she never believes she's wrong, which leads to a lot of problems. She doesn't enjoy asking for help and will only do it if shes dying or has to.

Family Members: Only an uncle, Brau Municip Spoolblac.

Favorite mythical creature: The great three headed toad who has the ability to talk in any language and is known as the way to the Path of Life, according to legend.

Vaxon Asherex: "A true warrior - outwardly cold and harsh, yet noble and true on the inside. It is your loyalty to the other Magi that will be your downfall. One that I anticipate."

Kyren Asherex: "Haha. You fear failure? Take it from someone just as good at fighting and just as arrogant as you: we all will fail at some point. I hope you're ready to face your greatest fear."

Vassti Asherex: "Not outwardly deceptive, and yet you deceive those around you by making them believe you are cruel when you are not. We will see how far your skills get you in the arena."

Nassia Asherex: "A three headed toad? Hmm. I actually don't think I've heard of that. I'll have to do research and maybe be able to put it inside the arena for you."

Jahad Asherex: "Let your skills be your ally in the arena. Despite how harsh you are outwardly, your caring for your fellow Magi just might keep you, and possibly even them, alive."

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